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The Final Destiny: Vesta Mansion Trilogy - Book Three - Fantasy

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by P. A. Priddey



  Book 3



  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  Copyright © 2017 P.A.PRIDDEY

  Table of Contents

  1 Heartache

  2 A Psychic Vampire at Large

  3 The Lost Patrol

  4 Together at Last

  5 Eight Great Ladies

  6 Death and the Dark World

  7 Revelations

  8 Not So Clever Now Are You!

  9 The Children’s Great Adventure

  10 The Lost Crystals

  11 Blood Devil

  12 Another Monster, Another Search

  13 Let the Battle Begin

  14 Medieval World

  15 Mobilising the Nobility

  16 Calberon

  17 Bel Blueflower and the Snowbears

  18 Well that was a Big Let Down

  19 Dragon World

  20 The Battle for the Golden Egg

  21 The Power Inside

  22 The Final Destiny

  23 Aftermath



  Five women, dressed in hooded robes, walked along a corridor in silence. They entered a round room, placed candles on the floor in a circle, and sat around them while holding hands. They glanced at each other, no words spoken, as tears fell down their faces. Closing their eyes in deep concentration, one by one they collapsed, and their bodies died.

  Siphon arrived too late to save them. He saw their bodies and held each one as he wept for his daughters. He knew what they had done, and knew their fate. Siphon took them back to his tower and lay them down next to each other. He stared out of the window and saw the islanders evacuating. Siphon held his arms out and golden energy covered him. It filled the tower, sealing it forever as a tomb for the bodies of his daughters. He would save them, but would have to find a different route from what they had taken. He studied the vase, and with the realisation he would be alone for a long time, he touched it and vanished leaving the island to sink back into the sea.

  Siphon roamed the lands for over two thousand years working out his plan in minute detail, as nothing would be left to chance. He kept away from mankind for the most part, although he would need them one day. He thought they were greedy, but could see into the future and saw what his children saw. Siphon would save his daughters, but at a cost as he would never see them again.


  Alex Aylward stared at the computer. He was talking to Victor on webcam about strange-looking dead bodies which had been found across Europe. He switched off the computer after the conversation ended.

  He glanced up and saw Blaze. ‘What’s everyone up to?’

  Blaze placed a book on the shelf. ‘Probably on the Elf World, I’m going over there in a while.’

  ‘I need to see who wants to visit the Order, as it won’t be a pleasant trip.’

  ‘I’ll give it a miss, but you best invite the elf lords.’

  Alex nodded. ‘I’ll go and ask them.’

  He thought about the others. Amy and Lucy were tending to the horses they had moved to the Elf World with the help of House and Adair. The wizard had put the horses, apart from Bronte, into a trance so it would not startle them. The Elf World gave the horses more room to run. Luella and Daralis had taken Livvy and Donna to cleanse the forests, but decided to leave it to the Forestry Commission. Carrie was spending more time with Tyra at the Ice Mountain. He missed her presence, her smell, and she was never there for him to escort to breakfast anymore. It had been three weeks since the battle on the Dwarf World when Carrie woke up two days later and left. He understood she preferred the company of women, but never said anything. Many of them from the mansion went out running again. James and Asima were almost matching his speed after a week, with Paige and Claire not far behind.

  Adair sat outside the Brightstone tavern talking to Torgon when Alex approached. The wizard glanced up. ‘There’s something on your mind.’

  Alex sat opposite and leant forward on the table. ‘The Order has discovered a series of murders, and they want us to go over there and take a look at the pictures.’

  Torgon raised a brow. ‘Were they human?’

  ‘I presume so. Victor didn’t give me too much information as he believes we should see them for ourselves.’

  ‘Do you want me to go with you?’

  Alex nodded. ‘They’re at a loss as to what happened to them.’ He glanced up. ‘House, would you ask the others and see who wants to join us, please?’

  It will be no problem.


  An hour later, House brought Carrie and Tyra back to Brightstone Mountain to the surprised looks on the faces of Luella and Daralis.

  Tyra studied them. ‘What’s wrong?’

  Daralis raised an eyebrow. ‘There’s nothing wrong, dear, but you’re the fourth one today.’

  Tyra rubbed her nose. ‘The fourth what?’

  ‘Elf with child,’ said Daralis.

  Tyra put a hand to her mouth. ‘That’s impossible . . . I’ve never been able to have children.’

  ‘Nonsense,’ said Luella, ‘it was just never your time until now.’

  Tyra had tears in her eyes. ‘Please tell me you’re not just teasing me.’

  ‘We would never do that,’ said Luella. ‘Children are life’s blessings, and you, my dear lady, have yours growing inside you.’

  Daralis looked on amusingly. ‘It won’t be easy for you having twins.’

  Tyra put her hands to her mouth again as Carrie put an arm around her. ‘I’m having two of them?’

  Luella smiled at her. ‘It appears as you’ve been waiting for so long, you’ve been rewarded. Unlike your sister-in-law, who’s only expecting one child.’

  ‘Ellinor is pregnant, too?’

