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Glaston (The Gifted Book 1)

Page 22

by C. C. Lynch

  Draxe slurped his coffee greedily then spoke before Vlaine offered an answer. His voice flowed smoothly as he offered me the option to stay and take a winter semester of school or for someone to go home with me. I wondered if they had planned for Draxe to discuss this with me since his bedside manner was far superior to Vlaine’s. He was pushing the idea of taking an additional semester at Glaston Academy through the break that I was sure it was my only option and he had given me the second only to make me feel like my opinion mattered.

  I leaned my back against the wall and chewed on my breakfast slowly as I thought about the guards at the school sent to protect the students. It felt terrible knowing that I could be the reason they would not be able to spend Christmas with their families.

  “My vision showed me at Glaston when Jeremiah came, if I went home no one would have to worry. It could be next semester or even years from now considering how long it was before my vision of Draxe actually happened.”

  Vlaine turned his body towards me and offered a sympathetic expression. “That vision was incomplete, Abbs. This one is probably too, but it is happening every night. We can’t take any chances.”

  “What’s the worst thing that can happen if he gets me anyway?” I hadn’t meant to actually speak but my frustration opened my mouth for me. Three incredulous faces were staring at me, but none made me feel as guilty as the hurt look that was also on Liz’s face. I began to apologize but Vlaine spoke before I could.

  “He could torture you, kill you, kill the people you love. Who knows what he is capable of before he figures out the genetic mapping for a person with replication? Once he learns the secret to what makes you different no one is safe.”

  My mind trailed off to the different abilities that the students at Glaston had. There were certainly more at the other academies and more people in the world with abilities that were not attending the academy. I looked up at Liz; her thousand yard stare proved she was in another place in her mind, a darker place.

  “Liz,” I spoke softly, “I’m really sorry about seeming so nonchalant about Jeremiah.”

  Her lips quivered for a moment as she began to speak. “Jeremiah called his facility his ‘tree house,’ like it was just a hangout for him and his friends. Everything was labeled with Replyx Corp. That was the actual name of his lair.” Her eyes were still fixed in a stare and she made no move to look towards any of us. “The testing was not the horrible part of being held captive by him, it was the mind games.” She finally looked up at me, “trust me when I tell you that the worst thing that can happen to you is something that you have never experienced and it is nothing close to death.”

  The room fell into a short and dour silence before I asked if I could have a short internship at Hagan Think Tank during the winter break. It would allow the men standing guard to go back home and I would actually be able to see the place where Osiris wanted me to go once I completed my education. Vlaine left to discuss the option with his father and Draxe stayed to keep watch over Liz and me.

  As I watched Vlaine leave the room I searched my mind for ways that I could possibly stop Jeremiah. My gifts, as Vlaine had described them, were restorative in nature. I could emulate destructive gifts, but it took much more concentration than using my innate healing and telepathy. Suddenly, I realized how I would stop Jeremiah, or any terrible person.

  “I’m going to go visit Cinnamon,” I stood up and left without allowing Draxe the chance to protest or accompany me.

  I caught up to Vlaine in the yard before he had gotten to the main school building.

  “Vlaine,” I called to him, “I need to talk to you.” He turned slowly and my insides melted watching his handsome face greet mine. My breath caught and for a moment I could not find oxygen. “First, I wanted to say thank you for making me feel so safe.”

  His lip twitched into a partial smile and he gave me a quick nod before continuing to find his father.

  “I might be a novice, but I can fix this.” I pulled my shoulders back defiantly.

  “What?” His voice was laced with confusion.

  “I’m going to heal Jeremiah,” I said with determination. “Bad people are a product of mental illness and that is something I can cure.”

  Vlaine turned to me, equal parts adoration and concern. "Your ignorance of the evil in this world is a dangerous delusion, Abrielle. There's only one way to rid the world if it," he furrowed his brows into a menacing gaze, "to snuff it as if it were a candle."

