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The Final Destiny: Vesta Mansion Trilogy - Book Three - Fantasy

Page 22

by P. A. Priddey

  ‘Yes, you elves are very skilled when it comes to this, and your soldiers only have to get used to a different weapon other than a bow.’

  ‘We don’t have that long before the battle, and I’ve a feeling they might be worried at what to expect.’

  ‘Far from it, they’ll be happy with the knowledge of fighting alongside those who have been teaching them,’ said James as Alex and the others appeared.

  Roscoe nodded. ‘That would make you feel confident.’

  Alex walked over to them. ‘How’s the training going?’

  ‘Very well,’ said James.

  Marakus raised a brow. ‘He has a lot more confidence than we have.’

  Alex glanced over at the woods. ‘James can see potential, and if he says they’re good enough then they will be.’

  ‘I wish I had your confidence,’ said Marakus, as Skye came out of the woods with paint on her outfit.

  ‘One of them got you?’ said Alex.

  ‘Yes, it was a good clean shot too,’ said Skye. ‘At least now I might get something to eat.’

  ‘I don’t think I gave you permission to leave,’ said James.

  Skye gave him a hard stare. ‘You can give it me now if you think it’s important, but remember my gun as plenty of ammunition left.’

  James smiled. ‘Then you have a free pass.’

  ‘You’re so kind.’

  ‘I hope you’re not bossing the women around,’ said Alex, and put his arm around Skye.

  James shook his head. ‘No, but I want to see all their expressions when I ask that.’

  ‘I think our soldiers may sacrifice you first.’

  ‘I am quite hungry you know,’ said Skye.

  ‘Then let us go and have some lunch,’ said Alex, as James and the elves stood to join them.

  ‘So what relationship are you two?’ Roscoe asked. ‘I know you’re all friends, but also one big family.’

  ‘I think of Skye as my little sister.’

  Skye smiled. ‘I never had a big brother before, and I thought of you as one when I saw your face when I got hurt on that world, wherever we were.’

  ‘You really scared me then.’

  ‘I was pretty scared myself.’

  ‘The gnomes have decided they will only require three hits,’ said James, when Henrik arrived to discuss terms.

  ‘That’s very generous,’ said the Major, ‘and you can choose what time we start.’

  ‘Well . . . erm . . . OK, how does eight o’clock sound?’ said James, trying to make it look as if he only just decided on the time, but had hoped to get the choice.

  ‘That’s a strange time,’ said Henrik, ‘but I accept.’

  ‘Where do you want us to start?’

  ‘At the portal and we will start from the castle. What would you say to everyone having two lives?’

  James nodded. ‘That sounds fair. How are you going to work it, so they don’t get hit twice in quick succession?’

  ‘A second hit like that won’t count as all players must return to the start before carrying on.’

  ‘That’s a good idea, so until we meet later, Major.’

  ‘I’m looking forward to it, General.’


  They all went to the castle, and the children decided to go laser fighting. House took James and his army to the observatory. The army from the Order left the castle and marched to the forest. Many of those who were not fighting found themselves in the surveillance room watching the many screens. Alex found himself a comfy chair and promptly sat down.

  Luella raised an eyebrow. ‘Make yourself at home.’

  Alex grinned. ‘Thanks, Mom, are there any snacks?’

  ‘Refreshments are on the way,’ said Victor.

  ‘I might as well join you then,’ said Luella, when Malek offered her a chair, as all the others in there was also given a seat.

  ‘Are you sure you shouldn’t be down there with them?’ said Adair.

  Alex nodded. ‘I’m quite sure, as both sides would enjoy shooting me.’

  ‘You do get two lives,’ said Victor.

  ‘Why is that?’ Blaze asked.

  ‘To give everyone a chance to feel like they’ve been in the game, and once they lose their first life they must return to where they started from before carrying on.’

  Alex glanced up at the screens, which covered the wall, and saw the two armies. ‘Is there any sound? It would be nice to know their tactics.’

