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Chosen by the Blade

Page 12

by Bryce Allen

  Kenji opened his robe and let Ebusu replace the bandages. The wounds were closed, but hot and painful. Had they been deeper, Kenji would have trouble moving. He was lucky.

  Ebusu produced a handful of new bandages from his robe and started peeling the old bandages off. He cast them aside and went about cleaning the wounds.

  “Do they hurt?” Ebusu said as he worked.

  “Not really, master.”

  “Good,” Ebusu said. He tied off a new bandage and continued. “You realize that tonight will not end peacefully.”

  Ebusu glanced up as Kenji nodded his understanding.

  “I don’t know what will happen, but there is no going back after this.”

  He didn’t look up from the bandage, but the finality struck Kenji. His words were a warning. It resonated with something Kenji already knew: This was all or nothing.

  Then a question came to Kenji’s lips. It was a question he often asked himself when faced with a great obstacle, although he’d never given it voice before.

  “What would my father have done?”

  Ebusu leaned back and considered the question. Kenji wasn’t asking to be rude or dismissive. He wanted to know. He knew that his father had been an honorable soldier, but he didn’t know him, not really. He’d never heard his laugh or listened to him speak, and suddenly, that pained him.

  “He would have fought for peace and justice with his dying breath. He would never let a man like Hiroshi wield the Zettai.”

  The words resonated with Kenji, providing him comfort and strength. Kenji mulled over them for a few silent moments.

  “Or perhaps,” Ebusu interrupted Kenji’s reflection, “he never would have left your side if he had known he wouldn’t see you again. That assumption is not mine to make.”

  Ebusu’s counterpoint shook Kenji to the core. It was a foreign thought to his young mind. He tried to picture his father as a loving, simple man, but it contrasted too sharply with the war hero Kenji had painted in his mind.

  Ebusu saw the conflict unravel in Kenji’s puzzled expression.

  “My point is this, you are your own person, not a mirror to reflect his values. Your father was a great man, as you might one day be. You must make your own choices.”

  “Yes, master,” Kenji responded in a hollow, distant voice. He was still trying to understand Ebusu’s words. On the surface, they made sense, but he couldn’t internalize them. He couldn’t put them into action. The harder he tried, the less he understood.

  Ebusu grunted his acknowledgment and finished with Kenji’s final bandage. The action forced Kenji back to the present. He blinked his eyes and focused on Ebusu.

  “How does that feel?” asked his master.

  Kenji stood up and tested his strength. The bandages were tight, but it felt better than before. After rolling his shoulder a few times, he nodded to Ebusu and they went back to Kami and Sagura.

  The courtyard of the palace was a beautiful sight. It had all the majesty of the palace, but without the intimidating stone and fortification. A path wove its way through a perfectly kept garden. Different color mosses and ferns sprouted up at random, and a gnarled, old cherry-blossom tree dominated the center of the open-air space.

  Torches were the only light in the courtyard, the moon nowhere to be seen. The guards stood in two rows. If it wasn’t for their torches, Kenji would have thought they were statues.

  A far-off bell called out, letting all of Tenno know that midnight had come. Taishi stood in front of his men, Kenji and Ebusu at his back. Kami stood to the side, observing. Kenji didn’t see Sagura.

  “I have been provided with evidence that Hiroshi conspires against the empire. We are here to discover the truth.”

  Taishi lowered his voice, “I know that you all care for my family as if it was your own, but you must follow my orders exactly, no matter the circumstance.”

  Taishi studied his men, but no one moved. The torchlight reflected off their chest armor, but they were still. Taishi nodded to the men and turned to the others. A cold breeze whipped through the courtyard and cherry blossoms swirled around them like fresh snow.

  “On me!” Taishi shouted.

  On his command, his men burst into action. They drew their curved blades in perfect unison and formed an arrowhead around the emperor. Kenji and the others fell in behind them, and they left the courtyard.

  “Hiroshi will be in the west wing of the palace. Stay alert.”

  They entered a huge hall. It was dark except for the handful of torches that guards carried. The fire’s light wasn’t enough to illuminate the entire room, and a creeping fear came over Kenji.