  "No, Vlaine." I broke the trance of my thousand yard stare. "Negativity leaves a residual effect, an open well for more atrocities. You need to heal the source to cure the madness."

  He glared dubiously at me, "are you going to heal every horrible person in this world?"

  I smiled at the possibility. "No," I stated matter-of-factly, "but I'm going to clear a nice path for whoever supersedes my endeavor."

  Vlaine sighed and placed a gentle hand on my cheek. “If only there were more people like you in the world, “he kissed my forehead lightly, “it would be such a better place.”

  I basked in the comfort of his proximity. “I really am going to try to heal him,” I whispered.

  “I hope you succeed.” His thumb rubbed my cheek twice before he continued back to the school.

  Cinnamon seemed as restless as I felt. I was only going to brush her but the moment I was in the stables I grabbed a saddle and took her out. The morning was uncomfortably cold but she seemed to enjoy the chance to stretch her muscles.

  The melody of her hooves trotting against the snow filmed trails was soothing. Her peaceful canter was the only thing keeping the thoughts of finals, my father, winter, Jeremiah, or Vlaine at bay. Somehow when I thought of Vlaine everything else just paled in comparison. He was handsome, strong, protective, and he liked me of all people. I could not understand why he liked me out of anyone else at Glaston Academy, but I was not going to question it. Humans have a way of letting relationships get too complicated when they should be simple. Love should be simple. Not that I necessarily loved Vlaine, but I did love to be around him.

  My mind wandered and I allowed the euphoric feeling I felt when Vlaine told me he was falling for me to take over. The more I thought about him, the more I wanted to see him. I urged Cinnamon to head back to the stables quickly. I put her back into her stall and fetched more hay and a thick sheet for her.

  “Need a hand,” Vlaine’s deep voice was beside my ear and I felt warmth on my back. My body hummed and time slowed as his body moved closer to mine. I nodded, but could not find the words to speak. I was frozen in elation and his hands slid on either side of me as I put the sheet on the horse in one quick movement. I turned my body to face him and my breath caught from our proximity.

  Vlaine’s deep blue eyes twinkled with mischief and the corners of his lips tugged up. His warm hand cupped my chin gently and he pulled me close to him. The feeling of panic began to rise as I realized what was happening. The alarm ceased as the warmth of his breath caressed my lips. His nose brushed against mine lightly as I tilted my face. Vlaine’s hand slid slowly back behind my neck and he placed the other on my lower back and pulled me into him.

  Our bodies were touching and I could feel my heart beating against his chest. I looked into his cobalt eyes to see the mischief vanish only to be replaced with concupiscence. His lips were parted, fuller and redder from the winter air. His hands tightened and he pulled me into him, his warm lips pressed against mine. At first I froze as every sensation flowed through my body but then I slid my hands up his chest and around his neck and parted my lips in a deep kiss.

  Nothing existed except for Vlaine and me. I could feel his pulse, every breath as we kissed. My perfect moment was shattered as we heard someone clear their throat at the other end of the stables. I pulled away quickly to see who was there, but Vlaine remained where he was and his eyes were focused on me. I licked my lips, now swollen from our osculation.

  “Um,” Draxe shifted uncomfortably, “come on over t
o the dorm when you get a minute, I just want to tell you what dad said.” He turned away quickly leaving Vlaine and me alone in the stables.

  My face was flushed crimson. I did not know if I should follow Draxe back to my dorm or talk to Vlaine about what had just happened. There was only one thing I knew at that moment and it was that I wanted nothing more than to kiss Vlaine again.

  He was still watching me with the same expression from before we had been interrupted. I put my hands on either side of his face and pulled him towards me, pressing my lips against his greedily. His hands tugged my hips gently towards him and the existence of anything aside from the two of us was gone once again.

  “We should see what your brother needed to tell us,” I finally whispered after a few minutes.

  His lips formed a trail from my chin to my forehead before giving me a final tender peck on my lips. “Okay, let’s go see what he wants.”