  Victor smiled, and passed Alex a computer tablet with the numbers for each of the screens. ‘Touch the number you want to listen to.’

  Alex looked up and pressed one.

  Ron Stevens stood staring at the forest. ‘Have you decided on which strategy to use?’

  Henrik nodded. ‘It looks like we will have to use two, there will be four units. Captain Petrov will lead our best shooters to deal with the gnomes, or try to anyway.’

  ‘I thought you decided against that as James would expect us to do it.’

  ‘Yes, then I let him choose the time, which as you can see will be dark soon. Their sight will be much better than ours.’

  Leif pointed to the top of his head. ‘We have infrared glasses.’

  ‘Yes, and like those from the mansion with their night-sight they will be visible in the dark, unlike the gnomes and elves who have different sight.’

  ‘The glasses are the best you can get and will pick up thermal images from a good distance.’

  ‘Yes, and I hope they have missed that little detail,’ said Henrik. ‘Ron, you take your unit down the right, and I will take mine down the other side.’

  ‘Where do you want me?’ Leif asked.

  ‘I want you to hold back behind Captain Petrov who’s going down the middle.’

  Alex touched number eighteen.

  Claire checked her gun over. ‘Any last orders, General?’

  James nodded. ‘I want Kristina and Millie protected. If you get hit, you don’t have to rejoin your unit, just go and pick off as many as you can and have fun.’

  ‘I thought they couldn’t use their shields.’

  ‘They’re not going to use them to block any paintballs, but will be useful for something else.’

  Claire led her unit into the trees and headed forward with five gnomes running along the ground, but not outrunning the ones above. It was more difficult for the elves as the trees were different and further apart than on their world, but they managed it. It was easier for those of the mansion as they could float as well as jump.

  ‘Are you ready?’ Sammy asked.

  Jodie rubbed her chin. ‘Yes, but it feels like cheating.’

  ‘James said we have to use our powers to give the soldiers a test.’

  ‘OK do it,’ said Jodie, and they vanished.

  ‘Where did they go?’ said Alex, a little startled. ‘House was that you?’

  No, they are still there.

  Adair looked at the screen. ‘Are you saying they’ve become invisible?’

  ‘We were not expecting that,’ said Malek.

  ‘It seems a little unfair,’ said Adair.

  Alex grinned. ‘I know, but impressive though.’

  Victor shrugged. ‘It’s all about your powers versus our technology, so it’s perfectly acceptable.’

  ‘Are they both doing it?’ Alex asked.

  ‘No, just Sammy,’ said Blaze.

  ‘Now I know why I haven’t seen her much lately,’ said Alex, and the others just groaned.

  They watched as the Order’s best shooters were first to open fire, it was at three gnomes running in and out of the trees, and near impossible to hit. It got the soldiers attention as they had to concentrate in case they suddenly changed direction. The gnomes did change direction as Claire’s unit opened fire from the trees. Twenty soldiers lost their first lives and only got one gnome in return.

  ‘That was a nice tactic,’ said Joseph.

  ‘I agree.’ said Victor. ‘If that had been real it would have been a slaughter.�

  The Order did have some success as Leif’s unit saw what was happening, and the other four gnomes, five elves, and two from the mansion were all hit. It stopped when Anna and Leanne flew past with frightening speed taking four of them out.

  ‘Oh no, someone got Sally,’ said Alex. ‘Bring me the head of the one who did it.’

  Luella shook her head. ‘You’re enjoying this way too much.’

  ‘Yes, Mother, are you?’

  ‘Of course, dear,’ said Luella, unconvincingly.

  The Order was using hit-and-run tactics which was working well until they started getting picked off by unseen shooters. It turned dark and Ron’s unit could see many figures ahead through the thermal imaging glasses.

  ‘Down . . . let them get closer,’ he said quietly, ‘I don’t think they’ve seen us.’ He watched as the figures vanished. ‘What the hell?’ said Ron, as the soldiers stood up.

  ‘They were right there,’ said a soldier, as a paintball hit his chest.