  They maintained their tight formation as they crossed the hall. The guards funneled through the entrance one by one with quick, well-practiced ease.

  The next room was a series of halls. Rice-paper walls lined both sides, leading to various rooms. Kenji didn’t know how close they were to Hiroshi, but he worried his heartbeat could be heard in the silence.

  Taishi made a gesture with his fist, and the entire group froze. They waited. The soft cackle of the torches was the only relief from silence.

  A quick whistling noise cut through the air, followed by a grunt of pain in the rear of the group. Kenji’s eyes strained against the darkness to see the fallen guard behind him. The shimmer of metal sticking out from his neck was unmistakable.

  “The Shadow,” Kenji growled.

  Taishi crouched next to the body to check for any sign of life. After a moment, he brushed his fingers over the guard’s eyes and closed them.

  Darkness was the Shadow’s domain. At any moment he could reach out and take a life.

  “Move!” Taishi shouted.

  They fell into a full sprint down the hall. They roughly held their formation, but speed was more important now. Kenji heard another guard fall behind him, but he didn’t look back. He felt a blade soar past his face, inches from his ear.

  The guard at the front of the formation barreled through a heavy wooden door and the rest of them poured in. The guards that were left at the rear slammed the door shut, barricading it with whatever they could find.

  “It will only take him a few minutes to find a different entrance, but Hiroshi should be in the next room,” Taishi said, catching his breath. “All our fears have been confirmed. Be ready for a fight.”

  Kenji’s eyes searched the remaining members of the group, and he was relieved to find Kami among them. She nodded at him, as if to reassure him that she’d survived. Taishi lead the group across the tall greeting room, and Kami and Kenji found each other’s side.

  “You ready?” Kami asked in a low voice.

  Kenji nodded. “You?”

  “I think so.”

  Kenji could see a sliver of fear in Kami’s eyes.

  “I wonder if we will still have to fight for the Zettai after this,” Kenji said. It was his best attempt at humor in a dark time.

  Kenji grinned. Kami’s face lit up a little, and she chuckled.

  “I hope so,” she responded.

  Kenji nodded to Kami’s short sword. It was identical to her original, but new and whole. “I thought blacksmiths considered it bad luck to sell a blade’s twin to the same person.”

  “They do, but I insisted.” Kami flashed a smile that told Kenji she probably did more than insist. Before Kenji could ask, Taishi silenced them.

  He held up his fist again, and the group paused in front of a large iron door.

  “This is Hiroshi’s training hall. This is where he will be. I am certain of it.”

  Taishi studied the faces of everyone standing beside him. He waited for an objection, but there were none. He gave the signal, and two guards pushed the iron doors open.

  Kenji was amazed at the size of the room. The entire arena floor could have fit inside it. Racks of weapons lined every wall, and wooden training dummies were propped along one side.

  Kenji’s eyes had to adjust to the light. Dozens of torches were stuck in the wall, fully lighting ev
ery corner. The Shadow wouldn’t find any comfort here.

  On the opposite side of the gigantic, open room was Hiroshi. A shiver ran over Kenji as he absorbed the sight of the emperor’s brother.

  Hiroshi was fully armored. His chest plate was etched with the design of a tiger, adorned with gold and black stones. Behind him were over twenty men dressed in similar armor, their blades already drawn.

  They were dressed for war.

  Kenji looked back at the guards Taishi had left. The only piece of metal armor that they had was a chest plate. The remainder of their bodies was painfully exposed. Kenji suddenly realized just how exposed he also was, wearing nothing but his training robe.

  Taishi was unaffected by their numbers and equipment. He signaled for his men to reform. Their arrowhead spread out, and each man took his stance. Taishi took a few bold steps forward and addressed his brother.

  “Hiroshi, explain yourself so that I might take mercy on you.”

  His booming voice echoed twice through the hall, awaiting a response.

  Hiroshi stepped forward. “You’ve given enough mercy.”

  Taishi grimaced and took another few steps toward Hiroshi. Kenji felt the tension in the room heighten. Soon they would be within striking distance.

  “You did all this? For what? For her?” Taishi asked.

  Hiroshi’s face contorted in a flash of pain, then it was swallowed whole by rage.

