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The Final Destiny: Vesta Mansion Trilogy - Book Three - Fantasy

Page 24

by P. A. Priddey

  ‘And you decided to help us along the way?’

  ‘If my uncle’s correct, and the duke’s been messing with the dark side then we have no choice but to help.’

  ‘Very honourable of you,’ said Dart. ‘I will guide you through the lands, as you tell us all about the other worlds.’

  ‘Where are we now?’ said Alex.

  ‘This is Ayrdale, one of the most pleasant lands on our world.’

  They passed hills and green fields. There were a couple of villages and farms in the distance, and a large lake. An hour later after they told them what they knew about the other worlds, they saw smoke ahead in the distance.

  Alex pointed. ‘What’s that over there?’

  Dart put his hand above his eyes and stared. ‘This is Duke Nester’s land, his castle is that way, and I didn’t realise the fighting had come this far south.’

  ‘Does he have a big army?’ James asked.

  ‘Not really, he has about four hundred men.’

  Would you believe it is a castle under siege, said House.

  Alex looked up. ‘It fits I guess.’ He turned to Dart. ‘I will explain later.’

  ‘We best go and take a look,’ said Torgon.

  Alex patted Bronte’s neck and the stallion started to gallop. ‘Come on then.’

  They soon saw the cause of the smoke, as they approached a village with some of the buildings on fire. They saw no bodies as the villagers had fled to the castle which they could all see. Alex halted the army when he saw another of about nine hundred with two hooded figures not far from the castle.

  Dart leant forward in the saddle. ‘It’s strange, they might have Duke Nestor outnumbered, but there are not enough of them to take the castle.’

  ‘They’re not trying to take it,’ said Henrik, ‘and they have a catapult too.’

  James nodded. ‘It looks like they’re trying to keep them trapped in there.’

  Alex glanced around. ‘Do you think there are more on the way?’

  ‘Maybe, or they are just keeping them away from the main fight.’

  Blaze took the axe off her back. ‘Why use nine hundred soldiers to keep four hundred away from the main fight?’

  ‘They’re not just any soldiers, my lady, and that’s what’s confusing me,’ said Dart. ‘They’re the best mounted knights in our lands, and could crush that army in no time.’

  Alex rubbed his chin. ‘So they’re either not in there, or are trapped somehow.’

  Henrik pointed at the castle. ‘Look at the wall by the gates, it’s been scorched.’

  ‘Someone has the power to throw fire at them,’ said Alex. ‘House, what are those things in the hoods?’

  I do not know, but they are not human, said the spirit.

  ‘Lord Alex, said Torgon, ‘what are your orders?’

  ‘Lord Torgon, would you take charge of the archers, and Lord James, would you take care of the infantry,’ said Alex smiling. ‘Lords Adair and Birkaz, will you get rid of those things in the hoods?’

  ‘We would be delighted,’ said Adair, as he and the goblin flew at the army followed by the others on horse.

  ‘What was all that about?’ Paige asked as the army charged in.

  Alex shrugged. ‘I don’t know, but everyone keeps putting me in charge.’

  ‘Are we going in or what?’ said Claire, as the women from the mansion stayed with him.

  ‘Oh, I forgot about that,’ said Alex and chased after the others.

  The gnomes and dwarves ran as fast as they could, before nearly two hundred archers could do too much damage. Adair hit the first robed creature with his lightning and it burst into flames, as did the other when Birkaz hit it with his fireballs. Soon as those in the castle saw the attack, the gates opened, and four hundred mounted knights rode out to join the battle. It lasted just a few minutes with no injuries to the defenders. The knights all dismounted and greeted the newcomers.

  Alex rode forward listening to their conversations.

  ‘Kai Silverwolf, is that you?’ A big man asked.

  ‘Yes, Duke Nester, it is I,’ said Dart.

  ‘My lord, Kai is wanted by the king,’ another big man said.

  ‘Yes, Sir Hubert,’ said Nester, ‘but would you have him taken into custody after what he and his army did?’

  ‘No, as my honour would not allow it . . . I would have to defend him against the king’s men.’

