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Love's Return_A Christian Romance

Page 9

by T. K. Chapin

Standing up, I pinched the bridge of my nose as I paced. Guilt weighed on my shoulders. That bullet was meant for me.

  “It’s not your fault, Kirk,” Jax said, keeping his voice low as he stood up and got close to me.

  Just then, I saw a man in a suit looking in at us from the windows lining the ER waiting room. When our eyes connected, his widened as if he saw a ghost. It was dark, but I knew it was him, the stalker. The look in his eyes gave him away and then running sealed the deal.

  “That’s him!” I shouted and took off in a sprint through the doors of the ER, heading outside to the parking lot. Ignoring the pain in my side, I increased my speed as I saw him hurrying out into the parking lot.

  Just a few car lengths behind him, I yelled. “Fight me like a man!”

  He made it to his car, but I caught up to the coward. Grabbing him by his jacket, I knocked him in the jaw with a strong jab, pain ripping through my side as I did.

  “You piece of garbage!”

  I swung again, this time hitting his nose. A loud pop, then blood. It was most likely broken.

  A whisper inside of me urged me to stop, but I kept hitting his face as I thought about Jess, Winston, and finally, Scott.

  Suddenly, I felt a hand on my shoulder, yanking me back and off the man.

  I fell to the pavement.

  Chapter 47-Kirk

  IT WAS JAX. HE STEPPED over me and up to the guy. Loosening his plastic ties from his belt, he cuffed the guy and tossed him on his butt beside the red BMW. Turning back to me, he held out a hand to help me upright.

  “It was about time for me to pay you back from saving me from all of those stupid decisions.”

  Grasping ahold of his hand, I got upright. “Thanks.”

  Turning our attention to the man, we both bent our knees in the low light of the street lamp in the parking lot and began to question him.

  “What’s your relationship with Jessica?” I asked.

  Jax asked, “Why are you doing this?”

  His bloodied face was beaten to a pulp, tattered. He didn’t look good. Jax patted his shoulder.

  “Come on, speak up. We’re at a hospital. You can go get help once you talk or you can die.”

  He spat a stream of blood to his side and looked over at me. “She needs a real man! Not some sad, pathetic excuse of a man.”

  Furrowing my eyebrows, I shook my head. “What are you talking about?”

  “Oh, c’mon!” the guy shouted at me. “I saw you there in the coffee shop with her. She was all over you and what did you do? You threw the card away like you could care less. You don’t love her like I love her.”

  “Wait, you saw us?” Grabbing his shirt, I balled it and brought him in close to my face. “Who are you?” Raising a fist with my other hand, I demanded, “Tell me now!”


  Taking a second, I turned my head and thought through the list of names from her past. Shaking my head, I stood up and took a step back. This didn’t make any sense.

  I walked away, and Jax joined me. “What’s up? Who is he?”

  Rubbing my face, I glanced back at the stalker. “He was an old co-worker, but the strange part is that he was in the Navy, honorably discharged. Why would he do this?”

  “Call Trevor. He’ll get it out of him.”

  Trevor was our go-to man for WIN when it came to transporting and interrogation. Always a phone call away, he’d help with any situation that arose.

  Raising my eyebrows, I nodded. “True, plus I need Trevor to help him confess.”

  Jax went back over to Brent, and I walked further into the parking lot to call Trevor.

  “Pickup at Sacred Heart, south parking lot.”

  “What’s the story?”

  “White Eagle.”

  “Got it. On my way.”

  As I hung up my phone, I noticed my battery was down to ten percent. I had forgotten to charge it. Checking the cameras at home, I saw Jess safe and secure, reading my Bible in the living room. Smiling, I closed out the wireless IP camera and left Jax out in the parking lot to wait for Trevor so I could go check in on how Winston was doing.

  Entering the waiting room lobby, I saw a doctor talking with Marie. As the doctor spoke, she folded her eyes into her hands and my heart fell through the floor.

