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Heartfire: A Second Chance Romance

Page 10

by Joanna Blake


  Kennedy murmured, already half asleep. I cradled her against me, wondering how long I had to wait to have her again. She might be tired. Or sore.

  I let my hands wander softly over her skin, already hard as a rock from just being near her.

  Then I froze.

  I'd had her twice already, the second time even more intense than the first. But that wasn't what made me pause. It was the realization that the second time I popped, my orgasm had been much more pleasurable than I expected. I glanced at my dick. My unwrapped dick.

  There was a reason it had felt so damn good.

  We'd forgotten to use a condom.

  Maybe... maybe that wasn't a bad thing though. Maybe that was fate saying we should be together. We could have a big family.

  A big wedding too.

  Plus, it would be harder for her to run off if she was preggo.

  I leaned forward to kiss her awake.


  Drew made lazy whorls against my thigh as I smiled sleepily. His hand stopped moving and then tightened around me. I looked over my shoulder at him.


  His eyes were hot as he stared at me like he wanted to eat me up. He already had eaten me up. Three times at least. I still felt shy which was ridiculous.

  After the things we'd done together...

  I let him kiss me and nestled back into his arms. I felt him stir behind me and giggled. He was hard again.

  Yeah, Drew was pretty much a machine.

  I didn't mind though. I craved him as much as he craved me. More maybe.

  I just didn't have such a big, obvious, rock hard way to show it.

  We'd have to be quiet this time though. Jamie had come in last night and gone right to her room. But the walls were thin.

  So were the ceilings.

  I sighed, saying a prayer of thanks for my cousin.

  She'd texted me a picture of Kyle with his Aunt Janine. She was giving me a thumbs up. I blushed, realizing that everyone in both our families probably knew exactly what we were doing right now.

  Jamie anyway. She and Aunt Selene were my only family now. And Kyle of course.

  Drew started kissing my neck and I sighed in pleasure. Maybe someday... we'd be a proper family. I knew it was a lot to ask for after everything. But maybe...

  All my thoughts started to float away as Drew rocked his erection against me. His hand snaked down between my legs and I moaned. That fast and I was ready for him.

  Not just ready. I was eager.

  His breath tickled my ear as his gravelly voice rumbled behind me.

  "Kennedy... I want you."

  I rocked back against him, following the rhythm he'd set. I was more than happy to let him take the lead. He bit my earlobe lightly and I shivered. We started to move as if we were fucking.

  We nearly were.

  "Hmmm... Me too."

  "No, I mean. Right now. Like this. Without anything between us."

  My eyes popped open. I looked back at him. He was staring down at me as his fingers toyed with my petals.

  "What are you saying Drew?"

  "I'm saying... let's make a baby."

  I twisted towards him, my eyes wide as saucers. I shook my head. I couldn't believe what he was asking of me.

  "Drew... I can't."

  He pulled me against him and rolled over so he was braced above me. He started kissing my face and neck, murmuring between each kiss.

  "We already slipped up earlier, Kennedy. God, you are so beautiful. Please..."

  I felt his silky heat nudging between my legs. It was so tempting... but I would be a single mom with two kids?

  I was barely holding it together the way things were.

  "I can't, Drew. I can't do that to another kid. It's going to be hard enough for Kyle... I don't think I could handle two alone."

  Tears started to fill my eyes and I turned away. He held me where I was, and turned my chin. He was forcing me to look at him.

  "You won't be alone. I'll be with you."

  He kissed me again and I started to melt.

  "You can't know that for sure, Drew. So much has changed."

  "I know I want to marry you."

  I blinked at him. He looked like he was serious. I wondered if it was the hormones talking.

  Or rather, the pheromones.

  "Don't joke about that Drew."

  I started to cry then. I didn't know if I was happy or sad. Happy that he was saying that... but sad because I didn't know what to believe. Because I'd lost him before and I knew how much it hurt.

  He hadn't told me he loved me. Not since that last time, so long ago now. Before my brothers sent me away.

  He kissed my tears away.

  "Okay, sweetheart. We don't have to do it tonight. I was just feeling spontaneous. I want to be with you for real. Say you will, Neddy... Someday I want to make another baby with you."

  I stared at him as he lowered his head, kissing his way down my body. I heard the rustle of a condom wrapper as he kissed my tender pussy lips. I reached down and grabbed his shoulder.

  And then I did something very, very stupid.


  He lifted his head and stared at me, both surprised and suprisingly happy. He looked like a kid on Christmas morning. He licked me again. And again. And then he was above me, holding his bare cock at my entrance. He felt so good... so right.

  I gasped as the hot, wide tip of his cock pressed just inside me. He stopped, looking at me with a hard, desperate glance.

  "Are you sure?"

  I nodded. I was sure I wanted this. Even though I wasn't sure if I should want it. Not at all. But I couldn't have stopped if I tried.

  I closed my eyes as Drew filled me completely.

  Chapter Sixteen


  "Pass the meatballs."

  I took the plate from Cooper and passed it down the table. We were on night shift and tonight Shaw had cooked. No matter if the probie was supposed to cook, we all tried to get Shaw to do it as much as possible.