  ‘It’s not my army,’ said Dart, ‘it’s Lord Alex’s, the one getting off his horse.’

  ‘I have never heard of a Lord Alex.’

  Dart smiled. ‘No he is not from our world.’

  Sir Hubert scratched his head. ‘What do you mean not from our world?’

  ‘They are from another, so they told me. You will notice some of them you have never seen before.’

  Nester looked towards Alex. ‘This is a story I would like to hear.’

  ‘You took your time,’ said James.

  Claire dismounted. ‘Blame Lord Alex, he forgot we were meant to fight too.’

  ‘So they’re knights,’ said Skye.

  ‘Yes, apparently so,’ said Alex.

  ‘How come they have titles like the ones in our world if they left all those years ago?’

  ‘They had those titles in the old world too,’ said Korzak.

  Skye scratched her head. ‘It’s strange that they have the same titles as in our world though.’

  ‘Yes, but their language is identical to yours remember.’

  ‘Why the English names, and not ones from another country?’

  ‘Because the portal to the old world was in your country, and are you sure they are not the same names in those other countries.’

  Dart looked up as they approached. ‘Lord Alex, I would like you to meet Duke Nester.’

  ‘That was a timely intervention, and we’re in your debt,’ said Nester, taking Alex’s hand giving it a very strong shake.

  ‘No debt among friends,’ said Alex. ‘I’m just pleased none escaped to warn their leaders about us.’

  ‘I’m afraid they have a spy in the sky for that,’ said Nester, and glanced up at something flying high above.

  ‘What is it?’ James asked.

  ‘We don’t know, but arrows cannot reach it,’ said Nester. ‘Soon as we march away from here it will go and inform its masters.’

  Alex stared up. ‘So, you’re coming with us then?’

  ‘Of course, the king needs us.’

  ‘Then let me deal with that thing up there,’ said Alex, and the blades of his spear shot out, and with one swift movement he threw it with incredible speed. Seconds later it hit the creature in the chest. The spear started to fall, but Alex held out his hand and it flew back to him with the creature still attached. It was no bird, and was the size of a chicken with a round head. It had a nose, and mouth full of razor-sharp teeth with wings more like those of a large bat.

  ‘Show off,’ said Claire.

  ‘Not really, or are you forgetting about this spear, all I had to do was throw it and it did the rest,’ said Alex, he pushed the thing off with his foot and let Birkaz burn it.

  ‘It was mighty impressive though,’ said Nester, ‘and I see you have wizards with you, we have one on this world somewhere.

  Adair nodded. ‘I would like to talk with him when this is over.’

  After the bodies were piled up and set on fire, the army of over eight hundred set off. They rode for another two hours as it started to get dark.

  There are over a hundred soldiers heading into a trap, said House.

  Alex looked up. ‘Do you know who the good guys are?’

  I believe the ones heading into the trap. They are all riding horses and dressed in blue like the ones I saw earlier.

  Those are the king’s guards,’ said Dart. ‘They’re my friends, we have to help them.’

  Alex grabbed the reins of Dart’s horse. ‘We will, but not that way.’

  ‘How then?’

  ‘House, would we make it
on time if we rode there?’

  No, they are too far away.

  Alex turned to James and Thalion. ‘Pick a hundred soldiers each, and House will take you there.’

  James nodded. ‘Will you be carrying on?’

  ‘No, we will make camp here for the night.’

  They dismounted as James and Thalion chose two hundred soldiers, all volunteers. Nester looked disappointed as none of his men were going.

  Alex patted him on the shoulder. ‘Don’t be offended, it’s just horses don’t like going that way.’

  ‘We can fight without horses.’

  ‘As can I, and my men,’ said Dart.

  Alex watched two hundred soldiers split into two groups. ‘It’s getting dark, and all those going will be able to see, and you can’t go as you’re under my protection.’

  Nester looked happier. ‘I know the dwarves have good sight in the dark, but didn’t know others could do it.’

  ‘If you want to go, you can. It might be a good idea if the king’s men saw someone they could trust.’