  Chapter 48-Jessica

  FINDING A BOTTLE OF NALTREXONE, a medication used to help ease the side-effects of withdrawals from alcohol and pills, was a bit unnerving. Though the date was from a couple of years ago, I couldn’t help but wonder if Kirk had just stopped trying or if he was truly done with drinking. I knew it wasn’t right to snoop in his house, but I couldn’t shake my curiosity. If he was still drinking, I needed to know. I couldn’t risk getting involved with another guy who had a drinking problem, even if my heart was telling me he’s not Nick.

  As I checked Kirk’s trash in his kitchen under the sink, I tried to calm my trembling hands and worried heart. When I didn’t find any evidence around the house, I was relieved, but a part of me couldn’t shake all the worry. I decided to read the Bible which was left out on the coffee table in his living room. Opening up to Ephesians, I flipped the pages and chapters until something caught my eye. I landed in Ephesians, chapter four.

  Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.

  Ephesians 4:2

  Pausing, I prayed for God to keep me humble, gentle, and patient. I needed that in a supernatural way right now in my life. With so much going on with Kirk and the stalker, I knew I needed God to make it through not only every day, but every moment. He was my Strong Fortress, my Power, my Deliverer. It wasn’t through making sure that Kirk was doing the right things in life that I would truly have peace. It was through my relying and leaning on the Holy Spirit and putting my trust fully in God alone.

  As I lifted my eyes from praying, I spotted a painful truth, a lone beer bottle under the entertainment stand. My anger waxed hot as my insides rumbled with a turbulence rattling over my entire being. Trying to let the truth I just read be on the forefront of my mind, I set the Bible down on the coffee table and walked over, bending at the knees to retrieve it. Maybe it’s old. Sliding the bottle out, I lifted it up to the light and noticed a few drops left in the bottom. My countenance fell upon seeing it and my anger boiled to the surface. I couldn’t go through another relationship with alcohol being an issue.

  Knowing I couldn’t leave for my own safety, I returned to the couch and sat down. Pulling out my cellphone, I was about to tap Kirk’s name to call and freak out when I realized the gravity of what was going on at the hospital. His boss was fighting for his life. I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t call him and bring more stress to him. Setting my phone down on the coffee table, I picked up the Bible and continued reading.

  “In your anger do not sin”

  Ephesians 4:26

  A dagger of conviction sliced through me. If I would have called him just now, I would’ve sinned in my choice of words. I knew that much. I thanked God as I was relieved not to have called him. I continued reading on, fully aware that more conviction lay before me.

  Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.

  Ephesians 4:29

  Stopping, I set the Bible down as the conviction weighed down on me again, and this time it was as if a weight was around my neck. Not about Kirk, but all the conversations that went on in my daily life. How often did I choose to talk poorly about other people or complain about situations instead of only speaking what is helpful? Only what is helpful rang through my thoughts as I prayed for God to write it onto my heart.

  My phone rang on the coffee table a moment later. Leaning over, I looked to see who it was.

  It was Kirk.

  Chapter 49-Kirk

  WINSTON’S SURGERY WAS DIFFICULT BUT he did pull through. After they got him out of recovery and into a room in ICU, Garrett, Jax, an
d I joined Marie’s side for support. Machines kept him breathing and Marie was weeping as we entered the room. The atmosphere in the room was heavy.

  “What can we do to help?” I asked, lightly touching her shoulder as I came up beside her.

  She wiped her eyes with a tissue. She looked over at me with a smile through the tears. “You’ve done plenty. Just being here has been helpful while I wait for our family from Seattle and Buffalo to get in.”

  Jax said, “Could we get you more coffee?”

  Her eyes went to Jax. “I’ll be okay. I think I’ll just sit down and get cozy. Winston’s brother and his family will be here shortly, and then my sister is flying in tomorrow.”

  She walked over to the recliner in the room and began to kick off her shoes.

  Taking Marie’s signal that it was fine to leave, we all three headed out the door. As we walked up to his car, Jax tipped his chin and asked, “You still go to Benny’s?”

  I nodded.

  “After tonight, I think we deserve a drink. Want to go?”

  “I’ll meet you there, but I still don’t drink.”

  He laughed and nodded. “See you there.”

