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The Final Destiny: Vesta Mansion Trilogy - Book Three - Fantasy

Page 38

by P. A. Priddey

  Alex rubbed his neck as the heat was building again. ‘You mean they’re drinking or just swapping stories?’

  Anno glared at him. ‘You would dare to question them?’

  ‘Yeah, I dare, as there’s a celebration tonight.’

  ‘Then you can wait in the servants quarters until they’re ready.’

  Joseph sighed. ‘Oh dear.’

  ‘Never use that term around me,’ Alex snapped, and Anno started to float twenty feet off the ground. ‘I’ll find them myself.’

  They are in the largest building in the centre of the keep, said House.

  ‘They soon found it and entered the building. There were six of them, all sitting quite comfortable, having a nice cosy chat about history.

  Bryn smiled. ‘Gentlemen, it’s good to see you.’

  ‘As it is you,’ said Alex.

  ‘Business or pleasure?’ said Adair.

  ‘Pleasure, as we wanted to see the keep and to show you a crystal stone I bought at the market in Calberon.’

  ‘You bought it?’ said Torgon.

  ‘Yes,’ said Thalion, ‘buying things is quite fun, and Tyra absolutely loved it.’

  Adair raised an eyebrow. ‘You have money to use on this world?’

  ‘Yes we were given lots of it,’ said Alex.

  ‘Where is it?’ Adair asked, with some interest.

  ‘In our rooms at the palace.’

  ‘You’re guests there?’ said Torgon.

  Alex passed over the crystal. ‘I believe it’s more like residents, as King Fulton has given us the whole west wing.’

  Thalion sat down. ‘The rooms are for all of us who helped defend this world.’

  ‘As is all the gold,’ said Alex.

  Adair inspected the crystal before passing it over to Torgon. ‘It looks just like a normal gold crystal, like one of the elf powerstones to me.’

  ‘It was clear before Alex touched it,’ said Joseph.

  Rho walked over to them. Did it take some of your power?

  Alex nodded. ‘Yes, I believe so.

  Thalion rubbed his chin. ‘The portal stone says it’s important.’

  Torgon raised an eyebrow. ‘How can a stone tell you that?’

  Alex took it out of his pocket and put it near the new stone and it vibrated. ‘It vibrates for yes.’

  ‘Do you know what any of this means?’ Adair asked.

  ‘No, but I can see other worlds in it,’ said Alex.

  ‘This is strange indeed,’ said Torgon, as the doors opened.

  A robed man stood there with his hands clasped together. ‘My lord, Anno wants to know if it’s OK for him to come down.’

  Bryn looked confused. ‘Come down from where, Marin?’

  ‘From hanging in the air,’ said Marin, and they all turned to Alex.

  ‘Oh yeah, I forgot about him.’

  ‘Well,’ said Joseph, ‘he did tell us he was going to put us in the servants quarters while we had to wait for the great ones to be ready to see us.’

  Bryn sighed. ‘That man will never change.’

  ‘Are you going to let him down?’ Adair asked.

  Alex stared into the crystal stone. ‘I already have.’

  ‘I didn’t see you do anything,’ said Adair.

  ‘I thought it,’ said Alex, and they all looked at him in surprise.

  ‘Your power is still growing and you look tired.’

  ‘I haven’t been sleeping well.’

  ‘Is that because of the power?’ said Torgon.

  Alex nodded. ‘Yeah, it’s been causing me a lot of pain.’

  Adair put his hand to his mouth. ‘Can we do anything for you?’

  ‘There is nothing anyone can do,’ said Alex, as Anno entered the room.

  ‘Great ones, I have erred and must apologise,’ he said.

  ‘So it would seem,’ said Bryn. ‘I have told you before to ask for their names and bring them to me straight away as it could be urgent, and they’re called the guest quarters.’

  ‘Yes, master, I will try to remember.’

  ‘Will you stop calling me that?’

  ‘Yes, great one,’ said Anno, as he left the building like a naughty school boy who had just been reprimanded.

  ‘He’s a good man, just so old-fashioned.’

