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Found by Love

Page 18

by Jennifer Bryan Yarbrough

  "Oh like you're so perfect. Maybe we SHOULDN'T have any more kids. There's a chance they might be blonde and I'd hate to embarrass both you and Grayson since you two are the ‘smart’ ones." He sat up higher in his seat and lifted his head up proudly. "That's okay. I'll love them anyway because I'll be able to understand their handicap better than you will."

  He looked at me and we both lost it and he dropped me on the floor which had both of us laughing even harder. Oh it feels so good to finally laugh about something. No matter how stupid it is and there's one thing I can say about Caleb. This past year I have laughed more because of him than I ever had. He stood up and lowered his hands out to offer me help getting up. I reach up and he pulled me into his arms.

  "Promise me one thing Cru. Promise me that we'll never forget to laugh. I've never laughed so much until you got back into my life. No matter how hard things get, promise me that Baby." I nodded my head and leaned up for a kiss and stopped kissing him when I heard giggling behind me.

  "Well this is a little... Awkward! Haha!" I turned around and pulled Grayson into a bear hug and started kissing him everywhere on his face.

  "You little turkey! You're too quiet when you walk... You know that?!" His face was beet red but I could tell that he enjoyed the attention.

  "Caleb and Claudia sitting in a tree!! K I S S I N G!!" Caleb stopped him by picking him up and throwing him over his shoulder like a fireman would and picked up on the song where Grayson left off with his deep voice.

  "Yeah, yeah, yeah... First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes Claudia pushing a baby carriage." He turned around and winked at me and blew me a kiss and I blew him one back. "Say goodbye Grayson."

  "Goodbye Grayson! Haha!" Grayson rose up as far as he could and waved goodbye while I waved back and laughed at the two men in my life leaving for their afternoon adventure. I love my life right now. It can't get any better than this. Mattie's head popped inside my mind and I realized that he might be the one to end our little happy threesome and I said a silent prayer as I headed to my bedroom to make some calls.


  After making all of the calls that I needed to make I headed into the kitchen to make Mattie and I some sandwiches. Maria always takes the weekends off so I knew if I didn't feed him he'd probably not eat until dinner. Plus I'm not an idiot because I know that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach so maybe it'll make him more receptive to my idea.

  After talking to Amelia, Elizabeth and Olivia on a four way call we came up with a last resort about Thanksgiving if he wouldn't let Caleb and I take Grayson home for the holiday. Hopefully it works because I would hate for everyone to come here to California just for us. Especially poor Olivia as stressed out as she is all of the time. But like they all told me... Family sticks together and the holidays wouldn't feel the same if we aren't all together. I went from being an orphan and losing my only sibling and niece and nephews to having a slew of family and I couldn't imagine my life without any of them and I realize now how much they all have my back and it makes me feel like my heart could explode at how happy it makes me feel.

  Thanks to Maria's hard work I have managed to make us a few chicken salad sandwiches and threw in some cheese slices and grapes and apple wedges. Now what should I take him to drink. Hmmm... Water would be the obvious choice but some wine might soften him up, he he. Wine it is! Maybe it'll give me some liquid courage in case he gives me attitude. I'm still a little freaked out about his reaction to mine and Caleb's engagement and can't for the life of me figure out where his hostility came from.

  Okay... Well… Here goes nothing! I picked up the plates and pulled the wine bottle out of the fridge and tucked it underneath my arm and grabbed two wine glasses between my fingers and headed for his majesty's office.


  When I reached Mattie's office his door was slightly ajar so I lightly kicked it open with my foot a little to make sure I wasn't disturbing him. I never really paid much attention to his office the first time that I was here a week ago but I realized that he had a lot of pictures of him and Thomas around the room. I knew that they went to college together and were best friends but now I realize that they were probably more like brothers in the same way that Olivia and I feel like sisters. I see a couple of pictures from when they were even younger than college and it all makes perfect sense now. Grayson is his ONLY family like Olivia was mine.

