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The Final Destiny: Vesta Mansion Trilogy - Book Three - Fantasy

Page 18

by P. A. Priddey

  ‘You didn’t look did you, Papa?’ she asked.

  ‘We only watched until you reached the cave, and then we let you have your privacy.’

  ‘Was it hard to not watch, Papa?’ Sarin asked.

  ‘Oh yes, it was the hardest thing in the world, sweetheart.’

  ‘I fell down a hole,’ said Talitha, but House saved me.’

  ‘Thank you, House,’ said Alex, ‘not just for that but for all of it.’

  It was a delight, said House, and spent the next hour taking others to the mine.

  That night’s story was told by the children about their quest. It was two days later when they arrived at Firestone Mountain. None had to camp that night as they were all given rooms and a celebration for the children. Alex was given a room with Carrie and the following morning they ran off to see Luella and Aileen.

  ‘It can’t have worn off yet,’ said Daralis.

  ‘Trust me it has,’ said Alex.

  Luella sighed. ‘I will mix you a stronger dose.’

  The trip back was faster, and the children asked if the pucas could stop pretending to be monsters and join them. It pleased everyone especially Alex, when Flax came riding in on Gort, and she leapt off into his arms.

  ‘I wasn’t expecting that,’ said Alex.

  ‘Baby,’ said Flax, and rubbed her belly.

  ‘Really, and you jump off like that?’

  ‘Yes, it’s OK for me to do that for ages yet,’ said Flax, as Briana came over to them with her arms out.


  They arrived at Brightstone on the day of wedding between Rilien and Friday. Torgon performed the ceremony in front of a vast crowd. Many from the Order attended and the celebration lasted into the night.


  Blood Devil

  The Order was investigating more strange deaths. The bodies of five people had been found, spread out in different countries. All five bodies had been drained of blood and looked like they had been tortured.

  Alex studied a photograph and shuddered. ‘Do you think whatever did this came from the Dark World before you sealed it up?’

  ‘It looks the most obvious reason,’ said Korzak. ‘Many of them in there are vampiric in nature.’

  James tossed a picture onto the table. ‘How could it have got out? We saw nothing apart from the one Alex killed.’

  ‘We believe it may have become invisible.’

  ‘Where are the bodies?’ Joseph asked.

  Victor leant forward on the table. ‘The authorities from the countries where they were found have them.’

  Alex picked up another picture. ‘Were they all the same?’

  ‘Similar, they were all drained of blood, but tortured differently.’

  ‘What we don’t understand,’ said Leif, ‘is the sequence in which the deaths happened. There doesn’t appear to be any pattern to it.’

  James rubbed his eyes. ‘Maybe there’s more than one of them.’

  Korzak shook his head. ‘There would be a lot more bodies if that were true.’

  ‘Are you sure it hasn’t been here any longer?’

  ‘No, but the first death was a week ago,’ said Victor.

  ‘Birkaz and Korzak closed the portal over two weeks ago,’ said Alex. ‘If it’s from there, what was it feeding on the previous week?’

  ‘There might be other bodies which haven’t been found yet, or the authorities are keeping it very quiet.’

  ‘Why does it torture them?’ Joseph asked.

  ‘For its own pleasure I would imagine,’ said Birkaz. ‘They’re all evil in that world, but some are pure evil.’

  ‘It could be just putting us off the scent,’ said Henrik, ‘by killing its victims in different countries.’

  Alex stood and walked over to the window. ‘Why not just get rid of the bodies some other way instead of leaving them there?’

  ‘Maybe it wants us to be wasting our time,’ said James, ‘getting us to search these places when it could be hiding or have a destination in mind.’

  ‘Does that mean the mansion or the castle?’ said Leif.

  ‘Would it risk showing itself at either?’ said Alex. ‘It would have to be extremely confident to break through the shield, and the soldiers proved they can be hurt with guns. No, I think it would have shown up at either by now if that’s its plan.’

