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The Final Destiny: Vesta Mansion Trilogy - Book Three - Fantasy

Page 10

by P. A. Priddey

  Korzak stood across where the portal should be, he moved his hand in the air and smiled. ‘I can see why they call you great ladies.’

  ‘Can you do anything to it?’ Alex asked.

  ‘Not without the spell.’

  Alex nodded. ‘I best go and get it.’

  ‘Not tonight please, my friend, it is dark over there now.’

  ‘Now that sounds much nicer than my lord.’

  ‘Yes, I liked it, too.’

  Luella stared at them. ‘I don’t know what you’re planning, but it can wait until tomorrow.’

  ‘Yes, Mother dear,’ said Alex, and the soldiers took positions a safe distance away from the portal, after they marked it with string.


  Death and the Dark World

  Alex dreamt once again of Dagur taunting him in front of a cave. He appeared to be holding something in his arms, but Alex couldn’t see what. He woke alone as Carrie didn’t return to his room. It’s for the best, he thought, and wondered what would have happened if he hadn’t had the dream of her. He walked downstairs to have breakfast, before spending an hour with the children outside.

  Shaula sat on the back of a wolf cub. ‘What we doing today, Papa?’

  Alex stroked the cub’s head. ‘I’ve got to go to the Goblin World soon.’

  ‘Can we come?’ Alhena asked.

  ‘Not yet, honey, it’s too dangerous.’

  Tia put her fingers in the little pool with a water feature. ‘But you’ll be there to protect us.’

  ‘I could protect you from all the monsters but not the bugs,’ said Alex, ‘they’re as big as birds.’ He smiled as he watched their faces. ‘The spider webs are bigger than me.’

  Talitha jumped up into his arms and clung to him. ‘How big was the spider?’ she asked, with her eyes open wide.

  ‘I didn’t stay long enough to find out.’

  ‘You wasn’t scared of spiders were you, Papa?’ Sarin asked.

  ‘No, but I wasn’t sure how strong the web was.’

  ‘You could’ve melted it with your energy,’ said Adhara, ‘like you did with the wizards spell.’

  Alex stared open-mouthed. ‘How do you know about that when you weren’t there?’

  ‘We didn’t have to be,’ said Sarin, ‘we just thought about what you were doing.’

  ‘You must stop doing that,’ said Alex, a bit too harshly, and regretted it immediately. He had never raised his voice to them before, but the thought of them seeing the things he had seen, and what he did in battle was not for their eyes.

  ‘Sorry, Papa, we thought you were in danger,’ said Sarin, and her head dropped as she stared at the ground.

  Alex knelt and put his free arm around her. ‘I’m sorry, princess, I didn’t mean to shout. It’s something you should not do unless it’s vitally important.’

  ‘We thought you were in trouble,’ said Adhara.

  ‘I never felt in trouble once,’ said Alex. ‘You don’t understand emotions properly, and can mix them up into the wrong ideas.’

  ‘I don’t understand.’

  ‘Just because someone is crying, doesn’t mean they are sad.’

  Thomas scratched his head. ‘Why would you cry if you’re not sad?’

  ‘People cry when they’re happy, like when they have won something or see someone they’ve been missing.’

  ‘I nearly cried when you saved us,’ said Sarin.

  ‘As did I. This is all about privacy, and would you like me to watch you all the time?’

  ‘You have House doing that,’ said Shaula.

  ‘No, House watches you to keep you safe just like he watches me,’ said Alex. ‘He never told me about Pudding.’ He thought about the hedgehog and smiled. ‘Nor did he say anything about my birthday surprise.’

  Sarin’s eyes grew big. ‘So, you don’t know what we’re up to all the time?’

  ‘No, just that you’re safe,’ said Alex. ‘This is because of what happened to the others when they went out on patrol.’

  Adhara nodded. ‘Our friends got hurt, and we didn’t know, but others have been hurt in the past when you go out.’

  ‘I do trust you to do the right things, and you have already done some of those.’

  ‘Like what,’ said Adhara.

  ‘The wolf cubs, the baby deer, and Pudding. You have talents and must use them wisely.’

