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ADDICT (Kenshaw Ranch Book 1)

Page 10

by Piper Frost

  I groan in frustration and press my forehead to hers a minute. Pulling back, I take her hand and place it between her legs. She bites her lip through a giggle as I slide off the bed.

  "Play. I'll be right fuckin' back." I nod toward her hand and she starts rubbing small circles around her clit. I have to pry myself away from watching the show.

  I've never ran up steps so fast in my life. I swipe the package from my nightstand, thankful I still have some left, then run down the stairs, eager to see her playing with herself again. Skipping three steps at a time, I skid to a stop just at the bottom when I hear Donna's voice come from Jo's room that's just around the corner I almost whipped around butt ass naked.

  "Just a nap," I hear Jo say.

  "You're napping all the time, Jo. It's not healthy."

  "Not really. I went into town all day." Jo huffs and I stare at the condoms in my hand before retreating as quickly as possible back upstairs before we're found out. Cursing the entire way up the steps for not fucking locking all these doors.

  Next time I'm dead-bolting that shit.

  I wait until I hear Donna leave, but by that time I'm so weirded out from her mom just barging in on us that I don't think we should push our luck today.

  "So that was almost real bad." I chuckle. "Thank God for being safe." I hold up the condoms and she lets out a small laugh.

  Covering her face, she exhales. "Brandt, that would have been really fucked up if she walked in on that." She tosses me a cellphone and says, "Program your number please."

  "She just give this to you?" I stare at the phone and chuckle. "This is the newest iPhone. Is this even out yet?"

  "Mommy has a lot to make up for." She yawns then flips to her stomach. "I had to act like I was freezing and couldn't uncover." Laughing, she reaches over the side of the bed and grabs my shirt she was wearing earlier. "And I don't know how she missed your jeans and underwear on my floor."

  I watch her ass shimmy back into those shorts and sigh. "Yeah, me either." I walk over and pull my jeans on over the boxers I put on upstairs, opting to leave the belt buckle undone because I like the way Jo stares at me when my jeans hang a little lower.

  "I'm leaving these right here," I say, sliding open her nightstand and putting the condoms in. "For next time."

  She laughs and shakes her head. "Think there should be a next time?" Biting her bottom lip, she looks up at me from her spot on the bed.

  I lean down and take her chin in my hand. "I think there will be a next time." I press my lips to hers and let the kiss linger longer than I intended. "And a time after that. And a time after that." I kiss her again. "And if I'm lucky, a time after that too.”

  She laughs then groans, lying back in the bed. "If she didn't threaten to come back and check on me, we could finish this." Her eyes flick down to my unbuckled jeans and she slightly shakes her head looking away. "You're ridiculously fit."

  I glance down at my abs and chuckle. "Yeah, I guess so. That's farm work for ya." I shrug and walk across her room, checking my text from Bo. "Hey, I'm heading out for a bit pretty soon. You feel up to coming along?" I really don't think she needs to be there, but I also feel like a tool for not inviting her when I go anywhere anymore. How fucked up is that?

  She moans and shifts her head to look at me. "I feel like taking a nap. You going into town?" Reaching over, she grabs the money I gave her and holds it out.

  "Uh..." I wasn't planning on it. "Yeah. I'll be by a store. Whad’ya need?"

  Her eyes dart to the peanut butter jar before she giggles. "Peanut butter. I'm addicted. It's a serious problem." She reaches for it.

  "Got it. So about ten tubs of peanut butter." I chuckle, shoving the money into my pocket with no plans on using it. "Anything else?"

  "Um." Her eyes flick to my dick again and she shakes her head no. "Thanks."

  I bend and kiss her softly, fighting the urge to stay and lie here with her. When she winces from trying to get comfortable, I remember my plans for tonight are much more important. I head upstairs and grab a new shirt and when I make it to the truck I check my messages.

  Bo: He'll be at Sloane's tonight. Pick me up at seven.

  Brandt: On the way.

  Starting the truck, my dad waves at me as I pass by and I almost feel guilty for not helping out more today but there hasn't been a day in the last few months that I’ve had off, and even today I got the chicks delivered.

  I need to take care of this shit with Cash. That's the first thing on my list.