  ‘If it has a plan,’ said Joseph. ‘It might be just feeding and hiding during the day, until it finds somewhere comfortable to stay.’

  ‘You could be right, and if you are we’ll find it soon,’ said Alex. ‘We should prepare for any plan it might have.’


  Drosca the Blood Devil did have a plan when it appeared outside the portal. There were no soldiers about as the portal had been sealed. That didn’t make a difference to the devil, it had new powers now as it added Dagur’s to his. The elf was dead but stood next to his master. He was nothing now, a dead puppet, but his body still contained the magic and the devil could use it. Drosca had already drained the elf’s mind to know everything he knew, and to kill those at the mansion it needed more power as they were too strong. It could not use Dagur’s spell to open its world as goblins blocked it. The devil had an idea of what it needed because Dagur had known, but the elf had never told him when he was alive, and was too afraid to try it himself. It did not frighten the devil, as it was the strongest of its kind.

  The devil touched Dagur’s head and imagined the Goblin World. It used the elf’s power and vanished. The devil sat on a mountain and searched with its mind for one of the three special goblins, but they were not there.

  Drosca decided to wait, and after three days it started to get angry. It had already spent a week draining Dagur’s mind and learning his powers. It needed information and the three goblins knew what it wanted. The devil felt hungry but did not want to risk draining a goblin and giving his presence away. It went back to the Earth World and found its first victim. Drosca took risks, but if they knew it was abroad this is where they would look and not on the Goblin World. It was when the devil fed on its latest victim it knew it was not alone.

  ‘Who is there?’ The devil grunted.

  Where is there or do you mean here? Said a gruff voice.

  ‘I am in no mood for games.’

  Then why do you play with your food before killing it?

  ‘Because it makes it taste better, and maybe you will too.’

  Such a boast, when you don’t even know what or who I am.

  ‘I am Drosca, lord of the Blood Devils, and I do not make boasts.’

  Then why are you skulking about in the dark and not destroying them? You know of whom I speak.

  Drosca stood. ‘Show yourself, I will not talk to shadows any longer.’

  I am Lorbronika of the demon world, said the voice, and a shape started to form. It was more gassy than substantial like a ten-foot ghost.

  ‘Are you here for a reason?’ Drosca asked.

  What do you know of the Final Destiny?

  ‘That the only humans left after it happens will be food, and that all the portals will be open without any restrictions.’

  Yes, that is correct. I have known about it for a while, and had others trying to kill those who would stop it, but they all failed.

  ‘Who is trying to stop it?’

  Alex and his children, they have to be killed or the Final Destiny may never happen, said Lorbronika. That would not be good for either of us.

  Drosca stared at the dark spirit. ‘They can’t have that much power.’

  You have already seen what he has done. I tried having all his children sacrificed, but he saved them and I do not know how. He has psychic powers the likes that I have never seen. He can protect their home with a force field which I cannot see through, never mind entering.

  ‘So it’s him that can translocate all the others to almost anywhere he likes?’ said Drosca, who had all Dagur’s memories.

  Yes, from what I have seen, there are others with great power
amongst them, but he is the strongest. Lorbronika stared at Dagur. I see you can use the dead elf’s magic, just think what you could do with a dead Alex.

  ‘I have already thought about that, and of killing them all, but he will be the last.’

  You may not have the luxury to keep him alive while you have fun, as he’s too powerful.

  ‘So will I be soon, and what will you be doing to try to stop him?’

  Only guiding at the moment. I tried influencing others, but he somehow managed to change it with a thought.

  ‘You sent the useless warlock after him,’ said Drosca, with some disgust.

  The warlock was far too cocky, and thought it would be easy, which was his downfall. No I didn’t send him as I never told him of the Final Destiny.

  ‘Why not, he was an evil man?’

  Yes, he was, but he was also human, and a world full of our kind would be the end for him. He went after Alex because of the pixies he had freed, and that’s what I want revenge for.

