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Ace: The Brimstone Kings MC

Page 8

by J. J. Marstead

  Holy shit. I haven’t cum that fucking hard since I was a teenager. I lean over reaching into my drawer beside my bed; I grab a small towel and clean myself off. I get up off the bed; I walk toward the bathroom shooting the towel in the hamper.

  I turn on the shower; once the water is hot enough, I step in. I grab the shampoo pouring some into my hand I start washing my hair then rinsing. I grab my body wash, I soap up my body and rinse off.

  My mind wanders to Alison; I have to see her today, let her know I will be gone for a while to deal with something. Fuck, after tasting her on my lips how am I supposed to go a day without her on my lips?

  I shaking my head to snap out of it, I turn off the shower, stepping out I grab a towel, wrapping it firmly around my waist. I walk into my room, I head to my dresser. I get a pair of jeans and a shirt out. I look for a pair of socks, I think today I’m going to go commando. Hmmm… I hoping to get Alison all worked up when she finds out I’m not wearing anything underneath my jeans.

  As I finish getting dressed, I grab my keys off my dresser. I head out the door, locking it. The smell of breakfast being made hits me in full force. Fuck I’m so straving.

  I follow the heavenly smell towards the kitchen. As soon as I enter the kitchen, I see Gale, Jolene, and Lee-Ann making breakfast for everyone. Gale is at the stove flipping pancakes. Jolene, who is Stitch's old lady is washing dishes. Lee-Ann who is Hammer’s old lady, is pulling the biscuits out of the oven.

  “Morning Ladies,” I say with a huge smile covering my face as I walk toward the stove, giving Gale a kiss on the cheek.

  “Where’s Pop’s?” I ask as I look around the kitchen and see only them three getting breakfast ready.

  Gale laughs. “In bed probably, he didn’t get much sleep last night. He’s worrying too much about everything.”

  Lee-Ann holds out a cup of coffee to me, I take the streaming hot coffee from her.

  “Thanks, Lee-Ann. Where’s Hammer this morning? I thought for sure his ass would be up before mine.” That fucker wakes up at five AM every morning. He could be partying with the guys all night and still wake up at five. How in the hell he does it, beats me. I would be still passed out in bed, hoping someone would come bring me coffee and check to see if I’m still alive.

  Lee-Ann smirks shaking her head, “He’s up. I think he’s with the prospects in town getting supplies for tonight.”

  I take a seat at the island in the middle of the kitchen; I take a sip of my coffee, as soon as it hits my tongue I’m in heaven. Gale walks over to me, handing me a plate of pancakes and sausage with a side of gravy with biscuits. My mouth starts to water as I look down at my plate.

  “Ace, I just want to say… Alison is a sweet girl. She’s good for you. She is just the girl you need in your life, so please don’t fuck it up.” She gives me a stern look. Swallowing slowly, I nod my head agreeing with her.

  Gale is one woman here that I will not mess with; she will eat me up and spit my out. She has always been around; she’s not my real mother. My mother died giving birth to me. But Gale has anyways been around; she was like a mother to me even before they got together. I was pretty happy that my father found someone.

  I was fifteen at the time when I found out; they were hiding it from me because they didn’t want to upset me. I knew they were with each other, when they thought I wasn’t around; I saw the little kisses here and there.

  I continue eating my breakfast, once I’m almost finished, Pop’s walks in with Stitch, Hammer, Blaze and our three Prospects.

  We have three new prospects; they have only been here for about five months. There’s Blake is Twenty, Cole is nineteen and Ryan is only eighteen. I got to say… They’re pulling their weight around here.

  They all grab a plate stuffing it with food. They move to the kitchen table once they got their plates. I’m about to get a refill of coffee when Viper walks in grumpy as fuck. What the hell is up with him? I thought he would be in a good mood this morning, seeing as Tammy was with him last night.

  Viper grabs a cup out of the cupboard, he pours himself some coffee; he walks around the island and takes a seat beside me.

  “What the hell? Why are you so grumpy this morning? I thought you would be in a good mood with Tammy over.”

  Just as it leaves me mouth I regret it, he whips his head around so fast and sneers at me.

