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The Wrong Side of Midnight

Page 6

by Terri Marie

  A well dressed, middle-aged woman stood up and shook Chloe's hand. "How can I help you today? Were you interested in opening an account with us?"

  "No, thank you. I'm here to deposit money into a friend's account. I have to remain anonymous if possible, and I need the money available to them today."

  "I see. We need the account information to make the deposit."

  "I have the necessary information, but please, you can't say a word."

  "The only way to make funds available to him today would be by a cash deposit."

  "I'll be right back then. Thank you."

  Chloe drove to her personal bank about five miles from Berkshire Estates. After having a chat with the flirty old bank manager while she filled out the paperwork and waited for her money, she drove back to the other bank. When the manager saw her, she waved for her to come in.

  "Here's the account information. I want to deposit fifty thousand." Chloe reached in her large bag and pulled out the five banded stacks of hundred dollar bills.

  "I'm really sorry, but I had no idea the amount of the deposit was going to be so large. You'll have to fill out some papers for us, and I'll have to verify your identification. The government tracks large deposits, especially if they're cash."

  Panic filled her but only momentarily. Regardless of the outcome, at least I know Matthew and his father will be okay. Chloe followed her through a locked door and into a small room equipped with a camera. After the money was counted twice, the bills checked and cleared, the transaction was completed. Chloe received proof of the deposit and then quickly left for the hospital. She had to hurry before Matthew found out the truth. If he checked his account, her ability to help him would end.

  Sylvia and John Burlington were large contributors to Saint John's Hospital, but Chloe didn't want to risk using her name. Walking to the billing office, her mind was trying to come up with creative ways to handle this. Chloe turned back around and went to the elevator. On the top floor, she found the administrator's office and signed in. This place is pretty plush. Nice furniture, new carpet…yet people are suffering and losing everything while trying to pay their medical bills. By the time the administrator could see her, she was angry and jumped right to the point. She wanted to spend as little time as possible with Mr. Big Hair.

  "I have a friend with huge medical bills. I'm here to pay them off and want to do so anonymously."

  "This can be handled in the billing office." Big Hair looked at her with annoyance.

  "No, I'm going to do it through a private donation. As a donator, I can designate where I want the money to go."

  "We really appreciate donations. We're trying to expand our South wing." His mood suddenly elevated.

  "I want the entire amount to cover his medical bills, and the remainder to be designated for any future care like his ongoing oxygen service."

  "I just need a name."

  Chloe gave him the billing information and waited patiently for his secretary to bring in an itemization of his charges.

  "This is quite a large sum of money. I see he's had several trips to the ER and multiple extended stays in our Intensive Care Unit. Pulmonary specialist…The balance is almost four hundred thousand dollars. It says he's uninsured. I do see we have him on a payment plan which has been consistently paid."

  "I'm going to make a private donation to the hospital for five hundred thousand. I am to remain anonymous, and I mean that. I want proof that his bills were covered in full and that the rest is for his future care." Chloe made the check out and handed it to him

  "Oh, Miss Burlington! Why didn't you say so?"

  "Why does it matter who I am? If you don't do as I ask, I can assure you that the large contributions from our family will cease. You are to tell no one who I am or disclose what I look like. I signed in as Mandy. When I leave, I'll still be Mandy. I might be young, but I'm far from ignorant. Where this money came from will forever stay between the two of us. I realize you'll need to document the donation for your books, but that's as far as my name will go. I will forever remain an anonymous donor. Conner's bills will be paid by an anonymous donation."

  "By the end of the week, your friend will have a statement showing a zero balance. If you give me a few minutes, I'll have my secretary type something out for you."

  As soon as Chloe put her car in gear, her phone rang.

  "Babe, I'm trying to get supplies delivered and my truck died and needs a jump."

  "Give me directions and I'll be there right away. Besides, I would never pass up an opportunity to jump you."

  Matthew smiled and felt enormous relief. He was hoping Chloe wasn't mad at him for getting so angry the night before. He wished he could have stopped by her apartment this morning to apologize, but he was already running forty-five minutes late for work. "Does that mean you'll talk dirty to get me in the car?"

  Chloe laughed and told him she loved him. Even though he was being flirty, her mind stayed focused on her next plan. She knew her time was running out.

  Finding Matthew wasn't difficult, and after jumping his truck, she headed to the dealership. She'd definitely need someone who'd do anything for a few bucks. Bob.

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  Chloe scanned the used car lot until she spotted Bob. He was wearing the same suit, only a bit more wrinkled. He was eyeing a young mother up and down while she looked inside of an old car. For God sakes, she's carrying a baby! You're such a pig, Bob. Chloe watched as the young mother shook her head no and walked away. His eyes were glued to her backside. Chloe got out of her car and waved at him. She really wanted to slap him but refrained.

  "I remember you! Did you decide to come and buy that gem we looked at?"

  "What gem, Bob?"

  "Uh, I can't remember, but I show everyone good cars."

  "Look, I know you wouldn't mind making some cash on the side, so I'm going to offer you the deal of a lifetime. Can you sell new cars as well?"

