Greyson - Part 2: An Alpha Billionaire Shifter Romance (The Silver Moon Pack)

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Greyson - Part 2: An Alpha Billionaire Shifter Romance (The Silver Moon Pack) Page 6

by Cali MacKay

  Two men and one woman stood before them naked, and she swore, she’d never get used to the lack of clothes. Yet given a choice, she’d take the naked humans over the massive growling wolves any day.

  One of the men stepped forward as she and Greyson removed their helmets. Once again, just like all the shifters Juno had met, the man was tall, muscular, and gorgeous in a dangerous and feral way—his hair dark, thick and worn just a little long, with his beard thick, but well groomed. And fairly young—about Greyson’s age or just a little older, if she had to guess. And when he spoke, his voice was deep and velvety. “Greyson. Been a long time.”

  “Thayer. It’s definitely been too long. Thought I’d remedy that by paying you a visit.” Greyson then tilted his head toward her as Thayer approached them. “Also wanted to introduce you to my mate and wife, Juno.”

  “Juno…” Thayer breathed in deeply as if catching her scent, his eyes going wide with surprise before he took her hand in his and lowered his head to it, with something of a half bow. “You do us a great honor.”

  “The honor is mine.” Juno didn’t know what the hell to make of Thayer’s greeting, but when she glanced at Greyson in question, wondering if this was the norm, he discreetly shook his head no. He didn’t know what was up either.

  Thayer straightened and took a step back to address them, as Juno tried to ignore the man’s erection—always with the frigging erections. She swore she’d never get used to it. “I hope you’ll come back to my place so we can celebrate your union and catch up on things.”

  Greyson nodded. “Of course.”

  It was another fifteen-minute ride through the woods, though by the time they got to Thayer’s home, he was the only wolf. She watched as he shifted from a massive smoky black wolf back into his human form, showed them into his home and then excused himself, returning just a minute later, dressed in jeans and a flannel shirt, but still barefoot.

  The guys chatted as Thayer got out some beers and hard cider, and then they settled in in the living room of the massive home, though she swore, Thayer’s gaze kept drifting back to her. Based on first impressions, she liked him, but…the way he was acting had her feeling just a little unsure of what was going on. And based on how tense Greyson was starting to get, he wasn’t too happy about it either.

  “So…” Thayer gave her a charming smile that made her feel like Little Red Riding Hood about to get devoured by the Big Bad Wolf. “How long have you been married?”

  “Got married last night.” Greyson draped his arm possessively over her shoulder, claiming her as his. “Figured since I’m now living at my parents’ cabin, I should pay you a visit.”

  “I’m glad you did, since I haven’t seen you in what…three years? Four? And I’m glad you brought Juno. I’d heard about the trouble she’d had with the Black Ridge clan. Fucking bears…” He tilted his head in her direction, and once more it felt like his eyes were locked on hers, giving her a charming smile that had her shifting deeper into Greyson’s embrace. “I hope you weren’t injured too badly in the attack, Juno.”

  “I think it was shock more than anything. Greyson came to my rescue before I got seriously hurt.” She somehow found her words, even though her thoughts were racing and her heart was pounding. The last thing she wanted to do was say the wrong thing, but this whole situation, especially the way Thayer constantly looked at her as if Greyson weren’t even there, had her on edge.

  “I can only imagine how scared you must have been. I’m relieved to know that Greyson got to you in time.” Once more, Thayer’s eyes were locked on hers, taking her in with an intensity that had her squirming in her seat.

  Thayer took a long draw from his beer, looking comfortable even though he had a shifter from a different pack in his home. Greyson had said they were on good terms, and though they seemed to be friendly enough with each other, it was clear Thayer was pushing Greyson’s buttons—especially when Thayer’s gaze kept straying to her.

  And then, it was clear, Greyson had had enough. “Fuck, Thayer…you and I go way back—and you know I like you. But if you keep looking at my wife like that, we’re going to have a fucking problem.”

  Chapter Ten

  Greyson didn’t know what the fuck was going on with Thayer, but the man was trying his patience.

