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The Seven Deadly Sins

Page 10

by Shuka Matsuda

“We caught it while you were out. That was the werewolf clan’s magical Howling—they say it can manipulate beasts, but I didn’t know that humans are also susceptible. The moon is far from full, so I’d let down my guard.”

  “If you captured her, how’s she gone? Did you kill her?”

  “No. Last night, Holy Knight Captain Hendrickson arrived with a magician in tow. They took it away immediately with a teleportation spell. They’re going to interrogate it back at the capital. Female werewolves are rare, so no wonder Lord Hendrickson is interested.”


  Pushing Howzer and the others out of the way, Gilthunder jumped out of bed. He rushed over to the door and sprang into the open air.

  It was bright outside. It seemed it was almost noon.

  Gilthunder scanned the area. Of course, there was already no sign of Hendrickson.



  Gilthunder widened his eyes.

  The village was devastated. The crops in the outlying fields were violently uprooted, and the roofs and walls of several houses were damaged.

  “This too…is her doing?”

  “By her, you mean the wolf,” Howzer responded to Gilthunder’s question and shrugged. It seemed they hadn’t seen her take human form.

  “To be precise, it was the beasts manipulated by that thing,” Griamore said. “A little after you went scouting, a huge bear attacked all of a sudden. Also a host of deer, wild rabbits, mice, and so on—the village was in an uproar when I arrived.” He sighed before continuing, “Even rabbits and mice are a handful if there are enough of them. The larger beasts like the bear and the deer, we were able to take down immediately. The mice, though, snuck into houses and bit children, while the rabbits dug holes and undermined pillars…”

  Apparently, they had evacuated the elderly and children before exterminating the small animals painstakingly with the help of the local adults.

  “Tsk, not exactly the job of a Holy Knight.”

  Griamore’s weary face had Howzer rolling on the ground laughing.

  Gilthunder looked up at the cloudy sky and bit his lip.

  When Blanca had put him under a spell, Gilthunder had seen her mind.

  She was the last survivor of the werewolf clan that had lived in the heart of the mountains.

  Humans were encroaching on their territory since the shift in terrain and overhunting. With the game growing scarce, the werewolves, and their thralls the sword wolves, had no choice but to descend into civilized lands, but that angered the humans in turn. An extensive wolf hunt was conducted, and the sword wolf pack was annihilated. Their flayed skins and extracted fangs were sold to the markets.

  You shan’t be forgiven.

  Gilthunder could still feel Blanca’s howl in his ears.

  “Anyways, the problem has been resolved. Let’s return to the capital,” Nicholas said, patting Gilthunder on the shoulder.


  The strange spell that Vivian was chanting echoed through the underground cavern.

  Synchronized with her intonation, the complex magic square drawn on the walls and floor flickered.

  Crouched on the floor at the center was a large shadow. Its original shape and color was impossible to discern with the ceiling and wall lights glinting on its back.

  “It’s good—it’s perfect, Hendrickson,” Vivian exulted. Hendrickson nodded and approached the shadow.

  “Do you want power?” he whispered to it. “Do you hate the humans who robbed you of your friends, your home? Do you seek magical power unbound by the phases of the moon?”

  “I do…”

  “I’ll make you stronger than the legendary Seven Deadly Sins.”

  “Seven…Deadly Sins,” the shadow moaned.

  Hendrickson nodded and held up a tiny needle in his right hand.

  The needle—was plunged into the shadow’s body.

  “Aa…aaaah!” With a ringing cry of agony, the shadow writhed. It rose up, swelling.

  “Is it…not working?” asked Vivian. But—the thing didn’t burst open.

  “We’re good.”

  Gaaaah, the monster’s howl shook the room.

  “Eek!” Vivian quickly tried to stop its movements with a spell. However, she was a moment too late. The monster’s body swung around and sent her flying. Before she could even scream, she struck the wall and passed out.

  “I see…Nice. Quite the success.” Hendrickson snickered. “Now—shall we put it to the test?”


