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Reformed Bad Girl

Page 8

by Shelley Munro

  “I’d explore your body from head to toe, paying lots of attention to places in between.” Using one finger, she traced the outline of his lips and held his gaze the entire time.

  “I’m not sure that’s a good idea. I’m very ticklish.”

  “No—” Hayley ceased talking, realizing she’d almost given herself away. How could she know he wasn’t ticklish if this was the first time they’d been together? She sucked in a rapid breath and a second to clear her head. “No problem. I can work around ticklish. I’ll be careful, pushing you enough to excite you. Sexy times to bring pleasure instead of torment.”

  “Do you have previous experience in this?”

  The loaded question heralded a wealth of hurt and she had to work hard to keep the bite from her voice. “I’m twenty-five, Sam. I have had other lovers.”

  “Sorry, sweetheart.” The kiss he stole went a little way to smoothing her ruffled indignation. His tongue stroked across her lips and into her mouth, running across her teeth and the contrasting softness of her inner lip. Gradually she relaxed, sinking into the kiss and gripping his shoulders like an anchor. When he finally lifted his head they were both breathing hard. “Please continue. You were teasing me from head to toe.”

  “Yes, apart from your cock. That part I intend to leave until later.”

  His brows rose. “I thought you were teasing, not torturing me.”

  “Ah, but you said I could do things my way.”

  “Your way sounds long and meandering.”

  Hayley ran her finger down the middle of his nose and sank her fingers into his dark hair, dragging down his head so she could kiss him. She savored his taste of coffee and brandy and sucked his tongue before lifting her head. “Why don’t you let me continue and judge once I’m finished?”

  “Points out of ten?”

  Hayley tsk-tsked deep in her throat but nodded. The man wore a devilish smile, and with difficulty, she restrained an answering grin. It wouldn’t do to let him know how close to the edge she hovered. One push and she’d freefall straight into trouble. “By the time I’m finished with you, your brain will be mush. You won’t be capable of calculating a score.”

  “Threat or promise?”

  “Promise, of course.” Hayley didn’t give him time to tease her more. “I’ll kiss you, paying attention to your nipples. I want to learn if you enjoy the same things I do. I’ll pluck them with my fingers first until they stand to attention. And then nibble and scrape my teeth over them.”

  “What next?” His voice was deeper, husky. Seductive.

  Breathless with craving, she desperately wanted to follow up and demonstrate her word pictures. “I’ll suck your nipples into my mouth, and when I let go, I’ll check to see if they’ve changed color.” She watched him swallow and gloried in the hint of pink gathering in his cheeks. The words were doing things to him as well.

  “Do you know what I think?”

  “What?” she whispered against his cheek.

  “That you’re all talk and no action.”

  “Ye of little faith.” Hayley shook her head in a sorrowful manner and grasped his hand. “Come with me.” She led him to his bedroom, hiding her face when she realized she’d given herself away or at least her knowledge of his apartment. When he didn’t mention it, she let the tension seep from her shoulders in relief. She halted on the threshold of his bedroom and peered inside, able to make out the shape of his king-size bed. When he reached past her to switch on the hall light, she could see the bedroom furnishings a little better. The familiar sea-blue duvet covered the bed and this time she noticed the contrasting glint of silver embroidery on one of the lighter-colored panels. A soft neutral carpet muted their footsteps. The bedroom smelled of him—citrus with musky undertones. “Is this your bedroom?”

  “It is,” he confirmed.

  “Good. Where are the lights?”

  He led her into the dim room without hesitation and, seconds later, the subtle glow from a bedside lamp pierced the rest of the gloom. She glanced around the bedroom, taking in more details this time. Sheer curtains covered the windows, while the top of a dresser bore a plain black comb, a brush and a bottle of aftershave. A handful of change spilled over the polished wooden surface.

  A cough attracted her attention. Sam said nothing but the rise of his brows told her he awaited her best moves. A tingle of anticipation danced in the pit of her stomach and a slow grin skipped across her lips.

  Let the games begin.

