Greyson - Part 2: An Alpha Billionaire Shifter Romance (The Silver Moon Pack)

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Greyson - Part 2: An Alpha Billionaire Shifter Romance (The Silver Moon Pack) Page 7

by Cali MacKay

  The wolf shifters were tall, lean, and muscular. From what she’d seen of the bears, they were even taller, and though they were also muscular, they were definitely bulkier than the wolves. As for the rest…she didn’t know what they were, but if they were hanging out with members of their pack and clan, once more there tended to be similarities between them.

  “Are they all shifters? Or are there other…creatures?” Was that even the right word? She didn’t even know what the proper term was.

  “Wild Creek is almost exclusively filled with shifters. Bears, wolves, mountain lions, coyotes, foxes. Even get a few other shifters rare to these parts, like lions and tigers.” As Greyson ran down the different types of shifters, he tilted his head ever so slightly in the direction of one group and then another, pointing them out as he mentioned their kind. “Shifters tend to be predators. Not sure why, but it’s how we evolved.”

  Juno found it all fascinating. Yet as she looked around the tavern, it was clear that her presence hadn’t gone unnoticed. She nestled in closer to Greyson’s side as he swung his arm over her shoulder. “They don’t look too happy that I’m here.”

  Letting his gaze wander over the room, he kissed her, making his point to those assembled that she was with him. “Don’t worry, June bug. No one’s going to bother you. They’re just curious. Though I can’t say I’m surprised to see Thayer again. He just couldn’t let you go.”

  Ryder’s brow furrowed in question as Greyson tilted his head toward Thayer, who had wandered into the tavern twenty minutes earlier with a few members of his pack. “What the hell happened there?”

  “Long story. Come on. Let’s grab those supplies and head back to our place.”

  Chapter Twelve

  As they headed for the door, Greyson tried not to growl at Thayer, who got to his feet as they passed by. It figured the bastard wouldn’t just let them get out of there.

  “I was hoping I’d run into you.” Thayer’s attention immediately shifted to Juno, after sparing Greyson no more than a moment’s glance—and then Thayer turned up the charm, his eyes all but glowing. “After you guys left, I made a few calls and have some information you might find interesting. When you have a bit of time, let me know and we can get together.”

  With a quick glance at Ryder, Greyson stepped between Thayer and Juno, as Ryder escorted her outside. “Thayer…you’re fucking trying my patience. You wouldn’t be pulling this shit if it weren’t for me wanting to maintain the peace between our packs. But I’m going to tell you right now…look at my wife like that again, and I’ll rain a fucking war on your pack. Am I making myself clear?”

  “I’m just trying to help her out, Greyson.” Thayer crossed his arms, but Greyson was done.

  With a shake of his head, he turned around and walked outside, happy for the cold mountain air, though it did little to cool his temper. The only thing that calmed him was when Juno slipped into his arms so he could hold her tight. “Don’t let him get to you, Greyson. I’m not going anywhere.”

  “I know, love. But there’s more to it than that.” Like the lack of respect Thayer was showing him—not to mention, Thayer was so focused on Juno, it left Greyson wondering if he’d do something stupid. “At this point, I just don’t trust him. And I won’t risk you coming to harm.”

  “Do you really think he’d hurt me?” Her brow furrowed with confusion, and he could see why, given how important her kind were supposed to be to his pack.

  “The way he’s looked at you from the very start? I think he’d do whatever it took to have his way with you—so unless you’re willing… Yeah…I think he’d hurt you.” The mere thought of Juno with Thayer—or anyone else, for that matter—sent a jolt of jealousy through him. It didn’t matter that he’d shared other women. Juno was different—she was his wife…his mate.

  “I would not be willing.” Her eyes locked on his as if trying to make sure that he knew she meant it. “I know you’ve gotten up to all sorts of things in the past, but…that’s never been my thing. I’m married to you, and that means you’re the only one I want to be with.”

  Ryder looked at the two of them with a shake of his head. “We better pick up those supplies and head back, because I’m dying to know what the fuck is going on and how Thayer’s suddenly involved.”