  Alex put the stones in his pocket. ‘Well I’m going to get the children before they spend all the money and some of our smaller friends want to visit the Healer’s Forest.’

  ‘We will meet you there,’ said Adair.

  I will come with you, said Rho, Chi is already there with the cubs.


  Carrie, Jodie, and Skye, carried on looking around the shops until they were hungry and found a tavern. Inside they saw a couple of familiar faces already sitting there.

  Stormhook stood. ‘Ladies, would you care to join us?’

  Carrie smiled. ‘We would be delighted, Captain.’

  Stormhook pulled out two chairs and Lightning pulled out another. ‘Lady Jodie, would you like to give some of our men some training with the bow while on horse?’

  Jodie nodded. ‘Yes, and I can get a few elves to help too.’

  ‘Can I get you all a drink?’ Lightning asked, mainly at Carrie with a certain look in his eyes.

  ‘Three wines please,’ said Carrie, as she looked at the man with shoulder-length hair and brown eyes. Her smile was false. She no longer ached, but felt drained. The nightmare lasted most of the night, and she woke angry. She felt as if she had been used and couldn’t understand what was real. All she could think about was keeping away from Alex.

  Lightning beckoned over a waiter. ‘How was your trip to the Dragon World?’

  ‘Different, and very painful.’

  ‘Where’s Lord Alex?’ Stormhook asked.

  Jodie leant on the table. ‘Gone looking for the wizards to show them a stone he bought.’

  Lightning took three drinks off a tray and passed them around. ‘How long are you staying for?’

  ‘Just the one drink,’ said Carrie, ‘we’ll be back for the celebration later.’

  Skye sipped on her drink. ‘Yeah, we don’t want our Cas having too many before that.’

  Carrie raised an eyebrow. ‘I haven’t been drunk in ages, and after the past week I might just let my hair down tonight.’

  Lightning nodded. ‘Beautiful ladies should have fun.’

  Stormhook glanced at him. ‘You should be careful or you will have Lord Alex coming after you.’

  Carrie shook her head. ‘It’s not like that with him, so don’t worry about it.’

  ‘Well if you do get drunk tonight,’ said Lightning, ‘you can rely on the Calberon guard to get you home safely.’

  Jodie picked up her drink. ‘We’ll be fine, as we can look after ourselves, and House would make sure we all got home safely.’

  Carrie shrugged. ‘I don’t know . . . an escort might be fun.’

  ‘We have to get back to duty now,’ said Stormhook, giving his friend a sharp look.

  ‘Then until tonight, ladies, where I hope to see you at the celebration,’ said Lightning, and gave a little bow before the soldiers left.

  Carrie smiled. ‘We will definitely be there.’

  Jodie glared at her as the two men left the tavern. ‘What the hell were you doing, Cas?’

  ‘Just being friendly.’

  ‘No, you were flirting with each other.’

  Carrie rubbed her eyes. ‘I was not.’

  ‘Yes, you were, and I could see it in his eyes that he wants to be more than friendly.’

  Carrie sighed. ‘You’re over reacting, it was just a little fun, and why can’t I have a little fun now and then.’

  ‘It depends on your meaning of fun, as I can tell you now I know what the meaning of fun he wants with you.’

  ‘That’s ridiculous, you couldn’t tell that.’

  Jodie finished her drink. ‘We’ve been protecting you from men for a while remember?’

  ‘Well maybe you shoul
dn’t have.’


  The celebration went down well, and the guests enjoyed it more as there were no lengthy introductions. The music was not what any of them expected as it sounded like country and western, but sounded odd when one of them sang “and he rode the beast down and killed it with his lance”.’ Alex was kept busy with all the leaders as the others mingled. He had looked for Carrie hoping she would sit with him, but she had already left the mansion before he changed. There were twelve great ladies, and Bel Blueflower received special treatment.

  Carrie spent most of the evening with her friends, but was soon chatting to Lightning. After a few drinks she told him nothing could happen between her and Alex. The information soon got back to the others and Alex. After the celebration he took the children home and went to bed feeling very lonely.