  ‘Yes, as are two others,’ said Luella. ‘As for you, Carrie, I don’t know why you’ve been away for so long, but I want to know who else went back to the mansion with you that night.’

  Carrie’s eyes grew big, she didn’t understand her tone. ‘Norell was one, and two from Tyra’s kingdom plus another three from here.’

  ‘We will have to go and see them, and this is all your fault.’

  Carrie’s heart beat fast. ‘I don’t understand . . . have I done something wrong?’

  Luella smiled. ‘No, you did everything right, and it’s wonderful.’

  Daralis also smiled. ‘It’s one of those things I’d love to be blamed for.’

  ‘But I didn’t do anything,’ said Carrie.

  ‘Oh, but you did,’ said Tyra. ‘Those clothes made me feel sexy and alive.’

  ‘I cannot remember a day you did not look sexy,’ said Thalion, as he approached. Tyra ran and jumped into his arms. ‘What’s wrong?’

  Tyra beamed a smile at him. ‘I am expecting.’

  Thalion scratched his head, confused. ‘Expecting what, my love?’

  ‘She is with child,’ said Luella.

nbsp; Thalion stepped back looking at his wife’s stomach which showed no sign of pregnancy. ‘Is this true?’

  Tyra nodded. ‘Yes, we’re having twins.’

  ‘I don’t know what to do,’ said Thalion.

  ‘You don’t do anything, and you certainly don’t wrap her up in cotton wool,’ said Luella. ‘We’ll be the ones looking after her, and will tell you when she has to be careful.’

  Daralis embraced them both. ‘I have a feeling there will be a celebration.’

  Thalion nodded. ‘Only the biggest we’ve ever had.’

  ‘I best go home and find something to wear,’ said Carrie, but wasn’t allowed to leave until both Thalion and Tyra embraced her, and after giving Luella and Daralis the gifts she had made for them.

  Carrie’s smile was genuine for their happiness, but for the last three weeks she had been away it was put on. The elves taught her how to make ornaments from crystal, and she made presents for her friends. She had missed them and the children, and dreaded seeing Alex again. She had a dream about him before she left and decided to get away for a while, but now she was back.

  ‘Hello, you,’ said Paige, when she appeared in the mansion.

  Carrie smiled. ‘Hey.’

  Claire looked up. ‘Where have you been all this time?’

  ‘Making things,’ said Carrie, and gave them crystals in the shape of a tiger and an eagle.

  ‘These are beautiful,’ said Paige, and embraced her.

  Carrie went looking for her friends who were there, and gave them ornaments. She found the children out the back, who were very happy to see her, and she hugged them all before going back to the hall. ‘Anything interesting happened around here lately?’

  Claire shrugged. ‘Alex, Adair, Torgon, James, Joseph and George, have gone to the castle to see about some strange deaths across Europe.’

  Carrie sat on a sofa. ‘Does Torgon know about Ellinor?’

  Paige inspected the crystal tiger. ‘What about her?’

  ‘She’s pregnant, as is Tyra who’s having twins, and there’s going to be a celebration.’

  ‘That’s wonderful news.’

  ‘No running tonight then,’ said Claire, somewhat grumpily.

  Carrie almost choked. ‘You’ve been out running?’

  ‘Yeah, all week, and we’re pretty fast now.’

  Carrie felt a wave of emotions flood over her and had to fight back tears. ‘No one told me you were doing that again.’

  Claire stared at her. ‘You buggered off remember.’

  Paige put the crystal on the table. ‘I would’ve let you know if I thought you wanted to come.’

  ‘I guess I was away longer than I expected,’ said Carrie, and although she knew it was her own fault, she was upset they had gone without her.


  Alex grimaced at the pictures of the emaciated bodies. He sat at the large round wooden table, looking at photos and reading the reports of the strange murders. ‘They look like the warlock when we found him.’

  Joseph nodded. ‘It appears as if all their fluids have been drained out.’

  ‘I would say it’s more like their life has been sucked out,’ said Alex, as a goblin entered the room.

  Torgon stared at him. ‘You have one of our most feared enemies here.’

  Korzak’s ears twitched. ‘Are you mocking me, Lord Torgon?’

  ‘Yes, I am, but they have dressed you up and it looks weird.’

  James grinned. ‘I don’t know . . . jeans and a t-shirt suit him.’

  Alex looked the goblin up and down. ‘You do look different, and I don’t mean the clothes.’

  ‘They let me bathe,’ said Korzak with a huge grin. ‘It’s strange to wash when things are not jumping out the water trying to bite you, and with none of the flies and ticks here I don’t have to shave all the time.’

  James smiled and stared at a photo. ‘Do you reckon some vampire is responsible?’

  Malek picked up a report on the dead bodies. ‘The only puncture marks found were on their shoulders, which are believed to be wounds.’

  ‘That would rule out a disease,’ said Joseph, ‘unless one was injected into them.’

  Alex rubbed his chin. ‘It doesn’t look like it was just the blood that’s been drained from the bodies, but as Joseph said every last drop of fluid.’

  ‘Or their energy has been drained,’ Adair suggested.

  Alex nodded and turned to Henrik. ‘Where were they found?’

