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The Final Destiny: Vesta Mansion Trilogy - Book Three - Fantasy

Page 40

by P. A. Priddey

  Does it still cause you pain? Rho asked.

  ‘No, if feels a little uncomfortable, but I’m managing to keep it under control,’ said Alex, not mentioning he was now sharing his body with the spirit of Siphon.

  ‘So the power’s not killing you then,’ said James.

  ‘No, but it felt like it. Something is going to happen.’

  ‘Do you have any idea of what?’ Adair asked.

  ‘No, but it will happen soon.’

  ‘Do you want to talk about Carrie?’


  ‘But you helped her earlier.’

  ‘I wanted her safe, and I would give up my life to save her. It doesn’t matter what’s happened, and that’s all I have to say about it.’

  Alex didn’t see Carrie when he went back inside, but was happy with the knowledge the healers had cured her.

  Alex dreamed of the children. The dream was of the times he saved them, each time it was with perfect clarity and could see how frightened and vulnerable they were. Even in his dream he was angry, but at the same time more resolved to keeping them safe. The dream changed to him being in space and the darkness once again took him.

  He woke with the sun shining on him. Alex never had the curtains closed when he slept alone as the sun wouldn’t wake him. He would wake when it was time. His thoughts were about Carrie and whether he would see her today. Alex heard crying, and knew it was his children. He jumped out of bed and ran out of the room to theirs.

  ‘What’s wrong with my daughters?

  I do not know, but they are very upset, said House.

  The five girls were huddled together, sobbing, with tears streaming down their faces. ‘What is it?’ he asked, and put his arms around them.

  Adhara shivered. ‘We will be going away soon, and won’t see you or our friends again.’

  ‘No, sweetheart, you’re not going anywhere. House and I will keep you safe.’

  ‘But we have to,’ said Sarin, ‘as we’ve seen what’s going to happen?’

  ‘And what’s going to happen?’

  ‘We can’t tell you.’

  ‘It was just a dream,’ said Alex, covering them with the golden energy, and they stopped crying.

  Alex left them to get dressed and went back to his room to do the same. ‘It was just a dream, wasn’t it, House?’

  I do not know. They all woke up at the same time and started crying.’

  ‘They all had the same dream, how can that be?’

  They are your daughter’s, and might be able to do what you do.

  ‘Then I need to know what their dream was, do you have any idea?’

  No, I have to be asked to search someone’s mind.

  ‘And there are no outside forces.’

  No, that was the first thing I checked.

  There were half a dozen women, and Joseph, having breakfast when Alex told them what happened.

  ‘That’s strange,’ said Blaze, looking worried. ‘They’re the happiest children you could meet.’

  ‘I know and I want to keep it that way.’

  Luella passed him a drink. ‘What do you want us to do?’

  ‘Just keep an eye on them as I will be doing,’ said Alex. ‘I don’t want them going anywhere alone for now.’

  ‘Of course,’ said Blaze, ‘let’s just hope they haven’t picked up too many of your powers.’

  Summer sat down. ‘Did they say where they’re going?’

  ‘No, they wouldn’t tell me,’ said Alex, as the children entered the room and were picked up.

  No one approached Alex about Carrie because of what was happening with his children. Carrie, although frustrated by it was more worried about the girls and had to keep picking them up.

  It carried on for a few days, and Alex went in each time they woke up crying. The rest of the day they were still sad, but didn’t cry. Thomas and Tia couldn’t cheer them up as much as they tried, and they stopped going over to the other worlds.

  Carrie wanted to talk to Alex, but the children were more important to her than her own problem. Like all the others she had no idea what was happening, and the healers could do nothing about it.

  Three days later the crying stopped. Most of those in the mansion were happy in thinking they were their old selves, but Alex and House knew otherwise.

