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Whispering Spirits

Page 16

by Rita Karnopp

  Summer laughed and quickly hurried to the table to get a piece. “I’m not sure if I’m more hungry or tired. I couldn’t have gone much further without dropping.”

  “Me either,” he said between several bites. “We can save Stuart a couple pieces. He can have them in the morning. Worthington and guest are at the end of the hall. Thought we’d pay them a visit around six.”

  “Good, that’ll give us at least seven hours of heavenly sleep.” She guzzled the water and couldn’t help taking another piece of pizza.

  “Hell, Stuart can stay hungry,” he picked up another piece and ate with enthusiasm. “People will come get him around eight tomorrow.”

  “Shouldn’t he go to a hospital and get that bullet removed? I don’t want his death on my conscious.” Summer went back to the bed and finished her pizza and drank more water. It seemed like she couldn’t get enough.

  “I hope we’ll finally get to the bottom of all this tomorrow.” Running Crane grabbed the last piece of pizza and two bottles of water and joined her.

  She tried concentrating on what he said…but her brain refused to cooperate. Her lids grew heavy and even though she fought it…

  The toilet flushing and running water brought Summer’s senses alert. She’d fallen asleep and couldn’t help being surprised how much better she felt now. Loud snores told her Stuart still slept. She didn’t feel exactly comfortable sharing a bathroom with Running Crane, so she pulled herself up against the pillows and drank what was left of her water.

  “Good morning, sunshine,” Running Crane entered the room toweling his bare chest.

  Summer stared at his bronze muscles and found herself aroused. “Good morning. Your leg is really looking good, isn’t it?”

  “Surprisingly really good. I hardly feel the pain anymore.”

  “You should still have a doctor take a look at it to make sure no damage was done. If you’re done with the bathroom, I think I’ll head that way.”

  “Sure, toss my shirt out. Damn, wish I had something fresh to throw on.”

  “I know what you mean.” She struggled not to stare at him. Using the complimentary packet, she brushed her teeth. Glancing into the mirror, she froze—staring into Running Crane’s eyes. He came up behind her and kissed the back of her neck. She leaned into him.

  “Thought you were going to throw my shirt out to me?”

  “Oh…I guess…have to admit I’m rather glad I didn’t,” she giggled. He kissed her cheek and back down her neck, then turned her around to face him. Summer looked up to find him lowering his head to capture her lips. The tenderness with which he kissed her nearly took her breath away.

  “I’ve been wanting to do that for hours.”

  Summer smiled. “I’ll admit I had nothing but sleep on my mind…that is until you came parading around half naked.” He kissed her again, hard and demanding and she responded with equal intensity.

  She realized it’d never been that explosive and exciting with Jordan. That hadn’t occurred to her before. Exhausted from studies, she pretty much went through the motions, completely unaware things should have been different. When did she stop feeling?

  Running Crane pulled her shirt over her head and pushed the bathroom door closed with his foot. In a quick motion he unhooked her bra and captured a breast with his mouth.

  The action caused her to gasp as she leaned into him moving her palms across his bare back. Her body reacted without reservation. He recaptured her lips with his and together they wiggled out of their jeans.

  Running Crane reached over and turned the shower on and pulled her into the enclosure. He took the soap bar and moved it across her back and buttocks, slow and sensual. The scent of eucalyptus and spearmint heightened the sensual mood.

  He continued lathering across her shoulders and down her arms, then back up across the back of her neck. He handed over the scented soap, then moved his lathered hands over her collar bone, then over both breasts. Kneading them and finally moving around both erect nipples. Her breathing increased as he touched her inch-by-inch.

  She wanted him…but instead moved the soap across his back, shoulders, arms, and waist. Dared she boldly touch him? As if he read her thoughts, Running Crane moved his palm over her hand and guided it until she grasped his erection firmly in her palm. The lathered soap created powerful excitement as she moved her cupped hand the length of him. He excited her beyond control and her increased tempo expressed her desire.

