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The Final Destiny: Vesta Mansion Trilogy - Book Three - Fantasy

Page 27

by P. A. Priddey

  Thalion rubbed his eyes. ‘I think the king is in for a big surprise.’

  ‘Why, what’s happened?’ Karris asked.

  ‘Can you keep a secret?’ said Alex.

  ‘It depends, as we are loyal to the king.’

  ‘I wouldn’t expect anything else, but this is something the king should hear first-hand, not from gossip.’

  Karris poked the fire with a stick. ‘In that case we will all keep it a secret.’

  Alex looked around at the other men. ‘The princess is with child.’

  Karris raised both eyebrows. ‘Ha-ha that’s brilliant.’

  Nester shook his head at him. ‘I don’t see how that’s a good thing in their situation.’

  ‘It will help their situation, and soon as the king finds out he will have to accept Dart as the father of his grandchild.’

  Alex rubbed his chin. ‘Let’s hope we win this war, and there might be a celebration.’

  Karris looked at Alex. ‘When do you believe Alderon’s army will arrive?’

  ‘Tomorrow evening if my friends don’t find a way to slow them down,’ said Alex, as they heard a very loud rumble.

  Thalion glanced into the distance. ‘What was that?’

  ‘I don’t know,’ said Karris, ‘but it came from the mountains.’

  Alex smiled. ‘I believe my friends just found a way to slow them down.’


  James, Henrik, and Ron could only come up with one plan that might work, there were others which would have meant poisoning the water or food supplies, but none of them wanted to do that.

  James looked up towards the mountains in the distance. ‘The problem I can see is the fact they can send their soldiers some other way, which could bypass anything we do.’

  I watched them do it earlier, said House. It is like a small portal, but only the clones came through, and the humans had to ride down to join them.

  ‘Did any horses go through?’ Henrik asked.

  No, just the clones and a demon.

  James rubbed his chin. ‘Then it might work.’

  ‘How many came through the portal?’ said Carrie.

  About a thousand, said House.

  ‘Where were they going?’

  To the Western Forest, to stop the men of the mountains from aiding us. Alex has gone up there with an army to stop them.

  Carrie sighed. ‘He won’t be coming back tonight then.’

  No, but he will be going to see the children later.

  ‘How are we going to do this then?’ James asked.

  I will be the one doing it, said House, and you will be just pointing and saying where.

  Rho looked up. Alex is good at that.

  House took James, Henrik, Ron, Stormhook, and Rho, to the mountains where the shortest route between Calberon and Morodonia was the north pass. Part of the passage between the mountains was only wide enough for six horses riding next to each other, and was two miles long. The five of them stood at a safe distance while House looked for any weaknesses in the mountains, and found a few. They heard a loud rumble and an almighty crash as what looked like half a mountain fell into the pass.

  ‘I wonder if Alderon heard that,’ said James.

  Stormhook laughed. ‘I think the whole world heard it.’

  ‘He will have his spies up here soon,’ said Henrik.

  James smiled. ‘I do hope it gives him a bad night’s sleep.’

  Stormhook rubbed his big nose. ‘You don’t think King Fulton will be upset with us do you?’

  ‘I won’t tell him if you don’t,’ said James, as a very large cloud covered them in dust, and House took them back.


  He sat on his horse when he saw them arrive, and watched as the mountain collapsed into the pass. The five vanished as the cloud engulfed them and the man smiled before riding south.


  ‘Papa,’ Talitha shouted.

  ‘Hey, sweetheart,’ said Alex, and picked her up as all the other children ran to him.

  ‘Have you missed us?’ Adhara asked.

  ‘I always miss you when I’m away. So, what have you been up to today?’

  ‘Livvy and Donna took us to the Elf World to play in the trees,’ said Sarin.

  Shaula nodded. ‘Aunty Orlaith took us to the castle to play laser shooting.’

  Alex smiled. ‘You have been busy, just like House.’

  It is nice that you noticed, said the spirit.

  ‘I always do.’

  ‘What about you, Papa,’ said Adhara, ‘what you been up to?’

