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Abuse of Power - Taken by the Karinovs (Dark BDSM Erotica)

Page 12

by Dan Bruce

  Natalie shuddered at the horror of it all; then in a croaking voice made her request.

  “Please touch my breasts, sir.”

  Natalie’s entire body trembled as Yuri reached out a hand and began to caress her skin. He cupped her right breast in his left hand and ran his fingers over the taut nipple, forcing a gasp from between Natalie’s clenched teeth. In his right hand, Yuri still held the knife and he drew patterns over her left breast, scraping the flesh without breaking the skin. He circled the small coral areola, spiralling ever closer to the nipple which stood proudly erect in defiance of the threat.

  “May I?” asked the chief.

  Natalie cringed - her mind was drowning, for she knew fine well what he was asking of her. She tensed, her head arched back, her eyes tightly closed then the words escaped her mouth.

  “Yes, sir,” she replied. “Accept my offering.”

  The cut was quick and stung for only a fraction of a second. A searing bolt that shot from her breast and exploded in a flash of blinding light in her brain then cleared to leave only a trembling relief. Her breathing came in tremulous pants as she absorbed the enormity of the moment.

  Yuri watched as the globule formed just above her nipple, a slowly expanding sphere of glistening scarlet on a trembling background of pink. He watched as the sphere turned into a drop, a red tear to match the silver that fell from her eyes. The coral of her nipple absorbed the shade she oozed and Yuri looked in awe at the beauty of her nature: the organic kaleidoscope of her breast. Golden tanned skin surrounding a triangle of milky white, coral pink circle and scarlet red bud.

  Yuri leaned over and suckled on her. He suckled her blood, the single drop she had shed – the prelude to a more precious offering that would follow.

  Natalie shuddered when Yuri’s lips gently touched her breast and his tongue caressed her nipple with its tip, sensuously circling it to claim his prize. The brief moment of pain and terror she had known was suddenly converted to such beautiful relief, her whole being erupted at the intensity of the thrill. Her mind somehow escaped her bondage as she ascended to another plain. She was totally helpless at the mercy of an abuser, and her mind soared at the wonder of the moment – never had she known such exquisite pleasure as waves of pure bliss pulsed through her body. Then reality came crashing down – she was totally helpless at the mercy of an abuser, and her body suddenly tensed!

  Yuri noted the change with expert ease – he had straddled that line for many a long year – the thin line that separates agony and ecstasy, misery and joy, hatred and love. He gave Natalie’s nipple a final kiss then he backed away.

  “The offer is not enough, Miss Fullerton, it must be gladly given. You sullied the gift with your reaction at the end. Shall we try again?”

  Natalie’s mind was a mass of confusion. She knew there would be pain, but the pain would be brief if the chief acted the same way. And she knew there would be pleasure - such wonderful pleasure that she had never conceptualised – pleasure in pain and subjugation, and the touch of a mature experienced man who she was suddenly seeing in a new womanly light rather than through the eyes of a little girl. Yet her pride fought against it. How could she do this? Willingly give herself in such a way to a man more than twice her age. And was this a betrayal - a betrayal to the handsome lieutenant by taking pleasure at the hands of his uncle? But there was pleasure – mind-blowing pleasure, so sensually erotic as her body awoke to its feminine possibilities... and the chief could take her if he wanted to anyway... and poor Vicky might be saved if only Natalie could submit and force her foolish pride and silly notions of romance away.

  “Please, sir. Please cut my other nipple and accept my offering,” said Natalie, relieved that she could say it, and actually mean it.

  “Tell me what you really want, Miss Fullerton. Only the truth will save your sister.”

  Now that was a blow! Sincerity was one thing – but the naked truth was something else. Was it not enough that she was asking him to do this to her? Her nostrils flared at the indignity. Her pride choked in her throat. Words struggled to escape her mouth, for they were so shocking to say – this blinding truth and revelation she had experienced. But for the sake of her sister, she forced them out.

  “I want... I want... I want to feel the fire of the knife... to feel it burn me as it pierces my sensitive skin. I want to feel your lips, the warmth of your mouth, the teasing tenderness of your tongue as you sooth my wound. I want...”