  ‘The first two were found in Romania,’ said the major, ‘two in Hungary and the last two were in Austria.’

  ‘It appears whatever did this, is on the move and has a destination in mind.’

  Henrik nodded and opened up a map. ‘Yes, unless it has already reached it, otherwise it looks like it is on its way to you. If it turns north, then it could be coming here.’

  Alex could feel anger build up inside. ‘I think we should go and visit the place the last bodies were found.’

  Adair raised an eyebrow. ‘He meant to the UK, not the mansion.’

  Torgon, I have some news for you, said House.

  ‘What kind of news?’

  It is not bad news, but I think your wife should tell you.

  Torgon stood. ‘Ladies and gentlemen, please excuse me as I have to leave you for a moment.’

  ‘Nothing wrong is there?’ Adair asked.

  ‘No, but House says Ellinor needs to tell me something,’ said Torgon, and vanished.

  ‘What was that all about?’ James asked.

  Maria smiled. ‘You don’t know.’

  ‘His wife needs to tell him something,’ said Gudrid.

  James pursed his lips. ‘Yes, I heard that part.’

  Maria pushed a picture away. ‘We best let him tell you when he gets back.’

  ‘You know what it’s about?’ said Alex.

  ‘We can guess,’ said Maria, ‘but please don’t order us to tell you, my lord.’

  ‘I wouldn’t dream of it.’

  They waited twenty minutes when he returned along with Thalion, and both elves were smiling.

  Alex glanced up at them. ‘It was good news I take it?’

  Torgon nodded. ‘I’m going to be a father again.’

  Thalion beamed. ‘And I’m going to be a father for the first time.’

  That’s fantastic,’ said Alex, and climbed out of his chair to shake both their hands, but put his arms around both instead, and everyone else followed suit.

  Torgon rubbed his hands. ‘I think we should get on with this as there will be a celebration tonight and you’re all welcome.’

  Korzak glanced up from the photo he was studying. ‘Are you inviting a goblin to your world?’

  ‘Yes, and we do have others there,’ said Torgon, meaning the pucas.

  Alex glanced over at the goblin. ‘Found anything interesting?’

  Korzak’s nose twitched. ‘I’ve seen something like this before, but I can’t remember where.’

  House took them to the site where the last bodies were found in Austria. Soldiers from the Order greeted them.

  Torgon sniffed the air. ‘I can sense something evil was here.’

  ‘As can I,’ said Adair, ‘but have no idea what it is.’

  Alex turned to Henrik. ‘Where have you placed the rest of your men?’

  ‘There are three units in Germany, as we believe it will pass that way.’

  ‘OK,’ said Alex, as he stared across the land near a large forest. ‘Keep us informed on any developments.’

  They returned to the castle, and the elves went home to organise the celebrations. Alex and Joseph were the last to leave after studying some of the books in the library. They arrived back at the mansion where the children were already dressed for the celebration.

  Shaula stood with her arms folded. ‘Papa, you’re late.’

  ‘No, sweetheart, we’re still early as they’re an hour behind us. You don’t have to wait for me, you can carry on.’

  ‘OK then,
but hug me first,’ she said, and Alex picked her up.

  ‘You have new clothes on your bed,’ said Paige.

  Alex put Shaula down and climbed the stairs to shower and get changed. He knew Carrie had returned, and after changing clothes he walked back down hoping to see her when an arm slipped inside his.

  ‘Hello, handsome, are you taking me to a party?’

  Alex turned his head to see Aileen. ‘Yeah, that sounds like fun, has everyone else already gone?’

  ‘There’s just you and Joseph left, I came back to get something for Luella.’

  ‘Ready when you are,’ said Joseph, as he came down the stairs in his robes.


  Carrie changed and thought about waiting for Alex, as she had always gone to the celebrations holding his arm. She thought it best not to tonight and went ahead with her friends. She walked over to see how Tyra was, and picked up a glass of wine from the long table. Carrie saw Alex arrive with Aileen and her heart sank, her stomach was in knots. How long as this been going on and why has no one told me? She thought, and felt like crying, but she wasn’t going to do that in front of them. It surprised her when Aileen left him to join other healers, and he made his way towards her.

  ‘Hello,’ said Kaeya, as the pixie jumped on her shoulder. ‘Not seen you for a while.’

  ‘I’ve been on a trip to the Ice Mountain,’ Carrie just about managed to say, and took a drink of wine.

  ‘Are you OK? You sound sad.’

  Carrie forced a weak smile. ‘I’m fine, I just missed my friends.’

  ‘And we all missed you, I know Alex did.’

  ‘Did he really?’ Carrie asked.

  ‘He never actually said it, but I could tell he was sad when he woke up this morning.’

  ‘I thought you didn’t sleep in his bed anymore.’

  ‘It wasn’t his bed . . . it was Aileen’s,’ said Kaeya, and Carrie nearly choked.

  ‘Congratulations,’ said Alex, as he embraced Ellinor, and did the same with Tyra before walking over to Carrie who gave him a look of thunder, but he embraced her anyway. ‘Hey you.’


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