  “Yeah I was pretty fucking happy until this morning, that woman doesn’t know if she’s coming or going. Jesus Christ. We had one hell of a time last night. But this morning, she acted like it was a huge fucking mistake. Last night she didn’t seem to have a problem coming around my fucking cock.” He hisses through his teeth.

  I don’t even know what to fucking say to him. “Do you really like her or are you just looking for a quick fuck,” He sighs and shakes his head looking down at his coffee.

  “I do like her, yeah she’s fun and she is amazing in the fucking sack. But I don’t think she will ever return the feelings I’m feeling for her. You know she’s okay when we are behind closed doors, but God forbid someone see’s us together outside the bedroom.” Poor guy… He has it bad for Tammy; I’ve never seen him like this over someone he was with before.

  I place a hand on his shoulder. “Don’t worry; I’m sure she will come around, and you guys will figure out what the hell is going on.”

  He sighs heavily, “Man I hope your right.”

  As I get up from the seat, he looks at me. “Where are you going?”

  I can’t help but smirk as I reply, “I’m heading to see Alison. I will talk to you later,” He nods his head; he turns back to his cup of coffee. I swear I hear him mumble ‘lucky bastard’ under his breath.

  “Hey just a heads up, Tammy will be there; she left here this morning so fucking fast it would have made your head spin, no fucking joke.” Man he’s got it bad, I laugh as I nod to the others. I walk out of the kitchen heading outside to my bike.

  I text Alison letting her know that I’ll be stopping by. Agitated, I can’t wait to see Alison’s face as I pull her to me…Kiss her sweet fucking lips again. Fuck I’m getting hard again!!

  Chapter 11

  The warm sun creeping into my room through my shades wakes me up. I shoot up in bed, looking at the time it reads ten AM. Shit! I lean over and look at the little calendar beside my clock. My body relaxes when I see I only have to be at work after lunch time. Phew!

  I whip the blankets off yawning as I stretch. I walk toward my door opening it. I head into the hallway to go to the bathroom. I relieve myself, after I’m finished washing my hands and brushing my teeth, I leave the bathroom. I sigh as I smell the fresh scent of coffee, yum!

  Tammy must be up already and she made a batch of coffee; she knows I love my coffee. When I don’t have my coffee, it’s not a pretty sight. I need the caffeine to function. I’m like a vampire when they’re starving for blood.

  Once I make my way to the kitchen. Tammy’s at the stove putting a pan on the burner.

  “Good morning, Peaches,” Tammy teasingly exclaims. I shake my head smirking; she’s taunting me with the pet name Ace gave me. I immediately think of Ace and what he did to me last night. My body shivers just thinking about it, it was so amazing. I never came that hard before. I swear I saw stars.

  I grab a cup out of the cupboard; I slowly pour coffee to the rim of the cup. I lightly blowing on it to cool, I take a sip of heaven.

  “Good morning to you too, Tam-Tam,” I exclaim laughing at the facial she’s giving me right now.

  “I told you not to call me that,” She exclaims scowling, I can’t help myself as I laugh at her expression.

  “Oh come on. I’ve called you that since we were kids, and I’m not going to stop anything time soon.” I mutter in between my laughs.

  Just as I’m about to head to the bathroom to take a shower, I hear my cell phone ringing down the hall. Shit, I run down the hall to my room.

  I snatch my phone off of the nightstand, not checking the caller ID; it�
�s probably Joe wanting me to come into work early today. That wouldn’t be the first time that has happened. For me to get a morning off is like pulling teeth… It’s almost impossible, but when it does happen I savor it.

  “Hello” I utter as I sit down on my bed.

  “Hey Peaches, are you busy this morning?” Hearing his husky voice makes my insides flutter.

  “Oh…Hi Ace. I’m not busy right now; I have to be at work for one till five. Why what’s up?” I reply breathlessly.

  “I was wondering if it would be OK to stop by. I need to see you, but I also wanted to talk to you,” He whispers seductively into the phone my insides are on fire. I want him here touching me with his rough hands. I squeeze my thighs together, groaning because of the ache I feel in my core.

  “You okay peaches? I heard you groan? Are you thinking about me? My hands; running all over your body?”

  Oh my God, did I groan loud enough for him to hear? Shit.

  “Yes I’m fine, I was just thinking…”

  “You can come over any time before Lunch,” I mention as I hear his breathing pick up.