  Asima’s unit appeared, and the Order’s soldiers stood no chance.

  Kristina rested a gun on her shoulder. ‘The shield work against those glasses then.’

  Ron looked down at the paint on his top. ‘Did it make them invisible?’

  ‘Only if you’re wearing those glasses, as you can’t see heat through it.’

  ‘He has second-guessed us again,’ said Ron, none too happy as he and his soldiers returned to the start.

  Alex turned to Victor. ‘That was clever of James.’

  ‘I believe we should have done more homework on their talents.’

  ‘True, but even I didn’t know Sammy could do that.’ He watched as she and Jodie appeared on the screen. Jodie got Sammy to stop hiding her, as her skills were not really being tested, and jumped into the trees. Alex saw two more on another screen, but didn’t turn on the sound as everyone else in there were watching another group battle.


  Carrie didn’t join a group, she teamed up with Thalion. James had thought it would be good practice for when she goes to the Dragon World. They managed to pick off individuals quite easily.

  Thalion hid with his back to a tree as soldiers passed in the distance. ‘I know it won’t be this much fun when you’re with Alex on the Dragon World, but I hope it helps you.’

  Carrie dropped down from a branch. ‘What makes you think it won’t be fun?’

  ‘You won’t be facing friends with paintball guns, but who knows what monsters.’

  ‘Do you think we’re mad for going?’

  ‘No, as I believe you have no choice, I just wish I could come with you.’

  ‘I don’t think Tyra would like that.’

  ‘It was her idea that I fight with you tonight, as she cares for you very much,’ said Thalion. ‘We do know why you can’t be with him.’

  ‘It doesn’t matter, as long as I can help,’ said Carrie, as they saw soldiers from the Order. She moved her gun smoothly and shot one.

  Thalion dived out the way of a paintball easily, and fired back hitting his target in the chest. ‘That was close.’

  Carrie raised a brow. ‘Maybe we shouldn’t be talking so much.’

  ‘Will you walk through a forest on the Dragon World and not talk to Alex?’

  ‘Good point.’


  James watched Henrik as his unit approached Torgon’s. The Major had a screen with a thermal imaging camera pointing above at the trees watching them. One shot was all it took and the lens was covered in paint. James smiled and dropped back into the shadows as Torgon and those with him fired.

  Victor shook his head. ‘We underestimated how good James would be as a tactician.’

  ‘His skill at fighting is second to none, and he learnt it the hard way,’ said Alex. ‘He also learned everything about war and combat.’

  ‘That might have been information we could have done with.’

  All of the Order’s soldiers had lost one life compared to sixty-five of James’s army. There was a slight delay as the others decided to catch up. Soldiers waited for Henrik to give them new orders. He still had them wearing thermal heat seeking glasses, even though he now knew the trick Kristina and Millie could do.

  ‘Shoot on sight . . . do not give them a chance to disappear.’

  ‘Are we going to split up?’ Leif asked.

  ‘It would be a good idea.’ Henrik glanced around and pointed. ‘Over there, it looks like they’re altogether.’

  Ron stared ahead and saw nearly a hundred shapes through his infrared glasses. ‘It’s gotta be a trap?’

  ‘It could be,’ said Leif, ‘but maybe he just wants a free for all as this is our last life.’

  ‘Which would give them the upper hand,’ said Henrik. ‘They have some which have not been hit yet.’

  Ron checked his gun. ‘It would be a fun way to finish though.’

  ‘Yes, why not,’ said Henrik, and they charged into the open space firing, only to find no one there.

  Ron pushed the glasses to the top of his head. ‘That was no shield this time.’

  James floated to the ground. ‘Hello gentlemen, would you like to offer us your surrender.’

  Henrik raised a brow. ‘I have all my men pointing their guns at you right now.’

  ‘And only one will count, as I’ve not been hit yet.’

  ‘You would be out of the game for a while.’

  ‘That’s true, and I’d hate to walk all the way back to the portal only to find out it’s all over before I returned,’ said James, as twenty gnomes came out of hiding and stood next to the soldiers.