  Getting into my car, I decided to call Trevor to see if he knew anything more about the guy’s reasons before I called Jess.

  “Dude. This guy isn’t some honorable war vet like Winston thought.”

  “What do you mean?” I asked as I backed out of the parking stall, my mind spinning in confusion.

  “He was honorably discharged, yes, but the reason is because of mental health issues. I’m talking suicidal, Schizophrenia.”


  “It gets worse. He has been off his meds for about two weeks.” Everything began to make sense. The picture was becoming clearer.

  “Okay, makes sense, but why wasn’t any of this information available?”

  “One word—HIPAA.”

  Following behind Jax as we headed toward Benny’s, I shook my head in disbelief. This madman was off his meds and there wasn’t a single thing anyone could do about it because of confidentiality.

  I let out a sigh. “Thanks for the help, man.”

  “No problem. I’m going to give the guy some food before the cops and health services get involved. I figure he hasn’t had a decent meal in a while.”

  “All right. Take it easy.”

  Sitting at a red light, I paused for a moment as I thought about Brent. He was a serviceman, just like Winston, just like a lot of guys I knew. Even though the guy had fixated on Jess, caused a lot of problems, shot me, and paralyzed my father-like figure, Winston, I couldn’t help but feel bad for him in a way. He was ill. I phoned Jess and told her all.

  “That’s so strange. I knew he kind of liked me, but he was always so nice.”

  “When it comes to the mind, if it’s broken, it’s broken. I’m sure he’ll get the help he needs.”

  “Yeah.” Her tone downshifted suddenly.

  Confused by her shortness, I said, “What is it?”

  “We need to talk. I’ll see you when you get here.”

  Seeing Jax’s car ahead of mine, I cringed. “Actually, Jax wants to go over to Benny’s. I’m going over there for a bit.”

  “That’s a bar. I thought you didn’t drink?”

  “I don’t.”

  A long sigh came over the phone, like one of the ones Bethany would do back when we were married and she wasn’t happy with a choice of mine. Jessica said, “I’m not doing this right now. I’ll see you whenever you get here.”

  Confusion wrapped itself around my mind. Jessica was acting strange. Pushing aside the fact, I said, “I’ll be back to my house in probably an hour.”


  I tossed my phone in the passenger seat as we hung up with a bit of tension in the air between us.

  Chapter 50-Jessica

  COLLECTING THE FEW THINGS I had around his house, I promptly headed for the front door. With the crazy guy off the streets, I was safe. I didn’t need to keep hidden in a house any longer. I didn’t care about Kirk’s alarms going off. The notification of the alarms going off would be plenty enough of a ‘goodbye’ from me, along with the beer bottle and pills on the counter.

  As I stepped outside, I looked at the empty driveway and remembered that Kirk had taken my car to the hospital.

  Peering into the night and the quiet and dark cul-de-sac, I saw street lights shining and heard nothing but the rustling of fallen leaves in the breeze of the cool October night. A breeze blew by and nipped at my skin, reminding me of how cold it truly was. If I left on foot, I’d be frozen before I got anywhere.

  Pulling out my cellphone from my purse, I called Isabella, but she didn’t answer, and neither did Kelly. Scrolling through my contacts, I wondered who would still be up at eleven thirty at night, and then I called the one person I didn’t want to—Micah.

  Chapter 51-Kirk

  JAX ORDERED HIS FIFTH BEER as the one-hour mark rapidly approached. Remembering my words to Jess, I grabbed for my phone in my pocket—it wasn’t there. I became beyond uncomfortable. Taking my last swig of Pepsi, I started to stand up and drop a few bills on the table.

  “C’mon. Stay a while longer, man. You still have ten minutes before the top of the hour. I’m sure she won’t be too mad.”

  “It’s not just that. I gotta get out to Diamond Lake.”

  “It’s not like the boss is going to be on your butt about going tonight. You’ve been up for a long time too.”

  Taken aback, I shook my head. “Not cool, man. It’s not just my job to guard that place. I care about it not being broken into.”