  He cupped her buttocks and lifted her to his waist and she instinctively she wrapped her legs around him. She placed her palms around his neck and guided him to her lips. The kiss said it all.

  He gripped her waist and guided her above him, then slowly lowered her. Summer gasped and took him full and quickly moved in rhythm with his thrusts. Shivers shook her as he moved inside her, causing a need for more and more.

  Heat built as a soft moan escaped her lips. Running Crane brought her higher and higher as he increased the tempo of his love making. She wanted him…all of him. She shivered as his firm member touched, pressed, and moved inside her…making her writhe with want and desire. One final thrust caused them both to peak; they gasped together.

  “I should have been…more romantic and…I shouldn’t have taken you this way. I’m sorry,” Running Crane whispered near her ear.

  “You have nothing to be sorry about. I wanted you as much as you wanted me. You’ll have plenty of time to be romantic later,” she laughed softly. “We’ve been under a lot of stress and I’d venture to say that relieved a lot of it.”

  He laughed and turned around to allow the water to wash over them. “I hope you don’t think I’m taking advantage of you. My feelings are sincere and I want you both emotionally and physically. I just want you to know that.”

  “It goes both ways, Running Crane. I never expected to…find myself wanting you. I never expected to face the truth…that I’ve always been attracted to you. If you want the whole truth – I wanted you to notice me way before I started dating Terry. I dated your brother hoping you’d notice me. It backfired because you went out of your way to ignore me.” She turned off the shower and grabbed a towel, handed it to Running Crane, then wrapped another around herself. Strange how it seemed comfortable to be sharing a bathroom with him.

  “A guy never moves in on a brother’s girl. Truth is…I noticed you, but your mother warned me to steer clear. She told Terry the same thing.” He pulled on his clothes, then using the towel squeezed water from his long braids.


  “We’re Indian and not good enough for her daughter. But you know Terry, not about to be afraid of anyone. I think he liked pissing her off. Nah’ah on the other hand did her best to bring you back to our people and make you realize your heart is with us. She contacted me several times when you were in town…and tried to make sure we ran into each other. You never caught on…did you?”

  “Coffee shop? The powwow last fall? I guess it never occurred to me you showed up during most of my home visits but now that I think about it…you’re right…you were always there.”

  “You never noticed me, did you?”

  Summer smiled. “Yes, I noticed you and was too busy making sure you realized I was still angry with you. I’m not sure why I did that.”

  “I noticed.”

  “Maybe I was more pissed that you didn’t try to contact me after that kiss. That you seemed to take pleasure in knowing I kissed you…and not the other way around.”

  “You’re wrong. I did kiss you and I wasn’t kidding when I said that kiss has stayed with me ever since. I’ve wanted you for years, Niipo. Never in a million years did I believe I’d be holding you in my arms and…loving you.”

  Summer smiled; she knew exactly what he was saying. “Maybe Nah’ah knew what she was doing all these years.” Mentioning her grandmother brought her back to the present. “What are we doing, Running Crane?”

  “What do you mean?”

  She moved away from him and quickly dres
sed. “We’re here making love and having normal conversations…and Nah’ah’s still being held against her will. We’re wasting time—”

  “I don’t consider us a waste of time. Sorry you do.” Running Crane pushed past her and stormed into the bedroom.

  “I didn’t say…didn’t mean that the way it sounded. I just meant—”

  “A lover’s spat? Oh…how sad.”

  “Shut up, Stuart,” Summer snapped. “Let’s get this Worthington thing over with. I’ve had about as much dealings with this man as I can stand.” She pulled on Nah’ah’s sweater and headed for the door.

  If Running Crane was so easily insulted, maybe she needed to reevaluate their budding relationship. She didn’t need to constantly explain herself. This time she was going into things with an open mind and heart. They would discuss what they expected of each other…and their plans for the future. If he couldn’t do that…they were over before they really began.