  “You okay Ace? You sound out of breath,” I whisper into the phone as I lay down on the bed.

  “I’m good, don’t worry about me,” He mutters out of breath like he just ran a marathon.

  “What time do you think you will be stopping in?” I ask as I roll onto my stomach swinging my feet from side to side.

  I hear a knock on the front door, who can that be? Ace chuckles, “Open the door and find out,” Shit did I say that out loud? I’m just about to reply to him and the line goes dead. I look down at my phone; the screen is black. He hung up on me.

  Feeling puzzled, what does he mean to open my door? Sure enough there is another knock on the door. Shit, Tammy must be in the shower because she would have answered the door. I’m humming with excitement. I run to the front door, I check to see if the bathroom door is closed and it is. That would explain why she didn’t answer the door.

  As I make it to the front door. I turn my head to the left to check my appearance in the mirror, satisfied I don’t look like a troll. I grab the handle, twisting the handle I open the door slowly, I see Ace standing there with the brightest smile.

  “Hey,” I softly say as I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear as I bite down on my bottom lip.

  I hear Ace groan, I look up to see his lustful stare. I shift from side to side as he continues to stare at my lips.

  “Peaches don’t bite your lip. I’m the only one allowed to bite that lip of yours,” He growls out as he grabs me around the waist, he brings me up against him. He tilts his head down and capturing my lips with a heated kiss.

  Oh my God, the ache in my core is throbbing. I moan into his mouth. I hear a throat-clearing behind us, I groan as Ace pulls back. Ace smiles down at me, he looks up and nods to my sister.

  “Hey Tammy, How’s Viper?” As he mentions Vipers Name, Tammy’s eyes flair.

  “Don’t talk about that fucker in this house. You got it,” She hisses out.

  His eyes widen as he throws his hands up surrendering, “Got it.”

  How long she has been standing there for. Crap, awkward. Blushing as I turn to face Tammy, she has a huge smirk on her face.

  “Well, Ace it was nice to see you. But I don’t feel like seeing you sucking on my baby sister's face this early in the day. I need more fucking coffee,” She chuckles shaking her head, she turns around leaving us standing there in the hallway alone.

  I feel Ace’s arms wrap around my waist pulling me back against him. “Can we go to your room and talk,” He whispers against my neck, sending shivers down my spine. Oh sweet Jesus!

  “Yes,” I purr out as his hold tightens on me. Turning in his hold, I look up into his eyes, and I see the lusty glare in them. Leaning in I give him a quick kiss. I grab his hand, guiding us down the hallway toward my room, once we get into my room. Ace closes the door and turns the lock. Excitement races through me.

  I need to have his lips on me, on my body. Every time he’s around me… My body aches, wanting to feel his touch on me.

  I sit down on bed; Ace is still standing at the door, looking me up and down as I lay back on the bed. He looks nervous, why I don’t know he’s a man for Christ sakes. He should have been moving toward me already throwing his self at me. But he’s just staring at me, is he realizing that he doesn’t want some little girl?

  Just as I shake my thoughts, he is standing right in front of me. Whoa.

  “Peaches, you are so fucking sexy lying down on that bed. I can’t wait to have you in my bed laying your sweet little head of yours on my pillow. With you wrapped up around me,” He mentions as he leans over me.

  His arms on either side of me, holding his upper body off of me, feeling his lower half descend between my thighs, his weight is perfect. I shift my hips, feeling a tingle rush through me. I grind against him, he groans as he latches onto my neck.

  He places kisses from my neck to my jaw, sending flutters of pleasure down my body. I moan loudly as he makes his way toward my mouth, capturing my sweet pleas. Hooking my legs around him, he groans as I grind myself harder into him.

  “Fuck, Peaches. If you keep that up, I might end up fucking you right here,” He rasps out, breathing heavy. Oh my God! I smirking as he tries to control himself. I’m making him lose his control, and I love it. I don’t want to go slow anymore, I need him.

  “Ace, I want you. Please,” I whimper seductively into his ear, he freezes on top of me, he looks down into my eyes; he’s searching to confirm what I said.

  “Are you sure Baby? I don’t want to rush anything you’re not ready for.”