  It was a few days later when Alex woke from a dream and everything made sense to him. He knew what his daughters had dreamed of and wished he could tell them why they wouldn’t be going anywhere, but he couldn’t, not yet. Alex knew everything now and what it all meant. He knew how to save them, but decided to keep it to himself. Alex felt the sadness his daughters did, but he wouldn’t show it, and glowed with the energy. He never had much time, as the Final Destiny was coming.

  What is wrong? House asked.

  Alex climbed out of bed. ‘A bad dream.’

  Another battle? House asked, and Alex thought it was said hopefully.

  ‘No, something is going to happen and I have to stop it.’

  Can I help?

  ‘No, my friend, not this time, it’s something I have to do alone.’

  Is that why you are sad?

  ‘Yes, it’s what the children dreamed of, but it’s not them, it’s me.’

  Are you going to tell the others?

  ‘No, I cannot tell anyone yet.’

  If you think it is best.

  ‘It’s the only way, as they would try to stop me,’ said Alex. He left the room to look for his children and found them playing outside in the sunshine. Blaze was watching them along with Luella and Carrie.

  Luella glanced at him. ‘You don’t look so good.’

  ‘I didn’t sleep very well.’

  ‘Bad dreams?’ said Blaze.

  ‘You could say that.’

  ‘You want to share them?’

  ‘They were nothing important,’ Alex lied.

  Blaze raised both eyebrows. ‘I think we better watch you too.’

  ‘You don’t have to worry about me.’

  ‘I always worry about you.’

  Alhena walked over to him. ‘There you are . . . we were going to come and wake you.’

  Alex smiled at her. ‘Why, do you have plans for me?’

  ‘We want to go to the other worlds.’

  ‘House would have taken you.’

  ‘Yes, but we want you to come, as we haven’t been to the Dwarf World and didn’t want to go alone.’

  ‘I don’t think you would have been alone,’ said Alex, looking at Blaze and his mother. He knew what the children were up to. They wanted to feel the sun from the other worlds to see if it would help strengthen them, and he would take them not that he needed to do the same thing.

  ‘I hope I’m invited,’ said Blaze.

  ‘Of course you are,’ said Talitha, holding her arms out and Blaze picked her up.

  Alex glanced at the children. ‘OK which one do you want to go to first?’

  ‘The Elf World to see our other friends,’ said Shaula.

  The children didn’t play in the trees on the Elf World but soaked up the sun while playing with the pucas and pixies. They stayed for a few hours before going onto the next world. The dwarves welcomed them and the children got to play on the battlements. Alex wanted to see how the work near the portal was going, and they all went to see with Verdan.

  The sun was hotter there and Alex could feel his strength still growing. The barracks was built and the huge hole was being filled from a blocked off stream. The dwarves didn’t build the lake under the portal but a road instead. They ate dinner with the dwarves before going to Calberon. They were greeted fondly by King Fulton, and all those he met.


  Luella watched Alex go outside before she turned to Carrie. ‘Have you told him about Lightning?’

  Carrie shook her head. ‘No, I’m too scared he will say something like “Well you’re single and can go with whom you want”, and I wouldn’t be able to handle that at the moment.’

  ‘I can
see how that would upset you.’

  ‘I’d rather live with hope than him telling me he wasn’t interested.’ Carrie sighed and looked out of the window. ‘The fact is we have not spoken a word to each other since.’

  ‘What, nothing?’

  ‘No, he doesn’t even look at me anymore.’

  ‘I haven’t had a chance to talk to him, but I will try if you still want me to.’

  Carrie rubbed her eyes. ‘No, it’s for the best.’


  Alex stood watching the children when Lightning walked over to him.

  ‘My lord, may I have a word?’

  Alex nodded. ‘Of course.’

  ‘It’s about Carrie.’

  ‘She is free and single . . . what she does or who she chooses to be with is up to her.’

  ‘No, my lord, she loves you and only you, she told me herself. We were only ever friends, nothing more.’

  ‘We can never be together.’

