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Glaston (The Gifted Book 1)

Page 6

by C. C. Lynch

  I nodded, thanked her, and headed back to my dorm room. Liz was writing notes furiously and reading quickly out loud. As silently as possible I began putting clothes away into the small section of the closet that was empty. Everything was separated into our own particular sections. I could not tell if Liz had done it because she was simply that precise or if stress made her meticulous. She did not seem to notice my presence until someone knocked on the door.

  “Yeah,” she yelled quickly never taking her eyes off her notes.

  I opened up the door to see the plaid dress once again. She handed me an envelope and walked away without saying a word. I skipped over to my desk and eagerly slid my finger underneath the flap and pulled out three different stapled packets. One entailed the rules of the school, another highlighted the activities the school offered, and the last was my class schedule.

  The activity packet noted I would have to pick three in the event that my choice was not available. I signed the rules, checked off archery, horseback riding, and then track. I wriggled in my seat with anticipation and pulled out my schedule. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday would be physics and ecology before four hours of skill broken up into two hours a piece with a one hour lunch break. Tuesdays and Thursdays would begin with chemistry, literature, followed by a lunch break and would end with macroeconomics before an hour of skill.

  I pulled the textbooks for my classes out of the pile that Liz handed me and put the rest under my bed. I began reviewing chemistry, literature, and macroeconomics since they would be my classes the following day.

  “Do I have a text book for my skill class?” Liz snorted in response and kept writing notes. I knew what would get her attention. “The headmaster is really handsome and he did not look mean at all.” Liz dropped her pen and her porcelain face turned grey once again. I crouched towards her and whispered, “Why are you so afraid of him?”

  She put out her hand and ignored my question. “Let me see your schedule,” she demanded sounding exasperated.

  “You can turn invisible but you are afraid of some dapper guy in his thirties or forties. That just sounds ridiculous. But I guess so does a school for students endowed with abilities that are seemingly impossible. Here’s my schedule.” I handed over the paper and sat back watching her eyes intently.

  Her lip twitched as she read it. “Okay,” she straightened herself out in her seat, “you have physics and ecology with me. I took macro and literature before but haven’t taken chemistry yet. It looks like they are giving you the smorgasbord to find your potential. In macro you really want to focus on the reading. You could almost ignore his lectures and just read and you would be safe. The lit professor is one of those people who focuses on symbolism and themes. You will have a lot of papers to write and if you mess up your works cited then you fail the class instantly. We have a test in physics next Wednesday and a paper due at the end of the week in ecology. You won’t get any favors but I’ll let you see the syllabi for the classes so you can start getting ahead.” A few seconds later she pulled out the syllabi and I copied them down and began studying.


  In the middle of studying I got the urge to write Steph a letter. I let her know how busy I would be with school and that it did not seem like visiting would be an option for at least a month but I wished she could see the campus. I filled her in on a few interesting details about the school but kept everything else a secret.

  Once I finished the letter I roamed the grounds looking for a drop box. Curiosity brought me to the stables. I walked by two students on the way who never even glanced up as I passed by them. The horses were the only things on the campus aside from the three people that had talked to me that seemed to have any life to them. I wanted to touch the horses, as if they were calling to me. I lifted my hand up towards one and realized I was still holding the letter. I heard movement at the other end of the stable.

  “Hey,” I spoke softly as I walked towards the movement. I turned the corner to see a student brushing a horse.

  The guy had dirty blonde hair and a pleasant face. There was nothing particularly striking about the guy, but he seemed approachable. I walked closer to him, leaving enough distance so that if the horse kicked I would be out of its reach. He looked up quickly but concentrated on his stallion once again.

  “Is there something I can help you with?” I turned around to meet the face from whom the voice came from. A tall guy with dark skin and hair that was buzzed so close that he was nearly bald looked down at me with a kind smile. “He won’t stop brushing that horse for at least another hour.” His voice was deep, smooth, and pleasant.

  I put my hand out to shake his, “Hi, I’m…”

  “Abrielle,” he cut me off, “we all know who you are. At a small school like this we always know when someone leaves or comes. If someone new is coming in it is our business to know everything there is to know about them.”

  “That is a little creepy, but I guess I understand. I was wondering if there is a drop box anywhere.” I held the letter as if I needed to prove that I had a reason for looking around.

  He chuckled, “You were looking for a drop box in the stables?”

  Heat rose to my face, “no, well, I was walking and I wanted to see the horses. You know, on my way to find the drop box.”

  “I’m Will,” he finally stretched his hand out to meet mine, “help me with Cinnamon and I’ll take you over to the mailbox.”

  I took his hand and happily complied. It was nice to have another student treat me like a human. He led me to a white horse with light brown spots and handed me a brush. “Cinnamon?” I arched an eyebrow and pointed at the mostly white horse.

  He nodded his head in reply and began making long strokes with the brush. “They are beasts compared to us. Push hard so that it does not tickle her.” The instructions were the only thing he said while we brushed her. It was relaxing and after half an hour the anxiety from my day had completely dissipated.

