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Tested (The Life of Uktesh Book 1)

Page 21

by Aaron Hicks

  Again, Riu sprinted at Uktesh, who didn’t attack in turn. Riu’s first attack was a punch that Uktesh easily swayed away from, but into the path of Riu’s knee. Uktesh pivoted and brought his knee up into Riu’s thigh, but Riu spun with it to avoid any damage and swung a left hook at Uktesh’s face. If that connects my neck will snap! Uktesh ducked and felt the gauntlet skim across his head. Uktesh stabbed his sword at Riu’s unprotected side, but was blocked again by a blurring gauntlet. Uktesh kicked out and heel stomped Riu’s right foot, and accepted a diminished blow to his back that still hurt. Riu’s left hand came in towards Uktesh’s stomach and, instead of the retreat they all expected, Uktesh slipped in away from the punch. His back was now to Riu, and his sword trapped by Riu’s left hand. Uktesh slammed his head back into Riu’s nose and shattered it, as he felt Riu’s right fist glance off his temple.

  They both remained on their feet and Uktesh lifted and pivoted under Riu’s left arm. His right hand broke Riu’s left arm and freed his sword, as Riu’s right leg snapped into his rib. Uktesh felt some of them snap. It feels like three of them. Uktesh rolled away, as Riu moved in to finish the fight. Uktesh desperately stopped his roll and stabbed up at Riu’s stomach. Riu tried to block, but Uktesh swerved the sword around his defense. Riu vainly tried to stop himself, but ran into Uktesh’s sword. Uktesh saw that he’d done too much damage, but as he pulled his sword out, Riu’s skin healed instantly. Uktesh pulled it free and jumped to his feet. The crowd roared, and a rush of exhilaration caused him to ignore Riu’s strange healing. I did it! Four points against Riu! He raised his arms above his head and looked for Laurilli. When he saw her, the fear in her face made him roll forward. He felt Riu’s gauntlet pass where his head had been moments before, and thought, he’s trying to kill me!

  The crowd started to boo Riu. The announcer bravely placed himself between Riu and Uktesh and held up his hands for silence. Once he had it, he shouted, “Ladies and gentlemen. Uktesh is not yet the winner!” Uktesh could feel his jaw drop open. “Uktesh is fighting in the sword category, while Riu is fighting in mixed. So, Riu can choose to use his body as a weapon to score points, but Uktesh can’t! The score is held right now three to two in Riu’s favor. Furthermore Uktesh is warned against using his body as a weapon anymore.” Uktesh was stunned. He’d gone from being the winner to behind by a point, and one penalty away from a one point loss. “Fight!”

  Riu pulled something from behind his back and threw it at Uktesh’s head. That’s right he might have two other weapons, Uktesh jumped to the side and saw that the throwing knife stuck into the coliseum wall. Riu said, “A warning.” Uktesh nodded and Riu smiled a cold smile, before he threw three at him of which Uktesh deflected two and dodged the third. He heard the crowd gasp and against his will, he turned and saw that the knife he’d dodged had struck Laurilli in the shoulder. Tylor and Repus were already on the move toward her, while Heathyr held her. Uktesh looked back to Riu who said, “And that was a warning of a different kind. I’m going to win and you’re going to die, or your pretty little girl’s going to meet some strangers in a dark alley one day and end up not so pretty and not so innocent.”

  Uktesh’s vision turned red around the edges and he tried to fight the urge to all-out attack and hope for the best. He also knew that with Riu’s left arm still broke, and not somehow healed, he had the advantage, but he had to be careful.

  “These masters you’ve spoken of? Are they going to attack Laurilli?”

  “You are insignificant, a bug to be stepped on. You are beneath their notice.”

  “Why are you doing this? I thought you, at least, had some honor. Is this the power and resolve of the dragon clan?”

  “You tied me! A third flame of the dragon class! A deed which would’ve demanded retribution alone. But my apprentice wouldn’t shut up about you last night. Before our tie! If both of those weren’t enough, the crowd believes you a mere child, unblessed by the Voukidists could defeat me! I must win this for my home, for my friends, for my masters, and for myself, but more, so that everyone here will remember the power of the dragons.”