  Smiling as those sweet words leave his mouth, I capture his lips with beguiling kiss, my tongue peaks out licking his bottom lip. He moans in my attempt to gain access into his mouth. I grip the back of his head, sneaking my tongue into his mouth. My hands holding his biceps, as he starts grinding into me.

  Both of us moaning we both pull back, staring at each other, I nod my head “Ace, I want you now…Please,” I hiss out, as I feel his erection digging into through his jeans.

  “Fuck, I don’t have any condoms Peaches. I didn’t plan on coming here and fucking your sweet little pussy,” I blush at his crude words. But hearing them leave his mouth, it gets me even hotter.

  “I’m on the pill,” I say softly into his ear as he groans roughly.

  “Damn Peaches, are you trying to fucking kill me? I never went bare before; I don’t think I will be able to last long in your tight pussy,” Just fuck hearing him say those words makes my body heat up. Jesus Christ I want him so bad.

  “Ace, I trust you, please I just want you inside of me,” I whisper breathlessly. His eyes flare with lust, grabbing the hem of my shirt; he drags it over my head, throwing it on the floor.

  I’m wearing my pink lace bra; he places his hands on my breasts rubbing his thumbs over my hardened nipples. Ace lifts me up in a sitting position; he wraps his arms around and undoes my bra. He flings it across the room.

  He stares at my breasts lustfully. He reaches out pinching one nipple as he takes the other into his mouth. I arch my back as I moan, “Ohhh…” Ace chuckles against my breast, he lifts his head.

  “Peaches, your tits are fucking amazing. They are so perky and pink. Fuck,” He mutters as he lifts off me. He grips the top of my PJ bottoms slowly pulling them down my legs.

  He leaves my underwear intact. He kisses lightly where the waistband of my undies start. He kisses my thighs. He slowly starts peeling my panties off.

  “Sweet fuck… Holy shit, peaches your bare baby.” He mutters roughly, placing his hand between my legs he runs one finger from my clit down my slit to my ass. As he gets to my ass he looks up from my nicely shaven pussy. Thank God I shaved, that would have been embarrassing.

  “Peaches, has anyone ever fucked you before?” I blush at his question as I nod my head. His jaw clenching tight as he kisses me.

  “Well I’m going t
o be your last fuck, I promise you that,” He purrs against my lips. Holy shit! I swear I could come from his voice alone.

  “Has anyone ever taken your ass, Peaches?” He mumbles as he runs his mouth down my neck planting kisses. He bites down gently making me squeal.

  “I’ve never done that before,” I whisper out, not knowing what he has in store for me.

  Groaning as he lifts his face, our noses touching as his breaths heavy with need. “Well Peaches, I will have your ass but not tonight. I will work you up to taking my cock in that sweet fucking ass of yours,” He mentions huskily as he brings his hand in between us, rubbing my clit.

  He slides one finger in, groaning as he begins to fuck my wet pussy with his finger.

  “Fuck, your tight baby, I won’t be able to last long in your tight fucking pussy. Let’s get you to cum first shall we,” He says with a crooked grin.

  He leans down flicking my clit with his tongue as he continues to finger me. He adds another finger and my hips rise off the bed. “Fuck,” I moan out as I start to feel the intense tingling in my lower body.

  “Damn you taste so fucking good Peaches. So sweet,” He whispers between licks.

  I Feel my orgasm getting apporaching. My hips are moving on their own, wanting more.

  “Shit Ace I need to cum, I’m so close…. I need more,” I hiss out as he draws out the torture.

  Lifting his head, he gives me a playful smirk. He pinches my clit, sending me over the edge. I whip my head back and forth, moaning I scream out. “Oh my fuck Yesss… I’m coming, don’t stop.” My body shaking as I come. He leans over me smiling.

  “You are so beautiful Peaches, especially when you’re coming around my fingers. That was the hottest fucking thing I have ever seen,” He exclaims as he removes his shirt.

  I’m staring at his chest his tattoo with the club logo on his pec, it’s so hot. My eyes move down to his abs, oh my God; I swear I just came again. His body is amazing, I just want to lick every ab and work my way down his V.

  He clears his throat to get my attention. “Baby, you okay? Is my body too much for you?” He replies with a smirk, cocky much? Shaking my head, I grab the top button of his jeans. I undo his button pulling down the zipper, pushing them down his legs.


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