Book Read Free

To Save America

Page 31

by Newt Gingrich

  CDC. See Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

  Census Bureau, U.S.

  Center for American Progress

  Center for Health Transformation (CHT)

  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

  Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)

  Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

  Chavez, Hugo



  choice, freedom of


  Christiansen, Clayton

  Christie, Chris


  CHT. See Center for Health Transformation

  Churchill, Winston

  CIA. See Central Inteligence Agency


  Citizens United

  City Journal

  Civil War, U.S.

  Clancy, Tom

  Clean Air Act

  Cleveland Clinic


  Climate Research Unit (CRU)

  climate science

  Climbing magazine

  Clinton, Bill

  Clinton, Hillary

  Clinton administration

  Closway, Lynn

  CMS. See Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services

  Coakley, Martha


  Coburn, Tom

  Cold War

  Cole, USS


  Colson, Chuck

  Columbus Dispatch

  Commerce Department, U.S.


  Community Development Block Grants (CDBGs)

  Community Reinvestment Act

  Compton, Bob

  Congress, U.S.; dishonesty in

  Congressional Budget Office (CBO)

  Congressional Research Service


  conservatism, conservatives; green; realism and; science and

  Conservative Political Action Committee (CPAC)

  Constitution, U.S.; balanced budgets and; Bill of Rights; checks and balances and; environment and; establishment clause; First Amendment; property rights and; religious freedom and; Second Amendment; secular-socialist machine and; Tenth Amendment

  Contract From America

  Contract with American

  A Contract with the Earth (Gingrich and Maple)

  Conyers, John

  Cooper, Sharon

  Cornhusker Kickback

  Cornyn, John


  corruption: bureaucracy and; of climate science; in Congress, U.S.; government and; honesty vs.; institutionalized; of Left; people and; secular-socialist machine and; UN and

  CRU. See Climate Research Unit



  Cuban Missile Crisis

  Culture of Corruption (Malkin)

  Cushman, Jackie



  Daily Telegraph

  Darrow, Clarence

  Dartmouth Health Atlas

  Daskal, Jennifer

  Davis, Al

  Davis, Gray

  Dean, Howard

  death tax

  Declaration of Independence

  Defense Department, U.S.


  Democracy Alliance

  Democratic Party, Democrats; automobile bailouts and; big business and; bipartisanship and; dishonesty in; environment and; healthcare bill and; secular-socialism and; trial lawyers and; unions and

  Democratic-Republican party

  d’Escoto, Miguel

  Desmond, Nancy

  Dewey, John




  dishonesty: honesty vs.; language, perversion of and; Obama, Barack and; secular-socialist machine and. See also honesty

  Dodd, Christopher

  Dornan, Robert

  Dow Chemical

  Dred Scott v. Sandford

  Duncan, Arne

  Dunn, Anita

  Dwight, Nancy Sinnott


  East African embassy bombings (1998)

  economic crisis of 2008-2009

  economy: 25-year boom in; Bush, George W. and; energy development and; healthcare and; Kennedy, John F. and; Left and; Obama, Barack and; Reagan, Ronald and; socialism and

  Edgar, Jim

  Edison, Thomas

  education: bureaucracy in; charter schools and; homeschooling and; learning trends and; neuroscience and; Obama, Barack and; Pell grant system and; prayer in schools and; religious freedom and; school attendance certification and; secular-socialist machine and; solving crisis in; technology and; unions and

  Education Department, U.S.

  EFCA. See Employee Free Choice Act


  Eisenhower, Dwight D.

  electromagnetic pulse attack (EMP)

  Elmendorf, Douglas

  Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA)

  Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA)

  ENDA. See Employment Non-Discrimination Act

  The End of Prosperity (Laffer and Moore)

  enemy combatants

  energy: American reserves of; American traditional values and; biofuels and; bureaucracy and; cap-and-trade energy tax bill and; coal and; conservation and; economy and; energy independence and; government and; green; green conservatism and; hydrogen and; independence and; job creation and; litigation reform and; natural gas and; nuclear power and; Obama, Barack and; oil and; renewable sources and; research and development and; science and; solar power and; taxation and; technology and; wind power and

  Energy Department, U.S.

