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Page 14

by J. L. Drake

  Two hours later, Humphrey is sent to find us in the cafeteria. He tells me after pulling in many favors, the judge still will not allow it, as Lynn has been violent since she’s been in jail. I’m disappointed, but I get over it. I’ll see her tomorrow, and I’ll get to say my piece then, with or without the judge’s help.

  We head back up to that horrible room and spend the next several hours getting briefed. I must say Morgan is a little nicer this time around. Guess the Snickers bar worked.

  The briefing lasts till evening, and we go down to the restaurant.

  I stay lost in my thoughts throughout dinner. The guys try to engage me, but I am off in childhood memories with Lynn.

  “Merry Christmas, Lynnie.”I hold out a little white box and grin.

  She snatches it out of my hand, ripping the bow in two. “Aww.” She pulls out a chain with a half of a jagged heart dangling from the center. Lynn loves hearts.

  “See?” I pull the other half out from under my shirt. “Not just friends—”

  “But sisters too,” she finishes, admiring the necklace in the mirror. “Love you, Savi.”

  “Love you too, Lynnie.”

  I keep trying to pinpoint the spot when she turned on me. It’s a deep ache that burns in my stomach when I think about her. How can someone imprint so strongly on your life one moment, and the next hire someone to kill you? I feel like I’m in a movie. Did our time together mean nothing to her? Surely there’s got to be a time when she loved me like the sister I felt she was, the way I did her.

  I can’t eat, and I don’t touch my water. I’m so lost I hardly feel Cole help me out of my chair and walk us upstairs to our hotel room. He lets me know he and Frank have some more to discuss, so he’ll be in the other room, and suggests I take a bath.

  “Then get some sleep, baby.” He leans, in kissing my lips and giving my belly a rub. I nod, sitting on the couch staring at a black screen that stares back at me.


  “Do you solemnly affirm that you will tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?” The clerk stares with piercing gray eyes, and a chill runs up my spine.

  “I do,” I say weakly, feeling my voice run like hell in the opposite direction. I felt more confident when I testified against Denton, but Lynn…I sit a little straighter and glance at the jury. Nine men, three women, one wearing a horrendous cat sweater she must have made herself, because no one in their right mind would be try to market it.

  Cole catches my eye and gives me a little wink, letting me know he’s only fifteen steps away. I nod, swallow hard, and try to keep myself together. Cole’s words repeat over and over in my head. “Just one more day, baby, then we can go home and put all this behind us.” A door opens and a light roar of whispers erupts. I keep my eyes locked on Cole’s, suddenly terrified to look over and face my reality. He mouths, “I love you.” I barely nod and tune in to the judge, who is handing the floor over to Lynn’s lawyer.

  I’m shaking. I’m not ready. I’m so scared.

  I force my eyes over to face my once best friend, my sister, and now my enemy who might get life…if she’s lucky.

  Lynn’s face is paler than normal, and she’s dressed to play the part of the young, innocent woman. She’s wearing a cream colored skirt that hits right above the knee, white blouse, and a baby pink sweater, something Lynn would never wear. Hell, even her hair is down and pinned straight, and she hates her hair that way. I don’t fall for it, of course. I know her, and I see it’s still her in there. I do recognize her body language, right down to how she shifts in that cotton blouse. She hates cotton; Lynn always wears silk. Seeing her obvious attempt to hide her real self lights a small spark deep inside me. Though I do see her wrist is in a brace, and there’s some dark color around an eye. I guess she has been fighting.

  Her head lifts up and her eyes lock onto mine. A series of emotions run through me, but suddenly the strongest is pity. Not the kind of pity where I wish she weren’t sitting there waiting for her fate to be determined, but the kind where I know she’ll never have a life to call her own. Karma.

  I think she misreads my look and gives me a tiny smile and mouths, “Hi, honey.”

  I sink my teeth into my cheek to the point of pain, but I let go when the lawyer clears his throat.

  “Shall I repeat my question?”

  I nod and give him my attention. “How long have you and Lynn been friends?”