  Nester nodded. ‘Yes, but how are we going to get there without a horse?’

  Alex winked. ‘Very quickly, but don’t worry as James will explain everything to you.’

  Luella didn’t look happy. ‘Alex, why are you getting them to fight?’

  ‘They are going to save a group of soldiers heading into a trap.’

  ‘Yes, I know, but why not warn them? It would save killing the others.’

  Alex watched as the two units ran over a hill, trying not to alarm the inhabitants of the land when they vanish. ‘Dart told me they were no longer human, and you saw their bodies earlier.’

  ‘Yes, they didn’t look right.’

  ‘It’s almost as if their life has been sucked out,’ said Dart. ‘They are mindless, as if altered just to fight.’

  Alex took the saddle off Bronte and let him graze with the other horses. Tents were already being put up, as torches were lit around the camp. There were other fires as food was being prepared. His tent was erected first, the same one he shared with Carrie before, and she had already put her stuff inside.

  Twenty minutes later the two units returned unscathed.

  Carrie sat outside the tent when she saw them. ‘That was quick.’

  Asima removed her sword and scabbard before sitting. ‘They were not very good at fighting.’

  James sat next to her. ‘We had to wait for Nester to talk to the king’s men before we returned. They will be joining us in about an hour.’

  Alex watched as the king’s men rode into camp and dismounted.

  Their leader, a big man with a crooked nose walked straight over to Dart. ‘Well look who we have here.’

  Dart jumped up. ‘Stormhook, my friend, it’s good to see you.’

  ‘Uncle,’ said Thistle, and embraced him.

  Stormhook smiled. ‘Princess, you’re looking as beautiful as ever, if not slightly different in those clothes.’

  ‘It’s easier to climb through trees like this,’ said Thistle. ‘How’s my father?’

  ‘A miserable old devil since you left.’

  Thistle shrugged. ‘Well, it’s his own fault.’

  ‘Not her real uncle,’ Dart told Alex, ‘but she calls it him anyway.’

  A soldier with shoulder-length hair approached. ‘Shouldn’t they be in irons?’

  ‘Dart should be,’ said Stormhook, ‘just for the way he plays cards.’

  ‘You mean for the way he wins at cards.’

  Dart folded his arms. ‘Are you calling me a cheat, Lightning?’

  ‘I would never say that to the man who always wins for some reason.’ Lightning patted him on the shoulder. ‘Anyway, why are you travelling north? It’s not exactly safe for you.’

  ‘We’re going to fight for the king and stop whatever is happening or die trying.’

  Lightning shook his head. ‘The king might have you killed before you try to save him.’

  ‘He is under the protection of Lord Alex,’ said Thistle.

  ‘That maybe so, Princess, but this army is not very big compared to the kings.’

  Alex glanced up from where he was sitting. ‘The king will not harm either of them. We might not be a big army, but we’re the most powerful one on this world.’

  ‘That’s a mighty boast,’ said Stormhook. ‘But after your soldiers saved us from the ambush, and still arrive here before we do when we were on horse, I can believe it.’

  ‘We also have dwarves, three of them are kings, and the ones on this world will not fight against their kin.’

  Dart nodded. ‘We couldn’t match the elves for their skill and speed with the bows.’

  Lightning flicked his hair away from his eyes. ‘Would that be enough to beat an army of ten thousand?’

  ‘We could have that many here in days,’ said Thalion.

  Stormhook accepted a drink. ‘Why are they not with you?’

  ‘They are here for other reasons,’ said Hubert, ‘but because of their honour they have decided to help us.’

  ‘I don’t see how these could even think about challenging the king, never mind defeating him,’ said one of the other kings men, with a look of disgust. ‘They have too many women with them.’

  Carrie stared at him, with her eyes glowing. ‘Fancy your chances, soldier boy?’

  ‘Witch, you must die,’ said the soldier, and went for his sword.

  Alex was the fastest to react, and in one moment he was sitting, and in the next he had the soldier by his tunic, lifting him in the air. ‘If your sword moves another inch, you die on the spot.’