  She sashayed over to him and knelt at his feet to remove his shoes and socks. She lifted his feet one at a time until he stood in front of her with bare feet. With a smooth move, she stood again and worked the buttons of his shirt free. The silky fabric slithered between her fingers when she pushed it off his shoulders. It whispered to the floor, and she turned her attention to his black leather belt with the gold buckle. Her fingers fumbled, his presence making her more clumsy than usual.

  When she touched his flat belly while unfastening the buckle, she heard his rapid intake of air, the small gasp boosting her confidence. She wasn’t the only one affected by the currents arcing between them. Hayley worked the belt free and set it aside. She unfastened the button, pausing to skim her hand over the bulge in his trousers. He hissed and she laughed.

  “That’s not funny.”

  “No,” she agreed. “It’s sexy. I love knowing you want me.”

  “Believe it.” Sam reached for her but she stayed him by stepping out of reach.

  “My game,” she said, waiting until he nodded in the affirmative. Something changed between them, the atmosphere morphing from playful to hot and serious. This time she swallowed, a heavy pulsating sensation settling at her core. Liquid arousal dampened her panties. She flicked her tongue over her lips in a provocative manner before moving close to him again. Heat radiated off his big body along with sexual tension. Her fingers trembled as she unzipped his trousers but he didn’t comment, merely stood for her, moving when she directed.

  With a thundering heart, she tugged his trousers down and let him step out of them. She glanced up at him, saw his chest expand, his inhalation deep and unsteady. Hayley smiled, pleased to know he was as rattled as her. It made her feel better about his so-called playboy millionaire status. If he were as bad as the gossip columnists made out, he wouldn’t exhibit nerves and whatever was between them would have no effect on him.

  “Is that all?” he asked, the husky note tugging at her senses.

  “There’s more.” She ran her fingers along the elastic band of his boxer shorts. They were black and close fitting, leaving nothing to her imagination. She pulled the fabric away from his body, and soon he stood before her naked. He looked even better than he had the last time. “Do you play sports?”

  “Rugby during the winter, as long as it doesn’t coincide with a conference and tennis during the summer.”

  Hayley nodded, filing the snippet of information away. They had more in common than she’d realized, since she adored rugby and had even played until it created too much friction at home. Too dangerous and unladylike. Maybe she should pick up the sport again. “I love your chest. It’s so smooth and warm.” She trailed her fingers across his muscular chest, aware of the power and strength rippling beneath the surface. “On the bed,” she ordered, amazed she didn’t stutter. “Please.”

  “Since you asked so nicely.” Sam prowled over to the bed, and she ogled his gorgeous body, the ripple of muscles and sinew, every step of the way. He settled in the middle of the bed, lying on his back, his dark eyes watching her closely.

  Yet again, heat seared her body. A regular occurrence around Sam. But if anything this was worse. Clothes. She needed to strip right now. Hayley dragged off her clothes, strewing them over the floor with total disregard for wrinkles. Fully naked, she stared at him.

  “I like your chest, too,” he murmured, striking the right note to make her laugh.

  “Smooth,” she said, joining him on the bed. She straddled his legs a
nd grinned down at him, enjoying the position of power, even if it were a façade. Sam could subdue her in a flash, and they both knew it.

  “This is as far as you got with your descriptions.”

  “Not quite.” Hayley leaned over him and brushed a kiss over his collarbone. The tip of his cock left a damp trail on her stomach, filling her with a deep sense of her femininity. Her thumb smoothed across one flat nipple, barely grazing his skin. He shifted, a subtle movement that told her he enjoyed her touch, wanted more. She bent to repeat the move with her tongue, her mouth dry, heart thudding and her body on fire although they’d hardly touched. Her feminine folds moistened, and she ached for his possession, but pushed aside the yearning to concentrate on him.

  She explored hard pectorals and trailed her fingers over bulging biceps. His breath caught when she moved down his body and brushed against his erection.

  “Kiss me,” he said.

