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Sergeant Darling

Page 11

by Bonnie Gardner

  “Don’t turn the water off,” Patsy purred. “I’m muddy, too.”

  Ray dropped the razor and turned quickly. A very feminine hand appeared at the edge of the shower curtain. Patsy pulled the curtain aside and stepped into the tub.

  Ray drew in a short, quick breath.

  She was delightfully, beautifully, naked. And the few smudges of dirt still on her face just made her look even more appealing.

  “I thought I’d take the opportunity to get you to help me scrub my back,” Patsy murmured.

  Chapter Nine

  “Actually, washing was not what I had in mind,” Patsy said in the sultriest voice she could muster as Ray, looking very flustered and very interested, reached for the washcloth. She slid freshly soaped-up hands over Ray’s broad, hard chest, until the swirls of his chest hair were foamy with soap once again, and his skin slick. Then she pulled him to her.

  “I—I guess not,” Ray stammered, and it tickled Patsy to see him so thoroughly flustered.

  “I thought you hard-core, commando types were always prepared for action,” she whispered, pressing her breasts against him.

  “Yes,” he said. “I’m pretty certain I can manage to rise to the occasion,” he said, his voice strong and confident now that he’d gotten over the surprise she’d sprung on him.

  “Well,” Patsy murmured huskily, glad that she’d come up with a way to show Ray what she wanted and to make him an offer he was unlikely to refuse. “Kiss me and show me,” she said.

  Much to her delight, he did.

  Soaping up the washcloth once again he gently washed the mud off her. The cloth lingered over the sensitive parts of her anatomy. He concentrated on her breasts, bringing her nipples to rock-hard attention. Then he moved lower, and soon he had her body screaming for completion.

  Patsy’s breath came in short, panting gasps, and she didn’t think she could bear to wait a moment longer. She wrapped her wet arms around him and pulled her to him again, offering her mouth, her lips, her self to him.

  He accepted her invitation and showed her just how much he wanted her. He kissed her, caressed her, and drove her nearly mad with wanting.

  Then, shivering as the water from the shower ran cold, his hard desire throbbing against her, he lifted her slippery, cold body, carried her into her bedroom and showed her just how much he wanted her.

  That and so much more.

  DARK HAD FALLEN by the time Ray woke up in Patsy’s bed. Light from the streetlamp outside the bedroom window peeked between the slats of the venetian blinds and painted an interesting pattern on the bed. This time they weren’t in their clothes as they had been the week before. This time they were under the covers together. Deliciously nude.

  He yawned, and Patsy did the same, stretching with slow and languid grace like a cat rising from a nap in front of a warm fire. And like a cat, Patsy was wearing an I-got-the-canary expression.

  “Happy?” Ray asked, wondering if his question would break the mood.

  “Ecstatic,” Patsy replied, rolling toward Ray and wrapping her arms around him. There was nothing sexual in her action, but Ray was instantly aroused.

  “Mmmm,” Patsy murmured. “Just what I like, a man who comes to attention for me.”

  Ray pulled her closer so that their bodies were touching, skin to skin with no space between them. “I aim to please,” he said.

  Patsy laughed, and the gentle motion did nothing to quench his desire. “Please me, then.”

  This time, Ray meant to take it slow and easy. The first time, they’d come together in a heated explosion. It had been over far too quickly, and this time he wanted the feeling to last. He wanted everything to last.

  He hadn’t planned on falling in love. The realization that he had all but knocked him off his feet. Marriage and family were not in his immediate plans. Until now he’d put other things, like Officer Training School, first. Now, he thought, he might just have to revise his plans.

  That could come later, though. For now, he had a woman to please, as well as himself. He angled himself away from her delectably smooth body and bent to nuzzle Patsy’s neck. He smiled contentedly as she purred with delight. He kissed her throat, the little hollow at the base of her neck, her silky, alabaster skin, and slowly explored her from the top of her head to the tips of her unpainted toes.