  Leif looked down at them. ‘You’re bloody frightening.’

  Henrik rubbed his chin. ‘I will cede victory to you once you tell me how you fooled us into this trap, and made one hundred disappear.’

  ‘They were never here as we do have people with certain talents as you should know.’ James held out his hand as Summer glided down to him. ‘This beautiful lady can control heat in more ways than you could ever imagine.’

  ‘That was brilliant,’ said Henrik, ‘you are the worthy victors, and I salute you.’

  ‘Can we get a drink now?’ Carrie asked.

  ‘Yes, my lady,’ said Henrik, and none of them had to walk as House took them back to the Order’s function room.

  ‘We failed my lord,’ said Henrik, as Alex walked into the room.

  ‘I didn’t see that.’

  ‘We are both your armies, and we were the losers.’

  ‘No, Henrik, you and your men didn’t fail, and I will let James explain.’

  ‘Where do I start, should it be the weapons or Alex hogging the surveillance room?’ said James. ‘If this had been a real battle neither of us would’ve been using paintball guns. You would be using weapons with a lot more power, and we would be using swords and bows. Yes some of us have talents but a lot of us were also hit.’

  ‘That’s true I guess,’ said Henrik, sounding happier.

  Alex accepted a drink. ‘James would love to fight you again one day, where everyone is equal.’


  Drosca used Dagur’s magic to take them to a volcano. It walked down a tunnel for what felt like an eternity, and came out in a wide open area with a mist in front of them. Nothing living had been down there in a very long time.

  We are here, said Lorbronika.

  ‘What happens now?’ Drosca asked.

  We wait. You cannot pass through that mist without a spirit guide, so don’t even try it.

  ‘And one will willingly do that?’

  They all will, but not for the reasons you want. You must wait for one you can trust.

  Drosca stared at shapes appearing in the mist. ‘There is none down here that I could trust.’

  There is one who wants you to succeed. Dagur is down here somewhere.

  ‘Will he know I am here?’

  You will have to call him and it might be a long wait.

  Drosca pointed at the shapes. ‘Maybe one of
them knows the answers.’

  No, they are mindless killers and would know nothing. If you go into the mist without a guide, they will rip you apart.

  ‘Do none down here want the Final Destiny to happen?’

  No, they are dead and do not care. They will hate the fact that you are alive and will send some of them into a frenzy.

  ‘And you expect me to go in there?’

  You will be safe as long as you have a guide.

  They waited two days before the spirit of Dagur appeared in the mist which now parted. He didn’t look like a spirit, but whole.

  ‘Why are you here?’ said the elf.

  ‘I need information about the Dragon World,’ said Drosca, ‘help me get it and I can give you back your life.’

  ‘Why should I believe you?’

  Drosca shrugged. ‘I have your body, it is undamaged, and still contains your magic. You know what I seek and without its power I cannot kill those you hate. I would’ve brought you back anyway, just to watch them die.’

  The dead elf motioned Drosca to follow him. ‘I don’t know the information you seek, but there is one here who may know.’

  Stay right behind him and ignore everything else, Lorbronika told him.

  Drosca walked into the depths of the underworld with the dead trying to grab at him. He passed through a maze of tunnels until he reached a large open space, which didn’t look like it was underground. He realised it wasn’t when he looked up and saw a dark sky, he was in hell. There were other creatures feeding off the souls of the dead. Dagur’s spirit took them to another blood devil, an ancient one that died long before Drosca came into being.

  The devil stood as tall as Drosca, and like Dagur it didn’t look like a spirit. ‘What do you want here?’

  You know why he is here, said Lorbronika.

  ‘Why should I give the knowledge to him or you, demon?’

  Drosca wondered if it would have to fight its way out of there. ‘Because I will take you back to the world of the living, once I have the power.’

  ‘Of course you would,’ the devil spat. ‘Do not take me for some fool.’

  ‘What do you have to lose?’ Drosca asked.

  ‘Nothing, but what are you willing to lose if you fail?’


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