  Step one- get Jo peanut butter.

  Step two- kick Cash’s ass.

  Step three- beer.

  Step four- go home to Jo and tell her everything's gonna be alright.

  I grab Bo and we make our way to town. “Hang here, I’ll be right back.” I jump out before he can follow and I jog inside the market for peanut butter.

  As I pass through the produce, fresh flowers catch my eye and I pause. With a glance over my shoulder I grab a bouquet then hurry to the peanut butter aisle.

  “What’re those for? You gonna try makin’ out with your brother?” Bo laughs at the flowers when I put them in the backseat with the bag of peanut butter.

  “Donna,” I blurt my lie and jump into the front, ready to head the next town over to Sloane’s.

  Sloane's is a hole in the wall bar that houses some of the scummiest dudes in all the surrounding towns.

  "Thanks for comin' along tonight," I tell Bo. "I just gotta make him see he can't go around roughing up girls."

  "I called a few guys from school. They'll be there too," Bo says, checking his phone.

  "Why?" I glance over at him and he looks at me like I’m an idiot.

  "Because your brother's an idiot who may just have all his dirty goons jump us for no reason. They won't come in with us, but they'll be there in case things get crazy."

  "I'm not plannin’ on shit getting crazy." I’m planning on one good fucking swing to make that face even uglier, then hightailing it outta there before anyone's stabbed.

  I got someone waitin' on me at home. I'm not about to fuck tonight up, but I need to make sure he knows his place.

  We pull into the lot of Sloane's and I shake my head. How people can hang out in a shithole like this is beyond me. There's probably fuckin’ feces all over this place, and not just animal shit either. I hop out of the truck and see some of our boys chillin' on the outside of the parking lot and tip my hat to them. When the bar door swings open a puff of smoke follows. I wait for it to pass before taking my last breath of clean air and stepping inside. Tipping my cowboy hat to the bartender, he gives us a look like we don't belong here.

  I tend to agree.

  I spot Cash's crew before I see him. Making a beeline for him, my mind keeps flashing back to the blood on Jo today and my rage starts to build.

  "Cash!" I blurt from behind his crew of goons. The room grows quiet and some of the men in front of me step aside. I see Cash sitting there, flocked by big tits and bare skinned girls, barely covered with small strappy leather things they probably call a shirt. I roll my eyes at him. "I gotta talk to you," I say, crossing my arms and holding my ground.

  "Ain't you a little young to be in here?" He gets to his feet, not hesitating to approach me.

  "You fucked with Jo? Twice now?" He's not going to intimidate me. Not this time.

  "Jo...Jo...Jo... That pretty little freaky girl? She was all up on this cock just earlier today. Don't come in here trying to act like a tough big brother." He steps chest to chest with me.

  "You stabbed her, Cash," I growl, not letting him push me around anymore. "You call that her being all up on you? Leave her alone."

  He laughs and his crew follows. Looking around at them, he steps closer to me and slaps my hat up so we can glare eye to eye. "Fuck you, Brandt. Imma fuck your sister. Then imma fuck her mama. Then I'm gonna fuck yours and your dad's asses up." His boot toe kicks into the front of mine.

  I let out a chuckle and take a miniscule step back. "You try
to intimidate people, Cash. You'd never touch a hair on Donna's head and if you touch another one on Jo's, I'll have the cops on your ass so fast you won't know what to do." I adjust my hat and raise my eyebrows at him, shrugging. "Don't be a fuckin' tool. She's not your type."

  "Not my type." He snorts. "If I can fuck her, she's my type, and I'm gonna fuck her. Run along with tubby and get the fuck outta here, Brandt. You don't belong over here."

  "I can go anywhere I please." I narrow my eyes. "Unlike my big brother, I'm actually free to go wherever I please. Because you know. Good little brother." I gesture to myself. "Then there’s the completely fucked in the head older brother." I point at him and the room grows so silent you could hear a pin drop.

  He sucks his tongue over his front teeth like he does when he's loosing his cool.

  "Fuck outta here," he barks and slaps my hat off my head.

  As much as I want to kick his ass, and I know I probably could because he smells like he’s been drinkin’ since yesterday, I'm in a room full of men that probably are carrying right now and I don't want to get shot tonight.