  They were suddenly surrounded, as Stormhook calmed his men down.

  ‘She’s a witch and must die,’ said the soldier.

  ‘Call her a witch again and your head leaves its body,’ said Alex, as he dangled the soldier in the air. ‘You can call my mother, my aunties, or one of my daughters, a witch, but not the Lady Carrie.’

  The soldier squirmed. ‘Your mother is a witch?’

  ‘I am,’ said Luella. ‘We don’t use that term very often, some call us white witches or great ladies, but we prefer to be called healers.’

  ‘We have healers, are they witches too?’ said the soldier, as his hands dropped to his sides and Alex let him down.

  ‘You have healers here?’ Luella asked.

  ‘Yes, my lady, but no witches,’ said Stormhook.

  Lightning put his arm around the soldier as Alex let him go. ‘I think poor Raven was told too many stories about witches when he was a child.’

  ‘Witches are real,’ said Alex. ‘The dark ones are very evil and powerful.’

  Raven glanced at Luella. ‘If this lady is a witch, what are the other women?’

  ‘Nightmares,’ said Alex.

  ‘I was always told that witches were beautiful, just to entice you before killing you.’

  ‘I was told it was the curse of kindness, but I only believe it keeps them beautiful. You can trust me that evil witches are very ugly.’

  ‘Then what is she if not a witch? She’s beautiful, but her eyes can turn red?’

  ‘She is Lady Carrie, and many of us can do that with our eyes, as it lets us see in the dark.’

  ‘My lady, please forgive me for thy insult,’ said Raven, and took his sword out offering it to her handle first. ‘My life is yours if you want to take it.’

  ‘Put the sword away,’ said Carrie, ‘you’re forgiven.’

  ‘Then I swear to protect you,’ said Raven, with sword held upwards and pressed to his chest.

  Alex smiled. ‘My lady Carrie is very capable of protecting herself.’

  Raven raised an eyebrow, and put his sword away. ‘Your lady, my lord?’

  ‘Yes, my lady,’ said Alex, and Carrie smiled at him. It was only fair as she did the same for him when they first went to the Order.

  ‘It still leaves us with the problem of the safety of my friend,’ said Stormhook. ‘Like Raven says, ten thousand soldiers is a big army.’

  ‘We’re not going there to fight your king but to help him, and if it eases your mind,’ said Alex. House would you do the honours.

  Of course, said House, and Dart vanished.

  Stormhook stepped back as his eyes grew large. ‘Where did he go?’

  ‘I’m over here,’ said Dart, as he came out of a tent smiling.

  ‘House can take him anywhere like that, even to another world,’ said Alex. ‘So please don’t feel you have to protect him against the other kings men, as the last thing I want to cause is a civil war.’

  ‘That would be saving us a lot of trouble,’ said Stormhook.

  Hubert walked over to them. ‘I will still be putting the point across that Kai did not kidnap the princess.’

  Stormhook nodded. ‘And I will back you up there.’

  Alex turned back towards his tent wondering what he had got his friends into. Blustering his way through someone else’s world was not him. Throwing his orders around, sending his friends off to fight wasn’t something he could ever have imagined doing, but he did it without any care in the world. Or at least that’s how it felt to him.

  You do not appear very happy, said House.

  I sense it too, said Rho.

  It’s not sadness, said Alex. I wasn’t sure what to expect when we came here, but I never thought I would send my friends into battle twice in the first few hours of arriving here.

  They were all volunteers, said House, and were never in any real danger.

  Your orders were prompt and assured, said Rho, soldiers will respect you for it.

  Alex nodded. I guess you’re right.

  Remember your promise to protect the innocent? Well the people here are innocent, and some of the women also made that pledge.

  I do like the ones we’ve met, even if they’re not what I expected.

  It might look like a medieval world, but it isn’t. The people here are educated to a certain degree.

  Alex thought about it. They might not have technology, but it wouldn’t stop them from learning other things like reading and writing. I would like to know more about them, but I’m starting to miss the children.

  You do not have to miss them until you go to the dragon world, said House. I can take you back anytime while you are here.


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