  "I don't get to work over there that often, but I can. What did you have in mind?"

  The pig was all winks and smiles while Chloe gave him the details. He stared at her chest the whole time. She'd feel sorry for Bob if he wasn't such a creeper.

  "Let me get this straight. You want me to make up a fake contest, and you're going to buy a truck and this Matthew guy will win it?"

  "Yes. You'll still get your commission, and I get to help the guy out. You have to promise to keep this secret. Make up a fake entry form and fake congratulations letter on dealership stationary."

  "And I get cash on the side?"

  "I'll give you a grand, Bob."

  "How about a grand and a little…well you know."

  "Do you want a thousand dollars plus commission or not? I'm never touching you…ever."

  Chloe sat at Bob's desk while he took off to find leftover entry forms from previous contests. The forms didn't announce the prizes, which was a good thing. He came back twenty minutes later and sold her a brand new Chevy Silverado 2500 HD in Victory Red. Chloe had it fully insured for five years and made sure she had the best warranty. The truck was loaded.

  "When do I get my money?"

  "You'll get it when the truck's delivered. You're going to be the one to deliver it." Chloe wrote down 'Matthew Sharp' on a piece of paper, along with his address. "Here's my number too. You call when the truck comes in."

  Chloe picked up the entry form and went back to the apartment. Hopefully Matthew wouldn't learn about his bank account balance before he got his new truck. His old Chevy was a deathtrap, and the last thing she wanted was to have him stranded in this neighborhood. The old truck didn't even have heat, which definitely wasn't good for driving in Michigan winters.

  Matthew didn't show up until almost nine that night. He was totally exhausted. Chloe could tell he was struggling to keep his eyes open, but Matthew wanted to thank her.

  "That lasagna dinner was great, babe, we really enjoyed it. Thank you so much. I haven't had a meal like that in a long time. Mario's is a f
abulous restaurant, but they're very expensive. You didn't need to spend your money like that."

  "I just wanted to do something nice." Chloe reached in her purse and pulled out the entry form. "Look what I grabbed at the grocery store. It's an entry form for a contest. You could win a huge truck!"

  "What kind? You should enter it yourself, Chloe. You could use a new vehicle too, and besides, I never win anything." Matthew laughed.

  "There's no way I'm driving that big of a pickup."

  "Damn, I could use a new one of those. I guess it wouldn't hurt to fill it out. Where do I drop the form off at?"

  "I forgot to grab something while I was out, so I'll turn it in tomorrow for you."

  Matthew took a pen from his front pocket and filled it out. "Could you imagine if I won? They'd hear me howling all the way to Texas. I'm not sure if I could afford to insure it though."

  "Let's just see what happens." Chloe's anxiety was rising. Losing him would be so painful, but having him walk away and return everything she'd given him would be unbearable. No one was more deserving than Matthew…no one.

  Matthew was working long hours every day trying to make enough money to carry him over until next spring. His friend John worked some hours at a local hardware store when roofing season ended and only got that job because the owner was a relative. Finding employment was difficult. He'd tried on several occasions to find a job like John's, but he couldn't afford to work for minimum wage. Matthew wasn't about to let his father's roofing company go belly up. He was hoping for heavy snowfall this winter, even though plow hours were nasty. Trying to juggle crazy shifts, with caring for his father, wasn't an easy thing to do. Sometimes he worked all night and slept very little. It was grueling, but at least he could catch up on some bills. No matter what it took, Matthew was willing to do anything to take care of his father.

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  Chloe called Sherry and agreed to start her new job. She didn't know how hard the work would be, but it was a new experience for her. Becky called before her shift was to start.

  "You're going to get up every morning at seven-thirty?"

  "I get up at seven, but it doesn't bother me. I'm just so excited to actually have a real job!"

  "I take it she knows your real name then? Did she agree to keep it quiet?"

  "It wasn't much of an application. She doesn't have my real name."

  "Chloe, there's a thing called taxes."

  "She's paying me cash for just a couple days a week. I won't even make enough money to pay taxes. Besides, Sherry is doing the best she can. She loves her tenants, throws no one out, and works with people. She owns the building, so I'm not worried about it."

  "Matthew still hasn't figured out who you are?"

  "No, but that'll happen any day now."

  "Let me guess, you sent him money?"

  "Not quite…" Chloe explained as much as she could with the little time she had left before work.

  "I'm proud of you, love. You're such a good person. If and when he does find out, I'll be behind you a hundred percent."

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  Sherry had a hot cup of coffee in her hand and held it out for Chloe. She gratefully accepted it and sat at the table with her new boss. She wrote down the tasks she had to do, then set off to find the supply closet. Being in the hallway gave her a headache at first, but after a short while she didn't notice the smells. She got to know some of the tenants when they went in and out of their apartments. They were all kind.

  While Chloe cleaned, her mind churned. Even though she knew that keeping Matthew wasn't going to be an option once he found out, it hurt her just the same. Preparing herself for such a horrible loss was so hard, and just the thought of it brought her to tears.