  “Ugh, is this it?” Howzer muttered and yawned atop his horse. “Why couldn’t we have gone there as well?” His finger pointed at the small island on the lake.

  They were at the fork in the mountain road where they’d split up with Veronica and the others. Originally, they were supposed to join back up with the princesses on their way home, but having completed their mission sooner than expected, Griamore had gone to ask what they were to do.

  “Not visiting in droves is also Princess Margaret’s wish. Stop griping and just wait a bit,” Nicholas said, chuckling. Right at that moment—

  Bom, a jolt seemed to push up the earth.


  “Ah, the island!” Howzer pointed at the lake.


  Half of the tiny island where the royal villa stood suddenly burst and threatened to crumble off.

  Without uttering a word, Gilthunder spurred his horse and sped down the road toward the lake at a full gallop.

  Fortunately, the castle was on the island’s northern side, which was still unharmed. Griamore was there, so things had to be under control.

  “Wait, Gil! We’ll go too!”

  Gilthunder heard Howzer’s voice, followed by hoofbeats, but hadn’t the time to look back.

  In the distance—a wolf howled.

  The same voice as before shook Gilthunder’s mind.




  You’re dead.

  He tightened the reins right away. His horse reared up. Out of the corner of his eye he glimpsed someone else’s mount doing the same.

  Hadn’t Gilthunder been thrown off his horse and flung to the ground? But there was no pain, or any other sensation.

  When he lifted his head, he saw that Howzer was on his feet aiming his spear skyward. Who was he fighting?

  Gilthunder’s vision misted over and he couldn’t see very well.

  Then, he saw blood. Somebody had fallen.

  A large black shadow swooped down from the heavens.

  He couldn’t hear anything. There was—no sound.

  Everything looked gray.

  The claws of a huge bird. Bright white wings spread.


  A snake made of water soared up. Nicholas’ spell? Where was he?

  The wind raged. Howzer. But who? Who was there?

  His own hand had at some point found his sword. Blue-white lightning gathered at its tip.


  Howzer turned around, but their eyes didn’t meet. Why was he thrusting his spear at Gilthunder?


  Whose voice was that? Howzer? Nicholas? Or…


  It was—his own. The voice had issued from Gilthunder’s own lips.

  Lightning tore through the air. At the same time, Howzer’s tornado was closing in.

  Gilthunder swung his sword. Several thunderbolts shot into the ground, blasting away nearby trees.

  Even then—there was no sound at all. He couldn’t smell anything, either.

  It didn’t feel real. It was like watching a chain of events unfolding well away.

  You’re dead.

  Dimly, in the corner of his mind, Gilthunder thought that they were being made to kill each other.

  It was Blanca’s power.

  From the moment they heard the howling, their bodies had been taken over.

  Somebody was laughing, far up in the sky. Gilthunder craned his neck sluggishl

  It was a beautiful creature.

  A huge wolf’s head with dark pupils and a bright red mouth.

  A woman’s ample-breasted torso, covered in fur that glinted silver. Yet both her arms were snow-white wings. Her rear limbs, too, were those of a raptor.

  Instead of a bird’s tail feathers was the long tail of a wolf.

  The word “chimera” flitted across Gilthunder’s mind.

  The monster swooped down and was tearing something apart with its mouth. Blood sprayed.

  He realized somebody had been killed.

  It would be his turn next—for sure.

  But it couldn’t be helped, could it? Blanca’s sorrow and wrath were natural. Robbed of her friends, her lover, she was alone. She’d been living peacefully in the mountains but had lost everything.

  He was—tired. Of bearing it alone.

  Someone like him ought to just fade away, no doubt.

  He wanted to relax. Soon. He’d give up on everything.

  Joyous laughter filled his ears.

  “Certainly powerful—power! Stronger than the Seven Deadly Sins of legend!”

  Blanca’s voice? Perhaps it was somebody else’s.

  Yet—those words pierced the light in Gilthunder’s chest that was flickering out.