  “Let’s make it quick.” They said little else while they grabbed what supplies were needed, though Greyson was half surprised they made it out of Wild Creek without any sort of real trouble, given that Thayer and a few bears from the Black Ridge clan were still wandering about.

  Once they’d gotten back home and unloaded the supplies, Greyson gave Ryder the rundown of their morning with Thayer. “No fucking way. So Juno’s a Laighir—whatever the hell that is—and Thayer wants to steal her over to his pack?”

  “And into his bed, by all accounts.” Greyson started to pace, wondering if Thayer would escalate things. He trusted Juno completely. That wasn’t the issue. But he didn’t trust Thayer not to do something stupid.

  Juno reached out and grabbed his hand, pulling him to her and forcing him to stop his pacing and sit by her side on the sofa. “Then I’ll turn down his offer. It’s as simple as that.”

  “Exactly what kind of offer did he make you?” Ryder looked at them in question, his gaze intense and filled with curiosity, his mind no doubt running through all the possibilities. And though there were a ton of possibilities, none of them were good.

  “He made his offer only after first challenging me to a fight over her.” It still pissed Greyson off to no end. Though it was an ancient law and custom to challenge someone for their mate, it was rare these days to issue that sort of challenge, especially when there was no prior relationship between the challenger and the one being fought over. “He backed off though, especially when he saw that it wasn’t gaining him any favor with Juno.”

  Ryder was looking pissed off on his behalf, and for that Greyson was grateful. “Even Sawyer’s treaded more lightly than that, and you’ve always been on good terms with Thayer. That fucking asshole needs to show more respect. If you were alpha—”

  “It wouldn’t have changed a thing. He’d have done the same.” Greyson wanted to put to rest any thoughts that he might challenge his brother to become alpha of the pack, even if he knew Ryder thought it to be a good idea. “Anyway, Thayer went on to offer Juno a place in his pack, since she’s Laighir, and they’re somehow bound to the Broken Ash pack and their territory.”

  Ryder shifted his attention to Juno, taking her in as if he was looking at her in a whole new light. “And you didn’t know about any of this?”

  “No…not really.” She shook her head, looking a bit unsure about discussing her power, though Greyson squeezed her hand in reassurance and gave her a nod. He trusted Ryder not only with his life, but Juno’s. “The energy had come forth on a few occasions. But it’s always been a defense mechanism.”

  Ryder’s gaze shot over to Greyson for just a split second, looking for a confirmation, which he got. “So Atticus attacked you, and it was the energy that killed him. Well, it serves the asshole right.”

  “Greyson has started working with me to learn to control it, but…I’ve never used the energy to heal, even though Thayer said it was possible.” Juno bit her bottom lip, as Greyson pulled her close. With Thayer’s obnoxious attitude, he didn’t exactly want her spending more time with him, even if he might have some answers. “He said he had some information he wanted to talk to us about.”

  “That may very well be, love. And I promise to do whatever I can to get that information—but I’m not letting him near you again. That’s not happening.” Greyson’s gaze shifted to Ryder, a look of approval on his face. Juno may not be too happy, but this was a matter of territory and control, of ancient hierarchies and a primal fight for power. And there was no fucking way he was going to let Thayer near Juno.

  “Greyson’s right, Juno. Thayer’s gone well beyond what’s acceptable when dealing with you, and if he keeps it up, he’ll
be putting Greyson in a situation where he’ll have to defend what’s his—or lose it.” Ryder sat forward, his body tense and his intelligent eyes glowing in the light of the fire they’d built to ward off the chill in the night air. “He’s already been far too disrespectful.”

  “I know.” Juno let out a ragged breath filled with far too much emotion. “But…I just want to know more about what I am, and how to control this curse, especially if it can actually be used to heal.”

