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The Best Man (Romance on the Go Book 0)

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by Scarlett J Rose

  Kyle chuckled, “You always were a little clumsy. Remember that time we crossed into the apple orchard at the Sims’ place? You got a hell of a cut on your butt from the barbed wire.”

  “I remember. I still have the scars.” Her voice was quiet as her mind drifted to the past. To happier times when her secret love was around. She could have sworn she heard him mutter “I’d love to see that scar,” under his breath.

  Kyle grabbed a bottle of water he’d placed on the ground and poured a small amount onto the handkerchief in his hand. “I’m going to have to take off your nylons.” He pushed her skirt up higher over her legs.

  Steph pushed down on her skirts to maintain a semblance of dignity. “Is that really necessary?”

  “I’m afraid it is.” He pushed at the skirts again, revealing the shredded, bloodied nylons. “These will have to come off.” Having the nylons rolled down, even gently, over her injuries, made Steph’s eyes tear up and her teeth sank into her lower lip as she hissed at the stinging of flesh as the nylons pulled. The blood had dried and had a firm hold on her stockings. It tugged mercilessly on her skin as the nylons came away.

  “Farrk…” Her jaw clenched. Kyle continued to ease the stockings down her legs until they were finally off.

  “I need to clean it up, so I can see what damage you’ve done to it.”

  Her eyes remained squeezed tightly shut against the pain as her knee throbbed and stung. “Ouch, damnit, motherfucker, god frigging damnit!” he hissed through clenched teeth

  Kyle chuckled, and her eyes flew open. How dare he laugh at her when she was in pain? Especially when he was making it worse. “Steph, I haven’t even started yet.”

  He held her leg firmly with one hand while he dabbed and wiped at her wound with the other. “Not much more.” His voice was soft, reassuring. He moved to the tender part of her knee where most of the damage had been inflicted. Steph panted through pursed lips as the sting of the water and cloth against her raw skin burned. Her fingers gripped the faded and weathered park bench.

  “Are you giving birth now?” Kyle smirked.

  “Bite me,” Steph said with more than a little snark to her tone. He muttered something that sounded suspiciously like, “I’d love to.”

  Tears burned her eyes as she watched him work almost reverently on her injuries. His touch was gentle and caring. She admired the way he gently dabbed the blood away from her leg.

  He gazed up at her, their eyes met and locked. Steph fell head first into the sea of Kyle’s eyes, enraptured by his smile, his kindness. Remembering the friendship they had once shared, the good times and the bad, brought her feelings for him rushing back. “Kyle, I…”

  “Ah, there you two are. Am I interrupting something?” Stu’s voice broke into the moment. Her brother crossed his arms over his chest, raised an eyebrow, and grinned cheekily at the pair.

  “Totally innocent, Stu.” Kyle tapped the open wound on Steph’s knee. Her response was a very unladylike squeal and a curse upon him for the rest of his days. “Cleaning up.”

  Steph lowered her leg and slipped her foot into her shoe.

  “You always were the klutz of our duo, Steph.” Stu laughed as she flipped him a middle finger.

  Kyle shoved her ruined nylons into the pocket of his jacket and offered her his hand. “How about we go and party? I can get you a drink. What’s your poison?”

  “Alcohol first, lots of it. I have never needed it so badly.” Steph muttered, as she allowed Kyle to help her to her feet. She felt a fresh jolt of desire as her feelings for Kyle continued to bubble beneath the surface. She was in danger of having her heart broken again. I have to lock my feelings away—he’s probably got a beautiful girlfriend. She felt the crack in her heart as she hobbled alongside Kyle and Stuart back to the cars.

  Chapter Three

  At the reception, the dance floor was filled with the antics of aunts and uncles who thought doing dances from their time, while under the influence, was the height of sophistication. But alas, seeing Uncle Dave and Aunt Edith doing the Macarena, the Nutbush and the forever-embarrassing Chicken Dance were sights that once seen, could never be unseen and no amount of alcohol, nor psychotherapy could erase. Steph apologized to her abused eyes.