  The silence between the two of us was surprisingly comfortable. When we finished he led me out of the barn towards the school. Once we were clear of the barn he broke the silence. “Until people know who you really are, they are not going to speak to you. It’s a defense mechanism here that works. That was Kyle back there. He’s a good guy, but I would not try to be friends with him if I were you. You’re aware of the competition that everyone is in with one another, and it brings out the worst of everyone. At least when the worst is out we can see the true human that lies underneath.”

  “That sounds incredibly morbid.”

  I was a nice person, but who was I when I was at my worst? I hated seeing people sad and if someone was hurt all I wanted to do was take their pain away. The most upset I could remember being was when that person pretended to be Nicholas. It was invasive and I felt betrayed. If that happened when I was in a more stressful situation there was no telling how ugly my personality could be, but I hoped that I was trustworthy and kind enough for new students to come to if they needed.

  I lowered my voice. “Is there anyone I should steer clear from?”

  He smirked and pulled the door open for me. “Adele is a real firecracker and she can’t seem to control it when she is mad. She gets mad a lot.” His white teeth seemed to glow as he laughed at a memory he was playing in his head. “I mean everyone stays to themselves for the most part but you’ll learn who she is quickly and learn to take cover when she gets mad.” His smile faded and he whispered so close to my ear that it tickled unpleasantly. “Vlaine.”

  I nodded so that he knew I heard the name. “I’m sorry if this is really intrusive, I’m not accustomed to a place that wears their gifts on their sleeves. I spent most of my time hiding and building walls for mine. What is your gift?”

  He stopped walking and all emotion left his face. “Jeez Abrielle, we just met and you’re asking me to take my clothes off?”

  “I… I’m sorry, I,” I began to stammer before he started laughing.

  “I’m just kidding. I�
��m a telepath like you but my specialty is in mental manipulation.”

  Mental manipulation sounded like something a villain from a superhero movie would have. I decided not to press about it because I had no idea what the unwritten policy was for discussing our particular talents. He led me to a copper box beside the secretary desk with a flip lid that had the word “MAIL” stenciled on it. I tucked the letter into the container then he walked me back to my dorm and we parted ways.

  Back at the dorm Liz was lying on her bed reading some sort of notebook. When I walked in she shielded it with her arms so that I could not see it. I shrugged it off, if she truly did not want me to know she had it I was sure it would have gone under her pillow or blanket as soon as she heard the door open.

  I got into my pajamas as quickly as possible and snuggled under my new eiderdown and reviewed the notes I had taken earlier. Once I felt comfortable enough with my understanding of the material I placed it underneath my bed and turned off the light on my side of the room.

  A few minutes later Liz followed suit. “Goodnight Abrielle,” her words floated in the darkness.

  I smiled at the glimmer of kindness. “Goodnight, Liz.”


  Liz was rummaging about the room at five in the morning. Groaning, I pulled the covers over my head and tried to fall back asleep for another hour before my alarm clock went off. The sound of Liz starting the shower prevented me from being able to fall back asleep. Annoyed with my lack of sleep from an anxiety ridden night of tossing and turning I grunted and growled with each move I made.

  Steam flowed from the bathroom as Liz emerged wrapped in a bright pink towel. “Shower is all yours.”

  Once I got over the initial shock of seeing Liz come out in just a towel I ran into the bathroom to get ready. Our classes were not scheduled to start until eight but she seemed to be in a rush. I wanted to get out and ready quickly enough to figure out what was happening before classes began.

  Five minutes had barely passed before I hurried out of the bathroom. My hair was wrapped in a towel and I was hopping side to side trying to shimmy a sock onto my damp foot.

  “Don’t classes start at eight o’clock?” It was only quarter to six and she was completely ready.

  “Breakfast is at six-thirty and everyone congregates in the kitchen half an hour early. It is really the only social hour that we have here.” She smiled and smeared a deep red lipstick on that perfectly contrasted her natural platinum hair. A sage dress hung loose on her body making it seem like she had curves in places that there really were none.

  “You look beautiful, Liz,” I smiled and I grabbed a pair of jeans and a tee shirt from my side of the closet.

  “Thank you.” She stopped applying mascara and sighed. “Today is your first day at Glaston Academy. What you wear today is how you will be remembered by most of the people including the faculty. Wear that outfit next week but for today grab my burgundy dress, stockings, and boots. No one has seen me wear it yet so they will not know it’s mine. You’ve got me beat something unfair in the chest department, but it just might work for you.”

  I did as she said and we were both ready for the day within forty minutes. We walked towards the kitchen together until a girl with bobbing curls grabbed Liz by the arm and pulled her away from me as if she was saving her from some social faux pas that Liz was committing by being seen with me.

  I walked into the kitchen and said good morning to Susan who was busy preparing pans full of eggs, pancakes, and bacon. Baskets of fruit sat on each table ready for the taking. There were only a few students in the kitchen so far and I felt my shoulders relax when I saw Will walk in. I did not want to disrupt his social standing with anyone so I tried to be as nonchalant and quick as possible asking him where to sit. I knew how upset people could get if someone was in their seat and I did not want to leave a bitter taste on anyone’s tongue if I could help it.