  “Since…” I cough, begging my voice to return. “Since we were tiny.”

  “Would you say she’s like a sister?” My lawyer interrupts, but the judge waves him off.


  “You two did everything together?”


  “Family trips?”

  “Yes.” I shrug.

  “Family dinners—”

  His voice trails off into nothing when my mind recalls one particular family dinner. I’m sucked into a flashback and the courtroom fades…

  …to my father’s penthouse, where I’m showing up early because traffic was light, as so many people are out of the city for Thanksgiving. I open the door to see the place looks empty, but the smell of turkey makes my stomach jump to attention. Chucking my purse down next to another one, at the time I don’t notice, but now I see it’s hers. The cook is busy in the kitchen, so I leave him be.

  “Dad?” I call out, removing my shoes from my aching feet. “You here yet?”

  I scramble up the twisty stairs to the second floor, and come face to face with my flushed father. “Hey, Dad.” I grin, but it fades when I see the panicked look on his face. “Everything all right?”

  He pulls my arm and pushes me in front of him, hurrying me down the stairs toward the front door. “Can we re-schedule, dear? Something has come up. I'm sorry, but it can't be helped.”

  “What?” I pull my arm free, only to have him snatch it up again. “But it’s Thanksgiving. What about dinner?”

  “Savannah, you’re twenty-two years old. Don't you think it’s about time you find someone else to spend it with?”

  My face snaps back. “Wow! You know, some fathers would kill to have their daughter spend special occasions with them.”

  He opens the door and shoves my purse in my hands. “I’ll call you later.” And with that, the door is slammed in my face.

  “What the hell was that?” I curse, pulling out my phone as I hurry to the elevator. Once I’m outside, I call Lynn, planning to warn her not to head to Dad’s, since he’s being an ass again. It goes straight to voice mail. I try again, knowing she’ll pick up if I call right after.

  “Hello?” Lynn’s muffled voice comes over the line.

  “Hey, Lynn. Shit, Dad’s in another damn mood, so I’d suggest—” “Shhh, it’s Savi,” I hear her whisper to someone.

  I grin. “Lynn, you’re not alone? Where are you?”

  “I-I’m at home. I-I was just about to leave, so I’m glad you called.” I plug one ear as a firetruck goes by.

  “Shit, Savi, ahh…my landlady is here again, so you know what that means.”

  “Yeah, have fun with that.”

  The vision fades away, and I’m back in the courtroom. The lawyer is prattling on about something, but I ignore him. I look back over at Lynn. The room feels as if the air is slowly being sucked out through a straw, causing my lungs to shrivel up and turn to dust. I realize what an idiot I was not noticing her purse, and now realizing I could hear that firetruck through her phone in the distance.

  “You bitch,” I snarl at her. She tilts her head, trying to understand where I’m coming from.

  “What was that, Miss Miller?” her lawyer asks, raising a thick eyebrow at me.

  “Yes, Lynn attended almost all family events, even some she and my father made up together.” I watch her face fall and the color drain from it.

  “How close would you say she was with your father?”

  I shake my head while staring at her. She looks panicky, and I realize this is something that
hasn’t come out yet. “Is sleeping with my father at twenty-two close enough?” Her face lowers forward into her hands, drawing the jurors’ attention to her. The courtroom suddenly grows loud, and the judge bangs his gavel repeatedly. Once the room settles, the lawyer starts in on me again but never touches on that topic.


  I’ve been in the witness seat now for an hour and half, and I’m growing tired. I know I’m stressed, because I think I’m getting small Braxton Hicks contractions. Dr. Brown warned me this could happen, so I’m not too concerned. Our lawyer has asked for a recess, seeing my discomfort, but I refused. I just want this to be finished. When I walk out those doors, I’m not coming back in.

  Cole is watching me like a hawk. I can see he’s worried; he keeps rubbing his face and twitching. I try to nod and let him know I’m fine, but really I’m growing more and more finished with rehashing my life to complete strangers who are judging my every word.