  Even Steph’s famous ‘step up’ incident at the church was far more coordinated than that of the drunken arms and legs flying around as the Macarena was played. The saddest part was that the bride and groom became involved. Tradition dictated, and the drunken bride demanded, that the best man and maid of honor were also expected to step onto the dance floor.

  Steph groaned as she hobbled behind Clarissa. The determined and tipsy bride held her wrist in a vice-like grip as she hauled her ass out onto the dance floor. Steph was already under the weather, thanks to copious amounts of alcohol, so it wasn’t really so bad. When she attempted to sing the words to the Macarena, and couldn’t quite recall them, nor sing in time, or at a reasonable volume, guests glared and moved away.

  The wedding guests were saved further caterwauling by the DJ’s change in track to something a little slower, more sedate. Steph was about to flee to somewhere quiet and safe when strong arms wrapped around her. The man held her close, the scent of pine and cinnamon aftershave assaulting her senses. It was a scent she was familiar with. The warmth of a male body pressed against her back comforted her, and her swimming head was forgotten in the heady rush that she felt, pressed up against this man who held her tight.

  She turned in the circle of her dance partner’s arms and looked up. Straight into the smoldering dark eyes of Kyle. “Hey, I knew it was you. You’re a really, really good dancer.” Her speech was slurred. “And, a really good nurse. My leg doesn’t hurt at all.”

  “Probably because you’re drunk.” Kyle grinned. “After this dance they’re going to do the speeches. Are you up for that? Do you need some coffee?”

  “Oh, fuck. The speeches.” Steph was jolted toward being sober. “Yeah, I might need some coffee.” She pulled away. When she staggered, thanks to her inebriated state, Kyle’s strong arms steadied her. She glanced down where he held her. “You have strong, sexy arms.” she slurred, trailing her fingers lazily over the bare arm that was exposed from his rolled-up sleeves.

  “Come on, let’s get you some coffee, sober you up a little.” Kyle led her to a quiet part of the reception hall, away from the noise, where the tea and coffee service was located. He grabbed two cups and filled them both with the bitter, black brew. “Sugar?”

  “Yes, please. Love me some sugar. Especially when it’s from a man as caring and sexy as you.” Steph’s voice slurred, her face lit with a sappy grin.

  Kyle chuckled and shook his head. “You have no idea how much I want to give you some sugar, but it won’t be tonight with you in this state.” Steph stood on tiptoe and placed a feather light kiss on his lips before stepping back. She heard him curse under his breath. He finished their coffees and indicated for her to follow. “Come on, let’s go.” He nodded in the direction of the hallway where there were several loveseats.

  Steph followed him like a drunken puppy, flopping down on the nearest loveseat. A group of unsupervised children raced past, laughing hysterically as they made a mad dash away from some sort of hijinks in the bathrooms.

  “That’s not going to end well.” Kyle chuckled, as the kids rounded a corner.

  “Nope, little shits probably blocked the toilets up with paper.” Steph lifted the cup to her lips and slurped her coffee.

  “Damn, that’s too hot.” She set aside the cup and wiped her lips with the back of her hand. Kyle followed her every move with his eyes.

  “Here, let me fix that for you.” He leaned forward and pressed his lips against hers. He tasted of coffee and peppermint. The decadent mixture played on her tongue as he slid his seductively between her parted lips. Undertones of champagne were a sharp contrast to the sweetness.

  She sighed softly as Kyle placed his hands over her shoulders, drawing her closer to him, their c
offees forgotten on the small side table by their loveseat. I have to tell him how I feel. How I have always felt.

  “Kyle…” she sucked in a deep breath. As she gazed into his eyes, she knew now was the time to tell him. “I-I’ve always…”

  Kyle pulled away when he heard his name being called. “Damn, that’s the speeches.” He cupped her cheek with his hand. “We have to go.” He helped her to her feet, steadying her a little before they headed back to the reception hall.

  Steph bit her bottom lip, foiled by bad timing. Her heart pounded in her chest. What if he rejects what you say? Can you take the heartbreak again?


  Kyle escorted Steph back to her seat, pulled out her chair and assisted her to sit.