  “Tell me!”

  Tears flowed from her eyes. She hung her head in shame. Sobs were the answer she gave.

  “Tell me, Miss Fullerton!” insisted Yuri, forcing her to take another step along the path.

  Natalie sucked in a breath then forced out the truth. “I want to experience again the moment of bliss that you gave me. Please, sir, do it again! I beg you... Do it again!”

  Yuri grinned, delighted at her response. She had forced her pride down and admitted to her needs – verbalised the fact that she actually wanted this. The rest would be a piece of cake. He stepped closer and raised her chin with his left hand. He fixed her with his coal black eyes and showed her a flicker of his own deep seated longing then he showed her the immensity of his mental power. He snared her with his eyes then he cut her with his knife, a thin slice across her right nipple.

  She hissed in some air, a single blink of her eyes then the hold was back. She saw what he demanded and gave of it freely.

  “Thank you, sir.”

  Then Yuri lowered his head and feasted on her tit. He sucked and he licked, he chewed and he nipped. For a few moments he showed Natalie the face of a false god as the devil had his way.

  As Yuri pleasured Natalie’s breast with his skilful mouth, he reached down to stroke the silky hair of her sex. Then, very slowly, he slipped an index finger inside of her. Yuri’s finger worked expertly around her vulva, circling and caressing the moistening flesh. He worked gently, showing more consideration for a virgin than he had done in over twenty years, respecting of her precious flesh. He worked around the sanctum of her maidenhood, and centred on her clit, rubbing the bud and running his fingers round in little loops.

  Natalie tossed her head back and forth. She was fighting and she was yielding, one moment lost in this carnal pleasure then clutching for some element of modest self respect. Her mind battled with the pleasure, for she felt it must be wrong - she was doing this for her sister – there should be no gratification. But the tongue and those lips, the suckling warmth on the sharp cut, those fingers in her pussy electrifying with pleasure – how was she supposed not to respond? She was helpless to resist, and he had demanded her compliance - that was the price and she had to cede.

  Finally she let out a moan of pure pleasure – nothing in its tone was faked. She thought this would please – it was what he’d asked for after all. But on hearing the reaction, the chief grabbed a handful of Natalie’s hair and compelled her to look directly into his face.

  “You’re enjoying this, Miss Fullerton, aren’t you?” he said, deliberately confusing with this change of mood. “You like this. It makes you all wet, doesn’t it? I can feel how aroused you are. A virgin you may be, but a virgin desperate for some cock. Is that not the case, Miss Fullerton? Is this what I am to be offered – a virgin whore?”

  Natalie shook her head violently, shame now stabbing through her, even though his crudeness made her knees weak with desire.

  Yuri pressed on. “A Scottish virgin whore to be sacrificed on her country’s cross. Am I to be satisfied with such tawdry goods?”

  He didn’t wait on an answer. Natalie’s head was given another shake, and then gave her cut breasts a slap with his other hand, making Natalie cry out in surprise.

  “Virgin whore!” screamed Yuri, terrifying Natalie with his tone and words.

  Yuri reached between Natalie’s legs and his fingers found her clit again. He began working it back and forth, making the fleshy bud stiffen and swell. Her hips jerked and a moan escaped through her
clenched teeth as the throbbing between her legs rose to an almost unbearable pitch and the waves pulsed again, flooding her body with bliss.

  “What are you? Let me hear you say it?” Yuri yelled into her face, spraying her with his spit.”

  “I’m your whore!” she yelled back, surprised at her own words. “I’m your virgin whore.”

  “And what do you want?” Yuri persisted, knowing he was almost there. “Tell me now! What do you want of me, virgin whore?”

  “Please, please fuck me!” she cried in all sincerity. “Fuck me, sir, and take what is yours.”

  Victory! But only in this battle – another skirmish would be needed before the war was won.

  “Ha!” mocked Yuri. “You are so keen to give me your sacrificial virginity! But no, Miss Fullerton, there is more you must pay with before that is accepted. I want your total acceptance that you now belong to me before we consummate our union.”