  She clenched her teeth and tightened her jaw. What she didn’t need right now was relationship drama. Her efforts, her energy, her mental concentration needed to focus on getting Nah’ah back. What was she thinking in the first place? Was she even ready for a relationship after Jordan?

  She glanced at Running Crane as he followed her out the door. She could tell his mood had darkened. Could she admit she found the man exceptionally attractive…so much that her heart pounded at the thought of him touching her? This wasn’t going to be easy.

  “Worthington’s staying in a room at the end of this hall. Stay behind me and let me try the door.” He reached over and turned the doorknob. It surprisingly opened. He stepped inside.

  Summer followed in close behind…then stopped…staring in disbelief.

  “What the fuck you two doing here?” Senator Lawrence Borden scrambled to pull a sheet over his naked body. “I thought you were—”

  “Dead,” Running Crane provided.

  “Son-of-a-bitch, you two got nine lives or what? I’m sick of you disrupting my business.”

  Summer glared at Borden and his bed partner. “Hello, mother.” Summer hoped her tone sounded as cold as she meant it. “I see your taste in men hasn’t changed much. I couldn’t figure out how Worthington was getting his information. Now I get it. You would come around father and friends, get the information you needed and no one was the wiser. I thought you were going to Europe.”

  She pulled the sheet just above her nipples. “I was until you decided not to go along. I wanted to get you away from all this. You never seem to make wise decisions for yourself.”

  “Like you have?” Summer glared at the woman who gave her birth. “I detest you more at this moment than I ever have. You helped them kidnap Nah’ah? How could you?”

  “That woman has been a thorn in my side for as long as I’ve known her. She’s getting what she finally deserves. You wouldn’t be so against me if she hadn’t pushed her Indian ways on you. I hate the woman and all she stands for.”

  “Where’s Worthington?” Running Crane gave the bathroom a quick glance.

  “I’m expecting him in few minutes, now that you mention it. Girl, look away or you’ll get a full view. Which way doesn’t matter to me.” Borden tossed the sheet aside, stood, and reached for his clothes hanging over the nearby chair.

  Summer shifted her glare to her mother. “That document everyone is searching so hard for…maybe it’s not Worthington’s name they’re worried about. Maybe it’s Senator Lawrence Borden who has something to hide.”

  “Blackmail was Jordan and Joshua Perkins downfall,” Borden said. “How they managed to keep you out of it, I’ll never know. And you wouldn’t have been in jeopardy had you gone to Europe.”

  “And leave Nah’ah to you wolves, not likely.” Summer glared at the man.

  “I nearly had your grandmother in the palm of my hand. She truly believed the government was planning on returning Native lands back to the Blackfeet. Keeping her busy with that business, she didn’t have time to worry about the gold we found.”

  “Then someone saw the core sample results…and your secret…was a secret no more,” Summer provided. “That’s when people started dying. Why Jordan? Wait…he and Joshua were blackmailing you, but you didn’t know it was them. Jordan worked for you and that’s how he got ahold of the results.”

  Running Crane leaned against the chair back. “Greedy Joshua wanted more money, didn’t he? Your guys followed him to his apartment and you discovered Derek and Stuart Wallace were in on it, too. But none of the guys realized you had Stuart in your pocket.”

  Summer drew in a breath. “Oh, but you didn’t have Stuart in your pocket yet—did you? You offered him more money than he’d ever imagined…if he took care of what? His partners and he was supposed to bring you the document.”

  “My…my…my. Listen how clever you two are.”

  Summer gave her mother a stern glare. “You have no idea.”

  Running Crane cleared his throat. “I’ll bet there’s one thing you didn’t count on…Stuart didn’t know where that document disappeared to. You brought Worthington into the plan when you found out about the gold. He’s a likely partner, since he’s all about the dollar and to hell with the law. So, where does that leave us?”

  “It leaves you nowhere, because you can’t prove a damn thing. There’s nothing that links me to Worthington or that Blackfeet land deal. I have legislature that backs me up regarding the efforts I’ve taken to protect the Blackfeet and to get their lands returned to them.”