  ‘We’re just children, how are we to know what your emotions mean?’

  Ask me and I will tell you, said House. Your papa does if he is worried about you.

  ‘That’s all we have to do?’ Sarin asked.

  ‘Yes, honey,’ said Alex. ‘It’s all about privacy and I wouldn’t invade yours.’

  ‘Are we to be punished?’

  ‘What would the punishment be?’

  Adhara put a finger to her mouth. ‘You could stop us going to the cinema.’’

  ‘Why would I do that to those who worry about me?’

  ‘But you said what we did was wrong.’

  Alex shook his head. ‘No, none of you did anything wrong. It wasn’t your fault but mine, and I should have guided you with your talents. It’s me who should be punished.’

  Talitha hugged his neck. ‘Then we get to punish you?’

  ‘Yeah, I guess so, but not until I’ve been to the Goblin World.’

  ‘That’s OK,’ said Sarin, ‘it will give us time to think of something.’

  ‘Be gentle, as I am old,’ said Alex, with a sad face.

  ‘I don’t know about that as you did shout.’

  ‘It wasn’t exactly a shout, but I’m sorry and will accept my punishment.’

  ‘What’s going on here?’ said Blaze, as she stepped out of the mansion.

  ‘I scolded the children when it was my fault.’

  ‘And we get to punish him,’ said Shaula.

  Blaze raised an eyebrow. ‘I hope you’re going to take your time thinking about what the punishment is.’

  ‘Oh yes,’ said Sarin. ‘It might not mean papa will suffer, but it might mean we get what we want.’

  ‘Your papa gives you everything you want.’

  ‘We haven’t seen much of him lately,’ said Adhara, ‘so his punishment will be that he spends more time with us.’

  ‘That would be a terrible punishment,’ said Alex, with a wry smile and winked at her.

  ‘Then we will find something much more horrible.’


  There were so many of them who went to the Goblin World, House had to make more than one trip. They all wanted to see how Alex was going to get the chest out of the lake. He told them he had a plan, but that was all he told them. A large group of armed goblins looked startled when they appeared. Korzak, who always wore robes when he went to his home world, walked over to them and explained what was going to happen. The goblins looked amused, and sat down watching the lake.

  James stood staring at the lake. ‘Just how are you going to get it out?’

  Alex glanced around and rubbed his chin. ‘Swim down to the bottom and get it.’

  Adair sighed, and threw his arms in the air. ‘I knew it.’

  Luella stood with hands on hips. ‘And that’s your plan?’

  ‘Yeah, do you like it?’ said Alex, smiling. ‘Just how fast is that dragon anyway?’ And almost as if the creature heard him, it dived under the water only to come flying out into the air before splashing back down. They all saw the size of it. Like a giant snake with a dragon’s head, somewhat like the snake demon, only a lot bigger. The mouth could easily swallow a dozen men.

  Claire patted him on the shoulder. ‘I guess that answers your question.’

  ‘OK, so it’s quick,’ said Alex, now a little unsure.

  James grinned. ‘Best of luck, that thing’s huge, you’re going to be gobbled up on the Goblin World.’

  Alex groaned. ‘Do you have a better idea?’

  ‘You could always ask it to get it for you,’ said James, with a straight face.

�Very funny,’ said Alex, as he walked to the edge of the lake with the dragon watching him.

  Paige looked up. ‘House, can’t you get it out?’

  No, I can only just about see it through the murky water.

  ‘It is protected by magic,’ said Korzak, ‘it can only be carried out of there.’

  ‘Where about is it, House?’ Alex asked.

  Right in the middle, where the water is deepest.

  Rho sat next to him. This will be fun to watch.

  Alex glanced down. ‘A bit of moral support might be nice.’

  I have complete faith in you.

  Carrie shook her head. ‘You’re not seriously going in there are you?’

  ‘Yes,’ said Alex, as he took his top off and handed it to her. ‘Will you look after it for me?’

  Carrie smiled. ‘With pleasure . . . what about the trousers?’

  ‘I best keep them on.’ Alex whispered into her ear. ‘I didn’t bother putting my boxers on, as I knew I would be going straight home after to shower.’