  He savored the fragrance of Patsy’s flowery, feminine soap—much better on her than him—that mingled with the musky scent of lovemaking. Her fair skin was so soft, so smooth, so delicate…

  Ray kissed her, he caressed her and made her tremble in his arms. Then, just when he was certain he could hold off no longer without exploding, Patsy murmured, “If you don’t make love to me right now, Ray Darling, I might burst into flames.”

  “Can’t let that happen, now can we?” Ray whispered huskily as he positioned himself over her and gently kneed her legs apart.

  “Now, Ray Darling. Now,” she all but commanded. “Make us one.”

  Ray entered her, and then he was in no condition to think.

  The rest was instinctual, natural, timeless. She accepted him, and he filled her, rocking and thrusting until he had her arching eagerly to meet him. He felt her contractions ripple through her and around him as she came bucking and moaning with satisfaction. Only then did he allow himself to tumble, out of control, head over heels, heels over head, over the edge.

  PATSY LAY, DROWSY, SATED and comfortable, entwined in Ray’s arms, her head pillowed on Ray’s chest.

  Then her stomach grumbled and spoiled the silence. Quickly, Patsy pressed her hand against her complaining belly, and hoped that Ray had not heard it.

  “Suffering from borborygmus, I hear,” Ray dead-panned dryly.

  Patsy sat up in bed, clutching the sheets to her chest. “I am so embarrassed that you heard my stomach growl,” she wailed.

  “Why? It’s a natural function,” he said.

  “Sure, so is flatulence, but I don’t want to do it in public. And certainly not at a time like this.” Patsy felt the heat of her embarrassment as it stained her cheeks. “I could just die.”

  Ray laughed. “Don’t do that. Why don’t I just feed you instead?” He pushed himself up and swung his legs over the side of the bed and glanced at the display on the bedside clock. “I guess it’s too late to call for a pizza,” he said.

  “You’re right about that,” Patsy said, looking as well. “I don’t know anybody who delivers after midnight.”

  “You seemed to like my cooking well enough last time,” Ray said. “I could whip something up.”

  “I like this better,” Patsy murmured, feeling decidedly annoyed at her traitorous stomach. But she was hungry. And not just for Ray. They’d tumbled out of the shower and into the bed and completely forgotten about dinner.

  Ray had already wrapped a towel around his middle and strode toward the door. “I expect my pants are dry by now. I’ll get dressed.”

  “Not unless Tripod put them in the dryer,” Patsy said, glad that she wouldn’t have to stop looking at him quite so soon. “I didn’t get them out of the washing machine before we…” She shrugged. “You know.”

  “That I do,” Ray said, laughing. “I’ll toss them into the dryer while I toss together something to eat.”

  “Omigosh.” Patsy tumbled out of bed, tripping over the jumble of bedclothes. “I completely forgot to feed Tripod, too.” She scrambled out of the tangled bedclothes and looked for her robe.

  “Take your time, Patsy. I’ll feed her. You get dressed,” Ray said. “Not that I don’t like that outfit you’re wearing right now,” he added, eyeing her alabaster skin appreciatively.

  “I rather like yours, too,” Patsy said. “Now, go before we get distracted again.”

  THEY DID GET DISTRACTED again, but not until Ray had fed the dog and made a couple of delicious omelettes. Now, both types of hunger satisfied, he lay in Patsy’s bed once again, holding her close against his heart.

  A guy could definitely get used to this,
he thought as he felt her body shift and heard a contented sigh.

  He caressed her velvety smooth skin and wondered just how he—the guy least likely to get a date for most of his life—had managed to get so lucky. It had definitely been a red-letter day for him. He might not be a legendary ladies’ man like his roommate, Danny, was reputed to be, but he was pretty sure, he’d satisfied Patsy in every way.

  It was amazing what a bright man could learn from books, he thought with a smile. He’d read the Kama Sutra long before he’d had the opportunity to practice what he’d learned. Between that and several other sex manuals he’d managed to get his hands on, he’d learned plenty. He was pretty sure that no woman he’d ever slept with had gone away unsatisfied. Even if he could count his encounters on one hand.

  He raked his fingers through Patsy’s silky, blond tresses and smiled with satisfaction. If he had his druthers, he would never sleep with anyone else.