  “Good idea.” Hayley drew closer until she rested full length on his body and settled her mouth over his. It was a slow, easy kiss with no demands on either side, but it sent lust screaming through her muscles. And it sloughed away the last of Sam’s patience. He grasped her arms and rapidly rolled, placing her beneath him.

  “Smooth move.” She laughed up at him, chest heaving from fighting the move. “But I hadn’t finished exploring yet.”

  “So you’ve said. Later. There’s plenty of time to explore later.” Sam angled his mouth over hers with raw need. Laughter fell away, and she arched into his body, desperate for his chest brush to against her breasts. “Tell me what you want, what will give you pleasure.”

  Hayley didn’t hesitate. “Touch my breasts. Touch me all over.”

  He stroked the side of one breast while kissing her again. Frissons of pleasure darted through her as she ran her hands down his back and squeezed his buttocks. Like his appearance, his touch was better than she remembered. He circled her areola with a finger, and heat prickled across her skin. Gradually, he increased the pressure until he squeezed her nipple between finger and thumb, rolling it back and forth. He tugged lightly, reaction slamming through her.

  She moaned, a quiet, barely there sound of pleasure and whispered encouragement. Sam continued to touch and tease her, driving her high until clawing tension held her captive. She clutched his shoulders again, angling her neck to give him better access. He brushed a curly lock of hair out of his way before his lips burned a path from her throat down to her breasts, his warm mouth closing over one nipple. Wet suction dragged another moan from deep in her chest.

  “Sam, please. Don’t stop.”

  He lifted his head to grin at her. “Trust me, it gets better. Much better.” With a quick wink, he moved down her body and parted her legs. His fingers trailed over dark curls and parted her folds. Hayley tensed at the first touch of his tongue across her swollen clit but relaxed when pleasure radiated outward with each of his touches. The faint stubble on his cheeks abraded the tender skin of her inner thighs. She sobbed out his name as he tended her dew-slicked flesh.


  Each erotic caress drove her higher until her climax roared through her, taking her by surprise with its suddenness.

  The bedside drawer opened and closed while aftershocks still rippled through her. Foil crinkled. Hayley was aware of Sam moving. He slipped into her, burying himself in her hot, wet core, stretching her. With each thrust, he filled her with potent male heat, fueling the slow burn of pleasure again. She wrapped her fingers around his biceps and held on tight. Strained breathing and soft sighs filled the air. His tempo became urgent until languorous waves tossed her into a maelstrom of pleasure.

  Sam held her, whispered how much he needed her and pumped into her with hard, fast strokes. She felt his forceful release and, with a sigh, she relaxed, warm and replete, clutched in his embrace.

  “I told you it would get better,” he purred next to her ear.

  “You were right. I need to sleep, but we could do it again, right?” Hayley yawned, tiredness pulling at her. Her eyes flickered closed and his lips moved across her cheek. Her mouth curled into a sleepy smile and she relaxed, at peace with the world.

  Sam pulled away to deal with the condom, and after a thoughtful glance at Helen, padded out to the lounge and locked the front door. This time he intended to sleep with one eye open, but if on the off chance he went to sleep, he didn’t intend to make it easy for Helen to do her Cinderella act again.

  No, this time he’d like to share breakfast. He smiled. Domestic bliss. His parents would be so pleased. Their black-sheep son was accepting karma and getting ready to settle down with a woman. A woman he’d fallen for at first sight, not that he intended to confess this phenomenon. No, he wanted to take this slowly. The last thing he needed was to scare away Helen.

  Back in the bedroom he stared down at her curly hair and the tanned skin. He’d love to know the story behind her fabrications. From what he’d seen of her so far, he didn’t believe she intended to extort money or anything like that. He could be wrong and it could be an elaborate ploy to sell a story to the gossip rags. But he didn’t think so, which begged the question, what exactly was Helen aka Harriet doing with her lies and half-truths? What did she want from him?

  Chapter Seven

  Hayley woke to a kiss. Slow. Seductive. Firm lips sliding across hers. She stretched, arching against Sam’s hard, muscled body. Early dawn light crept through the windows, letting her know it was still early.