  “I’m doing this for the empire,” he spat. “Your weakness has nearly led us to ruin. No more. I will not stand by and let the empire dwindle under your control. As your brother, I have no real power. I have been forced to watch you fail again and again. No longer. With the authority of the Zettai, I will fix our lands.”

  Taishi didn’t respond in anger. He spoke in calm, slow words.

  “At what cost, brother?”


  Taishi sighed and dropped his gaze. He looked every bit the defeated old man. For a moment, it looked as if Taishi would turn around and leave the room. He took a few deep breaths, but he didn’t move.

  “This will not bring her back, nor will it ease your pain. What will Taijin think of you?”

  “What will Taijin think of you?” Hiroshi retorted.

  Again, pain washed over Hiroshi’s face. It took longer for the anger to envelop it this time, and traces of sadness lingered near the corner of his eyes.

  After a moment, Hiroshi spoke. “My decision is made.”

  “You are a fool, Hiroshi,” Taishi said softly.

  Taishi shook his head and sighed. Hiroshi’s agitation was clear. His shoulders rose with every sudden breath, and his wide eyes watched Taishi’s every move. There was a flicker of anger in every movement he made. It was a deep, long-standing fury that was only now allowed to escape.

  “You can’t beat me, Hiroshi. Please don’t try.”

  “You forget, old man, I’m a champion.”

  “If you believe that, you are as broken as I am,” Taishi said quietly.

  Taishi’s gaze dropped to his feet, and the last bit of hope that the emperor held for his brother seemed to fade away. The battle was about to begin, but the emperor’s spirit was already defeated.

  Kenji’s heart went out to Taishi, but he had known the outcome before they even stepped in to room. Hiroshi would never change his mind. He’d already gone too far. Perhaps if the emperor had reached out to him earlier? But it was too late for that.

  The emperor placed a heavy hand on the hilt of his sword. His gaze didn’t leave his feet as he drew his blade. The steel was perfectly polished, reflecting the torchlight onto the floor. He held it at his side for a few breaths.

  After a heavy sigh, the old emperor dropped his weight and readied his weapon. Kenji was surprised by the force and power that the emperor still held in his movements. As his position solidified, the emperor let out a powerful shout. Every muscle in his body tensed for an instant and he was ready.

  Kenji hardly recognized him. Before the emperor had been conflicted and hesitant, but that man was gone now. His technique was flawless, and his body was poised to strike. After all, he was Ebusu’s student.

  “No one interferes,” Taishi commanded his men.

  Hiroshi studied him with sarcastic amusement. A thin smile spread over Hiroshi’s face and he drew his sword. He tested the blade’s weight in his hand and moved towards Taishi to attack.

  Hiroshi lunged forward, but at the last moment, rolled to the right of Taishi. It was a well-hidden fake. Kenji didn’t expect it, but Taishi did.

  The emperor moved his blade to easily parry Hiroshi’s attack. It was a simple motion, but it was enough to create an opening for Taishi. Kenji waited for the strike to come, but Taishi did something unexpected.

  As the emperor’s block finished he pushed Hiroshi’s blade away and took one hand off of his hilt. It was a dangerous move, but Taishi landed a vicious punch across Hiroshi’s face. The crack of Taishi’s fist striking true was audible to all in the room.

  Hiroshi recoiled a few steps, clutching his face. Blood poured through his fingers and trickled to the ground. His eyes widened and the rage intensified. Taishi was indifferent. He held his fist out, a perfect statue frozen at the moment he had struck his brother.

  Hiroshi gripped his sword, letting the blood pour from the gash in his lip. He was too angry to care about the wound. Every growling breath Hiroshi took sent wet strings of blood flying from his mouth.

  Hiroshi roared and attacked again. His anger filled the room, but Taishi remained calm. Hiroshi slashed down at Taishi’s head, but he redirected the cut into the ground. Hiroshi’s blade dug into the wooden floor at Taishi’s feet.

  For a moment, Hiroshi was unable to pull his sword from the ground. He was left there, face to face with his brother. Hiroshi groaned and tugged at the blade. Taishi could have taken Hiroshi’s head by the time he finally ripped his blade free, but he just watched his brother struggle.