  ‘I know, she told me, and she also told me that it didn’t matter as she could never love any other man . . . only you.’

  Back at the mansion Alex decided to get everything in order, he knew all of the others would be looked after. Alex searched for Blaze who was in her office and tapped the door before opening it.

  Blaze glanced up from her desk. ‘Is there anything wrong?’

  Alex leant on the door. ‘No, I was just wondering if I did the right thing in bringing everyone here.’

  Blaze raised an eyebrow. ‘Don’t you want them here?’

  ‘Yes, I love all of them like family, but have I done the right thing by them?’

  Blaze scratched her head. ‘Yes, they’re very happy.’

  ‘But most of them are single, and I worry I might have ruined any chances of them having relationships.’

  Blaze put a hand to her mouth to stop herself from laughing. ‘You are joking, right?’

  ‘No, I’m serious.’

  ‘Nearly everyone is in a relationship . . . half the beds don’t get slept in.’

  Alex’s face reddened. ‘I didn’t know that.’

  ‘James and Asima are together too.’

  ‘They never said a thing, but I should have guessed. Well, at least I don’t have to worry about them.’

  ‘You, Carrie, and I, are the only single ones from those who moved in the first night. I do know about your feelings for her, and hers for you.’

  ‘We can never be together.’

  ‘Nothing happened between her and Lightning,’

  ‘Why do people keep telling me that? She’s single and it’s none of my business who she sees.’

  Blaze raised both eyebrows. ‘Are you telling me you don’t care?’

  Alex sighed. ‘It makes no difference if I do or don’t, as I said nothing could ever happen.’

  ‘Things could change . . . your dreams could change, and you know that.’

  ‘Yes, you’re right but not at the moment.’

  ‘If not now, when?’

  ‘I don’t know . . . when my children are happy again.’

  ‘They looked happy the last few days.’

  ‘On the outside yes, but they still believe they are going away and not coming back.’

  ‘This is worrying you more than you’re letting on.’

  ‘Very much so.’

  ‘We will keep an eye on them.’

  ‘I know.’

  Blaze shuffled some papers together before putting them in a drawer. ‘You’re in a strange mood.’

  ‘Just tired,’ Alex lied. ‘So, what about you? Have you not thought of finding someone?’

  ‘No, not for me, I could never do it again.’ Blaze turned a picture on her desk around for Alex to see. It was a photo of her when she was younger with another woman. ‘We were together for twenty years when the doctor told her she had six months left to live. She died in my arms ten years ago, leaving me heartbroken. So no, I could never love another like that.

  Alex could feel her pain. ‘I’m sorry, that must have been a horrible time for you.’

  ‘Yes, but my friends were there for me.’

  Alex had a dream of his mother, she told him of the meeting they had with Carrie. She told him how they had decided to make him believe she was gay, and the reason for doing it. He saw how Carrie had been suffering. He woke and realised how much he got it wrong about her, and she would love him no matter what. Now she probably thought he hated her, and had to change it quickly. He dressed without taking a shower, as he didn’t think there was any point in it. He walked out the back of the mansion and found Livvy and Donna in the woods, where they spent most of their time lately.

  ‘I know of your meeting with Carrie and how you made her out to be gay,’ he said, and they both froze as he approached before putting his arms around them. ‘I’m so sorry.’

  ‘What are you sorry for?’ said Livvy, sounding frightened.

  ‘Because you did it for me, and I know what you have been going through because of it. You have nothing to feel guilty about.’

  ‘You don’t hate us for doing it?’ said Donna.

  ‘No, I love you even more because of it.’

  You know Carrie is not here, said House, as he returned to the mansion.

  Alex stepped into the hall. ‘Where is she?’

  In town, she went with Michelle to fetch George, but did not come back with them.

  ‘That’s no good, she should be here . . . this is her home.’

  Only if she wants it to be.

  ‘She does, I know that much. Did she take a bag with her?’