  I chuckle and pick my hat up, dusting it off and adjusting it on my head. "Stay the fuck away from her," I growl, then nod at Bo and get the hell outta this bar before it burns down from the rage simmering from Cash right now.

  My phone vibrated a few times when we were in there, so I grab it from my pocket and unlock it, letting myself relax a little when I see the text’s from Jo.

  City girl: That's a fucking hickey!

  Following the text is a picture of her chest and my eyes go wide. She follows that pic with a few laughing emojis, then a meme.

  Farm boy: I have no clue where that could have come from. You been kissin on the fish in the creek again?

  I end with a few laughing emojis and one wide-eyed one then hit send.

  Right as another text from her comes through, my phone's yanked out of my hands and I spin around, glaring at Cash. When I try to take it back, he pulls his blade and turns so I can't grab it.

  "What the fuck?" he slowly drawls, looking over my phone. Lowering it, he turns to face me. "You're fuckin' your step sister." The look on his face is actually shock, and I haven't seen that on him probably ever.

  "No," I blurt, trying to save this situation but I watch him stare at the screen again then I see the anger start to build. "Give me the fucking phone, Cash." I try to yank it out of his hands but he pulls back again.

  "If he moves, cut him," Cash tells his friends then hands him his knife. Staring at the picture of Jo, I see him smirk and the rage that's been building hits record highs. I shove him and just miss grabbing the phone.

  "Fuck you!" I blurt, taking a swing at him and connecting with his jaw.

  He drops the phone and his eyes go wide. I scramble to pick it up and shove it back into my pocket.

  "Stay the fuck away from us."

  He turns, about to walk away and when I let my guard down, I get his shoulder in my gut before he lifts and slams me to the dirt. His swing connects with my jaw. I taste blood and immediately instinct kicks in, making me flip and roll him to his back, swinging at his face. When I connect with his eye socket, I take a fist to the back of the head, throwing me off Cash. I stumble to my feet and see my crew is in a brawl with his, but Cash and a few others have me surrounded. I spit out a mouthful of blood and feel satisfied when I see the split across his eyebrow.

  "I promised mama I would never hurt you, Brandt, but you ain't leaving me many choices, you little fuck."

  "You only beat up girls in your free time then?" I press my tongue to my split lip. "You fuckin’ suck, Cash."

  "She asked for it." He tries to grab me but I duck, backing away. "She likes to play rough." When he reaches for me again, this time I’m grabbed from behind by someone else and they lock me in a nelson so I can't move my arms. "Now you're fuckin' your step sister after your brother already fucked her, you sick queer."

  I haul off and use the steel toe of my boot to kick him as hard as I can, hitting him right in the jaw. "You didn't fuck her," I growl.

  The sirens can be heard from a mile away, and the minute they pierce the rowdy crowd, Cash's crew is first to start scattering.

  "Fucking pussies!"

  I suck in a breath and wince when I move to stand. His crew hops on their hogs and haul ass out of here before the sirens get any louder. Bo's yelling for me from the parking lot and it takes me a few deep breaths to realize I can't be caught here. I slide in the driver’s seat and we take off in the opposite direction the sirens are coming from.

  "Dude, you got so many good hits in!" Bo says way too excitedly from the passenger seat. I grin over at him and realize my lip’s definitely split. "Bunch of the boys wanna head to the lake." Bo glances up from his phone. "You down for a couple drinks?"

  "I could use one after that." I check my phone but the screen was shattered in the fight. Probably when Cash tackled me to the fucking ground. I shake my head and toss it in the middle console then turn down the side road that takes us to the lake.

  There's already a good crowd when we arrive and the minute I get out of the truck the clapping starts. Kinlee walks up with a beer and plants a kiss on my cheek. I've known this girl for years and she's always been this hands on. It just is what it is. She’s a sweetheart with a heart of gold.

  "You're such a good brother," she chirps then looks around. "Where's Jo?" Her words make me wince.

  I’m not her brother.

  "Home. Not feeling good." I groan and try to stretch but Cash and his goons got some good shots in tonight.

  "Well, we can still have fun without her." She walks away with a little too much of a swing to her hips and I roll my eyes.