  The blade came loose, and Hiroshi stumbled backward. He fell before he could catch himself. The men behind him became uneasy, shifting their weight and looking to one another for reassurance. Taishi’s men, on the other hand, were standing strong, proud of their emperor’s control.

  Kenji was amazed at the emperor’s skill with a blade. He’d barely moved since the fight began, and Hiroshi was struggling to fight back his tears.

  “Why won’t you fight me?” Hiroshi cried. “Why won’t you fight for them?”

  Hiroshi rolled forward and the battle resumed. Fueled by rage, Hiroshi threw cut after cut at Taishi. The result was always the same. A quick flick of Taishi’s blade, and Hiroshi’s attack was cast aside.

  Hiroshi screamed, and his attacks became wilder. Kenji saw opening after opening, but Taishi never took one. He let his brother attack at will.

  Hiroshi’s shoulders sank, and his breathing became labored and quick. His cuts began to slow and become more desperate.

  Exploding with sudden power, Taishi lifted his leg and thrust it straight out into Hiroshi’s abdomen. Hiroshi folded in half and tumbled backward. His sword landed several feet away from him, clattering to the ground.

  A collective murmur spread over his men, and Kenji knew it was over.

  Hiroshi clawed his way to his knees and gasped for breath. Taishi stood up and sheathed his blade. In that moment, it was like the emperor transformed back to the broken man that Kenji remembered from before. His face was burdened with his decisions. He turned back to his men.

  Taishi took one step. A quick, shrill, whistling noise cut through the air and then vanished. Kenji had heard the sound before and knew what it was immediately: the Shadow.

  Time stood still while Kenji tried to determine where the attack had come from, but he soon found out. Taishi tried to take another step but faltered. The emperor’s hands began to shake and he fell to one knee.

  Ebusu ran to the emperor, catching him before he hit the ground. Four small blades protruded from the emperor’s back. Ribbons of blood
rolled down the wounds and over Ebusu’s chest.

  The emperor leaned into Ebusu and tried to speak, but only coughed. Blood splattered onto the floor beneath Taishi, falling from his lips.

  The emperor of the known world was dying on the ground. It was sudden; Kenji’s mind wouldn’t process it.

  “Attack!” Ebusu shouted.

  On both sides, men ran into battle. Chaos ensued. The clatter of steel mixed with the screams of men as both sides met. Ebusu’s command shattered Kenji’s stupor. Kenji charged as well, but to Ebusu’s side.

  Some of Taishi’s men formed a rough circle around their wounded emperor. Kenji slid in beside his master and drew his blade.

  The emperor’s wounds were fatal. Even Kenji could see it. The blades that were plunged into his back were longer than the ones that the Shadow used before. Ebusu did his best to hold Taishi up and stop the bleeding, but the emperor’s blood ran freely to the floor.

  “Tell Hiroshi . . . tell Hiroshi I’m sorry. Tell him to forgive. . .”

  Taishi choked on the last word, it was unclear if he was done speaking, or didn’t have the strength to say anymore. Ebusu went to speak, but no words came from his trembling lips. Instead, he nodded.

  “Kenji, find the Shadow. We can’t win this with him here.”

  There was a fire in Ebusu’s eyes. He didn’t just want the Shadow dead to ensure their victory, he wanted revenge.

  “Yes, master.” Kenji nodded, and that same desire for vengeance consumed him. The emperor was a good man, and he deserved better than four throwing knives to the back.

  Kenji studied the battle raging around him. It was hard to say who was winning, but Hiroshi was back on his feet, directing his men around the training hall. Kami was moving around Taishi’s men, defending their flanks. She was two heads shorter than most in the room and moved through the crowd with ease.

  A thought crossed Kenji’s mind. Where was Sagura? Part of Kenji was happy he wasn’t there. He would have been a liability. Kenji’s sense of honor, however, believed he should be there fighting with them. Kenji pushed the thought from his mind as quickly as it came. It didn’t matter now.

  Once Kenji could see that Kami was safe, he searched for the Shadow. The room was still well lit, and all the windows were intact.


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