  “That’s so petty! I would say that if it’s about the money we can give you two hundred thousand easily! However, you attacked Laurilli! I’ve never wanted to kill anyone more than you in this moment.”

  “Maybe. But if you can’t kill me I’ll never stop hurting you and that ones you love.” Riu had turned his body so his right arm was forward and Uktesh stuttered through Rush, Soar, and ended on a perfect Crescent Moon that he knew Riu could block, but not without a near complete loss of his balance. Instead, Riu did not even try to block. Instead, he accepted the hit on his shoulder, that healed nearly instantly, and threw a lightning fast jab at his face, that just barely missed. As Riu followed up with a round house kick, Uktesh found himself in a frantic defense. Uktesh blocked and put some distance between himself and Riu, only to have a dagger thrown at him.

  He dove out of the way and came to his feet. Instantly Rushing, he allowed his sword to be blocked down and spun an elbow at Riu’s face, that he hoped didn’t connect because he would lose a point. But Riu had years to hone his reflexes and instantly dropped under it. He paused half way between a dodge and an attack, as he remembered the same thing Uktesh feared. It was too late. Uktesh continued his spin letting his sword connected with Riu’s neck, and there Uktesh left it, victorious at last. I should kill him. He threatened Laurilli and he’s the type who doesn’t bluff. We don’t need the money, and even if we lose, we’ll have more than enough for Myrtin’s family. He couldn’t do it, though. He wasn’t a murderer. He lowered his sword and stepped back to the roar of the crowd, though he never lowered his guard and didn’t turn his back on Riu, whose neck had already healed the small cut. The announcer came forward, took Uktesh’s hand, and raised it above their heads in victory. But before he could say anything, Riu struck, as Uktesh had expected, with throwing knives all aimed at Laurilli.

  With clarity he’d never known, almost as if time had slowed down, Uktesh bypassed Rushing and Soaring, and moved straight to Thunder Rolls in the Hills to block all of the knives, even though he felt the muscles in his arms and legs begin to tear. He attacked with the perfect Rising Knee, and felt his thigh and calf muscles tear, only to be blocked by Riu. With the last of his strength and with his vision beginning to blacken on the edges, he brought his sword down in a third perfect attack; Woodsman’s Work, straight down towards Riu’s gauntleted guard. As his sword descended into Riu’s block, Uktesh felt himself start to lose consciousness. I have to finish this!

  As his sword still descended, he attacked again in Woodsman’s Work, doubling the speed and strength. He felt his body start to vibrate like when he first forced his sword through imperfect. The god form, he thought excitedly. He didn’t see if his attack did anything against Riu’s double guard before he felt the muscles tear throughout his body. In a moment, he convulsed and crashed to the ground, unable to slow his fall, as his vision dimmed. When it came back, he saw Tylor and Larut, as they ran towards him, and Laurilli being helped by a man in this stands. The last thing he remembered before he blacked out, besides the pain in his body, was a vision of sand that bled.


  The first thing he noticed was a weight on his chest. He tried to open his eyes and it felt like he needed to lift the weight of the world. After he succeeded in what felt like a titanic struggle, he squinted against the sudden light and saw the weight on his chest was Laurilli. He could see that her shoulder was bandaged and he tried to raise his hands to her hair, but he couldn’t move his right arm, not even slightly. He tried his left arm and found that it too wouldn’t move. I’m paralyzed! He struggled to control his breathing. I knew it wasn’t smart to attack three times in perfect in a row. But to add a fourth perfect, while attacking in perfect, I guess I’m lucky to be alive. But if I’d known this was the price, I would’ve, he tried to think of what else he could’ve done differently, I should’ve killed Riu when I had the chanc

  Laurilli stirred on his chest and when she saw him awake, she started to cry and hug him, “I didn’t think you’d wake up again! Uktesh you’ve been out for weeks! We didn’t leave Baenok for two weeks, hoping that you’d wake up. But Mother Ayah, the healer of Baenok, said that if you lived after two days, you would most likely survive. After two weeks, though, Tylor, Larut, and Repus had to get back here, Esolc left after we waited two days, to inform Myrtin’s family of his death. We had to hire guards to get us back safely due to all the gold we’d won. Mom was nervous about living here with all that money, but Basam came back with us and has been helping out around the house making defenses and reinforcing the doors and windows. You were supposed to fight the grand champions of the other countries, but because of your injuries, you had to forfeit, even though it hasn’t happened yet.” She said it in such a rush that Uktesh was barely able to catch all the information as she gave it.