  He waved his beer through the air, trying to dismiss my comments, but he fell off his chair. Getting back up, he started laughing.

  “C’mon, Jax. Let’s go. I’m driving you home.” I swiped his keys from the table before he had the time to react and grab them.

  “Dude. You’re a buzzkill.”

  “And you’re a drunk. You’ve gotta clean up your act in life, dude. Get serious.”

  He nodded and wrapped an arm around my neck, then we headed toward the door. As we walked, he looked over at me with a goofy look. “Man, Kirk. You’re so awesome. When I grow up, I want to be like you.”

  I laughed lightly and looked at him. “Really?”

  “Yeah, man. You’re so cool.”

  He was intoxicated a bit more than usual, so I decided to take advantage and ask him a real question, one I hadn’t asked before. “Let me ask you a question, Jax. Do you believe in Jesus?”

  “Jesus is my home boy, man.” He laughed and smiled as he stumbled.

  Helping him out to Jess’s car in the parking lot, I opened the passenger-side door and spotted my phone on the seat. Reaching in, I scooped it up and slipped it into my back pocket then put my stumbling friend in, even being kind enough to buckle his seatbelt for him. As I went around my car to get in, I pulled my cellphone out to see that it was dead. My skin prickled at its dead state. I never went anywhere with an almost dead phone. It was Jess and the movie that made me distracted. Getting into the car, I still felt uneasy. Turning the key over, I noticed Jax snickering over in the seat beside me.

  “What?” I asked.

  “What is this?” he asked. Leaning forward, he brushed his fingers against a flowery lei hanging from Jess’s rearview mirror.

  “It’s a lei.”

  “I can’t wait to lay down, man,” Jax said as he scooted down in the seat and cozied up to the corner where the door met the seat. He had a bit of a drinking issue, but that didn’t stop me from loving him like a brother. What he did for me tonight saved my life. I know if I would’ve killed the guy, I would’ve regretted that decision forever.

  Chapter 52-Jessica

  I WAS THANKFUL MICAH HAD COME to pick me up, but awkwardness hung in the air between us on the car ride over to my apartment. Guilt for using him for the car ride plagued my thoughts, and I knew he probably only did it because of some sort of attraction he had to me

  “I want to clear the air,” Micah finally said as he took a left turn onto the street that my apartment complex was on.

  My eyes widened as I looked over at him.

  He let out a sigh. “I want to apologize for the dinner. It wasn’t right what I did.”

  My face reddened. Unsure of what to say, I simply nodded.

  He continued. “I just miss her. I love her, and I thought talking out our issues with you would somehow make it better for me, but it was just wrong of me. What I’m trying to say is that I’m sorry.”

  It was a relief to hear it. My reading of Ephesians earlier in the evening surfaced to my mind. I knew I needed to say something that would be uplifting and good for building Micah up right now. He had plenty of guilt on his own. “It’s understandable. We work together a lot. I appreciate your apologizing, and I’m thrilled you did so. Your wife needs you to be focused on God and her. You’re doing the right thing by focusing on that.”

  He nodded. “I’m truly sorry.”

  Micah pulled into my complex parking lot and parked near the stairwell leading up to my apartment. He leaned forward to look out the windshield and up at the apartment. “Are you going to be okay in there without a functional door?”

  “With the stalker taken care of, I’m not too worried about it. I can lean the broken one against the inside of the frame and put my loveseat in front of the door. That and the cameras should be sufficient.”

  “Okay. Will you be in tomorrow?”

  I nodded. “I’ll have to get my car back from Kirk, but I shouldn’t be too late depending on how long it takes.”

  “Sounds good. Take all the time you need. You’ve been under a lot of stress lately.”

  “Thanks, Micah.”

  Getting out of his car, I climbed the stairs up to my apartment.

  Chapter 53-Kirk

  AFTER DROPPING JAX OFF AT his apartment, I headed back to my house to speak with Jess about going out to Diamond Lake to stand guard over the construction site. Forgetting my phone was dead, I tried to unlock it about three times to call her. Growing frustrated with myself, I shoved my phone into my pocket and tried to let it go.


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