  Adair leant on his staff. ‘This is complete madness . . . surely there must be a better way.’

  Alex rubbed his nose. ‘Kristina and Millie can put shields up to stop it.’

  ‘And can their shields go under the water?’

  Kristina shook her head. ‘It is hard to put a shield somewhere we can’t see.’

  ‘Don’t worry, Uncle, it may be fast, but I’m faster,’ said Alex, as he started to glow.

  ‘And you’ve tested this theory under water how many times?’

  ‘This is the first time, as I can’t swim.’ Alex lied, and flew into the air high above the lake and the dragon just watched.

  He dived straight down keeping an eye on the dragon which didn’t move. There were large fish with razor shop teeth, but they swam away from the golden energy which now covered Alex and helped him see in the dark depths. He found the chest and grabbed it, before swimming back up with it as fast as he could.

  The others watched from the side of the lake while keeping their eyes on where Alex entered, and on the dragon which didn’t move. They were all curious and found it amusing as Alex flew out with the chest trying to avoid something that was not there. Alex glanced at the dragon which still hadn’t moved, shrugged his shoulders, and flew back to the others.

  ‘Well that was weird,’ he said, and put the chest down.

  Torgon patted him on the shoulder. ‘Maybe it didn’t like your glow.’

  ‘You could be right, the other things down there didn’t like it,’ said Alex, as Paige passed him a towel.

  James scratched his head. ‘So how do you open this thing?’

  ‘It is enchanted, I will do it,’ said Korzak, and spoke in a language none of them understood, even the other goblins. The chest opened, and he took out an old-looking book.

  James glanced into the chest. ‘There is some nice stuff in here.’

  ‘We just need the spell, the rest belongs to the goblins,’ said Alex, as Korzak sealed up the chest.

  ‘My lords, you might want to see this,’ one of the soldiers from the Order said.

  They all stared as the dragon swam to the edge of the lake, and started to slide out. Many backed away, as it now had two front legs and started to shrink. It grew two back legs as it continued to shrink to the size of a man and stood up. The dragon changed into a goblin. He stood a little taller than Korzak, with his ears and nose smaller. It made him look less comical than the other goblins, and a little more frightening. He was also naked.

  ‘Birkaz!’ Korzak shouted, and ran over to him. He put his outer robe around his brother to cover his nudity.

  ‘Thank you, and stop fussing over me,’ said Birkaz. ‘Get me something to eat . . . I haven’t had proper food since I became the guardian of the lake.’

  Alex shook his head. ‘I can see why you’re grumpy then.’

  ‘I’m grumpy because I’ve waited for nearly two thousand years for you to come, and you just take it,’ said Birkaz, in a most unfriendly tone. ‘You could have just asked and I would have got it.’

  ‘Ha-ha,’ James laughed. ‘I told you to ask.’

  ‘At least one of you has some courtesy.’

  Maybe this will cheer you up, said House, as a tray of elf food and drink appeared in front of the goblin.

  He sat on the ground and ate it fast. ‘That was worth the wait, what was it?’ said Birkaz, as he wiped his mouth on the robe Korzak gave him.

  ‘That was elf food,’ said Torgon.

  ‘Then I can see why the King of the Elves looks no older than when he went to the new world.’

  ‘I gave up being king a long time ago, and how is it you know me as I do not recognise you as any goblin lord?’

  ‘I was never one. We are watchers, Korzak, I, and one other.’

  ‘He is in the city,’ said Korzak, ‘where I will send the chest once the soldiers get over what you have just done,’

  I would take it for you, said House, but the enchantments will not let me.

  ‘I will take them off, and if you wouldn’t mind taking it to the tower in the city where my brother is, I would be very grateful.’

  It would be an honour for someone who is so polite.

  ‘Where is that voice coming from?’ Birkaz asked.

  ‘A friend of ours,’ said Alex, ‘a very good friend.’ The reply from House didn’t go unnoticed.

  ‘You were very lucky today,’ said Birkaz. ‘I could have caught you if I wanted.’