  “Stronger—than the Seven Deadly Sins?”

  I’ll teach you a charm, he heard Meliodas’ words from back then.

  Recite it when you’re down and out but can’t depend on anybody—“I’m stronger than any of the Seven Deadly Sins”!

  They alone—provided uncommon support to Gilthunder.

  “Stronger—than the Seven Deadly Sins?”


  You just think about what you need to do.

  Gilthunder was remembering now. One thing after another.

  What do you need to do?

  What he needed to do. There was—only one thing.

  I have to…protect Margaret.

  “Margaret!” shouted Gilthunder. Suddenly color returned to the world.

  Somehow he’d ended up on all fours. Using his sword like a cane, he got to his feet.

  “S-Sir Nicholas…”

  It was Nicholas who was lying drenched in blood. A Holy Knight didn’t go down so easily. He must have fallen protecting the apprentices.

  A silver wolf with huge wings crouched over his body.

  “Blanca! Enough!” Gilthunder screamed and unleashed a thunderbolt at the same time. The monster spread both its wings and flew aside, then rose swiftly up into the air.


  Gilthunder heard a moan right beside him. Keeping his eyes on the sky, he focused on the presence. Howzer, it seemed.

  “Howzer! Are you okay? Stay with me!”


  Confirming that his comrade had managed to sit up, Gilthunder arced a thunderbolt into the sky. Blanca, who was circling above them, easily dodged the attack.

  She flashed a grin. If she used her magical Howling again, all would be lost, but they couldn’t fight if they covered their ears.


  Gilthunder gathered lightning at the tip of his sword. Again he fired at the sky.

  “You fool! You won’t hit me!” Blanca mocked and sucked in her breath again. The blast shot past her and tore through the air with an intense crackling noise. Altering its trajectory according to the movements of the tip of Gilthunder’s sword, the bolt struck a bush a little distance away.


  Gilthunder’s eardrums rang from the explosion. Across from him, Howzer was opening and closing his mouth, but there was no telling what he was saying. Even Blanca’s howl wouldn’t be audible for a little while. Howzer blinked in surprise, realizing Gilthunder’s plan. Their eyes met and they nodded.

  Let’s go!

  Reading each other’s lips, they boosted their magical powers.

  Rising Tornado!

  Purge of the Thunder Emperor!

  An enormous tornado that seemed to swallow everything absorbed Gilthunder’s lightning and quickly rose up.

  Combo! Dragon Castle!

  A pitch-black thundercloud swirled, and blue-white lightning shot between the tornado and the sky. A roaring sound broke through the ringing in Gilthunder’s ears as the winged wolf spiraled and vanished into the maelstrom.

  “D-Did we do it?” Howzer’s faint cry reached Gilthunder’s gradually recovering ears. The tornado dissipated, but there was no sign of Blanca. Perhaps she had been torn apart and scattered.

  “No—there!” yelled Gilthunder.

  With tattered wings, she had broken out of the tornado. With her last strength, she flew toward the lake.

  “Holy! Margaret and the others!”

  Two boats floated on the lake’s surface. They must have escaped the crumbling island. They seemed to be headed for the far shore.


  “Crap!” Howzer scraped together his remaining magic to form another tornado. “Gil! You go!”

  The tornado enveloped Gilthunder and threw him up into the air. Clearing the brush-covered hills in one leap, he brandished his blade.

  Blanca dived, bringing in her wings. Several people were on the boat down below.

  I won’t make it in time!

  A film of light spread out around the boat. It was Griamore’s power, Wall.

  Blanca was sent hurtling out of her nosedive. Feathers fluttered from her silver wings. She righted herself unsteadily, spreading her wings to hover in the air.

  She was trying to howl again!

  But at that moment, some sort of spell went off from the opposite shore. Blanca stiffened as if she had been bound.


  Pointing his thunder-infused sword straight downward, Gilthunder plummeted upon her from above. His heated blade penetrated flesh.