  “Kyle, if you would like to say a few words?” His uncle held the microphone toward him.

  “Thanks, Uncle Tom.” He accepted the mic.

  “Well. These people here, I can say are the closest thing I have now to a family. When my parents both lost their battles with cancer in such close succession to each other, Stu and Clarissa were there for me, just as Clarissa was there for Stu and his family when his father was tragically lost in a truck accident. Through that support and friendship, love blossomed, and that’s what has brought us all together today. It is my hope that everyone in this room who has yet to find someone, can discover the depth of love and devotion that Stu and Clarissa have for each other, be it with someone you know, or someone you are yet to find.” He paused and glanced at Stu and Clarissa who watched and listened. Clarissa was happily perched on Stu’s lap, her arms firmly wrapped around her new husband’s neck.

  “Stu, his twin sister, Steph, and I, were all best friends growing up, our houses were next door to each other, and we had a lot of fun times. Stu has a street sign from when we went skylarking. He also has the for-sale signs we picked up for a steal from three houses.” Kyle winked at the couple before turning back to the guests. “It’s amazing we can still remember our drunken college years. Stu came and started at my college, which was over the other side of the country, don’t know how poor Steph coped without him harassing her. Clarissa visited and came with us on a few bar crawls. She ended up with Stu on each and every occasion, so it was obvious they were drawn to each other.” Kyle picked up a glass of champagne. “To the happy couple, I sincerely hope your kids don’t turn out like us in their teenage years. You won’t survive the heart attacks.” He laughed and raised his glass in toast.

  “To the happy couple.” The guests echoed with a smattering of chuckles.

  “Woo! Great speech! Encore!” Steph yelled and clapped as she climbed up to stand on her chair. Kyle cringed as she squealed, lost her balance, and toppled. He rushed forward in time to catch her in his arms.

  “I think it might be time for the maid of honor to retire for the night.” Kyle nodded to Stu and Clarissa.

  “But, I’m not tired.” She reached out and patted his cheek.

  Lowering his head, he whispered in her ear. “Come on, princess, I’ll take you up to my room.” They headed towards the elevator in the hotel’s lobby.

  “You’re so sexy. Do you know I’ve always loved you?” Her words were slurred as she snuggled against him. “You smell yummy, I bet you taste even better.” She giggled.

  “What am I going to do with you, Steph?” he whispered as she nestled against him.

  “I can hear your heartbeat. Does it beat just for me?” Her voice was filled with hope.

  Kyle pulled her in tighter against his body and kissed the top of her head.

  People stared at the couple as they headed towards the elevators. A kind stranger assisted Kyle in pushing the call button for the elevator, and he waited patiently while Steph snuggled in his arms and whispered sweet, drunken ramblings against his throat before she drifted off. The elevator doors whooshed open on the fifth floor. He strode down the hall to his room and struggled to slip his key card into the lock. After juggling the half-sleeping woman in his arms, he managed to get the door unlocked and pushed it open with his butt.

  Steph regained consciousness and sang softly, albeit off-key, to him as he lay her on his bed.

  “You want me, don’t you, Kyle?” She peered up at him. Her eyes clouded with alcohol and sleep.

  “Yes, but not like this.” He wanted her with every fiber of his being, but he would not take advantage of her diminished state of mind.

  “Like what?” Her voice held a dreamy tone.

  “You’re drunk, sweetheart. So drunk that you’ll probably not remember any of this in the morning. When your brother said you were going to be the maid of honor and he wanted me as his best man, I almost turned him down.” Kyle settled down on the bed beside her and held her hand. His thumb caressed her knuckles, as he tried to ignore the rising erection between his legs, a not unwelcome effect of having her so close to him.

  “Why?” Her voice was slurred and soft, the first signs that sleep was closing in on her again.

  Kyle brushed an errant strand of her long, brunette hair away from her face. She smiled at the contact of his fingertips on her cheek.

  “Because, I’ve always wanted to tell you…” He paused, her eyes were closed, and a moment later, a raucous snore erupted from her mouth. “I love you, Steph. I think I always have.”