  “Hmm,” she said, smiling. Toasty warm, she hadn’t been this relaxed for ages. Moving was the last thing on her mind.

  Sam deepened the kiss as she responded, gliding his tongue into her mouth, inviting her to participate. Hayley shoved away the conscience that told her she needed to return home. She wanted to check on Suzie and make sure she was okay. Instead, she wound her arms around Sam’s neck and held tight. This morning’s lovemaking was unhurried, dreamy. Sam donned a condom and slipped into her heat. They rocked together until need roared through them and they both exploded with the fiery sensations.

  Finally they stilled, pulse rates thrumming. For Hayley, it felt as if she’d come home, and she wanted to hang on to the sensations. Reality would come soon enough.

  “I should go home,” she said with real regret.

  “It’s Sunday. Spend the day with me.”

  Temptation nipped at her, but practicalities intruded. “I don’t have any clothes.”

  “If that’s all you’re worried about, I can fix the problem easily enough. There should be clothes in the spare room wardrobe to fit you.”

  Hayley stilled, a surge of jealousy turning her vision decidedly green. He was rich. Single and probably had women stay over all the time. A pain in her chest reminded her to breathe. Sam liked women. No problem.

  But it was a problem. A big one. Hayley swallowed, a flicker of irritation going to bat with the jealousy lingering in her mind.

  Her chin shot upward, eyes narrowed. So, she’d ask him since it was the best way to gain information. “Why do you have a stock of women’s clothing in your wardrobe?”

  He hugged her frozen body against his chest and chuckled. The sound held distinct satisfaction. “My twin sisters stay over sometimes. They’ve left their clothes for convenience.”

  “Oh.” Chagrined, it was all she could find to say.

  The corners of Sam’s eyes crinkled in amusement. “Did you assume I have a steady parade of women through my apartment? You can’t believe everything you read in the papers. I wouldn’t have the time for a start. I have to work sometimes.”

  “You keep talking about a woman called Helen. You’ve put an ad in the paper just so you can find her,” she snapped, jealousy still slicing through her.

  Hah, few women could say they were jealous of themselves. She tried to ignore how screwed up this situation had become, the tangle of fibs.

  All her fault.

  Her wretched impulsiveness landing her in trouble again.

  “So I di
d.” Sam released her and climbed out of bed, unheeding of his naked state.

  Her gaze went to his waist and abs, taking in the sleek six-pack muscles, the smooth, touchable golden skin. She tried to remind herself this was temporary. Time spent with Sam rated as a treat, an impulsive act designed to bring pleasure. She hadn’t gone into this wanting happy-ever-after. Trying to change the rules now—plain wrong. Reality and spontaneity had nothing in common.

  She had to remember that.

  “I’ll go home,” Hayley said, drawing up the pale blue sheet to cover her bare breasts.

  “Harriet, you don’t have to go home. Spend the day with me. We’ll go for a picnic in Hyde Park or wander through the art gallery or a museum. Go to a movie. Anything. I don’t care. I want to spend more time with you.” He frowned, scratched his chest and wandered into the en suite bathroom, disappearing from sight.

  A door clunked—the shower door, she presumed. Seconds later, she heard the rush of water. Cold seeped into her pores, despite the wash of sunlight creeping through the sheer curtains. The best thing would be to go home, get away from temptation before she landed in more trouble.

  But temptation nibbled at her. Spending time with Sam. A few hours. It had been so long since she’d let herself relax with a man. Her family—they’d be expecting her to visit or at least call, as was her normal habit. And she’d promised to take her grandmother to visit a friend in the old folks’ home in the neighboring village.


  Hayley sighed. She loved her family, she did. They’d stood by her when she’d announced her pregnancy, when her boyfriend had disappeared off the face of the Earth. She recalled the good times, the carefree holidays spent at the beach, the day trips to France, and sighed again.

  Her parents were old-fashioned. That wasn’t a bad thing. But because she wanted to please them, she’d fallen into a rut, following the same worn path. The shock of becoming pregnant at an early age had scarred her. She knew it. Admitted it.


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