  ‘You want revenge because of some pixies? There are bigger prizes at stake.’

  They would have been mine, and I want them.

  ‘So, only your spirit can leave your world.’

  ‘Yes, and that is why we need to help each other.’

  ‘Why should I trust you?’

  What have you got to lose? We cannot harm each other, and we both want the same outcome.

  Drosca spat. ‘How can you help me? You’re just a spirit with no real power.’

  I can be your eyes for a start as I can see places that you cannot. I can warn you when others approach. I could also hide you from most, but those with psychic powers will see you straight away if they get too close.

  ‘That could be helpful, so why have other demons been here but you’re only a spirit?’

  We have to be summoned, but usually it is just the weaker ones. The warlock would never have done it as he could never have controlled me. There was another demon that was going to do it, but Alex saved his daughter before she could be sacrificed, and his friends killed the demon.

  ‘How are we going to do this?’

  We need to find a way to open both portals to our worlds. This would cause chaos, and with so many on the loose they would have to come and stop them, which would make them vulnerable.

  ‘That was my idea, too. The goblins know the spells to close the portals, so they must know the ones to open them. Dagur knew of these special goblins, and of something which could make you very powerful. The idiot thought they were dead, but they’re not, and he even had at least one of them enchanted.’

  I have seen the two who sealed up your portal.

  ‘Yes, I only have to get the information out of them. I only need to have one of them for a few moments before I get what I want, whether he likes it or not.’ Drosca looked down at the dead body. ‘I did think about kidnapping some who are close to Alex.’

  There is no way you could get into their home or on the Elf World.

  ‘What about the Dwarf World? There may be some on there.’

  It might be worth a try, but I need to get into the elf’s body if you are going to use his powers.

  ‘If you have to then do it,’ said Drosca disinterestedly.

  The demon turned to a black mist, which disappeared into Dagur. Are you going to leave the other body there?

  ‘Yes, let them look for me here.’

  They appeared on the Goblin World first. Lorbronika could not locate the goblins they needed, but did find out that they were on the Elf World. Drosca could have looked itself, but it would have to use Dagur and it felt tiresome. The Dwarf World was no better, they could kidnap a few but why would Alex drop everything to look for them.

  ‘I could go on a killing spree.’

  No, you would make even more enemies, and they would eventually find you. Let them look for you on their own world like you said. We will wait for the goblins to return.

  They are here, said Lorbronika, three days later.

  ‘How powerful are they?’ Drosca asked.

  Too powerful to fight at the same time, you will have to wait until they split up.

  ‘Then let me know when they have and I will get the information.’


  Birkaz stood by the window in Zakora’s tower, and glanced at Korzak. ‘What did Alex mean when he said you were waiting for their army?’

  Korzak poured three drinks, and passed two to his brothers. ‘After the attack on the Dwarf World, they brought an army here. I thought they were hunting for goblins to kill, so I sat waiting to plead with them.’

  ‘You could have let the jungle take care of them.’

  Korzak wriggled his ears. ‘I could not have done that, and I only sat there waiting for a day, not two thousand years.’

  Zakora added water to his drink. ‘He has a point, why did you not tell us of your vision?’

  ‘I wanted too, but I was shown the future if I failed.’

  ‘And what was the future if you had failed?’ Korzak asked.

  Birkaz turned and sat on the edge of the window ledge. ‘Death for us all, and I don’t mean just goblins.’

  Zakora raised both brows. ‘Has it now been stopped after we sealed up the Dark World forever?’

  ‘I hope so.’

  There was a knock on the door, and Zakora glanced up. ‘Come in.’

  The door opened and a goblin in robes entered with a very unsure look on his face. ‘Masters, there are three dwarf lords here wanting to talk with you.’

  ‘Let them in,’ said Korzak. ‘I have met a few, and they’re quite likable.’ They had all met dwarves in the past, but they were no longer alive.

  The three dwarves entered and two goblins bowed.

