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Jordan: Paranormal Shifter Fated Mate Galactic SciFi Military Romance (Interstellar Alphas Book 3)

Page 4

by Mandy M. Roth

  She nearly took to the trees to better see but with as clumsy and out of sorts as she seemed to be as of late, it seemed unwise. She tapped into her shifter side, allowing her eyes to shift. She drew in a deep breath, trying to catch his scent. While successful, it wasn’t as she’d hoped. His scent clung to her and the shirt she now wore. It was impossible for her to track him.

  Then she heard growls and obvious sounds of a fight. Nina bolted in the direction they came from.

  She broke free of the foliage and the sight that greeted her was bloody. Jordan was on the ground with a partially shifted male—a hybrid enemy. Neither was moving.

  She raced forward and grabbed hold of the hybrid male, ripping him up and off of Jordan. She assumed she’d find Jordan’s chest ripped out.

  When she found him smiling up at her, she took a step back.

  Her gaze went to the hybrid male. There was a hole clean through his chest. Jordan’s hand was bloody, as was his upper half.

  “I won,” he said, rising to his feet with ease.

  She grunted and rolled her eyes. “You gormless fool! I thought you were dead.”

  “Gormless?” He used his non-bloodied hand to scratch his temple. “Yeah, I’ve got no clue what that means.”

  She snorted. “I’m shocked. Really. I am.”

  He came at her fast, crowding her body with his. He wagged his brows suggestively. “I’m on a kill high, baby, and my dick is so fucking hard I could cut diamonds with it.”

  Nina took a giant step back, noticing the green in his eyes was now filled with a multitude of colors. It signaled how very close to the edge he walked with his shifter side.

  He palmed his erection through his pants. “You want it. I can smell how wet your pussy is for me.”

  His crassness confirmed his loss of control.

  Nina did want him, but she wanted it to be on their terms—not their beasts’. “Jordan, I need time. Whatever is happening between us is intense and I require process time. You understand, right?”

  He left his hand on the distended mass in the front of his pants. “I understand your cunt is practically begging me to fuck it.” He advanced on her. “That what I’ve got can ease your cycle pain.”

  With a sigh, Nina prepared to do what was required to snap him out of the state he was in. Bloodlust combined with sexual lust for a shifter male wasn’t ever something one wanted to contend with. Especially not when the male in question was as powerful as Jordan.

  He came at her with lightning-fast speed and she reacted, twisting around and lifting her leg. She kicked him in the solar plexus and he went backwards.

  She expected to have to fight him more but Jordan looked up and swayed, his eyes returning to their normal shade of green. “N-Nina?”

  She relaxed.

  He rubbed his abs. “Did you just kick me?”

  She waited, knowing it would take him a second to clear his mind of the fog that was sometimes caused by bloodlust. The instant he realized what had happened, his eyes widened.

  “Ohmyfuckinggods, baby, I…” He jerked back, as if unsure of himself around her. “I’m sorry.”

  She remained in place. “Jordan.”

  He continued on his apologetic tirade.

  Nina waited him out. When he slowed, she lifted a hand to him. “I sense no more of the enemy. Let us get you home and cleaned up. Then, maybe,” she paused, “we could simply spend time together. Not fighting. Just being.”

  Jordan’s expression eased and he came to her, taking her hand in his. “I’d like that, baby.”

  Chapter Four

  Jordan fired up the ship’s boosters, huffing as he did.

  Nina belted herself in and watched his actions. “They’re fast, Jordan. Let it go.”

  Pheebes had paid them a visit just as they were entering the corridor to board the shuttle. He and Jordan had exchanged words and she’d been left having to call for backup to break the men apart. Jordan’s mood had soured nearly instantly. Prior to that, he’d laughed, joked and even held her hand in his as they’d made their way through the compound. Now he seemed distant, even cold.

  He shot her an annoyed look and then tapped his com unit. “Shuttle Vessel 0912 ready for departure.”

  “Copy that,” Christian said, overseeing the command control room. “Permission for liftoff granted. Safe trip.”