  I see him standing at one of the windows that overlooks the ocean and he's holding what looks like a picture frame. He has a somber look on his face and I really LOOK at him and he looks like he's aged about 5 years since I met him just a week ago. I don't want to disturb him but I feel the wine bottle trying to sneak its way out under my arm so I made a throat clearing sound to get his attention which made him jump.

  "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to interrupt your thoughts but if I don't put some of this down I'm going to lose this bottle of wine." I looked up at him and shrugged my shoulders. "Could you maybe... help me please? Haha." I giggled hoping that he wouldn't be mad at my intrusion because he did seem preoccupied.

  "Oh I'm so sorry. Yes. I was in deep thought but I need the distraction." He put the frame down on his desk and came around the desk and grabbed the wine that was about to fall to the ground from under my arm and took the glasses from my fingers.

  "Hmmm... Chicken salad sandwiches. Looks good and an excellent choice. I didn't realize it until now but I'm starving. Thank you Claudia." He beamed at me letting me know that he wasn't upset with me. He does have a great smile when he actually does smile which is hardly ever and I'm finally noticing it.

  "You're very welcome. I figured you could use a break. How's work going? Did you manage to get everything done that you needed to do?"

  I maneuvered myself closer to his desk because my curiosity was getting to me about the picture he was so intently staring at. He saw what I was doing and picked it up and turned it towards me with a crooked grin on his face. I see that it is a picture of Mattie and Grayson with Thomas and Jane and they all looked really happy. Thomas had his arms around Mattie and Jane and Grayson was standing in front of all of them grinning that beautiful smile of his.

  "You caught me reminiscing a little. I don't know if you've noticed or not but ever since Grayson got hurt the other day I've been a little angry and a bit melancholy. This was a picture that the four of us took last Thanksgiving. Who would have thought that that would have been our last Thanksgiving together. I was looking at my calendar and realized that Thanksgiving is next week."

  He shook his head and I could see tears forming in his eyes so I reached across his desk and grabbed his hand to try to comfort him. I knew exactly how he felt and knew in my heart what I had to do.

  "Mattie... I know what it feels like to miss loved ones that have died and it's even tougher during the holidays. A million times worse and I'm not going to let you do what you are thinking of doing."

  I must have taken him aback because he cocked his head at me and gave me that side grin of his which made me realize how attractive he truly is. Where Caleb is blonde and blue eyed, Mattie is dark headed with almost obsidian eyes that match beautifully with his dark complexion. He's not quite as tall as Caleb but he's built the same and you can tell that he works out.

  "What is it exactly that you're not going to let me do? Are you a mind reader now?" He loosened his hand out of mine and reached for his glass of wine to wash his bite of sandwich down and I smirked at him.

  "Not yet but I'm working on it." I grabbed my glass to get some courage up and I could tell that he was waiting for me to spit it out so I put my glass down. "Okay... Here goes. You probably don't want to celebrate Thanksgiving at all this year but because of Grayson you feel that you have to. Am I close?" I looked up at his face because I didn't realize that I was staring at my plate and by the look on his face I could tell that I was spot on.

  "Yeah. Close enough. So... Is this the way that you're going to ask me if
Grayson can go home with you to meet your family and have Thanksgiving with all of you while I stay home by myself and lick my lonely wounds?" The hate and venom in the way that he spit out his words scared me. I don't scare easily but I would not want to piss him off intentionally. I stare back at him to make him think that he didn't scare me and hoped that I didn't give it away that he did.

  "Yes and no. I would love nothing more than to take Grayson home to meet our family and spend Thanksgiving with them but I've already spoken to all of them and if you don't let me take him then they've all decided that they will come here for the holiday. Either way, we will spend the holiday together." He glared at me for a few seconds and I wasn't about to give him the satisfaction and look away first. I let go of the breath I was holding when he finally looked away.

  "Great! So I'm a bastard if I won't let you take him and an even bigger bastard if I make all of them come here. Doesn't Cash and Olivia have small children? Babies? They'd go through all of the trouble of traveling and packing just to spend Thanksgiving with you and Caleb?" I nodded at him and smiled.