  ‘Don’t do that, it shames us,’ said Laxan. ‘We know of your powers and who you are.’

  ‘We were told three dwarf lords were here, not three kings,’ said Korzak, giving the goblin that let them in an accusing look.

  Verdan walked forward. ‘We have a proposal for you.’

  ‘We’re always interested in those,’ said Korzak, and made the introductions. ‘These are my brothers Birkaz, and Zakora. These are King Verdan, King Laxan and King Korlan.’

  Birkaz offered his hand which all three dwarves shook. Zakora did the same as Korzak poured more drinks before passing them around.

  ‘Thank you,’ said Verdan. ‘We need farmers, and wondered if any of your kind would be willing to do it.’

  ‘Farmers or slaves?’ said Birkaz.

  ‘We would never use slaves,’ said Laxan, sounding a little upset.

  ‘No, just farmers,’ said Verdan. ‘We’ve had this problem for a while as dwarves are not very good at it.’

  Zakora sat down. ‘What makes you think goblins are?’

  ‘It was when we first came here and walked through the jungle,’ said Verdan. ‘There was a small village with goblins trying to survive in horrible conditions.’

  ‘That doesn’t make good farmers,’ said Korzak.

  ‘No,’ said Korlan, ‘but it makes great survivors who deserve a better life.’

  Laxan tasted the goblin ale and smiled. ‘They would get a fine home, and never starve nor have the fear of being attacked by anything.’

  ‘It does have its advantages,’ said Zakora, ‘but how will they be treated by your kind?’

  ‘We don’t hold grudges or prejudices,’ said Verdan. ‘If they are good at farming, they will be loved for it.’

  Korzak poured himself another drink, a glass of cola. ‘I would like to see those in the jungle living a better life.’

  ‘Let me go get my registry,’ said Zakora, as he stood and left the room.

  ‘You have a register of all your kind?’ said Laxan.

  ‘Yes, it was Zakora’s idea a long time ago to keep a check on the madness,’ said Korzak, when there was a high-pitched scream, and they all ran out of the room.

  The goblins recognised it straight away, a blood devil, not just any blood devil
but one of the oldest of its kind and the cruellest of them all. It had one hand on Zakora’s head and one on the dead Dagur. Birkaz raised his own hands and fireballs flew at the devil. The dwarves had no weapons with them, but grabbed what they could find and attacked it. Zakora put a protective shield around Zakora and the devil dropped him to the floor. It may have been strong, but it was facing the power of the Elders and three powerful dwarf kings. It would be dead in minutes, so it vanished.

  ‘Zakora!’ Korzak cried, and ran to his brother.

  ‘Is he alive?’ Birkaz asked.

  ‘Barely, but it’s his mind the devil was reading, and might have destroyed it.’

  ‘Can you do anything for him?’ Verdan asked.

  ‘No, this is beyond me,’ said Korzak. ‘House, if you can hear me, we need help.’

  What happened? House asked.

  ‘A devil attacked him,’ said Korzak.

  I can do nothing, we must get him back to the mansion, said House, and with that they all appeared in a bedroom with Zakora lying on the bed.


  Alex took aim and missed. The ball bounced off the cushion two inches away from the pocket. ‘I think this stick’s warped.’

  Claire took her shot and the black ball went down the hole. ‘Don’t blame the cue, you’re rubbish.’

  ‘You’re probably right.’

  Skye took the cue off him. ‘I’m curious about something.’

  ‘Curious about what?’

  ‘You told the children not to look in our rooms as House will tell them if we’re OK. Does that mean he sees into our room?’

  Alex grinned. ‘You’ve been here all this time and only just thought about it?’

  I do not look in your room, said House. I can sense if you are in any danger, but I do look in Alex’s room as he needs watching now and then.

  Alex looked up. ‘What’s that supposed to mean?’ He received no reply, but a minute later he watched Adair stand up and vanish, Luella and Daralis did the same.

  Alex you are needed, said House, Zakora has been hurt.


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