  “Shuttle Vessel 0912 out,” Jordan replied, flipping off his com and piloting the vessel. They encountered a touch of resistance at about a thousand feet but it passed quickly and they began their journey. The course Jordan, Bradi and Sevan had plotted would take them over the planet before they ventured higher into orbit. It would give Jordan and Nina a chance to scout the others before continuing on their way to Margaidia.

  Ten minutes passed with not a word spoken between them. Nina looked out the shuttle window and down at the planet she called home. Of all her brothers and sisters, outside of Jacquelyn of course, she was the only one who didn’t pilot vessels. She headed a land army that took all of her time.

  Thoughts of Jacquelyn brought a quiet sadness over her. There once had been a time when her baby sister, who had barely survived a malicious attack, was still able to be a part of their lives via a holographic program and interface system that Christian had built for her. While it had only been able to produce a lifelike rendering of Jacquelyn as she had been right before the attack—a young girl—it had still afforded them a chance to interact with her.

  Something had gone wrong after Jacquelyn had assisted in saving Lorelei and her then unborn sons during the delivery of them. Christian theorized that she’d expelled too much energy, and that she would require time before she was able to sync with the computer systems once more. The more time that passed, the less anyone believed she would ever be part of their lives again. Bradi had even suggested the unthinkable—shutting off life support to the barely recognizable form that was their sister.

  No one was willing to do that just yet.

  “Hey,” Jordan said softly, drawing her from her thoughts. “You all right?”

  Her eyes were moist and her throat was tight. She nodded.

  He sighed. “Baby, I’m sorry I got into it with Pheebes—again.” He put his hand on her thigh, squeezing it gently. “And I’m sorry I was a dick to you about it all.”

  Her hand went instantly to his. “It’s not that, but your apology is most welcome.”

  “Then what is it?” he asked, caressing her inner thigh.

  “Jacquelyn,” she confessed. “She’s not getting any better. If anything, she seems to be deteriorating.”

  He caught hold of her hand in his and held it firm. The man’s support meant so much to her, but voicing as much was out of character for her. “Baby, you’re not ready to let her go just yet. I don’t think any of you are, but you especially hold so much guilt over what happened. It wasn’t your fault.”

  She tensed.

  Jordan pressed onward. “Nina, you told me yourself that Stegian mimicked your voice to lure Jacquelyn away from the safety of the compound and into the jungle. You can’t tell me that doesn’t eat away at you, that you don’t sit in that infirmary room with her, dwelling on as much. I like to think I know you, and you try to shoulder the weight of the universe. You don’t lay blame where it often should go—instead, you internalize it.”

  Her bottom lip trembled. How was it he’d done what so many couldn’t? He’d seen through her defenses and straight to the heart of her.

  He lifted her hand to his lips and kissed it. “You’re gonna punch me now, aren’t you? That or kick my ass when we land, huh?”

  His quirky sense of humor helped to stop the tears from wanting to come. She grinned and blinked away the moisture in her eyes. She used her forefinger to trace around the edges of his mouth. “Actually, I’m leaning more towards tossing you down and having my way with you.”

  Jordan’s eyes widened and he glanced towards the back portion of the shuttle. She could see the wheels spinning in hi
s head and she laughed.

  “Not while we’re in the air, Vasil.”

  He shrugged. “Hey, I’m no fool. I’ll take it wherever you’re willing to give it to me, baby.”

  Laughing, she squeezed his hand. “I know I’m the one who insisted upon time to think, to collect my thoughts on all this, but…and then this morning you got into it again with Pheebes, throwing in my face yet again that I slept with him at all, let alone as much as I used to.” She’d hoped after their pleasant evening together that things between them would be different, but the second she’d shown for departure, she’d found Jordan and Pheebes going rounds once more, each yelling at the other.

  “Shh,” he whispered as he winked. “Just let it be for now, Nina. Look out at Sargaidia’s beauty and remember it, because there is nowhere quite like it in the universe.”

  For a nanosecond, she wondered if it was he who now needed time to think upon what was happening between them.

