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Punish Me, Please Me

Page 20

by Ashley Zacharias

  She was not surprised to find that it contained a black satin corset, a black thong, and black silk stockings. That was such a cliché. Ten demerit points to Eli for his lack of imagination. There was no need for a bra; the corset covered her bust. The only surprise was that the corset fit. It helped that the laces in the back made it widely adjustable.

  The note inside said, “To be worn under your usual business suit. I thought that seamed stockings might be a line too far.”

  As implied, the stockings were seamless.

  That was considerate of him, but she wasn’t as prudish as he thought.

  On Friday, she wore stockings with seams down the backs of the legs. No sense going ninety percent of the way. As long as he wasn’t going to push her too far, she could go the extra distance to make him happy.

  As an extra bonus, she bought a new blouse. It was dark blue so that the black corset didn’t show but it was cut more snugly about the torso than her normal blouses, the better to show off her trim waist.

  It had been a long time since she had felt this sexy.

  She didn’t make him ask. At lunch, she called him into her office, locked the door, and stripped off her jacket, blouse, and skirt. She modeled for him for a few minutes, turning around and striking a variety of poses. Nothing lewd, just poses that flattered her figure and gave him a nice view from every angle.

  Neither one of them said a word.

  He just stared at her with naked hunger.

  She had never felt so beautiful.

  She would think about wearing the outfit the next time she had a date. Depending on who asked her out. Paul didn’t deserve a treat like this. She really should kick that unreliable, commitment-phobic bastard to the curb.

  The UA reports were emailed right after lunch.

  Catering to some geek’s adolescent sexual fantasies was a bizarre management strategy but it worked like a charm. She spent less time with Eli than any of her other staff members and got more useful work out of him. That was what good management was all about.

  * * *

  The following Thursday, Eli whispered in her ear, “Same thing, but no thong,” as he passed her in the hallway.

  That gave her a moment’s pause. Topless was one thing – nothing but harmless adolescent titillation – but could she model bottomless? Bottomless sounded serious. It sounded like sex. She spent a few minutes thinking about it, then figured, What the hell? If he wasn’t touching her, then it didn’t hurt her if she let him look at the juicy bits. Besides, when she modeled for him, she wasn’t going to bend over and spread herself open. With the thong pulled into her crack, her butt had been completely bare anyway. He’d see pubic hair but she wouldn’t give him an eyeful of her actual slit.

  The following day at lunch, after performing her little girlie show with as much grace and aplomb as she could muster, he said, “Sit down for a minute. We should talk.”

  She took her chair behind her desk and felt more comfortable. Though she was wearing nothing but stockings and high heels below her waist, he could only see her upper body. That was rather modestly covered by the over-bust corset.

  He kept staring at her chest anyway, like a rabbit mesmerized by a cobra, fascinated by the way that her curves slipped into the snug satin cups.

  “You need to make a decision about how far you want to go,” he said without preamble. “Chuck Stovall is about to resign as CEO. Thanks to you, William Cox is going to be made acting in his place. In gratitude, he’s thinking about promoting you to VP of Operations.”

  She stared at him in shock for a minute. She was too young to be considered for a VP position. She had thought herself ambitions when she had been plotting the expansion of her division. As she began to adjust to the idea, her face relaxed into a broad grin of delight at the possibility of a shortcut to a corner office on the top floor. She wouldn’t have to go through the hassle of trying to absorb the Communications Division into ASD. “How do you know that?”

  “I’ve been watching for it. I did the math on Chuck’s stock options a couple of years ago. With reasonable predictions about our stock price, the growth of the market, and inflation, he hits a crossover point on his personal cost/benefit curves next month. Enough of his options vest to give him a good nest egg but he has to diversify to protect himself against a downturn in IMDAZD’s fortunes. It’ll be easier for him to file with the SEC if he retires now. There’s no advantage for him to keep working here. His accountant will be telling him that.

  “With that in mind, I’ve been looking at the Board’s succession plans. I keep my ear pressed to the corporate jungle drums, so to speak.” He didn’t mention that he did this by logging into the email server as an administrator and reading everyone’s messages. “You figure into the succession plan. You probably wouldn’t be on their radar except that when I went on vacation, they missed the UA reports. That’s when they started to understand how important your shop’s been to the success of the whole company during this recession. You may not realize it, but I was doing you a hell of a favor by slacking off for a few weeks.”

  He smiled at her chest and said, “VP of Operations is in your future if all goes according to plan. But things don’t have to work out that way, you know. The board has alternatives. The question is whether you want that corner office badly enough to do what you have to do to get it.”

  Keri couldn’t stop herself from glancing down at her naked crotch. With a sinking heart, she knew that, however much she might whine and protest, she would let Eli fuck her silly if that’s what it took to get a corner office. VPO was only a single step from CEO and that was worth almost anything.

  Even being a bit of a whore.

  After all, she’d been a middle manager for five years already.

  * * *

  Thursday morning brought another surprise. Eli hadn’t said a word about fucking her. She’d been waiting for the inevitable demand every day but he’d not said a single untoward word.