  “You have my word, Juno…we’ll get the information you need. It just may not involve Thayer. Not if he’s going to keep pushing things. He’s the alpha of his pack, and is used to getting his way with them—but I’ll be damned if I’m going to have him pissing on my territory. If it comes to fighting for you, I will.” Thayer was a damn good fighter, but Greyson could more than hold his own—even against him.

  “That’s insane. You know that, right?” She pulled out of his arms and shrugged off his touch when he tried to pull her back to him. “First the bears. Now this. And I’m assuming it’s a fight to the death?”

  Greyson took her hand in his and brought it to her lips. “It won’t come to that, Juno. You have my word.”

  She pulled her hand away as her eyes shimmered with tears she was clearly trying to hold back. “I have your word that you won’t fight him to the death in some asinine ancient ritual? Or I have your word that it won’t come to that—but if it does, you’ll fight him?”

  He was so screwed. “I love you, Juno.”

  “Wrong answer.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Even Ryder knew enough to clear out of there. Juno was trying to stay calm, but she couldn’t believe that things had somehow gone from bad to horrible. “Promise me you won’t fight Thayer. No matter what.”

  “Juno…” He let out a ragged breath, and stepped to her side to keep her from pacing, cupping her face in his hands. His touch was hot against her skin, and though she was upset, she couldn’t help but lean into his touch. “I can’t do that. Not because I’m going to fight him, but because I can’t predict what’ll happen, and I won’t make promises I can’t keep. I’ll do whatever it takes to protect you—and that includes laying down my life if it comes to that. You’re mine—my wife—and that means you’re under my protection.”

  “Why can’t things be simple? I thought that once we got married, things would…get better. Less complicated. That we might have the chance to get to know each other…start a life together.” She’d been hoping that getting married wouldn’t just keep the bears away, but that they’d have the chance to strengthen what was between them.

  “We can still do all of that. And there’s nothing to say that things will escalate with Thayer, especially when he wants to stay on your good side.” He brushed his thumb across her lips and then bent his head to hers, catching her mouth in a kiss that would have had her forgetting all her problems—had it not been for the fact that it reminded her of what was at stake. “We’ll be okay, June bug. I’ll make sure of it.”

  “What if we go away? Leave Wild Creek, so it’s just the two of us. So we can live our lives without all these distractions and complications. So we can be happy.” She knotted her hands in the fabric of his t-shirt, holding onto him. “Would the bears still come after me now that we’re married—if they know you’re with me?”

  “I’m afraid it’s not that simple. I’ve been away from the pack for a long time. Too long.” Not that Greyson elaborated on the details, even though she was sure there was a whole lot he wasn’t telling her. “And as angry as Atticus’s family is, I think it’d be dangerous not to have the protection of our pack.”

  “And being away from the pack… Is that not really done?” She knew Greyson had been gone for a while, seeing other parts of the world, but maybe that was different? Was it like the Amish tradition where the youth got to leave their community and go out to experience the rest of the world for a short period of time before coming back home?

  “Most members of the pack stay put, though there are plenty who leave, though most eventually head back. But…things are a bit complicated in my situation, given that my father will be stepping down soon as alpha.” With her still in his arms, Greyson leaned against the arm of the sofa, so she could almost look him eye-to-eye, which was a rare thing, given his height. “With Kiernan ready to step up as alpha, I need to be around to show that I support him, especially when there’s been so much speculation.”

  “So you think he’s the right choice for alpha?” It’s not that she wanted Greyson to be alpha of his pack, but it seemed to be what most of the pack wanted, Ryder included.

  “It’s complicated, Juno. But Kiernan has what it takes to be a good alpha—and he’s my brother. If you’re thinking I should be alpha, then let me stop you right there. We already have enough problems to deal with, without adding pack politics into the mix.” Greyson let his hands slip down the small of her back to cup her ass cheeks and pull her to him, his hard cock pressing against her. “Besides, I want to spend my time with you, and as alpha, I’d have little free time, and far too many people messing around in my business.”

