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Made for Me: (A Bad Boy Billionaire & Single Mom Story)

Page 9

by Weston Parker

  The smile she’d been wearing faded, and she squared her shoulder and feigned indifference. “It was nice meeting you,” she said, and then she hurried away.

  I turned to see that Tanner was amused. “For the record, I wouldn’t have turned that down.”

  I gathered my things and walked out of the classroom. “She’s a child. Nineteen at best.”

  Tanner followed along behind me as we headed down the long hall. “Twenty-one, and perfectly legal. Did you see those big tits? And the glasses? Fuck, I love to spank girls with glasses. I’d have that hair in pigtails and buy her a pair of knee socks. Instant porn fantasy come true.”

  I continued down the long hall to the front where we had parked. “How do you know how old she is?” I had a feeling he’d already hit on her.

  “I asked her group leader. He said he’d been trying to get in her pants all semester. And you could have done it in an hour.”

  “Not interested.”

  “I think that’s because you already have a girlfriend. So, tell me, what porn fantasies did you and Jessica play out? Does she own a pair of knee socks?”

  I turned and gave him a pointed look but didn’t dignify him with a response. There were certain women who I didn’t kiss and tell with.

  Chapter 12


  It wasn’t every day that I could spend money like a mad woman and be frivolous, but I had always wanted to throw caution to the wind and give my son a fun day where money was no object. We only lived once, and with the check Cole had given me in the bank and a new job starting Monday, Saturday was for celebrating.

  So, after an early morning trip to the park with Max and taking my son to the toy store where I let him have a hundred dollars of fun, Cam and I met up with Leslie at our favorite burger place for lunch and planned the rest of the day.

  “And I got three action hero men and a bag of candy,” said Cam, rounding out his list of goodies.

  Leslie stole a French fry from my plate and dipped it in her shake. “That’s awesome, Cam-Cam. It’s a nice day for shopping sprees. I think the weather is perfect for a windfall, isn’t it, Jess?”

  “Yes, in fact, the windfall came yesterday along with a new job.” I had waited for the right time to tell her the news, and her reaction was worth it.

  Her mouth hung open so wide I could have tossed another fry into it. “A job too? Where? Is it that reception position you wanted at the clinic downtown?”

  “No, that one was filled already. But turns out, Cole had a position open at his company.”

  Her eyes narrowed in suspicion. “Wait, Cole Saunders hired you? What’s the job?”

  “He said I’d be the new promotional and social media photographer coordinator person.” I had tried to make it sound like an official position, but Leslie wasn’t buying it any more than I had.

  “That sounds like some kind of made up job. What company hires someone to be their personal photographer for their website anyway? Isn’t that what stock photos are for?”

  “Companies do it all the time,” I argued, and then I dipped my fry into her milkshake, earning another pointed look.

  “They hire you for a day to come and walk around their buildings and do a few shots. They don’t hire you for a permanent position that they created. So, what’s going on, Jess?”

  I looked over at Cam and dug into my purse to find the baggy of quarters I’d been saving. “Here’s some money for the arcade. But stay where I can see you, and don’t leave with anyone.”

  “Really? Awesome!” He grabbed the quarters and jumped down out of his chair. “Thanks, Mama!” I could see the entire arcade area where we sat and was glad to make him happy, but unfortunately, I couldn’t throw a handful of quarters at Leslie and make her stop wanting answers.

  “Okay, now that the little ears are gone, tell me what’s going on with you and this Cole character? Did he just create a position for you?”

  “Yeah, I’m pretty sure he did.” It wasn’t like he admitted it.

  “Is there something you’re not telling me? Did he do that to get you to go out with him?”

  I took a deep breath and raked my hand through my hair, but before I could respond, Leslie’s eyes widened. “You already went out with him?”

  “No, I mean, we haven’t actually gone out anywhere. I just showed up at his office to get my check, and he offered me the job.”

  She rolled her eyes. “What aren’t you telling me?”