  She glanced out the viewing area and took in the sight before her. Seeing her planet from high in the air had the corners of her mouth tugging upwards. It was breathtaking. She pivoted in her seat and grabbed Jordan’s knee. “Oh, Jordan, look how beautiful it is.”

  When he didn’t respond, she pulled her hand away. Silence filled the air between them for several pregnant moments.

  He caught her wrist, his thumb caressing her skin. “It’s gorgeous.”

  There was no denying the fact he’d just closed down on her but was trying to save face. “Return my hand to me, please.”


  She swallowed hard. “Jordan, no more. I let you in,” she touched her chest with her free hand, “and I knew better. I’ve been acting like I’m new to this game—this dance done between a man and woman.” She jerked her hand away from his. “The only part of this that’s new to me is acting like a bloody fool.”

  Jordan exhaled a shaky breath. “Nina.”

  “Just pilot the shuttle, Vasil,” she commanded, too hurt to look at him again.

  “Shit, I didn’t mean to shut down on you,” he said. “It’s just that—”

  The shuttle jolted to the left, hard, banking and then leveling. Red lights flashed as internal sirens sounded. Nina wasn’t sure what alarm went to what but if Jordan’s expression was anything to go off of, they were in serious trouble.

  He flipped switches and grunted, punching the dash panel near the lower portion. He broke straight through it and pulled out a handful of wires. “Nina, take the controls.”

  She stared at him with wide eyes. “What? No. I can’t! I don’t know what to do.”

  An odd calmness came over him. “Just hold it as steady as you can and pull up if we start to go down.”

  She unbuckled and nodded, sliding past him as he in turn went to the floor of the shuttle. He lay on his back, his hands busy at work with the wiring.

  “Should we call for assistance?” she asked, positive that any moment she’d fly them straight into the ground.

  “Can’t,” he said, his head disappearing under the control panel. “The entire navigational and communications system is totally offline.”

  “What? How?”

  “I don’t know, baby.”

  “Can you fix it?” The tree line cleared and she spotted the red sea.

  Jordan came up fast, something amiss on his face.

  He grabbed her and ripped her from the pilot’s seat. He shoved her, thrusting her into the cargo bay portion of the shuttle.

  She landed hard and skidded across the unforgiving grated flooring. The shifter side of her rose to what it took to be a challenge. No man, even one it desired, was permitted to handle her in such a manner.

  Jordan began keying a code into the panel doors that would seal off the cockpit from the cargo bay. He met her gaze, and when she saw the look in his eyes, she knew he was about to do something that in the end would cost him his life—that he was willing to sacrifice himself for her.

  Her beast receded and Nina reacted without thought.

  She darted forward and seized hold of Jordan’s shirt, yanking him towards her mere seconds before the cargo bay doors slid to a close.

  The weight of Jordan coming at her knocked her off balance and they both tumbled to the floor. Somehow, Jordan managed to catch her and cradle her to his body. She cupped his face, questions burning through her.

  He put his forehead to hers. “Nina, there are explosives wired into the panel. I need to separate the cargo bay from the cockpit and I need to pilot it away from you. There’s a chance you’ll make it, that the integrity of the cargo bay will hold and—”

  She clung to him, shaking her head. “There is zero chance you’ll survive if you’re in the cockpit when it explodes.”

  The look he gave her said he knew as much. He tried to stand but she held desperately to him. “No!”

  “Nina, baby, please…it’s the only way you’ll have a chance.”

  She didn’t want a chance. Not without him.

  A massive force rocked the entire shuttle and the next thing she knew, they were being tossed about like ragdolls. Pain radiated throughout her body. There was heat so hot, she assumed they’d burst into flames before she felt them descending rapidly, still spiraling out of control.

  The last thing she remembered was Jordan’s body, wrapping around hers in a tight, protective embrace before impact.

  Nina came to, dazed and sore. It took her a few moments before she could get her bearings.