  Chapter Four

  Steph’s eyes fluttered open. Her head was pounding, and she hadn’t even moved yet. She was reminded of her previous day’s mishap by the pain in her knee which was also stiff and sore. She struggled to sit, her hands cradling her head, which she was convinced had split open while she’d been sleeping. “Fuck.” She whispered, but even that was far too loud for her pounding head. She glanced around, mindful to turn her head slowly. Items of men’s clothing were scattered around the room. “Where the hell am I?”

  Steph noted the state of her dress and groaned. At least I’m dressed and not naked. The sounds of someone showering told her she wasn’t alone. She tentatively rose to her feet and remained still until the world had stopped spinning. Much of the previous night was a blur—hell, most of the previous day was a blur. What the fuck had she done? And who the fuck had she done it with? It looked like it was going to be another notch in the bedpost for the ‘Walk of Shame’.

  She needed to leave, and fast. She located her shoes and, with them in hand, she snuck to the door. The bathroom door was ajar, and she came to a stop. The delicious body of one hell of a man was in full view and she ogled. His tight, gorgeous ass was exposed, and a dark tattoo wound its way over the left side of his back.

  She stood mesmerized as he washed his back and ass then, oh god almighty, he dropped the sudsy bar to the tiles. He hummed in his search for the errant soap, turning his delightful body. Steph grabbed that moment to make her escape. Her heart hammered as she beat a hasty retreat down the carpeted hall of the hotel to the elevator. She pressed the call button frantically. To her great relief, the bell dinged as the elevator doors opened, and she all but catapulted herself into the car. The doors closed, and she relaxed. Her heartbeat slowed. She had no idea who it was in the shower, but damn, she was starting to regret that she hadn’t stayed to find out.


  Kyle finished his shower, toweled himself dry and wrapped the fluffy white towel around his waist. He peeked through the door to find his bed empty.

  “Steph?” He ran a hand through his wet hair. “Damn.” He didn’t even have her phone number to call and ensure she was okay, and he didn’t want to call Stu or Clarissa to get her number, being the morning after their wedding night. He pulled the towel from his waist and began drying off. He wondered what Steph remembered of the previous day’s fiascos. He sat on the bed and thought over what she had said while she was drunk.

  She loved him. Could it be true? Or was it the drink talking? He hoped her declaration was true. He had watched her morph from a lanky tomboy to a beautiful teenager, and now after years apart, he had rediscovered her as a stunning woman. He wondered what he had to do
to win her, to hold her and to make her his. Admit it, she’s the reason no relationship has ever worked. You lost your heart to her years ago and no one but she can fill the void.

  Kyle needed to discuss his feelings with Stu. Finally admit how he felt about his best friend’s sister, but it would have to wait. He would not interfere with the honeymoon. He sighed as he pulled on a pair of boxer shorts and, with little else to do, he flashed up his laptop and began to work on some construction quotes that needed to be finalized.

  His concentration was broken around midday when his phone buzzed. It was a text message from Amanda, an old flame from high school.

  Hey, I heard you were in town. Want to meet for a catch-up session?

  Kyle smiled, he hadn’t seen Amanda in years. She had been good fun, but she wasn’t Steph and he’d ended the relationship. They’d remained good friends.

  He returned the message.

  Sure, what time and where?

  He felt guilty for replying, like he was betraying his love. It was too late to back out now.

  How about Seven at Billy’s Sports bar on Monroe Street?

  Sounds Great, see you then.

  Kyle tossed the phone down on the bed beside him and continued to work on his quotes. His mind drifted as he pictured how gorgeous Steph had looked and how the dress had clung to her figure. She’d felt so right in his arms. It was where she belonged.

  He gazed at the unmade bed where Steph had slept the night away in a drunken slumber. It had been so hard not to crawl in beside her and wrap her in his arms. “I have to find a way to show you how much I love you. I lost you once, I can’t let it happen again. I have to man up.”


  Steph groaned as she nursed the cup of coffee.

  “You were so damned hammered last night.” Jen giggled.

  “Don’t remind me. Tell me, when do these aspirins kick in?” She picked up the open packet from the café’s table.


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