  “Promise me you won’t be disappointed in me.”

  “Oh no, you slept with him, didn’t you?” Her smile grew wider, showing teeth, and she slapped the table and laughed. “You finally did it?”

  It wasn’t the reaction I’d expected. “I’m not proud of it.”

  “Where? Did he take you back to his place, or did you just do it in the office?”

  “He took me for a walk and showed me the plane he’s been designing.”

  Her laughter grew louder, and when I gave her a dirty look, she reeled it in. “Okay, fine. I’m sorry.” She gave a much quieter snort and then took a deep breath. “You did it in his plane? You little tramp. Was it hot? I want details.”

  “You’re impossible. And yes, it was amazing and scary and uncomfortable and hot all at once. It’s been a while, and he’s hung like a fucking horse. I swear, I always thought Cameron was big, and he’s small compared to Cole.”

  “It wasn’t like you were with many men, and it wasn’t like the sex wasn’t good with Cameron, right?”

  “Right, but it was like wow with Cole. He made me orgasm until my toes curled. I barely had orgasms with Cameron.”

  “He was young, and probably much less experienced than Mr. Billionaire. But now, my burning question is, what do you expect to come of this relationship? He’s going to be your boss, Jess. And you know what happens when you bang the boss, right?”

  “No, but I have a pretty good idea.”

  She was all done laughing now. “Your job is only as good as what you put out instead of what you put into it. Remember that, and make sure you save for a rainy day. If you can’t already see the clouds rolling in, you’re not the smart woman I thought you were.”

  “I don’t think it’s going to happen again anyway. He said we needed to get the sexual tension out of the way, and I agreed. It was fun and bound to happen, and now we can focus on work and maintaining our professional relationship. His company means a lot to him, so I’m sure he’s not going to jeopardize his reputation with an office scandal. Not that anyone would care, mind you.”

  “Investors might care. His employees might care. I’d be careful, Jess. This kind of thing rarely turns into something good, and I don’t want to see you hurt.”

  “It doesn’t have to turn into anything. I’m fine, really. I don’t expect him to love me or anything silly like that.” I needed to reassure her that I wasn’t losing myself over a romp.

  “Well, it’s good to hear, and don’t get me wrong, Jess. I’m happy for you and glad you finally took this step to try and move on. It’s healthy to have fun, but just don’t lose sight of the bigger picture or what’s important.”

  She was always full of good advice, and I often wished that I could give her the type of help she gave me.

  I started to doubt myself. “So, do you think I shouldn’t have taken the job?”

  “Hell yeah, you should have taken it. Milk it for all it’s worth too, while it lasts. Anytime you can do what you love is awesome, and I’m super happy for you. Just use your head. And remember, I’ve got your back.” She reached across the table and took my hand to give it a squeeze. Then she dropped it to steal another fry and dragged it through her shake. “Mm. So, I want details.”

  “It happened kind of fast, actually. We were talking, and I could tell he was getting a little flirty.”

  “You were flirting back, I’m sure,” she said with a grin as if she dared me to deny it.

  “Yes, but I wasn’t expecting him to kiss me. That took me by
surprise. And then when he touched me, I just melted. It’s like something stirred up inside of me, and I know it sounds weird, but it was almost like my first time.”

  “Oh, no, don’t get that moonbeam daydream look in your eyes. This wasn’t romance, honey. It was pure animal lust.”

  “Yeah, it was. He even made this sound at one point, like a growl. It totally turned me on. He’s very sexy, don’t you think?”

  “Incredibly, and that’s all the more reason you need to be careful. He’s loaded and the head of a company. I’m sure he attends all kinds of events and has women swooning over him wherever he goes.” She had a point. I noticed a few of the ladies’ reactions to him at the event, and while it seemed like he didn’t show any interest, they had all been interested in him.

  “I know. Which is why I doubt he really likes me anyway. I mean, for a conquest, sure. But he can have all the women he wants. Why would I be special?”