  "One drink and I'm out. I got work in the morning," I say, taking a gulp.

  One drink with my friends is never just one drink. One turns to two, two turns to three, and three turns to me stumbling in the back door of our place at one a.m., cursing when I can't get the fucking light on.

  "Mother fucking light switch." I slap at it a few times.

  "You're drunk." Jo's voice makes me spin and look into the dark room, my eyes not able to focus.

  "Did you fuck him?"

  I've spent the last four hours trying to rid my head of my brother telling me he fucked her. I know he didn't fuck her. She wouldn't do that.


  "What?" I ask, completely confused and wondering if he's so drunk he's completely confused about who I am.

  "Cash. You fuck my brother?" He hits the switch on the wall a few more times and growls. "Why the fuck won't this light turn on!" Flowers are flung in my direction. “I bought you these because they’re pretty. Like you. You’re so damn sexy, Jo.” He slaps at the switch, growing even more frustrated.

  "That's the garbage disposal!" I bark and slap his hand down, hitting the light. He pushes the flowers at me and the idea to scream at him for calling me pretty is diminished. “Brandt,” I sickly sigh then remember what he fucking asked me. "Did you just ask me if I fuck—" Looking at his face, I stop and my stomach flips. "You were in a fight!"

  "Kicked his ass too," he slurs, walking to the freezer and grabbing an ice pack.

  "Who'd you fight?" I blurt and take the ice from him, pulling him to the chair. When he sits, I carefully push it to his lip and jaw then shove his hair back out of his eyes.

  "He needs to know not to fuck with you, Jo." His hand wraps around my thigh. "You didn't fuck him, did you?"

  "Oh my god, Brandt." I straddle him at the kitchen table, still holding the ice to his face. "You fought your brother? I didn't fucking fuck him! Why do you keep asking me that?"

  "He told me you did, but I didn't believe him. So I hit him after he took my phone and saw your pictures." He pulls his cellphone from his pocket and slides the shattered thing across the table before resting his hands on my thighs and dropping his head to my chest.

  I look from the phone to him, realizing why he probably never responded. Putting the ic
e pack on the table, I slide my fingers into the back of his hair, then rest my cheek on top of his head.

  "If you didn't believe him about fucking me, you wouldn't have asked. That prick was going to rape me earlier today. I'd never fuck the asshole."

  "Rape! What the fuck, Jo! That's something you fuckin' tell me!" He tries to shift off the chair but I stop him.

  "Calm down." I put my hands on his shoulders. "It wasn't a big deal. I've been through way worse shit, Brandt. Chill out. Let's discuss your fuckin' face." I carefully grab his face and shift his head so I can look at the swelling on his lip and jaw.

  "Wait," he blurts, taking my hands in his and bringing them to my lap. "Did you just say you’ve been through worse? As in, you've been raped before and you're gonna drop that on me casually?"

  I roll my eyes and pull my hands free, getting out of his lap. "I'm not that different and exciting anymore, am I?" I walk to the sink, kind of wishing I didn't let that slip like it was nothing.

  I mean it was. I'm over it. Being a homeless junkie teen, I didn't really think I had much of a voice and I kept putting myself in those positions. I know better now though, that no matter what, I shouldn't have remained quiet. It's over now. In the past.

  "Did you fuckin' tell anyone? That shit's illegal, Jo. Not sure if you knew that or not." He follows me to the sink and stands at my back.

  Spinning around, I scowl at him, not really wanting to fight with a drunk nineteen year old, but he's pushing buttons he shouldn't be right now.

  "Don't fucking worry about me. Especially when it comes to your fuckin' brother. He's going to do something nasty to you and it'll be my fault. Don't fucking put that on me." I push past him, done with this conversation, at least until he's sober.

  I shut my bedroom doors and lean against them, listening to him stumble around for a few minutes. It sounds like he falls down the stairs more than once, but when everything's quiet, I groan and go out to the kitchen to put my flowers in a glass on the table. He fills my head in a way I remember when I needed my next fix. The thought won't leave until I satisfy it, and that's what's happening with Brandt. I won't stop thinking about him until he's in front of me again. This is all fast, the feelings, and maybe can be blamed on my personality, but it feels too good to push him away.


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