  She cleaned meticulously, and Sherry was very impressed. What she didn't know was that Chloe was trying to clean off her own black marks. That's exactly what she'd become in Matthew's eyes. A big black mark…Please, just let him get the truck before he leaves.

  At the end of her day, Sherry approached her with a look of concern.

  "Did I do something wrong? I'm new at this, so if I messed up, I'll go back and fix it."

  "No, dear. Can you come and sit for a minute?"

  Chloe sat down on the edge of her seat in the office, not because of the dirt on the fabric, but because of sheer nerves.

  "What's bothering you, Chloe?"

  "Nothing's wrong, I'm just tired I guess."

  "Listen, no matter what it is, you can come and talk to me."

  "I'm okay, Sherry. I'll keep that in mind." Chloe wasn't looking forward to the impact her deceit was going to have on these people she cared about. She wasn't even honest to Matthew about her parents or her best friend's real identity.

  Chloe opened the door to her apartment and then slid to the floor. Maybe she wouldn't be able to keep the new wonderful feelings she'd gotten from people accepting and loving her, but at least she now knew what it felt like. For that, she was thankful.

  Chapter 6

  Matthew didn't get his lunch break until two o'clock, and he was famished. Being across town made it impossible for him to stop home, grab some food, and then be back at the job site in thirty minutes. He hurried out of the house, late again, and was unable to pack himself a lunch. His father was taking more time in the mornings to get up and take his treatment. His coughing spells were lasting longer, worrying Matthew so much. He wanted to take him to the doctors, but his father refused due to the medical bills that were piling up.

  It'd be three more days before he was able to pay himself and the crew, but he needed food and his lunch break was almost over. Hopefully there're a few bucks in the account. Pulling up at an ATM, Matthew used his debit card to check his balance and pull out ten bucks if he could. Fifty thousand, thirty-seven dollars on the receipt under 'balance' made Matthew crack up. Are you kidding me?! Even though it was a rush to see that kind of money, he knew better than to touch it. The bank made a gross error and would demand every cent of it back. Man that looked amazing, even though it wasn't mine. Shaking his head, he took his ten dollars and headed to a drive-through. He wouldn't bother calling the bank; they'd be quick about recovering that amount of money. I can't wait to show this to Chloe. She'll laugh as hard as I did.

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  Chloe was glad to be working. Her anxiety about this contest was making her crazy. She was tempted to call the dealership and find out what the delay was. While she was vacuuming the long hall, she felt her phone vibrate on her hip. It was Bob, letting her know the truck was in. She opened the door to the supply closet so her call wouldn't be overheard, and so no one could see her jumping up and down with excitement.

  "Mail the congratulations letter to Matthew. Get it here through same day mail. The thousand bucks will help cover the postage. Make sure you have his address correct because I want the truck over here tonight around eight."

  "Am I still delivering it? If I do, who'll drive me back to work?"

  "That's your problem. Make the whole thing look official." Chloe wouldn't have been so mean if Bob wouldn't have wanted extra favors for helping her.

  "My brother can follow me. He's not going to be too happy about going to that neighborhood."

  "Bob! Figure it out, but first, get to the post office!" Chloe hung up the phone, hoping the creep wouldn't mess this up.

  She stepped out of the supply closet trying to look normal. The huge grin on her face wasn't easy to cover up. Matthew was going to blow up once he found out she was behind all the help, but that was okay. Her main concern was to make life easier for two people who deserved it.

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  At six-thirty that evening, Chloe heard the heavy footsteps of someone running down the hall. Before she could go out to investigate, Matthew slung her door open with a letter in his hand.

  "I won!! I won, I won, I won!!!" His eyes were water-filled.

  "You won the contest for that truck?"

  "Yes!" Matthew picked he
r up and swung her around. "I can't thank you enough, Chloe. If it wasn't for you bringing me the entry and talking me into filling it out, this wouldn't have happened. My dad is happier than I am if that's even possible. They're delivering it this evening!" He kissed her deeply.

  Chloe was so relieved her plan worked and that he was getting a new, safe vehicle. But when Matthew kissed her, she couldn't help but feel like he was kissing her goodbye.

  At eight o'clock, Matthew's phone rang. Chloe was trying to act as nonchalant as she could.

  "I'll come down. Thanks, Sherry."

  "Is everything okay?" Chloe hoped it was Bob.

  "Maybe it's about my new truck. Sherry called to tell me a man is downstairs requesting to see me."

  "I'll come with you."

  Matthew held her hand down to the lobby. There stood Bob in a brown suit, and he even combed his hair.

  "Are you Matthew Sharp?"

  "Yes, I am. Can I help you?"

  "Come with me, please." Bob walked outside and smiled as he held the truck key out to Matthew.

  "Oh my God!"

  "Congratulations, sir. Enjoy be the winner, and thanks for entering."

  Matthew ran to the new pickup, and while he was climbing up behind the wheel, Chloe handed Bob the thousand dollars she had stuffed in her jeans.

  "I have to get back to the office. Best of luck, Mr. Sharp."

  As Bob drove off with another man, Matthew ran around to the other side of the truck and held the door open for Chloe.

  "Climb in, babe! We're going for a drive!"


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