  He bent to kiss the top of Patsy’s head. Then, satisfied that all was well, he joined her in deep, contented sleep.

  THE SUN WAS HIGH in the sky when Patsy woke, lying spoonlike in Ray’s arms. This morning, she felt delightfully satisfied and just a little sore. It had been a very long time since she’d spent a night making love, and though she’d enjoyed every moment of it, she suspected she was going to need a long soak in the tub tonight. Still, that was worth the feeling of well-being she basked in this morning.

  “Ah, I see you’re awake.”

  “Um-hmm,” Patsy murmured, loathe to rouse from her delicious state of contentment. “How long have you been up?”

  “Not too long,” Ray said, his voice husky. “I’ve been watching you sleep.”

  “Oh, that must have been exciting,” Patsy said, twisting around to face him. His face was rough with morning stubble, and there was definitely an interested gleam in his eyes. She kissed him quickly and rolled out of his arms.

  “How soon they forget,” Ray protested.

  “Nothing personal,” Patsy said, gathering the sheet around her. “But, I’m a little out of practice at this,” she said, hoping she wouldn’t have to go into detail.

  “Oh, the equipment is a little sore, then?”

  Patsy felt herself blushing. “Yes, you could put it that way.” She glanced at him over her shoulder. “It was wonderful, though. Really.”

  “I’ll second that,” Ray said, pushing himself up. He reached for the clothing that they’d taken out of the dryer, folded and laid carefully on a chair before they’d gone back for seconds. No, thirds.

  Patsy wondered if this was going to be the end of it. They still had the whole day to spend together, if Ray wanted to. Of course, there was a ball game later. He’d have to go by then.

  “I did promise to give you another grilling lesson,” Ray said, breaking into Patsy’s thoughts. “Come on. Get dressed. We’ll go by my apartment so I can change clothes, and then we’ll go out for breakfast, and then we’ll shop for lunch.” Ray already had his pants on and was on his feet, buttoning his trousers.

  Patsy padded to her dresser and pulled out a fresh pair of shorts and a halter top. Smiling, she murmured, “Food, food, food. I guess you need fuel to keep your strength up.”

  Ray just laughed again as he bent to pull on his socks. “Wouldn’t want you to tire out, either,” he said, slipping into his shoes. “After all, you’re the one who’s feeling the effects.”

  “Don’t remind me,” Patsy grumbled as she slipped her bare feet into sandals. Hopping on her right foot to pull the left shoe on more snugly, she said, “I’m hungry. Let’s go.”

  “Don’t you think you should comb your hair?”

  Patsy glanced at her reflection in the mirror. The woman who looked back at her wore a pleased and rosy expression in spite of her irritation at having to get up and go. But her flushed face in combination with her sleep-tousled hair would make it plain to anyone who looked that she had been loved and loved well.

  She yanked a brush off the dresser and began to pull it through her hair.

  RAY LOPED UP THE STAIRS to his second-floor apartment, Patsy following close behind. He hadn’t seen Danny’s car in the parking lot, so he assumed that it was safe to bring Patsy up.

  “Why is it that you didn’t want your roommate to be here?”

  Ray shrugged as he inserted his key in the lock, and he hoped the place didn’t look as bad as it usually did. “He’s just been out of sorts since the bachelor auction, and I don’t think it would be a good idea to flaunt us in front of him.”

  “Wasn’t he auctioned the same night?”

  “Yep, and he has refused to discuss what went on with his date,” Ray said as he pushed the door open. “All I know is that it didn’t go well.”

  The living room was okay. Danny had left the stereo on, but whatever he’d been playing had ended. Only the power light still burning showed that he’d been there. Ray crossed the room and switched it off. “Make yourself at home. I’ll just be a minute.”

  He changed quickly, and when he returned to the living room, Patsy was looking at Danny’s collection of Star Wars action figures, displayed on the far side of the room.

  “So sad,” she murmured.

  “What’s sad?”

  “These things are still in their original packaging,” she said, turning. “Toys are supposed to be played with, not put on shelves for display.”