  ‘Well, I met a king and a prince.’

  ‘A real Prince,’ said Tia.

  ‘Yes, honey, a real one.’

  Thomas sat on the arm of a sofa. ‘Is it like Lord of the Rings?’

  ‘It looks like it, but we had to take our own elves, dwarves, and goblins,’ said Alex, as the others arrived.

  The children received a lot of fuss, and Aileen couldn’t wait to tell Orlaith about the other healers. James appeared with Henrik, Ron, Rho and Stormhook.

  ‘I hope you don’t mind me being here,’ said the captain, covered in dust.

  Alex shook his head. ‘Not at all, I just hope this does not confuse you too much.’

  ‘An invisible spirit just dropped half a mountain into the north pass, I think I’ll manage.’

  ‘So you were responsible for the loud noise.’

  ‘No, that was House,’ said James.

  They always blame me, said House, as the four men walked upstairs.

  Carrie stood with her arms folded. ‘I want a word with you mister.’

  Alex smiled. ‘And what word is that, my lady?’

  ‘Warning, as it would have been nice to have had some.’

  Alex put his arm around her. ‘You did a wonderful job, so I’ve been told.’

  ‘That’s beside the point,’ said Carrie, and kissed his cheek. ‘It’ll be lonely in my tent tonight.’

  ‘I’m sharing with Thalion and Birkaz, and they might enjoy the extra space if I was not there.’



  Alex woke in the tent with Carrie resting on his chest. He realised the stupid situation he had got himself into with her. He couldn’t help himself and had to be near her even if he was meant to be with another army.

  ‘You’re still here then?’ said Carrie.

  Alex realised his arm was around her. ‘You looked peaceful.’

  Carrie sat up. ‘Don’t they say that about dead people at funerals?’

  Alex smiled as he watched her. ‘You’re far from past it.’

  ‘You’re not though are you, old man,’ said Carrie and poked his side before leaning on him. ‘You better get going, or we might miss this war.’

  ‘That’s true,’ said Alex, and vanished, leaving Carrie to drop to the ground.

  Birkaz almost jumped out of his leathery looking skin when Alex appeared. ‘That could get annoying . . . can’t you just keep away for one night?’

  ‘She was lonely,’ said Alex.

  ‘At least he’s smiling,’ said Thalion. ‘We wouldn’t want him going into the fight all grumpy.’

  Birkaz stared at Alex. ‘Have you ever been into battle in a bad mood?’

  ‘Only to save my children,’ said Alex, as he changed clothes.

  Thalion nodded. ‘I believe that would have made anyone angry.’

  ‘Are we awake in there?’ said Prince Karris, from outside the tent.

  ‘Yes, Your Highness,’ said Alex.

  Birkaz poked his head outside the tent. ‘Is breakfast ready?’

  ‘It’s waiting for you,’ said Karris.

  Alex put clothes into his pack which House had brought over, and realised it was one from the Order. ‘Is this not technology?’

  ‘It's just a bag,’ said Birkaz.

  ‘It was made with modern technology from our world.’

  ‘It's just a bag, and they have bags here,’ said Birkaz, impatiently.<
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  ‘So we could have brought the other tents.’

  ‘Don’t you like our tents?’ Thalion asked.

  ‘They're comfortable to sleep in, I meant about putting them up and down.’

  Birkaz shook his head. ‘I have never seen you do that.’

  Alex scratched his head. ‘Good point, shall we eat?'

  Karris passed Alex a bowl of porridge. ‘My lord, I was thinking all night about Kai, and wouldn’t he be safer with us if he’s under your protection?’

  ‘He’s very safe,’ said Alex. House, could you ask Dart and the Princess if they would join us for a moment please?

  ‘We’re quite far away to protect him,’ said the prince, as Dart and Thistle appeared startling many.

  ‘Cousin,’ said Karris, and embraced her.

  ‘Is there anything wrong?’ said Dart, as the prince patted him on the shoulder.

  ‘No,’ said Alex. ‘I just wanted to ease your friends minds of what would happen if you were in danger, plus I think the prince wanted to see you.’