  Gasping, she realized he was no longer holding her. She twisted up and spotted him lying sprawled out on what would have been the ceiling of the cargo bay but what was now acting as the floor, since they were upside down. Blood trickled down his face and he was limp—lifeless.

  She scrambled to him. “Jordan!”

  He didn’t respond.

  Nina assessed him, as she’d been trained to do with any wounded guards who served under her. He was alive but unconscious. Relief rushed through her and she bent and pressed her lips to his tenderly. As something splashed on his cheek, she realized she was crying. She put her head to his. “I’ll get us out of here and get you to help.”

  She stood on shaky legs, every bone in her body aching. She made her way to the bay doors, stumbling over debris in the process. Even knowing it wouldn’t work, she tried the keypad. Nothing happened.

  Nina searched for a bar of some sort to use to pry open the doors. When she found what she needed, she did a partial shift, allowing some traits of her shifter side to show through, giving her added strength. The doors broke open and clear sky greeted her. She could hear the lapping waves of the red sea and knew they were close.

  Nina grabbed hold of the opening and lifted herself out. She was right. They were wedged into the pink, sandy shore of the sea. It meant they were at least a week’s walking distance to Shamenia but it could have been worse. Much worse.

  From the scorch marks on the outer portion of the cargo hull, they’d only barely managed to survive the cockpit’s demise. If they were lucky, command tower back at the compound would have picked up on the explosion and have help headed their way.

  The problem was, they were closer to Stegian’s facilities and territory than they were to her own. Various small villages dotted the landscape between them and if she had to, Nina would take Jordan to one of them. The tribes of Sargaidia had yet to come together as a whole to stand against the others. Instead, they maintained an often-fragile peace. Some, like hers embraced technology and its advantages; others did not, and believed the destruction of their world would come from those who did. And some simply pretended to operate as normal when in truth they had long since fallen under the thumb and control of Stegian.

  Their situation was grim but doable.

  She returned to Jordan’s side and touched the gash on his head. It had already started to heal.

  He moaned softly. “Nina. Have…to help Nina.”

  She smoothed his
shaggy blond hair from his face. “I’m here. Right here.”

  He opened his eyes and blinked several times before squinting up at her. “We dead?”

  A nervous laugh escaped her. “No. We’re very much alive.”

  “Explains why my head feels like it’s splitting.” He tried to sit up but fell.

  She caught him, steadying him. “Rest a moment.”

  Ignoring her, he pushed to his feet and swayed, using a hand to steady himself on the cargo bay wall. “I’m going to fucking rip Pheebes’s head from his shoulders. I’m gonna—”

  “Pheebes? Why would you want to hurt him?” It hit her then. “Wait, you cannot possibly think he was responsible for the explosives.”

  Jordan huffed. “Yeah, I can. He’s pissed about us, Nina. And he’s upset with you for pretty much laughing in his face at the idea of his wanting to marry you.”

  She shook her head. “I don’t care how upset with me he is. He wouldn’t do this.”

  “You can’t know that,” Jordan said harshly. “I get you had a thing for him, that you spent however long fucking him, but open your damn eyes.”

  She stared at him. “Vasil, Pheebes lost his parents and his younger sister when a craft they were on crashed. He was left all alone, no family remaining, and only barely old enough to join the guards. He not only wouldn’t take someone’s life this way, he wouldn’t dare board this shuttle. Have you failed to notice that I’ve never once put him on guard rotations on Alpha Brig Three? That he is the only one of my men who has never even set foot upon the vessel?”

  Jordan stilled. “Are you telling me he was on the same craft his family died on?”

  “Yes,” she said. “He, my oldest brother, Demetrios, and a young girl from a neighboring village were the only survivors. I remember it well. I was young still, and my father was still my father—not under Stegian’s control. Our race had been dying out long before Stegian ever came here. The ruling elders selected four families. They were to head to Margaidia, study life there and try to discover what could be causing the decline in our birth rates. Pheebes’s parents were both scientists so they were naturally selected. Pheebes was new to the guards but my father knew he was capable. He also sent Demetrios to assist. At the time, Demetrios was one of my father’s top guards.”


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