  Yuri gave her clit a final hard pinch, and then released her to hang draped like a doll on the cross, allowing her to ponder his words in a state of high arousal.

  Natalie pondered. By God she did. She pondered the man and what he had done. She pondered the yearning he had easily created and the plea he had extracted which she had asked with all sincerity. It was a dizzying mix – so new and exciting – frightening as well, but that just heightened the thrill. But what was this: ‘You belong to me!’ She pondered that more than anything else, and was surprised that the notion wasn’t all that horrific.

  In the meantime Yuri wandered off into the shadows again and came back with the whip he had used the day before when he had flogged Natalie’s sister into surrender. In a state of perplexity, Natalie looked up. She gasped and tensed with fear as she saw the instrument of torture with its handle of carved wood and its dark leather falls. The vision was made all the more terrifying as the chief idly stroked the leather tendrils with his hand. Yuri stopped a few inches away from her and ran the stiff falls over her breasts. Natalie flinched at the coarse feel of the knots at the ends as they scraped over her erect damaged nipples. She began to breathe in quick little pants, dread of the whip flooding her body – the enormity of the price screaming in her head. Fully aware of her state, Yuri raised the flogger, and for a moment, Natalie thought that he would strike her with it. She cringed before him, clamping her eyes closed and turning her face away, bracing herself for the blow that didn’t come. Instead Yuri leaned close to her and his hand crept down to her sex, idly stroking the soft hair that was there.

  “This is for later, Miss Fullerton – this offering you will give. And you will give it freely, as you will give all things now... I am your master, and you are my slave... The price of my tolerance is total obedience. Now I want you to turn around and make a display of acceptance. I assume you are happy to do what it takes to save your sister?”

  “Yes, sir,” whimpered Natalie, accepting it all.

  Delighted, Yuri reached up and undid the cuffs holding her arms and did the same for the ones on her ankles. Natalie hadn’t realized how stiff her muscles were getting, but now as she lowered her arms to her sides and brought her legs together, she winced at the tingling that ripped through them. She tried to ease her aches by massaging the skin, but had little time before Yuri spun her around so that she was facing the wall, and buckled her onto the cross once more with her arms and legs wide spread.

  “Now where shall we start? Your back, perhaps,” teased Yuri as he scraped his nails across her shoulder blades then down the length of her spine. “Or maybe your lovely little ass,” Yuri added, running a hand over her unblemished cheeks. Then he brought the flogger down with a piercing crack.

  Natalie shrieked. Pain rocketed through her, flowing from her ass in molten waves. She hadn’t thought that anything could hurt this much - her mind exploded with the pain. It was like she was being cut by a multitude of sharp knives instead of only the one. Then with the pain still resounding around her brain and searing her buttocks, she felt Yuri’s hand caressing her stinging flesh, and the agony began to subside under his tender touch.

  “Your ass looks even more lovely now, Miss Fullerton,” said Yuri, his hand still stroking her. Enjoying the heat he had placed there.

  Natalie felt belittled by his tone, but took strength from his obvious enjoyment of her torture, which was part of the price she had to pay. She accepted her fate and braced herself determinedly for the next blow. Yuri raised the flogger again, and brought it down a second time, then a third, and then a fourth. With every stroke, Natalie released a piercing scream. The pain was so intense that lights flashed before her eyes with each stroke of the flogger. Then Yuri paused, giving her such welcome relief, and once more he ran his hands over her buttocks, soothing the stinging pain with his gentle touch.

  “You’re doing well, Miss Fullerton, a little noisy, perhaps, but that can add to the pleasure. Now is there anything you would like to ask me?”

  Natalie tried to control her breathing as she battled with the intensity of pain, and the unsolicited pleasure she was taking from Yuri’s sensuous stroking of her damaged skin. It was excruciating - and agonisingly delicious at the same time - her ass was on fire yet his hand felt so good as he soothed the wounds he had placed there. The idea of inviting more pain would have seemed ridiculous until today, but Natalie found herself actually wanting it – for following the pain came the most wonderful thrill as the chief rewarded her compliance.