  Ray hadn’t really thought about it. He hadn’t had that many toys as a child and the ones he’d had were of the educational variety. Now that Patsy had planted the idea into his mind, he agreed with her sentiment. “I’m sure there are children in Afghanistan or some other third world country who would love to be able to play with just one of them.”

  One side of Patsy’s perfect mouth quirked into a wry smile. “Something like that,” she said.

  “Of course, they wouldn’t have a clue about the story.”

  “No, but they wouldn’t have to make their own toys out of sticks and shell casings.” She shook her head, an expression of infinite sadness in her eyes. “Can you imagine being so deprived that you have to fashion a doll out of knotted rags?”

  No, he couldn’t. And Ray began to think that maybe his childhood might not have been quite as bad as he’d thought it had been. He had, after all, had warm clothes and real toys—even if they had been educational ones—to play with.

  Ray took Patsy’s elbow and led her toward the door. She turned and looked into Ray’s eyes. “Do you suppose he could be convinced to donate them to kids who really need them?”

  Ray shrugged. Considering the surly mood Danny had been in recently, he didn’t dare ask.

  PATSY AND TRIPOD took their usual spots on the bleachers and watched while Ray gave the boys some last-minute coaching before the game began. She smiled as she watched him. He was a man who was meant to have kids, and she wondered what that would mean for the two of them.

  She’d never really considered the possibility that she might have other children. Now that notion had begun to sneak into the corners of her mind.

  She and Ray hadn’t thought to use contraception, she realized. Though the timing wasn’t quite right for anything to happen this time, it might be a possibility if they weren’t careful from now on.

  Brian’s mom, in civilian clothes this week, sat next to her, a bag of popcorn in her hand. “Want some?” she offered.

  Patsy smiled and shook her head. “Thanks, I ate earlier and I’m stuffed.”

  They’d grilled hamburgers, and though the meal hadn’t been as elaborate as the steak they’d eaten the week before, it had been fun just preparing food together, eating together, being together.

  It had been so long since Patsy had been part of a twosome that the experience was as new and fresh as it might have been if it had been a first. They’d cleaned up and hurried out to the ball park, Ray to coach, and Patsy and Tripod to cheer on the team.

  “Play ball,” the umpire called, and Patsy and Mrs. Williams turned their attention
to the game.

  RAY HAD BEEN looking forward to another evening with Patsy, but his cell phone rang in the middle of the after-game pizza, which didn’t bode well. He excused himself from the hungry crowd and found a quiet corner of the patio.

  His cell phone seldom rang, and that it had now worried him. The only reason he kept it at all was because his squad leader had to be able to reach him. He hoped that this was not one of those times.

  He flipped the phone open and listened.

  “Damn,” he muttered as he switched off the phone.

  “A problem?” Patsy asked when he returned to the table.

  “Yeah, I gotta go. Duty calls.”

  Sergeant Williams had apparently also gotten a call. She had a worried look on her face, and that didn’t make Ray feel any easier.

  Patsy seemed to understand what was going on. “I can take Brian home, if you have to go. I don’t mind.”

  If Ray hadn’t already been half in love with Patsy before, he would have fallen in love with her then. She’d known exactly what was needed and she was prepared to step in. Of course, working in the Flight Surgeon’s Clinic, she knew all about these kinds of calls.

  He just hoped it was a test and not the real thing this time.

  Ray pecked Patsy quickly on the lips and said his goodbyes to the boys. He would have liked to have gotten a proper goodbye from Patsy, but there were fifteen sets of young eyes watching, not to mention assorted parents.

  “See ya,” was all he could say out loud.

  I love you, Patsy, he said to himself.

  PATSY COULDN’T HELP being in a wonderful mood a couple of days later as she entered the clinic. In fact, the song she’d heard on the clock radio when she woke up this morning played over and over again in her mind. And, in spite of not usually being musical, she found herself humming the melody to herself. The song, “The Happiest Girl in the Whole USA,” just seemed appropriate.

  One of the other nurses stopped her as she dropped her purse into the bottom drawer of her desk. “What has you in such a good mood this morning?”

  “If I told you, Mary, I’d have to kill you,” she said, repeating the mantra she’d heard so many times from the military men on base.


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