  “Is it because of my curse? Is that the reason you’ve decided not to pursue it?” She didn’t know if that was actually the case, but it’d make sense that he’d turn away from something that might have people looking at her with far more scrutiny. He’d trusted Ryder with the truth, but it was unlikely he’d tell anyone else about her secret, and if he fought Kiernan for alpha of the pack, there was a damn good chance people would figure things out.

  She saw the truth in his eyes before he even gave her an answer—which she now knew was nothing more than a bald-faced lie. “No, love. I have no interest in leading the pack.”

  She stepped out of his embrace, though he caught her quick enough, even if she did her best to get free again, struggling against his iron grip. “I don’t appreciate you lying to me. I’m your wife now—so if you can’t be honest with me, then that’s a problem.”

  “What’s a problem is that we both have on far too many clothes, and I have every intention of remedying that, especially since we’re still on our honeymoon.” With a strong arm around her waist, Greyson pulled her close, ignoring the fact that she was glaring at him and pushing him away with a hand on his chest. “Juno…I love you. Isn’t that enough?”

  “No, it’s not. Not when I’ve had to tell you everything about me, and you’re refusing to elaborate on something that affects us both.” From the start, she’d felt like he’d been holding back when it came to speaking to her about pack politics, and she didn’t have a clue why.

  “I’m not elaborating on it, because you’re what I want to focus on. I want to start my life with you—maybe start a family…” He brushed his thumb over her cheek and then leaned in to kiss her. “You’re all that matters, Juno. So if you think I’ll put you at risk to be alpha, guess again.”

  “That’s not the point. The point is that you would have pursued it if I hadn’t stumbled into your life and messed everything up. And don’t think that I didn’t hear the part about starting a family.” It’s not that she didn’t want to have kids. She did. Just not when her life was such a mess. How could she bring a child into the world when there were bears still hunting her and she could barely manage to keep herself safe? “There’s no way now would be a good time to have a kid.”

  “I know things are complicated, but maybe it’s exactly what we need.” His voice sounded like velvet, and the way he looked at her had her body immediately reacting to him—which was exactly what she did not need when he was talking about babies.

  “It’s not happening, Greyson. I’m still trying to wrap my head around the fact that I’m married. Not to mention I still don’t believe that you won’t get into some asinine fight with Thayer, and the bears still want my head.” She needed to go on the Pill. There was no way she could take any chances, especially when they’d been going at it like rabbits hopped up on Viagra. “How could we conscio
usly choose to bring a baby into such a dangerous situation?”

  His jaw tightened, and his eyes hardened with a look she didn’t quite understand. “Are you trying to say that I can’t keep you—and our children—safe?”

  Ah…that’s what it was.

  “I’m saying nothing of the sort—so don’t go twisting my words around. I didn’t say that—nor was I implying it. But so much of what’s happening is out of our control, and that’s why things are dangerous. Not because you’re not capable of protecting me—or any children that we may eventually have.” She cupped his face, his stubble rough against the palm of her hand, and leaned in to kiss him, letting her lips linger on his, as her heart ached with the feelings she had for him. “I know you’d put your life on the line for me, and do all you could to keep me safe. You already have. But things are still so new between us.”

  “And yet it feels like I’ve known you for a million lifetimes.”

  His words had her heart melting, and falling even more in love with him. He nuzzled her and then caught her mouth in a kiss that could easily have her agreeing to whatever he wanted.

  She knew it was insane to develop feelings for someone so quickly, but maybe there was something to the whole fated mates thing. It’s not that she was already head over heels in love with him, given that they’d been together all of a week. But her feelings for him were real, and growing stronger with each moment spent in his company. “I love you, Greyson. Just…try to be patient with me.”

  Tangling his fingers in her hair, his eyes locked on hers, his gaze so incredibly intense, it made her heart skitter and race out of control. “I don’t know that I can, love. I can’t do anything in half measures—not when it comes to you. You make it so I can’t think straight, and I just keep wanting more. It’d be different if it was anyone else—because they wouldn’t matter. But when it’s you…I can’t pull myself away. I want all there is to be had—you in my bed…a family…a life together…and a million lifetimes after that.”


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