  Oh yeah, Shaw knew how to make it sizzle.

  He was the best cook by far. And he had the belly to prove it. We called him Mr. Delicious when we were feeling nice. And Guts McGee when we weren't.

  I shook more grated parm onto my mountain of pasta and started twirling spaghetti on my spoon. The guys talked around me, and I let my mind wander to the past twenty-four hours. And what a blissful twenty-four hours it had been. Even with getting my ass handed to me.

  Kennedy's hot little body had kept me up all night.

  I wasn't tired though.

  I felt weirdly energized. Electrified. But not in a bad way.

  I couldn't help wondering if we'd made a baby last night. The second time when we'd forgotten to use protection. Or any of the three times that followed it.

  Five times in one night. That was a record, even for me. And somehow, it didn't feel like nearly enough.

  I still wanted more.

  I'd never had her all to myself like that for so long before. We'd always had to sneak around. Carve out an hour or two at most when she wasn't busy with housework or earning a few bucks babysitting to set aside for college.

  But now things were different. Maybe having quality alone time would be normal. Especially once we shacked up officially. If we were married, and under one roof, I could have her all to myself every damn night. I would keep her from running away again. Then I could finally just relax and enjoy being with her.

  That sounded nice. Really fucking nice. It sounded outstanding.

  I grinned and chewed my pasta. Al dente and smothered in tomato sauce, just the way I liked it.

  "So you going to tell us about the shine, Pretty Boy?"

  I knew they were talking to me. Pretty Boy was one of my many nicknames. I smirked and drank my iced tea.

  "I prefer Stud Muffin."

  Cooper let out a guffaw. But no one said a word. They just waited. I knew they weren't going to drop it

  "Kennedy's brothers and I had a little discussion."

  Shaw let out a low whistle.

  "Those dumb fucks. I take it they took exception to you knocking up their little angel?"

  I nodded and took another bite. I wasn't going to fan the flame. I was going to stay calm, and keep the guys calm too.

  "And? How many of them were there? It's not like you to lose a fight."

  Lowe answered for me. I took another bite and chewed while they talked around me. I was hungry as hell. Probably from all that fucking.

  "Two. The big dumb ones."

  Shaw whistled. Everyone knew the Stewart brothers were big. And mean. And dumb. The two eldest brothers anyway.

  Kennedy must have gotten all the brains in the family.

  "I heard they kicked her out."

  I nodded and took a sip of my milk.

  "She's with her cousin for now."

  "For now? You got plans Pretty Boy?"

  "Yeah, I got plans."

  I took another sip while the guys all stared at me.

  "I'm gonna marry her."

  "Holy fuck. Casanova is settling down? Is this for real?"

  I shrugged. I didn't want to make a big deal out of it. It didn't seem like a big deal. It was just what I needed to do to tie her down.

  "I'm just sorry that sweet piece is off the market. Are you sure I can't take a crack at her first?"

  I swung my arm to the side and smacked Cooper without looking.

  "Ow! Christ!"

  I barely spared him a glance. But he'd pissed me off. Even if he was joking. Kennedy was mine dammit.

  "Don't talk about her like that."

  Everyone laughed.

  "Oh, so it is serious."

  The Chief came in and made himself a plate.

  "What's this now?"

  "Sweet Cheeks here is getting domesticated."

  "You don't say? That nice Stewart girl is it?"

  I nodded respectfully to the Chief. He'd been there for me since I joined up. Even before, when I was just a wannabe firefighter kid living in the neighborhood. I loved the old man, even if I did bend the rules at times.

  He blamed more than a few of his gray hairs on me and Kyle back in our early days.

  "And we need to educate some fine upstanding police officers on how to treat our brethren."

  The Chief took one look at us and shook his head. He pointed at me.

  "You, I want to talk to. My office in ten. The rest of you assholes, don't say another word."

  He took a sniff of his plate and gave Shaw a thumbs up. Then he left, muttering about interdepartmental bullshit.

  We took one look at each other and burst out laughing.

  "What do you think he wants to talk to Stud Muffin about?"

  Shaw wiggled his eyebrows.

  "Probably wants to fill him in on the birds and the bees."

  I took the ribbing. It was fine. But Lowe had the last word.

  "Probably wants to remind him to cover his hose the next time!"

  I finished my food and went to talk to the Chief.


  I tucked the blanket around the baby, then straightened up again. It was a brisk Fall day. The sun was shining. The birds were singing.

  I was in love.

  And I was getting married.

  I hoped so anyway.

  He hadn't mentioned it again. But when we were making love, he... said things. Things about our future together. Things about having more kids. Getting a house in the burbs with a white picket fence. Things that made my heart swell with warmth and happiness.

  It felt real.

  And so I had stopped fighting it.

  He still hadn't said he loved me. Maybe he never would. But I knew how I felt. I loved him. And he loved our son. I smiled, thinking of all the play dates we'd had in the past few weeks.

  Baby play dates and adult play dates...

  I shivered at the memory of our private time. Lately things had been almost animalistic between us. Drew had been voracious for me. And creative. And loud.

  I could still smell the whipped cream in my bedroom every time I went to sleep alone. Which was rarely these days.