  Leslie sat up straighter and gave me a hard look. “Hey now, you are special, and just because that asshole gets hit on by dozens doesn’t make him a catch.”

  “But he’s a smart, handsome billionaire. I’d say he’s a catch.”

  “He might also be an egotistical asshole who likes to mistreat women who don’t give him what he wants.”

  “Are you saying he might have mistreated me if I’d hadn’t been so willing?”

  “You’ll never know now,” she said with a laugh.

  “No, I don’t think he’s that type. He gave me a choice. I didn’t take it, but I could have stopped it at any time. I know that for certain.” I thought of the pleasure he’d given me and wondered how anyone would ever want that to end.

  “Well, good. I really do hope he’s one of the good ones, for your sake.”

  “Do you really think a relationship would never work?”

  “I don’t know, Jess. I mean, it would be great, right? I’d be happy for you and supportive, but I’d also break his neck if he hurt you. Those office romances are like playing with fire, and I love you too much to sit and watch you get burned.” She stirred her milkshake with her straw before taking a drink so long, I was surprised she didn’t get brain freeze.

  I glanced over to Cam, who was playing a driving game like he was having the time of his life. “I know you’re right. I just often wonder if I’ll ever find anyone else. It’s nice to be wanted, to have someone appreciate how I look and desire me. I think part of what’s held me back is the fear that no one would.”

  “Have you looked in a mirror? Do you need glasses? You’re a gorgeous woman. I’d kill to have your perfect tits and bone structure. And your hair, are you kidding me?”

  “It’s hard to feel like a sex symbol when you are busy raising a rambunctious boy. And it’s been hard letting anyone else in when it comes to Cam. I don’t want a lot of men coming in and out of our lives until I find the right one.”

  “I can understand that. But he’s a strong kid, and when the right man comes along, Cam will be just fine with him. We already know he likes Cole Saunders.”

  “Right, and that only means that I have two hearts to protect. Cam’s and my own. Which is why my messing around with Cole can never happen again.”

  Leslie gave me a look that said she wasn’t convinced, but I knew that there was no one more important in the world than my son. And while I’d have to be very careful with my own heart, I’d have to be even more careful with his. I wouldn’t have anyone in my life that would leave us again.

  Chapter 13


  I wasn’t expecting Jessica so early, but when I walked into the lobby, I was excited to see her there. “Good morning, new employee. You seem eager for your first day.” She also looked like a million bucks. The jeans and blouse she had on showed off all of her curves, and all I could think about was peeling her out of them.

  She stood to greet me, extending her hand. “I’m ready. Becky asked me to sit out here and wait for you. She said that since there isn’t a job description for me, she wasn’t sure who I was working under or what I’d be doing.”

  I started for the elevator, and she followed as I gave her the breakdown. “You can report directly to me, and I’ll make sure Becky is informed of your duties.” I had gotten busy Friday and hadn’t told my receptionist more than the fact that Jessica had been hired onto the team.

  She stepped quickly into the elevator, and the doors closed us inside. “Where will I work? I mean, will I have a desk?”

  How about I put you to work on my lap? It was tempting to not keep those thoughts to myself, but I did want her to take her time with us seriously. “There is an empty desk across the hall from me. You’re more than welcome to use it. My last assistant thought it was too small and hated that the room didn’t have a window, but I think it will be plenty big for what you need.”

  Her eyes lit with surprise. “You had an assistant? Do you still?”

  “Yes, and no. It didn’t work out with her. Since, I’ve only had Becky, and things are still running smoothly enough.” I didn’t like talking about the huge mistake I’d made by hiring Mabel. Years ago, when I first started out, the woman had stolen money and told some of my competitors my ideas. Luckily, I’d had Tanner to sniff her out, and we intercepted her before she did any real damage, but it was an embarrassing moment that I wished had never happened.