  Thayer’s gaze was still on Juno, when he issued his challenge. “I’ll fight you for her.”

  Sitting forward, Greyson’s hands tightened into fists as he let out a deadly growl. “Have you lost your fucking mind? She’s my wife.”

  “That’s not all she is, and you fucking well know it.” Thayer waved away Greyson’s protests as if the fact that he and Juno were married was nothing more than a small inconvenience. “Besides, you know the marriage can be undone within a year and a day.”

  Juno looked at them both, with fire and venom in her eyes. “You know…I’m starting to get damn fucking tired of people deciding my fate for me. No fighting, no undoing of marriages, no more of this asinine bullshit. I’ve had it up to here with the whole lot of you.”

  “Juno…” Thayer’s gaze softened as he turned toward her to explain, ignoring the little fact that Greyson was still ready to murder him. “Your kind belongs with our pack. It’s always been that way—from the days when the moon first rode up into the sky. The Broken Ash and the Laighir. Except…your kind vanished lifetimes ago. It left our pack missing a part of its soul. But now…here you are.”

  Greyson wasn’t fucking buying it—nor did he care. Not when Thayer was using it as some sort of excuse to steal Juno away from him. “I don’t give a flying fuck what she is to your pack, Thayer. She’s my wife—and she stays with me.”

  “And I’ve challenged you for her.” Thayer gave him an easy shrug, as if the whole thing was an entirely sane idea. “It might be an ancient law that’s seldom called on these days, but it still holds. You can either fight to keep her, or you forfeit her if you choose to walk away.”

  “Well, I’m glad I get a say in all this.” Juno sat forward and glared at Thayer, looking ready to zap him with a thousand volts. “I don’t know what the hell a Laighir is, but you welcomed us into your home, and as your guest, I’m asking you to put an end to this nonsense and stop disrespecting my marriage.”

  Thayer shook his head, as if she didn’t quite understand—which was understandable since not even Greyson had heard of a Laighir, though that wasn’t necessarily all that unusual. Each pack, each clan, had its own history and mythologies, though some things did overlap. “The Laighirs were powerful healers—and warriors. And you’re not just a guest in my home, Juno. As a Laighir, you’re also part of my pack. You belong with us, just as your kind always has. It’s not just about the pack either. It’s what’s needed for you to reach your full potential. Since I like Greyson, I’m happy to have him join our pack as well, if that’ll help set your mind at ease. If not, we can go back to fighting for you.”

  Greyson got to his feet, the energy of his shift coursing through him as he held it back, no doubt fueled by his anger, though Thayer stood right there with them. “I came here to keep the peace between our packs, but if you don’t back the fuck off, blood will be spilt.”

  Juno stepped between them, and he swore he’d never seen her more angry. “No. It won’t be spilt. Because if the two of you don’t stop this fucking nonsense, I’m going to hand myself over to Sawyer and the bears, and let them put me out of my damn misery. Am I making myself clear? Now both of you, sit your furry asses down, and do whatever it is we were supposed to be doing here in the first place. Now.”

  Thayer was the first to sit down, clearly trying to stay on Juno’s good side. And yet trying to discuss pack politics now felt absurd.

  Juno linked her hand with his and nestled against his side, sending Thayer a clear message that they were together and had every intention of staying that way, even if she took over the conversation. “I want to know more about what you think I am—since I’ve never heard of it before, and I’m tired of b
eing clueless.”

  Greyson couldn’t blame her for wanting more information—and if Thayer could tell her what she needed to know, then he’d deal with it. She needed to know what she was capable of and how to control it, and though he was happy to help her any way he could, he was taking stabs in the dark, whereas Thayer might actually know how to help her. And if it meant getting Juno the help she needed, then he’d rein in his jealousy, since she was all that mattered.

  Thayer shifted in his seat, his gaze once more fully focused on Juno. “What do you know so far, darling?” When Greyson growled at him, Thayer looked at him in apology. “Juno.”