  Karris smiled. ‘My mind is at ease, and thank you.’

  After breakfast, they headed north at a gallop. Two hours later Thalion pointed up at a creature in the sky, and they knew they were not far away. The Westland forest came into view as did the clone army and mounted soldiers of Morodonia.

  Birkaz glanced across at Alex. ‘So, are you going to tell us about your plan now?’

  Alex raised an eyebrow. ‘What makes you think I have one?’

  ‘You told Adair you needed me to come, and I don’t think it was for my company.’

  Alex felt injured by it. ‘That’s a bit harsh, as I do like your company.’

  ‘That’s kind of you, now what’s the plan?’

  Alex pointed ahead. ‘It’s not just the clones we’re going to face but human soldiers, and I don’t want to kill any of them if it can be helped.’

  ‘I agree,’ said Nester, ‘but how are we gonna avoid it?’

  ‘By getting them to run away.’

  ‘It would take a lot to do that as Alderon would have them put to death for running.’

  ‘We’ll take care of the clones, and leave the frightening to our friend Birkaz who can be very scary.’

  Birkaz raised his ears. ‘It could be fun too. I will go over to the forest for some privacy.’

  ‘It never bothered you before,’ said Thalion.

  ‘I was in a bad mood at the time,’ said Birkaz, and rode off.

  Karris watched him go. ‘What’s he going to do?’

  ‘Birkaz is going to change into something very large,’ said Alex. ‘You best warn your men what they see will only be there to frighten the enemy. We best get into position to face the clones and give him some distance in case he spooks the horses.


  Birkaz reached the edge of the forest and dismounted. He left the horse and walked into the forest looking for a large space. He found one after a few minutes and started to get undressed when he heard a woman’s voice.

  ‘What the heck are you?’

  Birkaz turned around quickly while holding his robe in front of him. He looked through the forest trying to see where the voice came from. ‘I’m a goblin, and could do with a bit of privacy.’

  ‘What’s a goblin?’ the voice asked.

  Birkaz shook his head in frustration. ‘I will tell you after we have got rid of those clones out there.’

  ‘We don’t know what side you’re on as you’re not human. Yet you arrive with the prince and the duke, have they gone over to the other side too?’

  ‘No,’ said Birkaz impatiently, ‘we’re here to get rid of those things so you can leave here.’

  ‘That’s OK then,’ said a young woman with light blonde hair, blue eyes, and wearing brown clothes as she came into view. ‘You’re a strange-looking one.’

  ‘Thanks, now could you turn around as I am undressing.’

  ‘I don’t think so,’ said a large man carrying an axe, ‘and why would you want to get undressed in front of my daughter?’

  ‘I told her to turn around so it wouldn’t be in front of her,’ said Birkaz, getting irate, and with a wave of his hand the axe flew into the forest. ‘I am also a wizard.’

  The woman’s eyes grew big. ‘A good one or an evil one?’

  ‘There are only good wizards. If I was evil, I would be called a warlock. Now turn around or you will see an angry one,’ said Birkaz, and continued to undress.

  ‘Why are you taking your clothes off?’ The woman asked and turned away quickly.

  ‘You will see,’ said Birkaz, and started to change.

  The woman and man sensed something large behind them. They turned, and retreated into the forest at speed.


  The army rode on and saw the clones facing the forest. The soldiers from Morodonia looked hesitant at the sight of the mounted knights, and rode to the right of the clones. The hooded figure shouted orders and the clones turned and ran towards Alex and the army. They stopped two hundred yards away. The Morodonians trotted behind, but kept their distance.

  Alex watched. ‘I don’t want the Morodonian soldiers getting any closer to the clones.’

  Birkaz is ready, said House.

  Alex nodded. ‘Can you block the demons fire and send it back?’

  Yes, do you want to burn the clones?

  ‘No, I want a wall of fire between the two armies over there. When it happens, get Birkaz to charge at the Morodonians.’

  Nester organised his knights into lines ready to charge forward. The hooded figure raised his hands and fireballs flew through the air. They only reached halfway before House sent them back. Birkaz charged out of the forest as a three-headed dragon. The soldiers fled leaving the clones to fight on two fronts as the men of the mountains were free to leave the forest. Many of which were women.