  Carrie did want to be there, she realised that sitting outside a café. She had gone to see Blaze the night before, but heard what Alex said, and went to bed instead. The café was set back amongst the other shops, and tables were set out the front of it on different levels. Carrie sat on the upper level, and down on the lower she saw her ex with her new girlfriend. Her ex’s brother was with them and another man. Carrie knew them all except the other man, but she recognised him from somewhere, and liked none of them. They stared in her direction, and the abuse started not long after, but the insults just bounced off her.

  How much of my life did I waste over you? Carrie thought. I am so much better than all of you. I have great friends and a great life, that’s if I haven’t ruined it. Alex didn’t care if I had gone with someone else, or was that just the way he covered up the fact that I hurt him again? Maybe it’s none of those, he has the extra power on his mind, and I should be there for him. What if they don’t want me back? What about the children? I can’t leave them. The abuse got worse because she was ignoring them. She had no intention of leaving the mansion, just wanted some time away, which had already been long enough. She wanted to thank her ex for making her realise how great her life was, and it was only her obsession with Alex which upset her.


  Alex stared into the crystal ball. ‘Who are they?’

  ‘One is her ex,’ said Blaze.

  Alex scratched his chin. ‘Have their minds been taken over?’

  No, you would call them idiots, said House. Do not worry, as Carrie will be coming back soon, and she is quite happy.

  ‘Well I’m not happy, how close to them can you get the limo without being seen?’

  I will check.

  ‘You want me to drive?’ said Michelle.

  Alex shook his head. ‘No, I need a chauffeur for this.’

  ‘That’s a job for me,’ said James, and ran upstairs.

  There is an empty garage on a side street opposite, said House, and a couple of minutes later James came down in his chauffeurs hat and jacket.

  ‘Nice touch,’ said Michelle, as they left.

  The limo appeared in a dark garage. They saw a vacant shop when House opened the doors. James started the engine and turned up the side street, he pulled over outside the café. James got out and bowed towards Carrie who smiled at him. He opened the back door and Alex climbe
d out. Carrie walked down the steps to them as the others stared open-mouthed.

  ‘Who’s that?’ Her ex asked.

  ‘Lord Alex,’ said one of the men. ‘He spends a lot of money in my dad’s store, and I think she’s his wife.’

  Alex held the door open. ‘Lady Carrie, your carriage awaits.’

  ‘Thank you, my lord,’ she said and got in, Alex climbed in after only for Carrie to jump on him.

  ‘You don’t know how good that made me feel,’ she said.

  ‘Is my lady pleased?’

  ‘Yes, very pleased, but I didn’t expect you to come for me.’

  ‘I wasn’t going to leave you here when you should be at home,’ said Alex, and held her tightly. He thought about what was going to happen later, and shivered.

  ‘You OK?’ she asked.

  Alex remembered promising he would never leave or break her heart . . . he knew he would do both that night. ‘Yeah I’m fine.’

  Alex spent the afternoon on the Elf World with his children. It took his mind off things and gave him courage for what he had to do, not just for his children but Thomas and Tia. They returned before dinner.

  You are very tense, said House

  Alex paced around his room. ‘It’s going to happen soon.’

  How soon?

  ‘Tonight, the girls will sneak out when it gets dark, and I need you to tell me when they do.’

  Do you have to do it on your own?

  ‘Yes, it was decided a long time ago.’


  Carrie was nervous, as she hadn’t seen Alex for a few hours. She wanted to go and talk to him but was terrified at the same time. ‘House, where’s Alex?’

  In his bedroom.

  She was going to go and see him, but Paige and Aileen came over to see how the drive back from the café went. It had gone dark outside when she saw the five girls go into the party room and ran upstairs quickly. She knocked Alex’s door but there was no answer. ‘Is Alex still in his room?’

  No, he has gone out the back to his children, said House.

  ‘What are they doing?’


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