  “Please sir, whip me harder,” said Natalie, stunned that she was not only saying, but meaning the request. “Show me the pleasure that can come with the pain, then please... please... please... show me your cock and put it inside me. Give me the ultimate pleasure from pain.”

  Yuri purred with satisfaction. The girl was a marvel and would get all that she asked for. Flesh was one thing – easy to take – but sincerity was a gift to be treasured. The flogger came down again, Yuri yielding it with incredible force. Natalie jerked convulsively and screamed an agonised yell that echoed round the chamber. The pain ripped through her body and the whip snarled at her skin, striping her red with the welts it produced.

  She thought she might feint the pain was so great. Every nerve of her body seemed to be in an agony of fire. She braced herself for another blow, her body tensing in dread. But the blow did not come, instead she felt a gentler lash as Yuri flicked her with his tongue, lapping at her tortured offering of flesh, making her body quiver and convulse.

  As he licked her wounds, Yuri reached between her legs and once again he toyed with her virginal pussy, respecting her state and not breaching within. He centred on her clit and teased it again as he licked and licked her offering of flesh. It took only a few moments of this sensuous bliss and Natalie’s body was ablaze once more, this time engulfed by an explosion of utter ecstasy as her orgasm tore her apart.

  Natalie had never known such a moment, her girlish self pleasuring had created a few sparks, but this was a bolt of lightning. She jerked around as she yelled out in shock, then delight, then shock again as Yuri squeezed her clit and bit into her ass to send another crackling bolt ripping through her body. She thought she might die from the intensity of the sensation, die from the pleasure he was forcing on her.

  It seemed to take an age for the orgasm to dissipate, and when it was over, Natalie slumped in her bonds, what little strength she had left deserting her. She closed her eyes and tried to take deep, steady breaths, but now that it was over, something inside of her seemed to break. A moment later, Natalie was sobbing, crying harder than she had since she was a little girl.

  Yuri rose to his feet and placed his hand on her shoulder. She sobbed all the more at his touch.

  “Why are you crying, Miss Fullerton?” he asked in a low voice. “Did you not enjoy what I did to you – you seemed to take much pleasure at the time.”

  Natalie struggled to gain a little control. Her sobs became a whimper then at last some words were said.

  “Because... I hate you... or I think I do, a
nd yet you made me come and I enjoyed it so much. I wanted your touch! I wanted your pain. I still want you to take me, even though I despise what you are. How can that be?”

  “How can a virgin be a whore?” Yuri answered. “Life is a conundrum - sometimes it is best to accept what fate throws our way. I am your fate, Miss Fullerton. I am your master, and you are my virgin whore who must now give me my due. You have opened up to me, but now you must open much, much, more and give me what I want - the final offering of flesh – your virginal cunt. Will it be given freely?”

  “Of course, sir.”

  “Then come, my virgin whore and be a virgin no more.”

  It was nothing like Natalie had ever dreamed. She was a romantic at heart and had always imagined it would be on a bed of soft furs in front of a roaring fire. Or in a flowery meadow kissed by the summer sun, butterflies thick in the scented air. And the man would be a dashing youth, someone like the lieutenant – experienced but not overly worldly, who would enter her gently as she lay on her back offering her gift of love.

  Mills & Boon twaddle – she had awoken to a whole new perspective on life. And that perspective involved an authentic torture chamber where her body ached, lash marks adorning her teenage ass and her muscles tensing from their time in bondage. The air was scented with torch smoke and suffering; and the man was a middle-aged manipulative bastard whose experiences and worldliness defied belief. As did the size of his cock which Natalie now stroked with her soft girlish hands, scared but thrilled by the size of the thing.

  Yuri had released her from the cross and she had fallen into his arms - her muscles unable to support her own slight weight. He had lifted her up and carried her like a babe in his arms, taking her to a cot where he had laid her down. Natalie had watched as if in a trance, as her master, the chief of police stripped out of his uniform and stood naked before her.


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