  “Sounds busy.” Uktesh croaked out.

  “I’ll get you some water and let mom and Basam know you’re ok.”

  She ran out of the room and soon she was back with Basam and Heathyr, “Basam never doubted you would survive.” he said smugly.

  “I’m glad you’re feeling better.” said Heathyr as she leaned forward and kissed his forehead. Uktesh blushed as she held out the glass to him.

  “I can’t,” he started, but Heathyr nodded and helped him drink the water.

  “This is much easier with you awake. You must be as weak as a day old kitten.”

  “Worse! I can’t move my arms, and I only get a wiggle out my legs and feet.”

  “Oh no!” cried Laurilli. She jerked the covers off him and he could see for the first time how thin he’d become. “It’s just because we wrapped you in the blanket to stop you from rolling off the bed.” Uktesh could guess the reason behind the fear he saw in her eyes.

  Uktesh wiggled his legs and found that he could move them better. But when he tried to move his arms, he only got a wiggle once. He wasn’t sure if it was his ability to move himself or if the bed shifted under him. “Sorry. I don’t think I can, but I’ll keep trying.” He tried to sit up, but his body screamed at him to stop, so he lay back down. “I’m taking up your bed again, Laurilli, I’m sorry.”

  “Think nothing of it. We’ve moved your belongings in here and, when you’re feeling better, Laurilli can join you. For now, though, it’s safer to have her sleep with me. You never know when an elbow attack will strike.”

  “I’m feeling better already. There’s no reason to wait! Laurilli come join me.” he said enthusiastically.

  “You bet I will.” she said and lay next to him and hugged him tightly.

  “Speaking of bets, what happened with the bets anyway?”

  “Oh that was some smart planning by Tylor. Once he saw the order, he could easily guess who would forfeit and who would win. The only gamble was your fight with Riu.” said Laurilli.

  “I don’t remember how that ended.” Li’s still alive and isn’t acting like anyone did anything to her, but she is a good liar.

  “Well, we don’t know either, not really. We saw you raise your hands in victory, and then Tylor and Larut jumped out of the stands, jumping for joy. Then Riu’s hand blurred, and I felt scared like something bad was going to happen. But then you were right there in between me and him, and three of those knives that he had thrown bounced on the sand. It’s was a good thing One was there, because he said that Riu threw them at me, but I don’t know for sure.” she paused her story and waited for him.

  “He did, and I had to move into a perfect stance, without moving from balanced to imperfect first, to be able to block them in time.”

  “Wow, so that’s why you’re so hurt?”

  Uktesh was shocked to realize that that wasn’t the reason. He never heard of someone going from nothing to perfect so quickly and then being able to attack again. “Actually no. After that, I attacked Riu with a second perfect Rising Knee. But he blocked that, and I hurt my legs doing that, so I only had one attack left to end it. So I attacked a third time in perfect Woodsman’s Work, but I saw that he would block that too. So I attacked a fourth time in Woodsman’s Work. While still attacking in Woodsman’s Work, I doubled my strength and speed, but I don’t know what happened after that.”

  “After that, he died. You cut through his gauntlets and most of his body. His apprentice wasn’t very happy with you and threatened to kill you. But he said that in front of One and Lord Youreth, who quickly had the guards arrest him. They weren’t going let him out until we’d been gone from the city for four days, and he wasn’t going to try something in front of a fighter like One. We don’t have to worry too much about him, because he probably has to report to his masters about what happened to Riu. Speaking of One, he said that if you wanted to keep the zero it wouldn’t be too hard to convince the others to let you join the Numbers.” said Heathyr.

  “It’s a third eye!” he huffed.