  “Except a little piece of paper,” Summer stated quietly. “I’m guessing you’re not as confident as you want us to believe.”

  “Don’t look so smug, young lady. Here’s the deal. You want your grandmother and I want that document. You find it…and you’ll see her again.”

  “Kidnapping and extortion, you’ll be put away for a long time, Senator,” Running Crane said.

  “It’s never going to happen. Even if things go south, Worthington will be the fall-guy. Nothing ties me to any of this. I know people and you can be sure there’s no way I’ll be cast even in the shadow. I can have you eliminated with the wave of my hand.”

  “But you won’t do that until we find that document…the one thing that will tie you into this grand theft of the Blackfeet land.” Running Crane moved back to Summer’s side and slipped his arm across her shoulder.

  “So the two of you are…what?” Winter leaned forward and wrapped her arms around her legs. “No, you wouldn’t be that stupid, would you Summer? He’s an Indian with no future. He was never good for you and never will be what you need or want. You have an education now so why don’t you be smart and put it to good use outside the reservation.”

  Summer gave her mother another glance and noticed she leaned against the pillows, relaxed and smug. If there was ever any respect or love left in Summer’s heart for the woman, it had quickly faded away to nothing now. Is this what her ancestors were warning her about? Were they trying to show her it wasn’t the Blackfeet she needed to be wary of…it was her Napi’quan mother. Didn’t Summer feel the danger? Where was she when Nah’ah needed protection? It suddenly clicked…the direction and the strength she could pull from knowing she had ancestors. They would guide and show her the way if she let them.

  “You’ve been trying to get me to reject my Blackfeet heritage since I can remember. Why is that? You stepped between me and every Native connection I’ve wanted. But you couldn’t destroy the love and connection I have with Nah’ah. That’s why you’re here…isn’t it? You want them to get rid of her and her power.”

  “She filled your head with Indian nonsense. She steered your father away from me…and now I’ve lost him forever. Everything bad that’s happened in my life is somehow connected to your grandmother. Yes, I want her dead. More than that…I want her destroyed. I want the People to believe she’s responsible for the sale of that land to Worthington. They’ll believe she betrayed them and her legacy will be destroyed.”

’s never going to happen…I won’t let it.” Summer grew tired of the conversation. “You’ll never see this happen. I won’t stand by while you destroy her.”

  “The choice isn’t yours, besides…the damage is already done. Both Kevin and Bradley Wild Horse, who could have substantiated her story, are dead. Plus the people, ignorant as they can be, will believe those three were in on the land sale. Their checking account balances will prove it.”

  Summer glanced over at Borden and realized he supported her mother in every way. “The two of you will regret going up against Ipiso-wa’ahsa O’mahkapi’si.”

  “What?” Borden asked.

  “It’s just a tongue-twisted way of saying Morning Star Timber Wolf. The girl likes trying to impress with her native language. I’m tired of all this…I’m going to take a shower. Make sure they’re gone when I get done.” Winter moved out from under the sheet. Naked, she boldly walked to the bathroom and closed the door.

  Running Crane looked away and Summer noticed Borden watched her every move. Without warning, he swung at Running Crane and knocked him to the floor with a cheap shot. Scrambling to his feet he dived at Borden and they wrestled, punching at each other.

  Chapter Eleven

  Running Crane expected he’d make an alpha move soon or later…but the physical attack surprised him. The man didn’t seem to have it in him to use his own fist to punch someone. A quick right, then left caused Borden to stagger backward.

  Smiling, Running Crane waited for Borden to right himself. “If you’ve had enough, let’s stop this nonsense. Let Summer and me leave and find that document so we can get Nah’ah back. You even think of double-crossing us and you’ll be sorry.”

  “Get the hell out of here, but Summer stays. That way I’ll know you’ll be back without your posse.”

  “I’ll need Summer’s connections to find that document and she’ll need me to keep her alive. You have Nah’ah to secure your anonymity for now.” He backed up and returned to Summer’s side.


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