  But, as soon as she walked into her office carrying her morning coffee, he followed her inside and shut the door behind him.

  “Put your coffee down and stand in the middle of the room.”

  She complied.

  He was carrying a box of thumbtacks. What in hell was he up to?

  “Pull your skirt up to your waist and spread your legs wide.”

  She did that, too.

  He pulled the front of her pantyhose and panties away from her waist and slid his hand down past her pubic hair to her crotch. But he didn’t grope her like she expected. He barely touched her. Instead of pressing his hand into her pussy, he used the back of his hand to stretch her panties and pantyhose away from her.

  Then he poured the whole box of thumbtacks down into the bottom of her panties.

  “What the hell?” she said, almost shouting. “What do you think you’re doing?”

  He removed his hand, letting the panties and pantyhose press the thumbtacks against her vulva. “You can lower your skirt,” he said.

  She felt cold metal pricking and poking at her most sensitive bits. She lowered her skirt without moving her legs.

  “Stand up straight.”

  Gingerly, she brought her legs together. The thumbtacks shifted around in her panties, prickling her, but only slightly.

  “You’re going to leave those in there until you go home tonight,” he said. “I’ll be spot checking during the day. When you want to go home, let me know. Don’t plan on leaving the office before seven tonight. I’m sure that you’ve got enough work to keep you busy until then.

  “Are you a sadist?” she asked.

  He paused for a minute, then said, “I guess I am because I like doing this to you. But it isn’t as horrible as it sounds. The tacks are blunt and they’re not pressed into you very hard. Besides, most of them are turned back toward you. Only a few are oriented with their points inward and most of those are at an angle. They’ll be a constant annoyance rather than being actually painful. Unless you get careless
and sit on them wrong. I wouldn’t schedule any horseback riding lessons today if I were you. Or tour the park on any bicycles.”

  “I have meetings for most of the day.”

  “Sit down carefully. In a chair, you won’t be sitting on the tacks so it won’t be too bad. Practice moving slowly and gracefully. Surely I don’t have to tell you not to squeeze the tops of your legs together unless you want to feel the pain.”

  “Why are you doing this?”

  “It’s mostly psychological rather than physical. You’ll be thinking about your cunt constantly, all day long. If you forget about it for even a minute, you’re going to move wrong and stick yourself. By seven this evening, you’re going to be so juicy that your panties will be soaked to your waist. You’re lucky that you’re wearing a dark skirt. I hope that it’s washable.”

  After he left the office, his grin remained, hanging large in her mind like the Cheshire Cat’s.

  Her meetings went surprisingly well considering that she could barely paid attention to what was happening. The points in her crotch constantly distracted her from to the points that the other attendees were making in their presentations but that didn’t matter. She stayed quiet and her colleagues were happy to fill in the time talking about their own work.

  Eli was exaggerating about the volume of her juices. At seven, when she got his permission to clean the hardware out of her underwear, there was a large damp spot at the crotch but she was not entirely soaked.

  Getting all the tacks out took her a few minutes in the washroom. Some had worked their way up into the folds around her labia.

  She didn’t find the last one until she crawled into bed that night and began fingering herself, seeking orgasmic relief from the pressure that had been building up all day.

  As unattractive as he was, if Eli had been in bed with her, she would have fucked him with enthusiasm, so great was her accumulated arousal.

  * * *

  “How are you at giving blowjobs? Are you enthusiastic? Elegant? Sloppy? Can you take a man deep? Are you good with your tongue? Can you keep your teeth out of the way? Overcome your gag reflex? Do you swallow? Can you stay on your knees for long enough? How about lying on your back on a table with your head hanging over the edge?”

  Keri looked at Eli with narrowed eyes. She had already decided that she would have sex with him when he asked for it. A blowjob had its pros and cons. It was a fairly humiliating kind of sex, especially if the woman had to get on her knees in front of the man instead of just hunching over him in bed. And it could be yucky. But Eli had claimed that he maintained good personal hygiene. And a blowjob was relatively impersonal compared to regular sex. She wouldn’t have to look him in the face when she was blowing him. Another plus was that there was less likelihood of catching a disease. Not that she thought that an inexperienced geek like Eli was likely to have caught any STDs.

  As far as her technique went, she had no intention of discussing it with him. Especially considering that she’d only given men a couple of blowjobs in her life she so she didn’t have much technique. She just took the man in her mouth and kind of licked and sucked until he started bucking away and banging into her and finally came. As she recalled, the worst part about it was spitting the spunk into a Kleenex as quickly as she could so that she didn’t have to taste it. That and the ache in her jaw that lasted for a while afterward.

  Eli was going to have to accept her best effort. If he thought her insufficiently enthusiastic or inexpert, tough.

  She sighed. “Pull down your pants and let’s get this over with.”

  His eyes grew wide. “What? My pants? Me? No. Not me. I don’t want a blowjob. Not from you. You’ve got to give a blowjob to a man named Dixie Jones.”

  “Who the hell his Dixie Jones and why the hell would I give him a blowjob?” The penny dropped. Eli liked looking at her topless, wearing corset, bottomless, whatever. “You want to watch! That’s it, right? This is some guy that’ll let you watch while I’m blowing him.” Somehow that idea was even more repulsive than giving a blowjob directly to Eli.