  English Civil War


  entitlement programs: federal spending and; healthcare bill and; Medicaid; Medicare; poverty and; replacement of; secular-socialist machine and; Social Security; welfare reform of 1996 and


  environment: bureaucracy and; capitalism and; climate change and; climategate and; climate science and; conservation and; Constitution, U.S. and; Democratic Party, Democrats and; energy and; environmental leadership and; foreign aid and; global warming and; government and; green conservatism and; green energy projects and; secular-socialist machine and; socialism and; taxation and; UN and

  Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

  EPA. See Environmental Protection Agency

  Ernst, Mark


  European Union (EU)

  Everley, Steve


  Fabrizio, Tony


  Fall, Albert

  The Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act

  Fannie Mae

  Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund


  FBI. See Federal Bureau of Investigation

  FDA. See Food and Drug Administration

  FEC. See Federal Election Commission

  Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

  Federal Election Commission (FEC)

  federal government. See government

  The Federalist

  Federal Reserve, U.S.


  Feingold, Russ

  Ferrara, Peter

  FFVs. See flex-fuel vehicles

  Financial Times

  First Amendment; establishment clause of; religious freedom and; secularism and

  Fischer, David Hackett

  Fitton, Tom

  flex-fuel vehicles (FFVs)


  Fogel, Robert

  Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

  food safety bill (2009)

  Food Stamps

  Forbes, Steve

  Forbes magazine


  Ford, Gerald

  Ford, Henry

  foreign enemy combatants

  The Forgotten Man (Shlaes)

  Forstchen, Bill

  Fort Hood massacre

  Foundation for Defense of Democracies

ding Fathers; big government and; Bill of Rights and; bureaucracy and; Enlightenment and; freedom and; private property and; religious freedom and; rights and; right to bear arms and; Second Amendment and; socialism and

  Fourth Assessment Report (AR4)

  FOX News

  FOX News Sunday


  Frank, Barney

  Franklin, Benjamin

  fraud: healthcare; voter

  Freddie Mac

  freedom; American exceptionalism and; of choice; Founding Fathers and; God and; property rights and; of religion; secular-socialist machine and; of speech; as unalienable right

  Freedom of Information Act

  Friedman, Tom

  Frogue, Jim

  Frye, Jocelyn

  Fund, John




  GAO. See Government Accountability Office

  Gator Aid


  GE. See General Electric (GE)

  Geithner, Timothy

  General Electric (GE)

  General Motors (GM)


  Gill, John

  Gillespie, Ed

  Gitlin, Joseph N.

  Giuda, Kellen

  global warming

  GM. See General Motors

  God: Alcoholics Anonymous and; liberty and; Pledge of Allegiance and; in public life; rights and; secularism and; secular-socialism and. See also religious expression; religious freedom

  Goddard Science and Space Institute

  Goldberg, Jonah

  Goldman Sachs

  Goldstone Report

  Gorbachev, Mikhail

  Gore, Al

  government: accountability in; American people and; American traditional values and; big; big business and; bureaucracy in; corruption and; energy and; environment and; healthcare and; job creation and; limited; localism and; religious freedom and; secular-socialism and; self-; small business and

  Government Accountability Office (GAO)

  Grassley, Charles

  Great Depression

  Great Society

  green conservatism: clean American energy and; climate science and; definition of; environmental leadership and; global warming and; platform for; political activism of; tea party movement and

  Grocery Manufacturers of America

  Guantanamo Bay, Cuba

  Gundersen Lutheran


  H&R Block


  Handout Montana

  Hansen, James

  Hanser, Steve

  Harding, Warren

  Hart-Rudman Commission on National Security

  Haskins, Ron

  Hastert, Dennis


  Hayek, Friedrich

  Health and Human Services Department, U.S.

  healthcare: affordability of; biological warfare and; British; bureaucracy in; Center for Health Transformation’s plan for; choice and; chronic illness and; Clinton administration and; costs of; economy and; electronic administration and; electronic administration of; fraud, waste, and abuse in; government and; Health Savings Accounts and; job creation and; litigation reform and; Medicaid and; Medicare and; personal accounts for; reform of; religious freedom and; secular-socialist machine and; socialism and; taxation and; Twenty-first century intelligent health system; unions and. See also healthcare bill; healthcare fraud; Twenty-first century intelligent health system

  healthcare bill: bribery and payoffs and; bureaucracy and; coercive tactics and; complexity of; costs of; Democratic Party, Democrats and; elderly and; entitlement programs and; government and; health insurance companies and; machine politics in; medical malpractice and; Obama, Barack and; people and; rationing care and; Republican Party, Republicans and; secular socialism in; taxation and; unions and; voting process for. See also healthcare; healthcare fraud

  healthcare fraud: examples of; Left and; Medicaid and; Medicare and; solutions for. See also healthcare; healthcare bill

  health insurance companies

  Health Justice Department

  Health Savings Accounts

  Heartland Institute

  Hecker, Ryan

  Heffernan, Olive

  Heritage Foundation

  HFCVs. See hydrogen fuel cell vehicles


  A History of the American People (Johnson)


  Hoeven, John, III,

  Holder, Eric


  Holmes, Katie

  Holtzapple, Mark



  honesty: American traditional values and; corruption vs.; free market and; housing bubble crash and; national security and; secular-socialist machine and. See also dishonesty

  Hong Kong

  Horowitz, David

  housing: bubble crash and; subsidies for

  Housing and Urban Development Department, U.S.