  We left the stables and walked back to the dorm, his arm was looped around my waist and his hand rested on my hip. The gallant gesture was unfamiliar but comforting. My footsteps were slow as I tried to make the embrace last as long as possible.

  Liz raised her brow when we walked into the dorm, Vlaine’s arm still firmly around my waist. Her eyes met mine and there was nothing I could do to stop a smile from forming. Fortunately, Vlaine could not see that I was smiling like a buffoon and hardly able to suppress my ecstatic giggling.

  “So,” I sat on my bed and tried to hide my grin, “what did you need to tell us?” I looked at Draxe and sucked my cheeks in, forcing a solemn expression.

  “My dad said that he sent out a favor to Hagan and you just need to fill out a few forms to get an internship there over the winter break. I put them on your desk if you want to fill them out quickly I can bring them back over to my father.”

  Vlaine picked up the forms and swung his leg behind me and pulled me against him. I leaned back against his chest and scanned the paperwork with him. Our bodies were ergonomic, like it was natural for us to be together. It was strange how he was so affectionate, but it felt incredible to have his strong arms wrapped around me.

  I finished filling out the forms and handed them to Draxe. He took them and shrugged on a jacket.

  Liz stood up and grabbed the doorknob, “I’m going with you before I get stuck in a room with these two necking one another.”

  I laughed and shook my head as they left the room. Vlaine’s fingers brushed mine lightly and I rested my head against his chest enjoying the few moments of relaxation the proximity gave me. His muscles flexed involuntarily against me; it was soothing.

  “Now what?” My whispered question was so broad and I had meant it in any way that he could answer it.

  “Now,” he kissed my temple lightly and leaned over to grab my text books from the floor, “we study for final exams.”


  The weekend was spent studying with Vlaine, Draxe, and Liz. I had every flashcard memorized and knew how to complete every problem we had been given in physics. When Monday rolled around Liz and I walked into our classes feeling confident and sure of ourselves but left feeling like we had just left a celebrity roast and we were the guests of honor.

  The examinations were done on scantron sheets and the professors promised us our grades would be ready the very next day. My confidence was diminished and I wanted to feel Vlaine hold me. I searched for him only to find out from Jay that Vlaine was in a meeting with Draxe and Osiris discussing something about the think tank internship.

  Aside from Vlaine the only thing at Glaston that was able to calm my nerves was Cinnamon. I jogged to the stable and was greeted with her whinnying behind the small gate. I saddled her up and took her for a short walk. The smell of an oncoming snowfall was in the air and I tried to hurry before the precipitation began.

  Jay was waiting in the stables for me but neither of his brothers were in sight. I smiled a hello but felt angst; his angst. My empath gift was particularly sensitive to him.

  “What’s wrong?” I looked over to him while I walked Cinnamon to her stall.

  “Nothing,” he shrugged nonchalantly, “I was just awaiting your return.” The last part was said as if it was supposed to be ironic humor, but I knew better.

  “I’m an empath and you’re an easy read,” I gave him a sensitive but cautious smile, “if it has nothing to do with me I won’t push you for answers, but with the whole Jeremiah threat I am a bit wary.”

  He tapped his fingers against his thighs then walked towards me. “Your friend was in here while you were taking your horse out.”

  “Liz?” With Erik and Will gone the only friends I had at the school were Liz, Vlaine, and Draxe. The word friend reminded me of Nicholas and Steph and I remembered that Nicholas was still missing. “Was it Nicholas,” I hopped in place, “was Nicholas here?”

  “Not sure,” Jay tucked his hands into his pockets and shrugged, “he was African American and about yea high.” He lifted his hand an inch above his head. “He’s got a big goofy smile and pearly whites.”

  “Will was here?” I ran outside to look around then back to Jay. “Where did he go? I have been looking for him for weeks!”

  “Right here,” he laughed and suddenly Jay’s features melted into Will.

  I stepped backwards confused. “Will?” I jogged back outside to look at the residence hall. I could see the real Jay standing at the post he normally took. “I forgot manipulation was a gift of yours, but I didn’t know you could look like someone else. Where have you been?” I kept distance between Will and myself, but I was close enough so he would not be suspicious of my apprehension.