  "Yes they would but I'd feel terrible about it." He turned his chair around to face the window and let out a big sigh and muttered something under his breath that I didn't understand. "I beg your pardon? What did you say?" He turned around and I could see tears on his cheeks and he wiped them off really quick.

  "What I said was that I wish I could switch places with Caleb. That's what I said." I was shocked that he would wish that and then wondered why.

  "Why would you wish that?"

  "Well let's see... He has come into my house and swooped in and has made Grayson fall all over the place wanting to spend time with him and he has a huge family that would follow him to the ends of the earth to be near him and because.... Well.... Because he has you! That's why." Oh boy! I was NOT expecting that. I looked down at my left hand and realized that he WAS mad about our engagement. I looked up at him and he was looking at my hand to.

  "I really don't know what to say to that to be perfectly honest. I'm not going to lie though... I tend to be a little jealous at how fast Grayson and Caleb have bonded but I couldn't be happier as well. Does that make sense?"

  "Yes it makes sense because you're the only mother he's ever going to have now but me? I've been replaced by your future FIANCÉ and there's no room for an Uncle Mattie in your world." He stood up fast and started walking out of the room but I hurried up and grabbed his hand to stop him.

  "Mattie! That's not true Grayson LOVES you and you're the only one that can help him keep his parents memory alive. You're irreplaceable so please don't ever say that again. Please!"

  I grabbed him and wrapped my arms around him and hugged him because I know when I'm feeling the way he's feeling all I want is to be held. It took him awhile but he finally hugged me back and whispered in my ear.

  "Oh Claudia... What I wouldn't give to be able to run off into the sunset with you and Grayson by my side. I really like Caleb and he's a great guy but I kind of hate him too and it's because I'm so jealous of him." He pulled away and gave me a sad grin. "Are you two really engaged?" I nodded my head at him and smiled and he ran his fingers through his hair. "Oh man. What an idiot you must think I am for telling you how I feel. Now I'm embarrassed."

  "Don't be embarrassed and I don't think you're an idiot either. There's a woman out there for you Mattie and trust me on this... Even if Caleb didn't exist it wouldn't be me, haha.. You have no idea what a psycho I can be." He arched his eyebrow at me in disbelief. "Oh! You never let me tell you how I could fix your melancholy problem. Would you like to hear it?" I finally got a chuckle out of him.

  "Oh yeah? Okay. Let's hear it. Should I sit down for this? Or will it be better if I stay standing up?"

  "Oh standing is fine. Okay... Here goes. You're working until Wednesday right?" He nodded at me and waited for me to continue. "Okay. I was wondering if you'd let us take Grayson home tomorrow so that he can meet everyone and spend time with his cousins and then YOU fly out for Thanksgiving and spend the weekend with all US at Cash and Olivia's and then we can all come back that Sunday night." I looked at him nervously waiting for his answer and he stood there staring at me and I could see his mind working my plan out.

  "Okay." I jumped and leaped into his arms and kissed him on the cheek but he pushed me away. "But... I still haven't decided on giving you full custody yet. This whole Roger and Meredith issue has really made my head spin and I'm kicking myself on not taking Grayson in when I should have. I'm not ready to let go yet and I'm not positive that I will. You do understand that don't you?"

  "I do and I don't but I don't want to have that discussion right now. You really don't care if we take him home to meet our family?" He shrugged his shoulders and I could tell that he did care but he wasn't going to fight me on it.

  "I do and I don't but I'm not going to stop you and I'll let you know if I decide to join you all for the holiday. I'll have to think about that because it's a little bit out of my comfort zone."

  "Comfort zone huh? You don't like having Thanksgiving with a lot of strangers? Hmmm... Haha.. I wouldn't want to either but I can promise you this... Caleb and Cash's parents are awesome and make everyone feel welcome and Olivia's parents are just as great. I give you 30 minutes and you'll feel like a member of the family. It would be great if you could come and I know Grayson will love it and he'll probably not worry about you being here all by yourself."

  "Oh I won't be here by myself Claud. Maria will be here because she always cooks the dinner. Of course... Since it'll just be me I guess she could go wherever she goes on the weekends because there's really no sense in her cooking a big dinner just for me."