  A scorched scent, and a long wail.

  Entangled with a winged wolf, Gilthunder fell. He smacked into the surface of the lake with intense force, and at last, he lost consciousness.


  “Gilthunder! Stay with me!” Patted again on the cheek, Gilthunder opened his eyes.

  Griamore, Veronica, Elizabeth. Howzer was there too. And behind them, he could see a bashful Margaret.

  When he sat up, he was on a beach, probably on the opposite shore.

  The two boats had been pulled aground, and a little ways away, several young men and women that he didn’t recognize stood in a cluster. They had to be the villa’s servants.

  Gilthunder, who was not only soaking wet but covered in sand, gave a large sneeze before asking Griamore, “What happened to Blanca…I mean, that chimera? And what was that magic coming from here?” Gilthunder scanned the area; he thought he’d caught a glimpse of a young man earlier, but there was no one like that now.

  “I saw him, I think,” Griamore said uncertainly. “That was probably…the captain of the Dawn Roar, an order of Holy Knights just assembled by His Majesty, and operating under his direct control. If I’m not mistaken, his name is Slader.”

  “Slader, huh? I suppose father got worried and sent him to check on us.”

  At Veronica’s words, Griamore nodded. “I’m sure that’s it. Perhaps he saw something with his Vision.”

  Gilthunder gazed once again at the old castle and the island. Half of the outcropping had burst and crumbled away. As for the castle, the keep was unharmed, but the two towers tilted dangerously, and a section of the ramparts had cracked and collapsed.


  Gilthunder got up shakily and strode to meet the shoreline.

  Silver feathers washed up at his feet.

  “Blanca…” Her proud wolf’s body had sunk into the lake, probably never to surface again.

  I’m—tired. Of bearing it alone.

  The sentiment that had dominated his mind earlier—wasn’t it Blanca’s as well?

  Someone like me ought to just fade away, no doubt.

  I want to relax. Soon. I’ll give up on everyth

  I know how you feel—Blanca, Gilthunder whispered in his heart. I thought so, too…maybe this whole time.

  In truth, perhaps she was an opponent he wasn’t supposed to fight.

  Even so. Even so.

  What do you need to do?

  What he needed to do. There was—only one thing.

  I have to…protect Margaret.

  Gilthunder slowly turned around.

  Elizabeth and the others were watching him curiously, while Margaret stood still beside them.

  For just a moment, their gazes intersected, but before long she looked down. Gilthunder, too, looked away, toward the ruined old castle.

  Recite it when you’re down and out but can’t depend on anybody—“I’m stronger than any of the Seven Deadly Sins.”

  Stronger than any of the Seven Deadly Sins.

  It probably didn’t just mean magical and martial power.

  It was said that the seven had committed “sins” worthy of a thousand deaths—but overcoming that, they tried to protect others.

  That’s their strength.

  Surely, he needed to acquire it as well.

  No matter whom he hurt.

  Even if it meant wronging those like Blanca who suffered as he did.

  Isn’t that so, Meliodas? Gilthunder whispered in his heart again.


  “How could you do such a horrible thing! Gil almost died!”

  Meanwhile—atop a hill that overlooked the lake, Vivian was lashing out at Hendrickson. “You promised that no matter what happens, you will at least spare Gil!”

  “I know. Don’t get so angry. It was just a little mishap,” Hendrickson said like it was nothing and cupped his chin. “I guess in the end, the core has to be a human—and an ordinary one would be of no use. Right, it must be on the level of a Holy Knight—”

  “Hey, Hendrickson, are you listening?”

  Ignoring Vivian’s protests, Hendrickson sunk into his own thoughts. “Perhaps—yes, the fairy corpse I acquired recently…Or does it have other uses…”

  A strong wind blew, stirring up the rich smell of water and earth. For just a moment, the scent reminded the terrible Holy Knight Captain of his home deep in the forest where he’d spent his earliest days. Quickly, however, it was painted over by darkness.


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