  Thankfully, we had lots of eager babysitters. His biological family and the family of firemen. The entire ladder company had taken Kyle on as a mascot of sorts. He would be surrounded by protectors and family, even though my family wasn't what it used to be. There was love there, even if it wasn't directed at me. It was enough.

  It had to be.

  Especially considering that I'd been following Drew's lead when it came to birth control, or lack thereof. I was being stupid. Risky. Irresponsible. I knew it. Just like I knew it was only a matter of time until I fell pregnant again.

  But... seeing Drew with our son. It made me want things. A little girl or boy to keep Kyle company. To grow up with. Not like my brothers, who had always been bullies.

  Not Danny so much but the other two. They were jerks. But it didn't have to be that way.

  Drew and his brothers, especially his sister Janine, they were a family. They still had Sunday dinner together every week. And this week, I was going. They were welcoming me in, and not just for food.

  If that wasn't a sign of things to come, I didn't know what was.

  I leaned forward to check on Kyle and smiled. He was sleeping. The fresh air always did the trick. That and the motion of the stroller.

  My little boy loved wheels. Cars, trains, anything that moved seemed to knock him out. I was so lucky to have such a sweet natured, happy child.

  I sat on a bench and pulled out the college catalogue I'd been looking through. I was starting classes in January if I had anything to say about it. Only a few classes at first, but it was something. I'd meant to do it a year and a half ago. But then things had gotten crazy. So this was a new beginning.

  It was a start.

  I looked through the courses. I'd always loved drawing and making my own clothes. I hadn't had time for it lately. But I'd sketched a few pictures of Kyle in the past few months.

  Before that... well, I'd sketched a lot of pictures of Drew.

  As for actually making clothes, I'd combined a couple of regular sized clothes into maternity wear. I'd whipped up a few things for the baby too. But not as much as I'd like to. I didn't have a sewing machine here, and I couldn't ask Aunt Selena to send me hers, even though she'd offered.

  I wasn't sure exactly what to do though. Sure, I could sketch and I had my own sort of low key fashion sense. I could come up with wild stuff too, I just didn't want to wear it.

  I shook my head, wishing I'd chosen almost any other thing to be good at.

  There were a zillion fashion designers. It was a hard industry. You needed connections and money just to get started. Lots of money.

  But I could look into taking one or two classes in design at least. Maybe more in business administration. Or accounting.

  I rubbed my forehead. Accounting had always been my backup plan. I was good at math but I couldn't imagine spending my entire day doing it. Day after day. Year after year.

  But if I had to... well, Kyle was worth it. And then some. I'd walk across hot coals for my little honeybun.

  I shut the catalog and stood, stretching. Time to go home. The baby would wake soon and want to be fed. And I had a long day tomorrow.

  There was time. I'd figure all of this out eventually. I didn't really have a choice. With or without Drew, I had a baby to support. I couldn't help the small smile that popped up whenever I thought about a second little bundle of joy... as stressful as it might be, I was excited at the thought.

  I decided on the walk home that I would take both courses to start.

  That way, I'd be covering my bases.

  Chapter Seventeen


  "You look beautiful tonight."

  Kennedy blushed as I took her coat, letting my lips brush the exposed back of her neck. I loved when she wore her hair up in a ponytail like that
. Or down, and cascading over her shoulders. Or braided. Or in a hat. Or...

  Hell, I always thought she looked beautiful. She could be wearing a burlap sack. I grinned and hung her coat up, noticing her sparkling eyes and pink cheeks.

  She bent down to pick up Kyle and I took the opportunity to check out the way she filled out her outfit. It was just a turtleneck and a simple denim skirt with tights. But she filled it out so nicely...

  I adjusted my package, deciding I better think about something else before I got a massive bulge. I grabbed the baby and gave him a kiss.

  "I'll hold him."

  She smiled at me so sweetly that my heart felt like it turned over in my chest. All she had to do was smile and I was doing flip flops. Other parts of me too.

  All my parts, more or less.

  I followed her into the kitchen staring at the graceful sway of her hips. The small of her back was clearly outlined by the snug fitting cotton top. I didn't understand how any woman could be so deliciously curvy.

  But Kennedy was.

  Oh yes, she was.

  The woman defied gravity.

  I groaned as the kids ran past. This was no good. I was ready to pop and I was in a crowded room full of family.

  Think of something else Drew.

  Think of the baby.

  My mind immediately jumped to the activity that proceeded the little guy.

  Get a grip, Drew!

  I sat at the kitchen table with Jack, Janine's husband. He pushed a beer across the table as I settled the baby on my lap, carefully avoiding my semi. Kyle let out a soft sound and I gave him a look. I whispered to him that his mommy was driving me insane with her sexy ways.

  He smiled at me. He got it.

  Kennedy was stirring something on the stove when she caught my eye. I took whispered to Kyle again. This time loud enough for her to hear.

  "You're a lucky guy, Kyle. Your mother is a beautiful lady."

  She blushed and smiled at me so shyly I felt the room tilt. I suddenly had no appetite for food. Or company. I had the urge to kick Jack and Janine out of their own house so I could have her. The kitchen table looked comfortable.


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