  “Miss Miller,” the lawyer mutters, heading back to his table and making a dramatic effect as he thinks, “do you love your father?” I start to answer, but he cuts me off.

  “Remember, you are under oath.”

  I think about my words to be sure they’re the right ones. “Yes, I love my father, but when he got into politics…”

  “So now you don’t?” he snaps quickly

  “Would you?” I snap back, hurt.

  “I’m not on the witness stand.” I swear he smirks momentarily.

  “My father doesn’t want me, and I don’t want him. It’s simple, and I’ve come to terms with it.” I rub my aching tummy.

  He nods, pacing in front of me. “So you get ‘rescued,’ stay in a safe house, fall in love, get pregnant, all in a very short time? No offense, Miss Miller, but that doesn’t make you look like you’re a grieving victim.” I lock my jaw, but my tongue is battling to be let loose. “What I see,” he turns to address the jurors, “is a rich, bored little girl who hatched this plan and didn’t care who she took down. Should we be looking into the Colonel to see if he was involved too?” I know he’s trying to get me to break and let fly at him. I won’t lie, I’m frigging close. I grab my stomach and blink wildly. “Just tell me why. Why hatch such a lie to take down everyone in your family, and especially this woman who was like a sister to you?” I run my sweaty hand over my mouth. “What has she ever done to you?”

  I need to get out of here.

  “Please,” I whisper, but he keeps talking. “Please.” I heave forward.

  “Stop!” Lynn calls out and the whole room stops. “Savi?”

  I think I’m going to be sick because she’s trying to show concern for me. I shake my head at her. “Don’t you dare!” I’m nearly in tears now. “You sat across from me in a room while I was being held hostage and didn’t shed a tear for me when I begged you to let me go.” I point my finger at her face. “You sat across the table from me while my father shot my friend in the face! Don’t you dare try to pretend you care now!”

  “The jury will disregard that last comment,” the judge orders. Every member on that jury is staring at me with concern and interest.

  “You screwed your way up the political ladder,” I continue firmly but loudly, “and for what, Lynn? A cell block, a roommate, and shitty food?” The judge is yelling, but I don’t care, raising my voice louder. “You may have taken my life from me, but I found a hell of a lot better one. You’re pathetic. I feel nothing but pity for you!”

  “Order! Recess!” The judge bangs his gavel loudly. The clerk helps me up and I hold the bottom of my stomach. Cole rushes to my side, wrapping a protective arm around my waist and yelling at Morgan that I’m done, no more. They got what they needed from me.

  Once we round the corner and are away from the rush of people, Cole turns to check me over. His hands are everywhere. “Are you all right? What can I do? Should I call the doctor?” His words are frantic until he sees my face. “Why are you smiling?”

  “Just call me a good actor.” I shrug.

  “You’re not hurting?” He looks a little pissed.

  “No, I am, but I knew we’d have to break soon, and there’s no way I’m going back into that room. So I did what I had to, to make sure I got to tell Lynn what I wanted to say.”

  “Which was?”

  “Which is no matter what, I’m still coming out of this on top.” I pull him into me, resting my head on his shoulder. “I didn’t mean to scare you, but I needed this to be over.”

  His hand wraps around my hair and tugs my head backward to look at him. “I couldn’t handle sitting there for too much longer anyway.” He kisses my lips and takes my hand. “Come on, let’s see if we can get an early flight back home.”


  Frank shakes his head at me and smiles. “I guess it could have been worse.” He holds the car door open for me. “Thanks for not getting held in contempt this time.”

  “No problem,” I joke, settling into my seat and feeling a mixture of things. I know it will take some time to work things out, but now this chapter can be closed, at least for me.

  Cole settles in next to me, placing his warm hand on my leg. Suddenly, my hormones kick in full throttle. I casually slip my hand on his thigh, dipping low and feeling him immediately spring to attention. He shakes his head, laughing under his breath.

  “You’re killing me, baby.” He leans down and gives me a quick kiss, pulling back slightly with his mouth hovering near my lips. “Oh, the things I’d do to you if we were alone.”