  The elevator door opened, and she stepped out into the hall and waited for me to lead the way. I made a quick turn and ran my finger over my door handle, and when it read my fingerprints, it unlocked. “Let me just drop my things here, and we’ll go to the office.” I sat my briefcase on the table and then grabbed a yellow tablet and pencil from my desk as she looked out across the hangar.

  “It’s busier here today,” she said. “I didn’t get to see everyone in action Friday.”

  Only me. I led her to the door and across the hall. “That’s because they were off. I like to give the workers a Friday off each month. It helps with morale and gives them the opportunity to take care of business on their own time and not mine. I will make sure to get Becky to print your schedule so you know when yours is coming. That way, you can make plans accordingly.” I went through the keys and found the one to unlock the door. Then I opened it and turned on the light.

  The office was no bigger than a ten by ten room, with no window and a large desk, but when I looked over, expecting to see her grimace, she was actually smiling.

  “Thank you,” she said. “I usually get stuck at a counter or a small desk in a lobby. And as for that list, I already made one.” She reached into her handbag and handed me a slip of paper. “I’ll need a camera, computer, preferably a laptop in case I need to take it home to work, with several programs and the access information to your existing website.”

  I hadn’t realized that I would need to provide a new camera, but it made perfect sense. Why should she use her personal one for work purposes? “I’ll make sure you get what you need. Anything else?”

  “Yes. I was wondering what I should do today. I have my camera with me if you’d like me to take more pictures?”

  “How about this,” I said. “Since you already know what you need, I’ll cut you another check and you and one of the other employees can go out and buy what you need.”

  She smiled. “That sounds perfect. Thank you.”

  I picked up the phone from the desk and called downstairs. “Becky, could you please get one of the girls to escort our new employee to the city and help her buy what she needs for the job?”

  “Yes, sir. I certainly will.” Becky’s tone was a bit clipped, and I imagined it was because she wasn’t going to be the one getting to leave early.

  I hung up the phone and turned to Jessica. “Okay, you’re all set.” I reached into my wallet and pulled out my company credit card. “Take this and get what you need.”

  Her eyes widened. “Thank you again, Cole.”

  “No problem. It’s good to have you around. If you’ll go meet up with Becky downsta
irs, she’ll introduce you to your escort.”

  After another thank you, and her surprisingly not mentioning a word about what had happened between us, I left her and headed to my office. No sooner than my ass hit my chair, Tanner hurried through my door.

  His eyes were full of concern. “There you are. Lynn Holden wants to meet with you.”

  Just hearing the name gave me the creeps. “Tell him I’m busy. I’ll call and arrange a meeting for next week sometime.” If there was one person in the world I hated to see too early in the morning, it was Lynn. He’d made my life tougher since the day I met him, and he was not a pleasant man on his good days.

  Tanner shifted on his feet and gave me an apologetic look. “I wish I could, but he’s already here.”

  The news got my heart pumping. Something really serious must be going on if Lynn Holden appeared out of thin air without someone saying his name three times. “Where?”

  “In my office, and he’s not in a good mood,” warned Tanner.

  That was the understatement of the year. “When is he ever?” I followed Tanner out and hurried down the hall to his office. Sure enough, Lynn sat glaring out the window and turned his head when I walked into the room.

  His eyes were hard and narrowed, his brow full of creases that were most likely more anger than worry. “I’d like a private word with you,” he said in a gruff voice.

  Tanner stepped out and shut the door as I walked over to take a seat behind his desk. “What seems to be the problem, Lynn?”

  I had not done much to make the man happy, though I’d never done anything deliberately to piss him off. In life, Lynn Holden was the type who made a hobby of finding faults in others, but he hadn’t taken the time to look in the mirror at himself. On a professional level, he was a hard-nosed business man, and that was the only reason I had any respect for him at all.

  He leaned forward in his seat. “What’s this nasty rumor I hear about you making deals with the scientist from Carver Labs? Surely, it can’t be true?”


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