  The following two weeks contained two weddings and more celebrations. The west wing of the palace was always full with elves, gnomes, dwarves and members from the Order all visiting. Alex went to the celebrations, but for the most of the time he stayed at the mansion. One night he woke up in the early hours with the heat unbearable and went to the Dragon World so the children couldn’t sense his pain. His power was growing, and he needed to be away from everyone. He knew where Carrie was, but not what she was up to. Alex hurt desperately, not just physically but mentally too.


  Carrie spent most of her time over there in the company of Lightning which didn’t go unnoticed. She was confronted about it in her room, when she came back to the mansion to change clothes, by a very upset Livvy.

  ‘I will never forgive you for what you’ve done,’ she said.

  Carrie gasped. ‘What do you mean?’

  Livvy stood with hands on hips. ‘You damn well know what I mean, we break his heart to make you look gay and you sod off with another man.’

  ‘It’s not like that, it’s just company.’

  ‘You used to sleep with Alex for company, and now you have someone else to fill that void.’

  Carrie put a hand to her mouth. ‘I’ve never slept with Lightning.’

  Livvy turned red with anger. ‘That’s not what everyone else thinks, and I doubt Alex would believe you either. You should go back over there and stay away from here.’

  ‘Liv, you don’t mean that?’ said Carrie, now with tears in her eyes.

  ‘Oh yes I do, you should be nowhere near his children.’

  ‘I love them, as I love their father.’

  ‘Yes, you have shown that lately, when did you last see any of them?’

  ‘Why are you being like this?’

  ‘You’re either blind or just too stupid if you can’t see what you’re doing. Everything you have here, and all the powers you have is because of Alex, and you do this to him. Right now I don’t think I ever want to see you again.’

  ‘You don’t mean that.’

  ‘Yes, I do, and I’ve had this training to become a healer to make me more caring, but all I can feel towards you, is hate,’ said Livvy, and stormed out of the room.

  Carrie lay on her bed and sobbed. She had not lied, there was nothing between her and Lightning whatever anyone thought. She had enjoyed his company, but only because he reminded her of Alex before everything became serious, with his cheeky way he had with her. It was something which lifted the depression that hung over her and now it had come back with a bang. What Livvy told her suddenly hit her harder than the blood devil ever could. Alex, her friends, and the children all believed she was sleeping with another man. Carrie stayed in her room for the first time in two weeks and cried herself to sleep.

  The last man and only man she had kissed was over two weeks ago, and that was Alex’s cheek.

  The following day she returned to Calberon to see Lightning. ‘I won’t be coming here again . . . everyone has the wrong idea about us.’

  ‘Is that so bad?’ he said.

  ‘Yes, I love Alex and always will.’

  ‘But you said nothing could ever happen between you two.’

  ‘It can’t, but I could never be more than friends with anyone else.’

  Lightning scratched his head. ‘That’s all we are.’

  ‘And tell me, is that all you want? How many times have you asked me to go back to yours at night but I always refused?’

  ‘Yes I admit I want to take care of you.’

  ‘Have I ever shown you those kinds of feelings? I don’t want to sound cold, but when I’m with Alex I have to touch him, whether it’s his face or just his arm, I cannot help myself. I couldn’t walk anywhere with him without holding his hand, have I ever been like that with you?’

  ‘No, my lady, you have only ever behaved as a friend, and I will tell the others the same,’ said Lightning. ‘They will get the right idea, and you have my honour on that.’

  ‘Thank you,’ said Carrie, and returned to the mansion to hide, and cried herself to sleep again.

  The following day Carrie decided she had to get away from the mansion and Calberon. She took her sword and went to the Goblin World. The sword was only for protection, but she wouldn’t mind if anything wanted to fight her.


  The power inside Alex kept growing, and he spent long periods of time on the dragon world sitting on a ledge near the top of a mountain. He didn’t need the spell to get there anymore as it opened up when he approached. He was often visited by Krakar and other dragons, and even the giants would climb up to sit by him. They were friendly but lacked a lot of intellect. Hanto, who sounded like he lacked a good deal of intelligence, surprised Alex as he talked of many things, and helped him cope a little with what was happening to him. Going to that world was not about getting away from Carrie, but the power inside was almost unbearable. Alex wanted to scream and release it all, but he couldn’t. He tried not thinking about Carrie, but she always came into his mind, and it hurt, almost as much as the power he now had. Alex finally fell asleep with the giant sitting there watching and would cover him with a blanket if he felt he was getting cold.