  “Sit over here,” he pointed his chin at a small table to the far right of the room.

  “Thank you,” mouthed to him as I made my way to the chair he pointed out for me.

  “Will!” Liz shrieked, “Would you mind not starting fire to the kitchen first thing in the morning?”

  I jumped and looked over towards Liz confused by what had just happened. Will laughed so hard that he had to steady himself by putting his hands on his knees.

  “Argh,” Liz grunted, “that is Adele’s seat. Abrielle, sit over at the table next to that one in the chair facing my table.”

  “I told you not to trust anyone,” Will winked.

  “What is your obsession with this Adele girl? Is she your girlfriend?” I plopped into the chair that Liz designated for me and watched Will try to gather himself after his laughing fit.

  “No,” his lips were barely hiding his bright white teeth.

  “You totally like her,” I gasped. “You like it when she gets mad!” I giggled and pointed at him.

  “Hey,” he gave me a pointed look, “spreading rumors on your first official day is no way to avoid enemies.” I put my finger to my mouth indicating that his secret was safe with me.

  Students began to trickle in and though Liz had helped me to find a seat I was still uncomfortable. Everyone knew who I was and I would surely be under scrutiny by the other peers. I straightened out my back and tried to put my insecurities aside and think of how Steph would act in this situation. She would sit with her back straight, chin up, and exude confidence at anyone that came in. Any other telepath could tell that I was anything but confident, but I would hold my head up and feign it for anyone else.

  I found myself staring at Will’s table. There were three other guys sitting with him, two of which could easily pass as his brothers. Will and the two men were tall, dark, and muscular. The other person had thick rimmed glasses, freckles, had pink toned skin, was plump, and short. Each person at the table acted the same and I wondered if it was possible they had the same abilities and it drew them together.

  A familiar feeling came over me while I was people watching. Just then I saw Will stop talking and watch someone walk across the kitchen. I followed his eyes to a man that was just about to sit down at my table.

  “Hello,” I smiled politely hoping that Liz hadn’t directed me to his seat.

  I had to suck my cheeks so that I would not grin like a fool. The man in front of me was handsome and everything about him indicated trouble. Flat drawn eyebrows played a strange duality with his roguish grin. Deep blue eyes glimmered in contrast to his dark hair and fading tan. After studying his face my eyes traveled from his boots up to stonewashed jeans then lingered a little too long on his white tee shirt that hugged his sculpted torso.

  The silence was making me a bit uncomfortable and I began fiddling with my orange peel as I waited for him to reply. He pulled the chair in front of me out exaggeratingly slow and just as he was about to sit down I realized why he felt familiar.

  “You,” I gasped, my mouth hanging unattractively agape. I was looking at the man who had pretended to be Nicholas, I could feel it.

  An innocent expression came across his face. “Me?”

  “You were the fake Nicholas!”

  “Whoa,” he put his hands up defensively. “The new girl is crazy,” he muttered with a sardonic smile.

  I looked over towards Will to see that he and Liz, as well as a few other students, were watching the interaction intently. The man remained in the seat across from me, much to my dismay I wanted him to stay there. His demeanor was aggravating and I hated the fact that he pretended to be my friend, but he offered familiarity in a place I felt mostly alone.

  “Well, looks like you are a guy.” My eyes traveled along his body once again, “Unless, of course, you took on the appearance of someone else this time.” I crossed my arms against my chest. I was not backing down and he would not make me look like a fool on my first day.

  “Yes I am a guy.” He nodded his head as if he was speaking to a toddler. Then he switched his position to a more
threatening one. “But by all means keep staring. If you don’t I might just turn into a woman.”

  “Ugh, you are such a jerk.” I snarled my lip at him. “What is your problem? Am I in your seat or something?” I looked quickly at Liz, her blank face gave me no indication either way.

  He stared at me and provided no answer. “Do you pick up traits from people when you emulate them? Nicholas always gets cranky when he hasn’t had breakfast. Here, eat something,” I tossed an apple at him.

  He grabbed the apple and threw it back at me. I caught the fruit with my right hand then took a bite of it and winked at him. I was smiling, but it was only because I was impressed with my ability to catch the apple so quickly.

  Without a word he stood up and began to walk away. “See you later,” I cooed before taking another bite out of the apple.

  “Later, Abbs,” he turned and winked before vanishing from the room.

  I stared at the spot where he was when he left the room memorizing his features. When I finally snapped my attention to the rest of the room I found that a quarter of the students in the kitchen were staring at me.

  Will walked past my table on his way back from getting himself a helping of pancakes. “The one person I told you to stay away from,” he gritted through his teeth.

  “That was your girlfriend Adele?” I was being playful but I was a bit agitated from how he had tricked me earlier.

  “You just met Vlaine.” There was no smile on his face this time. “Help me brush Cinnamon tonight at six.”

  “Sure thing,” I nodded. As Will began to walk away a couple sat down at my table. They were so immersed in their own conversation that they did not seem to even notice I was there. That must have been why Liz told me to sit there. Of all the open seats in the kitchen, this table was the only one where I was invisible to the regular occupants.


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