  “Sure it is. Why did Riu want to hurt us?” asked Laurilli.

  “I asked him that very question and do you know what he said?” Uktesh asked rhetorically. “He said pretty much that he was jealous that I was getting more attention than he was and making the dragons look weak.”

  “That’s it? That’s pretty petty.” said Li.

  “That’s what I said to him.”

  “But he still attacked Laurilli?” asked Heathyr.

  “Yep. Basam, how are you enjoying living here?” he asked to change the subject.

  “Basam enjoys living here. It is peaceful. Basam has enjoyed sparing with Laurilli. Basam is much better, but can see what you saw in her when you decided to teach her.”

  “I don’t think I’ll be able to train you anytime soon Basam, and I would understand if you wanted to go home and come back in a year to see if I’m better able to train you.”

  “Basam had a similar thought, but believes that even injured you will be a better teacher than Basam on his own.”

  “I thank you for your trust and hope I can teach you lots.” He yawned heavily and Heathyr left with Basam.

  Laurilli lingered only to say, “Sleep well and heal, my fiancé.”

  Uktesh smiled as he drifted off to sleep. He woke up the next morning with a full bladder and no way to get up to relieve himself, so he waited for someone to wake up so he could get some help. After a few more minutes, he slowly sat up and tried not to hurt himself. Once up, he could barely move his legs enough to move them over the bed, so he knew that it was out of the question to stand up on them. Heathyr walked in while he still hadn’t decide what to do, and asked, “Do you need to relieve your bladder or your bowels?”

  I hadn’t thought of that. What do I do when I have to poop? “Just bladder right now. Did you have to take care of me that way after the saber rabbit attack?”

  “Yes. Laurilli wanted to, but there are some things that can sour the love between two people, and that I’m sure is one of them. Plus, I think she just wanted to get ‘even’ with you for the morning of the final day.” Uktesh felt his cheeks warm and thought back to that moment in his life. He came back to reality when Heathyr lifted him off the bed and started to carry him toward the outhouse. “Can you move your arms yet?”

  He tried to move his arms and was rewarded with slight movement. “Yes, it’s getting better, but my fingers don’t close yet.”

  “Then I’m going to have to help you further, if you understand what I’m saying.”

  At first Uktesh didn’t, but once they left the house, he realized he wouldn’t be able to relieve his bladder without help. “Oh um, I guess you’ve been helping me out this way for a while. So I guess I shouldn’t be embarrassed, but my emotions don’t agree with my head.”

  “We’ll muddle through and soon you’ll be able to walk again on your own.”

  Uktesh sighed, “Well at least we’re millionaires.”

  She opened the door to the outhouse and started to help him, “About that, we aren’t th
e millionaires you are probably expecting us to be.”

  “What? But we won so many times.”

  “Yes, so did everyone else who still had money to bet on that final day. The betting house usually makes a fortune because there are more matches that are closer and less where the odds were flipped. So, they paid out everything that they had, but that was only about fifty percent of what was promised. We decided that Myrtin’s family should get the bulk, so we gave them twenty-five million of it. Then Tylor took another thirty-five million to build a walled community for us to live in, because none of us realized how uncomfortable we would feel with all this money, until after we had it. Seriously, I feel like we have targets on our backs.”

  Uktesh couldn’t pee with her there, since she not only held him up, but also ensured his pants didn’t fall to the ground. So he tried to distract himself, “Sorry I’m trying to go, but I have a shy bladder I guess.”

  “Don’t apologize. Thulmann couldn’t relieve himself with me in the same area talking to him for the first year we were married.”

  “Oh, then I guess I don’t feel too bad. Hmm, though I did miss my birthday.”

  “What? How? When was it? I should’ve asked months ago, but I forgot to.”

  “Oh, it was four days after the tournament, but that was weeks ago now.” With a sigh of relief he started going.

  Heathyr didn’t say anything until he was done. Then once had finished and Heathyr carried him back into the house she said, “Well we’ll take care of that soon enough. But with sixty million of the seventy five million that we won gone, we split the rest seven ways, which is slightly more than two million apiece.”


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