  The white witches were worried about Alex but there was nothing they could do. Most were unaware about Carrie as they spent a lot of time in the healers Forest. It was only Livvy’s mood which brought it to their attention.

  Luella rubbed her eyes. ‘I can’t believe this has happened in the last two weeks, I knew I should have kept an eye on them.’

  ‘What could you have done?’ said Daralis. ‘You couldn’t intervene between Carrie and Lightning.’

  ‘I know, but I’ve been neglectful.’

  Aileen shook her head. ‘I cannot believe Carrie would do it.’

  ‘She denied it,’ said Livvy, ‘but everyone knows where she’s been going for the last two weeks.’

  ‘I’m going to the mansion,’ said Luella.

  Daralis shook her head. ‘We can’t get involved.’

  ‘I know, but we have to do something even if it’s for the children, they must be feeling it.’

  House took them back. Many were in the hall, some with worried looks on their faces, but neither Alex nor Carrie were there.

  ‘Hello strangers,’ said Paige.

  Luella glanced around the hall. ‘I’m sorry . . . I didn’t know it had got so bad.’

  ‘If you mean Carrie and Lightning,’ said Claire. ‘They’re both adults, we can’t stop them.’

  Blaze raised an eyebrow. ‘I thought you would have had more feelings than that.’

  Claire frowned. ‘I do, but is it any of our business when Alex has shown no interest?’

  Livvy folded her arms. ‘You know what we did to stop him from doing that.’

  ‘Where are they now?’ Daralis asked.

  Paige shrugged and sat down. ‘Who knows, Alex comes back now and then to spend time with the children. Carrie is probably somewhere on Calberon with Lightning as we never see her anymore.’

  Luella sighed. ‘Is that why Alex is staying away?’

  ‘It looks that way,’ said Bla

  Jodie shook her head. ‘It’s like everything is falling apart.’

  You are all wrong about both of them, said House. Carrie has not been to Calberon for two days. Her relationship with Lightning was only ever as friends, and nothing happened between them.

  Paige glanced up. ‘Has she not seen what’s been happening?’

  No, she was blind to it until Livvy confronted her the other day.

  ‘How could she be blind to it?’

  I was not sure until I realised she has been suffering from depression or madness for a while now. I am sorry I did not see it earlier, but I think it has affected her very badly.

  Livvy cried. ‘Oh no.’

  Donna put an arm around her. ‘What is it?’

  ‘I was so horrible to Carrie, and made it even worse. How can I call myself a healer after the things I said to her?’

  Because you are suffering it, said House, to a lesser degree. I believe it started when you hurt Alex.

  ‘Liv,’ said Donna, ‘you’ve never shown it.’

  Tears fell down Livvy’s face. ‘I’ve been feeling guilty, but it’s been eating away at me ever since, and when I found out about Carrie I just lost it.’

  Carrie needed telling, and you were probably the best person to tell her, said House. You made her realise what she was doing.

  Blaze shook her head. ‘Why would she choose Lightning for company?’

  I am not sure, but I believe anyone here reminded her of Alex, and it brought back the pain. She did try to cope but it got too much for her.

  ‘Where is she now?’ Paige asked.

  On the Goblin World where she has spent the last two nights, and now she has gone into the jungle near the portal to the Dwarf World.

  James jumped up. ‘Shit, get her out of there.’

  I cannot unless she wants me to, but I am trying to protect her.

  ‘I’m going over there and I want Korzak with me.’

  ‘We’re coming with you,’ said Paige.

  Livvy wiped her eyes. ‘So am I.’

  Luella looked up. ‘House, can you get Alex for me?’

  No, he is on the Dragon World and will not come unless he is ready. I can only see him and sense his feelings.


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