  “You said they were healers, but…my experiences have been quite different.” When Greyson tensed at her side, Juno must have sensed it, because she didn’t elaborate any further. The last thing they needed was for Thayer to know she was responsible for the deaths of three men.

  And yet, Thayer wasn’t stupid.

  “Atticus, right?” When Juno blanched and Greyson glared at him, Thayer waved away their concerns. “No worries. Your secret’s safe with me.”

  “There is no secret to keep safe, Thayer. Atticus attacked her, and while she was defending herself, he dropped dead. Nothing more.” Even if it was a lie, he wouldn’t give Thayer any ammunition. “Just tell her what you know about the Laighir.”

  Thayer sat back and casually took a long swig of his beer, before propping it on his knee, his focus still entirely too much on Juno. “I don’t know a ton—just the stories we grew up with as kids. But what I do know is that their magic was powerful. They could gather the energy from the air around them into their own body and redirect it with purpose. They could heal the injured or take a life.”

  Juno shook her head, as if trying to comprehend it all. “So how does that tie into your pack? I don’t get it.”

  “The Laighir were somehow tied to the land and needed it to keep them grounded. Honestly, I’m not sure of the details, but it’s my understanding that it was only certain locations. My pack’s territory was one of those locations, which is why the Laighir were linked to our pack. Not really sure why it’s this area and not another. Maybe the ley lines?” Thayer shrugged and took another sip. “Didn’t you know what you are?”

  She looked over at Greyson with worry darkening her eyes as she linked her hand with his. All he wanted was to keep her safe, to give her a life where she didn’t have to constantly stress and worry about things—and he’d been doing a miserable job of it.

  With a shake of her head, she answered Thayer. “No. I didn’t. Or rather, I’ve had the energy flare up from time to time, but never knew about the Laighir—or that this curse could be used for good.”

  “It’s not a curse, Juno. It’s an amazing gift—and a rare one at that.” Thayer let out a long sigh and glanced over at Greyson, before focusing back on Juno. “Look… You’d be a valued member of our pack, and would hold an esteemed position, given that your mere presence among us would have a greater effect than you can ever know. We’d give you your own place, take care of you, give you whatever it is you need.”

  Greyson was ready to fucking lose it, his words spoken through gritted teeth—especially when he knew that things between him and Juno were still uneasy. “She has a pack, has a place, and as my wife, she’ll never want for anything. I don’t mean to negate the importance of a Laighir to your pack, but Juno stays with me.”

  Thayer sat back and pinned Greyson with a matter-of-fact stare. “I don’t think that’s your decision to make. It’s Juno’s.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Juno’s head was spinning, and she may have been stressed out before, but it was nothing compared to what she was now going through. Though it was clear Thayer wanted her to take him up on his offer, and she was thankful to have options, his motives were clearly selfish, and left her feeling confused and backed into a corner.

  “Well, I’m glad we’ve, at the very least, given up on the asinine idea of fighting for me.” She glared at Thayer, fully aware that the man was alpha of his pack, and could easily tear her to pieces before her power ever warmed up. Not that Greyson would let her come to harm.

  “Darling, that’s not entirely off the table, depending how things play out.” He gave her a crooked smile that was all charm, even as her eyes narrowed at him and Greyson let out a low growl.

  But before Greyson could rip out Thayer’s throat and start a war between their packs, she stepped in. “The name’s Juno—not darling. And the two of you could tear each other limb from limb, and it wouldn’t change the fact that whether I stay or go, it’s my choice.”

  “Is it?” Thayer sat forward, closing the distance between them, though he still kept up his charming smile. “I don’t mean any offense, but…we’re deadly predators. And you look more suited to a Seattle coffeehouse than the wilds of the mountains. You’re in a world that doesn’t play by your society’s rules, nor your values. So though you may think you have a say in all this—and knowing Greyson, he’s likely been nice enough to extend you the courtesy of a choice—the truth of the matter is, you don’t truly get to decide what happens to you. Isn’t that right, Greyson?”

