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Daddy Dilemma: A DILF Mania Collaboration

Page 6

by GM Scherbert

  “No, not at all. Heather was asking if I could watch him tonight because her and that husband of hers want to go to the cities and see some fucking hipster concert or some shit.”

  “Oh, awesome, I’d love to hang out with you and Luke tonight. I have this new recipe that I’ve been dying to cook and I know how much Luke would love to help, he’s always messing around in the play kitchen at school.”

  The surprise must be visible on my face, because she quickly draws a breath before continuing on, “Oh I mean, I don’t mean that we all need to hang out. I mean if you need to cancel and you don’t want me around Luke like that I guess I understand. Bringing a new person into his life, could confuse him, I’m not really sure what it is that’s happening between us anyways so.”

  The sadness in her eyes is almost too much for me, but I do something that even surprised myself. I draw my phone back out of my pocket sending a message off to Heather without another word, we got Luke tonight.

  Chapter 11

  Ms. Ford

  A date with Logan and Luke, what in the ever-loving heck fire was I thinking. Not only do I have to be on my best behavior because one of my students will be here, but it’s like our first date. I can’t believe that we had sexy times and he never even took me out or nothing. Well, he brought me that coffee over this morning, so that kinda counts right?

  Spending the afternoon cleaning up the house, shopping for the groceries for supper, and then getting myself ready, really made the time pass by quickly. Before I know it, the clock says five and it’s about time for my date to begin. Heading down the hall to do a quick check in the bathroom, I hear the front door before I’m turning the bathroom light off. Guess I didn’t have as much time as I thought.

  Pulling the door wide, I am greeted with two of the loveliest bouquets of flowers that I have ever seen. One looks like it was picked fresh out of my front yard though and is held in the smaller hands of Luke. I glance over his shoulder to my flower bed and notice that is exactly where he must have gotten the flowers, seeing that some of my bigger plants are now missing their flowers.

  “Daisies are my favorite Luke, how on earth did you know that?” I ask as he hands the flowers over with a wide grim.

  “I remember what you talk about Ms. Danny. Daddy always says that when a woman talks you better listen and keep notes. He says it always pays off in the end.”

  “Oh, does he really?” My eyes raise to his father's who is smirking while lifting his own bouquet of daisies towards me. “See I listen and I remember seeing your daisies when I was here earlier. It just happens that Luke wanted to have a bunch for you too, and before I was able to divide the ones I had gotten he seemed to find his own.” Mouthing I’m sorry to me after as I glance between father and son.

  Shrugging my shoulders, I think it’s cute as heck, “Well, as it happens I’m in need of some fresh flowers in my house, and was thinking about picking some of them anyways, so Luke you really helped me out. Well, I guess so did your daddy, there isn’t much I like better than fresh flowers.”

  That’s when I notice Logan, pulling a brown paper bag from behind his back. “Except for some wine and chocolates right Daniella?”

  The blush that must creep to my cheeks and the ensuing chuckle from Logan lets me know that he’s hit his mark. This man really does notice things that most others have never cared to learn or ask about. He has made quite the impression in the few times that we have talked, and I for one can’t wait to see where this night, heck however long this thing might last, goes.

  The evening was spent sharing laughs, good food, and company. Luke and I ended up putting together and cooking the food while Logan regaled us with stories about his time overseas, some recent traffic stops that were very intriguing, as well as a couple cute as heck stories from when Luke was younger. I didn’t know what the plan was for after supper, but I knew that whatever it was it wouldn’t involve the kind of passion that Logan and I had shared that morning. The time we did spend together was almost as good though. Playing games after supper and even going on a walk to a nearby park to get some of that five-year old energy out.

  As Logan tucked a sleeping Luke into the backseat of his pickup around nine o’clock that evening I couldn’t help but be excited about how well the night had gone. I hadn’t had a date like that in well, forever, and I just hoped that Logan found it as satisfying as I did.

  I must have gotten lost in my own thoughts as Logan strapped Luke in, because I didn’t notice his presence until his arms were wrapped tightly around me. “Where were you right then Daniella?”

  “I was just thinking about what a great time I had tonight with you and Luke.” Meeting his eyes, mine drop before adding, “Hoping that you had a good time as well?”

  “Look at me momma,” was said in one of the sexiest voices I had yet to hear from that man. “Watching you with my boy, how good you are with him only makes me much more certain that this thing between us is heading right where it should. I didn’t know if him coming with me tonight would be a smart move, but I gotta say it really just made it that much clearer to me, that you were made for me.”

  Leaning in he presses his lips against mine gently before pulling back, “I’m gonna go ahead and get outta here before I take you in this fucking driveway with my son sleeping in the back of my truck. Tomorrow night however momma, you better be ready cause I’m gonna pick you up, show you a real good time, then bring you back here, and show you an even better time.” Kissing me again, the passion with which he takes my lips this time is tenfold and if the promise in his lips is only a fraction of what he’s gonna give me tomorrow, I am one lucky girl.



  The last few months have been nothing if not a whirlwind. I can’t believe that Logan asked me to marry him, shoot we have only been together for going on eight months, but when we got the news that I was pregnant a few weeks ago, Logan had said that he knew it was meant to be, and that I was his better half. That I was the one he had been searching for, that no matter what came our way we would handle it, and do it together as a team, as a family.

  The school board had found out about us dating, and I thought that was it for my career, but they had simply moved Luke out of my class and into Ms. Randolph’s class across the hall. I still see him frequently throughout the day and we spend lots of nights together, seeing that Logan and I moved in together about three months ago.

  Heather and I even have a strange friendship that has quickly turned into one of the best parts of this whole thing. Heather and Logan have absolutely no animosity towards each other, their calm and serenity when dealing with anything is something that I can only hope to continue to find with Logan as we start our lives together and add to this family. She has given me some great ideas about the how’s and why of some baby stuff that I was just lost on. Not that Logan hasn’t helped, but how much can the man possibly know about breast pumps, right?

  Daddy has even come around, which I am sure had something to do with more than one visit that Logan had given him. We speak on the phone every couple of days and there isn’t any of the down talking about mom like there used to be, it is just nice. Logan even made sure to ask his permission before he asked me to marry him, which daddy gave him with his whole heart.

  The night he asked me to marry him, I thought we were going out for a simple dinner, just the two of us, soaking up the time before the baby comes. It was my last day of school for the year, and all he had told me was to be ready for a celebration that night. Celebrate we did, with all our friends and family surrounding us hiding in the shadows until Logan was down on his knee asking for my hand. As I nodded, and he pulled me in close, I noticed our friends and family coming out of the woodwork as they say from every corner of the little Italian restaurant he had taken me to. The same one we went on our first real date at. Heather had even made sure that Luke was there for the celebration, which made it even more special.

  I know that momma is
probably looking down on us, worried that this might not be what she had laid out for me. A man on the force, with an ex, and a five-year-old son, but I know in my heart there is no daddy dilemma here.





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