  “I didn’t actually change my appearance, just changed how you saw me,” he took a step towards me. “I got a job,” he chortled jubilantly, “I’ve been working at this awesome place. I was about to graduate from here anyway but when I was given the offer I just couldn’t refuse it.” Will rested his hand on an overhead beam. “You know, I think you’d really like it there, Abrielle. The hours are great, it’s got good pay, and my coworkers are awesome.”

  “Oh,” I nodded and took a small step backwards. My back was against a low beam in the barn. “Where is this place?”

  “It’s called Replyx,” he moved towards me closing the space between us.

  Oh God. Will was working with Jeremiah. My stomach dropped, but I tried to appear calm. “You know, you really had me worried. You should have called or something.” I tried to step around him but he grabbed my arm and held it tightly.

  His grip tightened around my arm and a burning pain pulsed around where his fingertips dug into my flesh. “Come with me and check it out. I’m telling you that you would love it there.”

  Lessons from my self-defense class flashed in my mind and I shot my knee up into his groin, kicked his legs out from underneath him, and ran towards the residence hall to get Jay.

  “Jay!” I screamed as I opened the door. His hand pulled up the Glock that had been resting on his hip. “Jay, Will is here in the stables. He works for Jeremiah.”

  Just as Jay nodded towards the other men in the area a loud explosion erupted from the second floor of the residence hall. Papers, debris, and sparks shot out of my dorm room. My chest was heaving as morbid thoughts of Liz came into my mind. Screams filled the air and students began running out of their rooms. The flood of students was coming straight towards the door I was standing in front of. I could not get my legs to budge from their position and I was sure I was about to be trampled.

  A hand tugged my arm and dragged me out of my stupor. “Let’s go,” Liz screamed, “this way!” Screams and explosions shook the building and I tried not to look back at the chaos. “You need to replicate my invisibility Abrielle,” Liz’s voice was loud and assertive. I hesitated and she yanked my arm, “now, Abrielle!”

  I closed my eyes and blocked out the terrifying screams that were filling the building. I focused on the beauty of Liz’s gift and willed myself to be invisible. I opened my eyes to find that
I had succeeded. We were a few feet from the rear exit of the residence hall and clarity took over. I knew what was going to happen. Just as I skidded to a halt Jeremiah entered the room just as I had seen him do so many times in my vision. I pulled Liz against the wall with me to get away from him and out of his way.

  Against the wall Liz was silent and undetectable. I tried to control my breathing to make myself as imperceptible as Liz. Jeremiah circled the room as if he was admiring his chaotic handiwork. Luther stood by him; his young brooding sharp features seemed even more menacing below thin silver hair. He spoke something to Jeremiah before they both turned to face my direction.

  Liz’s hand began to tremble and I gave her hand a quick reassuring squeeze. Jeremiah sauntered towards me as if he was about to step onto a dance floor at a ball, poised and determined. His dark hair was slicked back in such a manner that it almost did not match his casual jeans and button up sweater. Had his green eyes not been so full of determination I would not have thought he could be evil in any way.

  His movements were fluid; he knew exactly where I was. I sucked in my breath and tried to hold it while shoving myself against the wall, trying to be undetectable. An explosion sounded upstairs giving me the chance to take a quick breath as the floor shook and wall behind us rattled.

  Jeremiah’s hand went towards my face as if he could see me, like the invisibility did not work for him. His thumb traced my cheekbone and he sighed, “There you are.”

  My legs began to tremble and the floor felt like a trampoline. He had found me despite my invisibility.

  I let go of Liz’s hand so that she would not be found. Just as I let go of her hand Vlaine walked in through the doors, a look of fortitude spread as he ran towards Jeremiah with outstretched hands. I could see a bald man with olive skin step behind Vlaine. Slade is behind you! I screamed telepathically to Vlaine, but he was only focusing on the man that was gripping my face.


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