  “How the Liars Won” (Ziegler)


  human rights

  Human Rights Watch

  Hussein, Saddam

  hydrogen fuel cell vehicles (HFCVs)



  Independent Office of Congressional Ethics


  Indianapolis Star

  The Innovator’s Dilemma (Christiansen)

  Institute for Policy Innovation

  Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)

  Interior Department, U.S.

  Intermountain Healthcare

  Internal Revenue Service (IRS)

  International Action Network on Small Arms

  Interstate Commerce Commission

  IPCC. See Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change




  IRS. See Internal Revenue Service





  Jackson, Andrew

  Jackson, Lisa

  Jackson Hewitt



  Jamestown, Va.


  Jargowsky, Paul

  Jefferson, Thomas

  Jefferson, William



  job creation: bureaucracy and; energy development and; government and; healthcare reform and; private sector and; small business and; taxation and

  Joe the Plumber

  John Adams Project

  John Paul II, Pope

  Johnson, Hiram

  Johnson, Lyndon B.

  Johnson, Paul

  Joint Committee on Taxation

  Jones, Phil

  Joscelyn, Thomas

  Judicial Reform Act of 1802

  Judicial Watch

  judiciary: elected representation vs.; Left and; religious expression and; religious freedom and

  The Jungle (Sinclair)

  Justice Department, U.S.



  Kaiser Commission

  Keegan, Lisa Graham

  Keep America Safe

  Kellogg food company

  Kelo vs. City of New London

  Kennedy, John F.

  Kennedy, Robert F., Jr.

  Kennedy, Ted

  Kerry, John

  Kim Jong-Il

  Kirk, Mark

  Korsmo, Jeff

  Krauthammer, Charles

  Kroft, Steve

  Kurtz, Stanley


  Labor Department, U.S.

  Labour Party (Britain)

  Laffer, Art

  Lal, Murari

  Lamb, Brian


  Land, Ken

  Landrieu, Mary

  Lawson, Nigel

  Lazio, Rick

  Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED)


  LEED. See Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design

  Left: academia
and; big business and; bureaucracy and; corruption of; economic policy of; energy production and; environmentalism and; healthcare fraud and; ideology of; Judiciary and; lobbyists and; media and; political machine of; realism and; secularism and; socialism and; trial lawyers and; values of; voter fraud and. See also secular-socialist machine

  Lehman Brothers

  Lenin, Vladimir

  Levin, Carl

  Lewis, Peter

  Liberal Fascism (Goldberg)


  liberty. See freedom

  Liberty Council

  Liberty Tax

  Library of Congress

  Limbaugh, Rush

  Lincoln, Abraham

  Lindbergh, Charles

  litigation reform

  Littleton, Chris

  Lizza, Ryan

  lobbying, lobbyists

  Long Island Railroad

  Los Angeles Times


  Louisiana Purchase

  Luntz, Frank

  Lynn, William J.


  Madison, James

  Magna Charta

  Malkin, Michelle

  Manhattan Project

  Mann, Cindy

  Manning, Preston

  Maple, Terry L.

  Marcus, Bernie

  Markey, Edward

  Marques, Honey


  Marx, Karl



  Mayflower Compact

  Mayo Clinic

  McCain, John

  McCain-Feingold Act

  McCarthy, Joseph

  McClellan, Mark


  McDonnell, Bob

  McKitrick, Ross

  media; automobile bailouts and; Left and; secularism and; secular-socialist machine and; tea party movement and

  Media Matters for America

  Medicaid; bureaucracy and; entitlement replacement and; healthcare bill and; healthcare fraud and

  Medicaid Statistical Information Statistics (MSIS)

  Medicare; entitlement replacement and; healthcare bill and; healthcare fraud and



  Mehmet, James

  Merrill Lynch

  Merritt, David


  Miller, George

  Miller, Matt

  Mitchell, George

  Mohammad, Khalid Sheikh


  Mohammed, Khalid Sheikh


  Moore, Steve

  Morales, Evo


  Moran, Jim

  Morse, Samuel


  Motor Voter law (1993)

  Mourdock, Richard

  Muñoz, Cecilia

  Mutual of Omaha



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