  “Stop being an antagonistic shit.” Greyson shook his head with a scowl aimed in Thayer’s direction, even as he pulled her in close. “And you’re fucking clueless if you think you’ll get Juno to do anything by threatening her.”

  She couldn’t help but look up at Greyson and smile. They may not have known each other long, but it really did feel like he knew the heart of her like no one else ever had. She couldn’t help but fall for him just a little more, as he claimed yet another piece of her heart.

  “Then let me offer you my apologies, Juno, since my offer still stands. You’d be a valued member of this pack—and if Greyson came with you, it would link our packs, which would be greatly beneficial.” Thayer shifted his gaze from her to Greyson. “You know it’s the truth. It’d solidify the alliance between our people.”

  Juno looked up at Greyson in question, wondering what his take on it would be since she was still unsure of things when it came to pack politics. What Thayer said seemed to make sense, though whether it was actually a good idea, she didn’t really know. “Sure—it’d be good for our packs. But I’m not going to pressure Juno into something she’s not comfortable with, and our marriage comes first. She comes first.”

  Greyson’s words gave her back her confidence—something that had slipped away since her nightmare began—and for that she was eternally grateful. Tightening her hold on Greyson’s hand, Juno gave Thayer a smile. “I appreciate the offer to stay here, but…this is a matter that involves more than just me. It involves our pack, and that means we need to give it some thought. That said, I won’t have you threatening me, Greyson, or my marriage, so if you can deal with that, then maybe we can figure out some sort of relationship that would work for everyone involved.”

  She looked over at Greyson in question, hoping that her proposal was okay, and she hadn’t overstepped her bounds or made some sort of major faux pas. But Greyson just pulled her close and kissed her temple, giving her a smile before turning back to Thayer. “I think she’s being incredibly generous, and once we sort things out, we’ll be sure to let you know.”

  “Greyson, you’re a pain in the ass—and Juno…well, I’m too charmed to be able to deny you anything.” Thayer gave her a charismatic smile, though being the sole focus of his intense gaze made her heart skitter, which in turn sent a crackle of energy racing through her body. “All kidding aside, I appreciate that you’re willing to consider my offer and find a way to make this work, given how important this is to my pack. But no matter what happens, I need you to know that you’ll always be welcome here.”

  She wasn’t sure what to say to that, but figured she’d just take the offer at face value, to keep from stirring up any more trouble. “Thank you.”

  With things finally less tense between the men, Greyson and Thayer were able to catch up on pack business and all tha
t had happened in the time Greyson had been gone. Juno had to admit, it was a huge relief to not have the two of them at each other’s throats.

  Getting to his feet, Greyson pulled Juno up into his arms, as Thayer stood. “Despite a rocky start to the day, it was good to see you again.”

  Thayer shrugged and gave them one of his charming smiles, not looking too bothered about their earlier argument. “I’m just glad you came by for a visit—and Juno, it was a sincere pleasure. Where are you lovebirds off to next?”

  “Heading into Wild Creek. Figure it’ll be good to show Juno around town. Pick up some supplies. Feels like we’ve got some weather heading our way, and we only just got to our place.” Greyson looked at her like she was his whole world, his gold eyes alight. And she loved that he’d called his parents’ home their place, since she’d like the chance to finally feel like she was home, especially with the chaos that constantly seemed to be swirling around her.

  “Juno…come back soon.” Thayer pressed a tender kiss to her cheek, while giving Greyson a sly smile, since he was clearly pushing buttons. “And Greyson…it’s been a pleasure, even if you are one hell of a lucky bastard.”


  Juno had to admit that sitting in a tavern filled with shifters left her feeling uneasy, even if Ryder had decided to join them. And though she was starving, the amount of food that came on her plate was obscene. She just lucked out that the guys were happy to devour whatever was left.

  Despite being in the middle of nowhere, Wild Creek was hopping with people, since it was located on neutral ground and surrounded by different pack and clan territories. Not that Juno had a clue as to what sort of shifter each person was. Hell…she didn’t even know what sort of shifters existed, other than wolves and bears. And yet, it was easy to see some similarities.


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