  ‘There was no chance of that happening, as I said we have a very good friend.’ Alex looked around giving most of the others a hard stare. ‘I was never in danger, and my friends should have realised that. You see, even if there was any chance of you catching me, House would have just translocated me somewhere else.’

  I do not remember us discussing this, said House.

  ‘No, but you’re my friend and I know what you would do.’

  ‘Isn’t that presuming a little too much?’ said Luella.

  No, not really, said House. Alex would do anything to save his friends, so why should I do less?

  Adair looked up. ‘You shame us into not thinking of how much help you are.’

  It is because you cannot see me, and sometimes you forget that I am here. I am not offended if that worries you, as I am always in high spirits lately.

  Alex smiled, and felt his cheeks burn as Carrie picked at his trousers. ‘What are you doing?’

  ‘Wet clothes stick to your body, and I thought I should pull them off.’

  Alex held the towel in front of him. ‘You’re so weird,’ he said, but couldn’t help smiling.

  ‘You have that effect on me.’

  Alex felt a finger poke his chest. ‘Have I been waiting here for thousands of years just to listen to you talk to your girlfriend,’ said Birkaz, in a menacing way, then pulling his robes around him when they suddenly opened.

  ‘Carrie’s a friend,’ said Alex, and it hurt him to say it. ‘Why are you blaming me? I never asked you to wait.’ He looked at the goblin and couldn’t tell if he was embarrassed or not. ‘Who told you to wait?’

  ‘No one did, I saw it in a vision, and now I take it we’re going to the Dark World.’

  Alex raised his brows. ‘We?’

  ‘Yes, I don’t care how powerful you are, but you wouldn’t last five minutes in there without me or my brother.’

  ‘We weren’t planning to go inside,’ said Alex, staring at the quite irritable goblin, but his dream told him otherwise.

  ‘The spell to lock the portal has to be done from both sides, inside first of course so we can get back out.’

  ‘I’ll return to the mansion and get changed, while Korzak gets you some clothes,’ said Alex. ‘James, I want a small army put together.’

  ‘You might need this, friend,’ said Carrie, as she rammed his top into his chest.

  ‘Thank you, my most beautiful friend,’ said Alex, he stared into her eyes which looked so sad, and put an arm a
round her. ‘Did I lie?’

  ‘No, just too quick to say it,’ said Carrie, and hugged him quickly. ‘I’m only teasing.’

  The group of thirty was joined by a unit of soldiers from the Order. The portal was invisible until Korzak read out a spell. It appeared, and a psychic vampire flew straight out. Alex expected something, and was too fast for the creature. He grabbed its jaw with one hand, and blasted his energy at it with his other. The creature screamed before exploding.

  Adair leant on his staff. ‘Now that’s a better way to deal with them.’

  Alex wiped his hands on his trousers. ‘I believe your lightning would have the same effect.’

  ‘I don’t think I would be fast enough to catch one.’

  ‘Quickly,’ said Birkaz, ‘we must get inside before others find it open.’

  They entered and found themselves near a mountain with a cave at the bottom. It wasn’t dark as many expected, but more grey as if it was going to rain heavy.

  Alex recognised the cave from his dream. ‘Dagur is close.’

  Adair stepped to his side. ‘We’re only here to protect the goblins, not for you to get revenge.’

  ‘I know that, but we won’t be alone for long, so everyone be battle ready.’

  Rho sniffed the air. They are coming.

  The attack was sudden as dozens of demon like creatures surged out of the cave. They were the ugliest creatures any of them had ever seen. They were man size with mouths that took up most of their long faces, and had completely white eyes. Their arms almost reached the ground and had crab like pincers for hands. Whatever they were, they did not like bullets. The soldiers opened fire on them, and they fell quickly. More kept coming and everyone but the goblins were fighting. Adair appeared happy he never had to swing his staff as his lightning was more than enough. More creatures poured out of the cave. The fighting became crowded, as Carrie was closer to the cave than she intended, and Dagur grabbed her from behind. It was not the dark elf’s strength, but his magic which held her still.

  Dagur stared at Alex. ‘It does not matter what spells you cast over the portal, I’ll open it, and your world will be overrun with creatures you could never imagine. Then we’ll see how long your kind survives.’


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