  “Well… You could tell Maria not to worry so that she can make other plans and you come anyway. I promise it’ll be worth it and like I said. We would love to have you there and I may or may not have Grayson call you every day to invite you. You wouldn’t want to disappoint him would you?”

  “Wow! You would probably have him do that too. You really drive a hard bargain you know that…. Oh alright. I’ll go to Oregon for Thanksgiving.” I grinned and clapped my hands and tried not to be boastful about his decision but I couldn’t help it. He chuckled at me and waved his hand at me to leave. “Okay and thanks for the lunch but I better get back to work since my mind is back where it needs to be. Good talk Claud! Good talk!" He headed back to his desk and grinned at me as he was sitting down. I took that as my cue to leave and nodded my head and left him to his work and shut the door.

  Yes! Yes! Yes! I'm taking my son home for Thanksgiving to meet the family! I was nervous and afraid at first but everything worked out. Now I just need to get Grayson to realize that he should be with Caleb and I. Oh my boy! You're finally almost mine again!


  "So you guys are really going to be here for Thanksgiving? Grayson, too? Oh my God Claud! I know it's only been a week but I have missed you soooooo much and I can't wait to meet my nephew."

  Olivia was squealing like a little girl on the other end of the phone. She was the first person I called after my conversation with Mattie. Well... I did shoot Caleb a text to let him hear the good news but I didn't CALL him because I figured he was sitting in a movie theatre.

  "O, I've missed you, too. I don't think I could have gotten through this week without you and Amelia." I'm sure I've driven them crazy this week but it finally feels great to finally be able to talk about everything that I've been holding in for the last ten years.

  "Well I can think of many times that you were there for me so it felt good to finally be able to return the favor." She got really quiet on the other end but I could sense that she was wanting to say something more so I waited. "So... I know how Grayson is doing so tell me... How's that hot and sexy brother in law of mine doing? Has he been treating you well? Ya know... WELL? Haha!" I start laughing but am quite shocked at her question because Olivia just doesn't ask about someone else's sex life.

I can't believe you just asked me that question! Haha.. That's really NONE of your business." I heard her grunt on the other end which had me cracking up. "But since you asked.... Nerd Boy has DEFINITELY been treating me well! Oh my GOD he's been treating me VERY WELL!" I moaned out the last part which set her off in a fit of giggles.

  "Well.. If he's anything like his brother then I'm so happy for you Claud. I was so afraid after I had the babies that my body would be destroyed and Cash would never look at me the same but I feel more in love with him now than I did when we first fell in love. I'm so happy for you sister. You deserve to be happy and I'm so glad that you finally are. Caleb too! He's talked to Cash a lot this week discussing renovations and such and he is ecstatic at how happy Caleb sounds on the phone."

  "Um... Did I miss something? What kind of renovations have they been talking about?" I know my house isn't very big but it's big enough for the three of us. Since Caleb will be sharing my room now we can put Grayson in his room that way I won't lose my office that's in the third bedroom.

  "Oh you mean Caleb hasn't... Well. Hmmm... Maybe it was supposed to be a surprise. Um.. I'm not going to say anything else, haha. Sorry Claud... I'm not going to be the one to mess a good surprise up. So.. Change of subject. How is Grayson dealing with his parents? Well... I mean. Has he mentioned anything again about seeing his parents when he was unconscious?" I know it would be a waste of breath to try to talk her into telling me so I shelved that for a conversation to have with Mr. Caleb.

  "He hasn't said anything and I haven't asked. I'm honestly afraid to ask O. He's been really receptive to Caleb and I and I haven't brought it up. Do you think I should bring it up?"

  "Well... Has he been having any dreams anymore? Nightmares I mean?"

  "I sneaked a little baby monitor in his room and he has woken up a couple of times but by the time I went into his room he had fallen back to sleep. Before you ask me why I snuck the monitor in I didn't want him thinking I thought he was a baby, haha. I know he would probably be offended by it but it gives me some peace of mind knowing that he's alright."


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