  “What? Watch? What? You and Dixie? No. No way. I don’t want to see some other guy getting off in your mouth. No. It’s nothing like that.”

  “What’s it like, then?” Suddenly, she imagined him demanding that she perform oral sex in front of a video camera and flushed with fury. There was no way that she was making any videos that would be circulating around the Internet for the next hundred years. That was so far over the line that she’d beat him to death with her chair if he dared to suggest it.

  He didn’t. “This is a little complicated. Dixie is a systems operator over at Miasma Systems. He’ll give me access to the records of their help line calls if you give him a good quality blowjob.”

  “I give him a blowjob and he opens up his computer to us?”

  “Like I said, it’s a little more complicated than that. There’s a bunch of quid pro quo’s. He gets some stuff, we get some stuff. Everybody gets happy.”

  “He ought to get happy. He gets a blowjob.”

  “And some other stuff. The blowjob is like a signing bonus for him. A sign of our good faith.”

  “It’s corporate espionage.”

  “Yeah. You’re going to be the Mata Hari of IMDAZD Inc.”

  “Mata Hari got shot by a firing squad.”

  “You won’t get shot. Or fired. This is a no risk proposition.”

  Sex was always risky. Hadn’t Eli read Camille Paglia? No. Of course not. “So what is this other company? Miasma? I’ve never heard of them.”

  “No reason why you would. They’re not our competitors. They’re in a completely different business.”

  “So why do you want access to their help line calls?”

  “I want a benchmark that I can use to normalize our observations. I can also trade their information to someone else. But Dixie doesn’t know about that part. Like I said, it’s all complicated.”

  “What’s in it for our company?”

  “Not much directly. But it’ll be really useful indirectly. One of the members of our board is the chairman of the board of one of Miasma’s competitors. We’re going to put him in our pocket and that’ll put you in a corner office.”

  “So one blowjob is going to make me a vice president.”

  “It’s going to help.”

  That was not an affirmative answer. Keri didn’t want to ask what else was he was going to demand before she got her promotion.

  At least she knew that Eli would have to make good on his promise before long. As soon as Chuck left, William would be made CEO and then either she would get promoted to VPO or she would have Eli’s balls in a bag.

  If he was stringing her along, he was playing with fire.

  And if she knew nothing, she knew how to burn her direct reports.

  * * *

  Keri was sitting in the Broken Bat Sports Bar with an untouched cosmo in front of her. That was the sign that Dixie would use to identify her.

  A red cocktail was more sophisticated than a red carnation.

  Eli had told her that it didn’t matter what she wore as long as she looked nice. He’d promised Dixie that his “date” would be beautiful and sexy but that was subject to wide interpretation.

  She’d decided to dress for the part. At first she had thought that she should look like a slut. Then she realized that she should go the other way to make her sluttish behavior – giving a blowjob to a strange man – all the more dramatic. She was wearing a navy blue business suit with a tailored jacket over a white blouse that was buttoned to the neck and accented with a red silk scarf tied elegantly above the collar. The scarf matched her red high-heeled pumps, belt, and clutch.

  “You’re Eleanor?”

  That was the name that she had chosen for this task. Sucking on a strange man’s weenie was one thing, telling him her real name was quite another.

  She turned to look at the man who would soon have his cock shoved into her mouth.

  To cal
l him rotund would be an insult to rotund people. He was a shapeless lump. Obese to be sure, but not so much that one would marvel at him. More sloppy in the way that pouches of fat bunched and hung beneath his ill-fitting clothes.

  He was probably clean enough – Keri couldn’t smell any body odor or halitosis – but he gave the impression of greasy sweat. His lanky dirty-blond hair hung in great damp clots around a pale lumpy face. His slack jaw was covered with patchy stubble. He gave the impression of being drenched in perspiration, but Keri thought that it was more likely that he had climbed out of a shower directly before coming here. Nobody could sweat enough to be as wet as this. That might not be true, but it was what she wanted desperately to believe.

  His eyes held a sad desperation that touched her in a way that she would never have expected. Puppy eyes were embedded in his doughy face. He looked like he wanted her more than anything in the world. She felt like a goddess who could crush this man with a snap of her fingers like an overripe grape.

  “I’m Eleanor,” she said. “Do you have somewhere that we can go?”

  “I didn’t know if you’d have a place and I didn’t think that you’d want to go all the way back to mine,” he said, “so I rented a room at the Day’s Inn down the street. It seems clean.”

  “Let’s go there, then.”

  As she walked out of the bar with him, she said, “We’re going to have fun. But that’s all. Right? I’m not offering a long-term commitment. I’m not even going to stay for the evening. We’re just going to have a few minutes of good fun and then I leave.”

  He stopped walking and looked at her with those sad little eyes. “I understand that. Eli made all that clear. There’s only one thing.”

  “What’s that?”

  “He said that you were a regular woman. You know. Eli promised me that you weren’t a...” he paused and she could see him blushing under the streetlight as he searched for the right word.


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