  Alex put his hand forward and they attacked. He went straight for the hooded figure with spear in hand, and removed the demons head. The battle lasted minutes as the clones were too slow.

  The Morodonians were trapped, as they couldn’t go east as the Dwarf Mountains lay that way as did the land of Calberon. They couldn’t go north as Alderon would have them and their families killed. They climbed off their horses and dropped their weapons hoping for mercy.

  One of the mountain men approached Alex. ‘My lord, what happened to the beast?’

  ‘It wasn’t real, but a trick to scare those soldiers away.’

  ‘Do you want us to take care of them?’ another mountain man asked, who was taller than Alex and much wider, with an axe strapped to his back.

  ‘Their fate is in the hands of Prince Karris,’ said Alex, as he watched the frightened Morodonians.

  ‘That’s kind of you . . . I think,’ said Karris, as he rode over to them. ‘Braska, it’s good to see you again.’

  ‘As it is to see you, Your Highness, we came down to aid you, but had no defence against the fire.’

  Karris nodded. ‘You will find horses and carts waiting for you at the end of the column.’

  ‘Thank you, Your Highness,’ said Braska, and motioned to his people to go that way.

  Karris rubbed his chin. ‘Lord Alex, what do you suggest we do with the prisoners?’

  ‘We’ll have a chat with them soon as Birkaz returns,’ said Alex, scanning the forest for the goblin.


  Birkaz returned to the forest and changed back to his normal self, but couldn’t find his clothes.

  ‘I have them here,’ said the young woman.

  ‘Could I have them please? As I am quite naked.’

  ‘I know that, I’ve been watching you,’ said the woman, and came into view with his clothes folded into a bundle.

  ‘Would you mind turning round please, so I can get changed,’ said Birkaz, holding his hands over his most private region.

  ‘If you insist, but I already saw you,’ said the woman, and turned her back to him.

  Birkaz dressed quickly. ‘Yo
u’re very weird.’

  ‘You turn into a dragon and I’m weird, oh and I’m called Ludicras.’

  Birkaz raised an eyebrow. ‘That feels like a made up name.’

  ‘My real name is Bel Blueflower, but I always have strange dreams, so I get called the other.’

  ‘I prefer Bel, and we best get back to the others.’

  ‘I will meet you there as I don’t have a horse.’

  ‘You can share mine if you like.’

  Bel smiled. ‘I would like that very much,’ she said, and shortly after they rode up to the army getting many strange looks.


  Alex shook his head. ‘How on earth did that happen?’

  Birkaz shrugged. ‘She watched me change.’

  ‘You poor girl,’ said Thalion, trying his hardest not to laugh.

  ‘It was amazing to watch, and he’s lovely,’ said Bel, with a huge smile.

  Birkaz scratched his head. ‘I meant she watched me change into a dragon.’

  ‘Goblin groupies whatever next?’ said Alex.

  ‘What’s a groupie?’ Karris asked.

  ‘I’ll explain it to you later, Your Highness, but first we better get this over with. Lord Birkaz, will you be OK to come with us?’

  ‘Yes, Lord Alex, I will, but I don’t think we will be going alone,’ said Birkaz as Bel held him tighter.

  Alex smiled as they rode over to the Morodonian soldiers.

  ‘My lords, we beg your forgiveness,’ said a short, stocky, middle age man.

  Karris looked down at him. ‘You beg forgiveness, yet you invaded our lands.’

  ‘We had no choice, Your Highness, as we’re not even soldiers. I am Jark the farmer.’

  ‘He is too,’ said Bel. ‘I’ve been to his farm.’

  ‘Why would a farmer invade our land?’ Karris asked.

  Jark held out his hands as he pleaded. ‘We were forced here under the pain of torture and death to our families.’

  Karris rubbed his chin. ‘Then none of you will be harmed if you stay here away from the battle.’

  ‘That’s very generous of you,’ said Jark, ‘but we would fight with you to rid our land of the evil.’


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