  My body hums with excitement. “Oh, the things I’d let you do to me if we were alone.” I bite my bottom lip playfully.

  “Frank, get out,” he jokes as we pull into traffic. Poor Frank just shakes his head and turns up the radio.

  “I love you, Cole,” I whisper, nuzzling into his neck and seeking his comfort.

  “Is that so?”

  I kiss my favorite spot along his jawline. “It is.” I doze off, and savor the fact that I’m finished with my part of the court proceedings.

  I manage to get a little sleep on the plane as Cole rubs soothing circles over our little Fritter, relaxing my sore muscles as I think about my mother and what she’d think about this entire situation. The only upside to her not being here is she can’t be affected by any of this. I only hope she can see I love someone who loves me as much I do him.

  I wiggle my fingers, moving the heavy diamond and relishing its feeling and what it represents. Cole lifts my hand to his mouth and kisses the ring; he is so tuned to my thoughts.

  “Cole?” I turn to look up at him. “I want to go home.”

  “That’s where we’re headed.” He brushes my hair off my face.

  “No,” I shake my head, “I want to come home.”

  His eyes sparkle as his finger traces along my brow, down my cheekbone, and stops at my lips. “Yeah, baby, let’s go home.” He leans down, sealing his mouth over mine and our words into a promise. I doze off, comforted by the warmth of his hand on my thigh.

  The North Dakota airport is quiet. There are very few people around, as it’s the middle of the night. I’m not looking forward to the long drive home, but I know I won’t have to return to Washington for a very long time. If ever.

  As we step outside into the fresh air, my fingers slip on the strap and I drop my bag, tripping over it and nearly falling flat on my face. Cole catches me in time and tugs me close to him. He checks me over, hands everywhere. I bat them away and tell him to stop fussing. I laugh when he starts in harder, clearly making fun of the situation. He suddenly pulls me in for a kiss, chuckling while his tongue plays with mine. A gust of wind whips my hair wildly around my face.

  We both freeze as we hear his voice.

  Chapter Eleven

  “Savannah.” A chill rips through me, tearing a hole in my armor and turning me into a quivering mass. My senses lock onto the 40mm pointed directly at me.

  Though his face is shaded by a hat, I see sweat dripping from his brow. A drop lands on his lip then
is blown away by his rapid breathing. At first glance, he looks all business. One wouldn’t think he’d be carrying a weapon into an airport. I now know his look, and this will end in one of two ways. Either one, I lose.

  Everything grows quiet, even though chaos whirls on around us. Time seems to stand still. I can only hear the mad beating of my own heart. I should have known better than to think I could ever be truly free. In slow motion, I look to Cole and say a silent goodbye. I want to cry, but I can’t seem to find the emotion. It’s lost like the rest of my life. “I love you,” I mouth.

  The gun is steady. He has complete control, and his eyes have never left my face.

  Suddenly, Keith and Mark both appear out of nowhere, weapons drawn.

  “No,” Cole whispers. His grip tightens around my fingers.

  The gun lowers to my stomach before he speaks. “The one woman I truly loved, you took from me. You have always been in the way. Enough is enough, Savannah.” His bitter words cut through me.

  Mark shifts closer to my side, muttering something to Cole, but I can’t understand them.

  “Dad?” I try to sound in control. I pull my hand out of Cole’s death grip. I have no idea what to say, so I go with the first thing that comes to mind. “Can I ask you one thing, please?” I take a shaky step forward. The hot, heavy tears pooling in my eyes blur my vision. I hear the sound of guns shifting in the hands of those who are now surrounding us. “Do you remember the year we went up to northern Canada for Christmas? The year before Mom found out she was sick?” He nods, clearly annoyed by this trip down memory lane. “It was around eight at night when the power went out.”

  “Six,” he corrects me, flipping the gun for me to hurry up.

  “The temperature dropped, and we all huddled by the fire, not caring because we had our tree, the heat, and hot chocolate.”


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