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Destiny's Call

Page 7

by E. Markus Sharp

  “Who goes there?” the first guard demanded.

  “I do I’m Lilamina Shoran High Priestess of Rurik the Brave.” Lila informed them and they looked at each other.

  “And me! Roderick the…Ouch...” The Halfling started and Regina kicked him in a shin.

  “Shut up.” She whispered to him as he knelt down holding his shin.

  “This is highly irregular Mistress Shoran. Come inside you will have to talk to a priest.” The second guard said opening the gate.

  The group was escorted to an entry hall and left to wait. The entry hall looked more like a hall of worship with pews and statues and even an altar. Lila knelt before the altar and made the motions. Regina sat down in the pews since she realized this could take some time. She wasn’t too worried since it was still daylight.

  “No dark elves will be bursting out of holes just yet.” She told herself.

  “Yeah but daylight is burning.” Roderick pointed out and Regina frowned.

  “Thanks for point that out.” Regina told the Halfling.

  “Just keeping things in perspective.” Roderick told her. Regina still didn’t know what to make of him. He wasn’t your average Halfling after all. He was cute though and charming. Regina wondered where that came from. She was a woman after all she supposed. Maybe…

  “Not now.” She said and Roderick looked a bit confused.


  Corin was on the road and had been there for a whole day. He hadn’t left the Monastery in some time and the open road was very appealing. He sat eating under a tree next to the road. He had packed dried rations for the trip and he was enjoying the flavor of the dried peaches. He was a lucky monk not many left the confines of the Monastery and here he was. Corin saw two men approaching from the west they were on foot and had their cloaks hoods up. It was good to see travelers. Maybe they would stop and chat with Corin. That would be capital.

  “Hello there my friends. Will you share my shade and some dried peaches?” Corin invited and the men stopped by the road side.

  “Thank you friend it’s been a long day walking.” One of the hooded men told him. He reached into his bag for some more dried peaches as the two men walked up. Both men draw out swords from their cloaked robes. The swords were unlike anything he had ever seen before. They moved forward and he did a single hand stand and grasped the lead attacker’s hood with his toes and pulled it down. The face under the hood was not human or any of the fair races. That meant he didn’t have to go easy on them. The lead attacker swung horizontally and Corin cart wheeled to his right avoiding the slashing attack. The weapon cut through the tree! The tree fell onto the attackers. Corin back flipped and took the iron fist stance and activated his ruins. The ruins flared into life and flames covered his hands.

  “You have made an error in judgment today monsters for you face a Monk of Zaneth.” Corin told the two as they struggled to get free from under the tree. Zaneth was the founder of the Monastery of Gond. Monks like Corin were fond of using the name to describe the order. It gave a sense of nobility to the description.

  The first one out was kicked hard in the face by Corin. Then while Corin’s enemy was stunned he unleashed his furry blows on the creature. The creature went down with a broken chest. The second one was on his feet and the two circled each other. The creature took a power swing at Corin and he avoided the blow. The monster swung around and the huge blade whistled in the wind as Corin dove over it rolling away from danger.

  “You can’t dodge forever.” The monster said coming in hard.

  Corin centered himself and moved with unnatural swiftness from years of discipline and training. He grabbed the sword from the stunned creature’s hands and swung around chopping off the other’s head. The monster was still cursing as his head hit the ground before his body. Corin kicked the head away into the field and turned to find the other was up and running in for an attack. Corin dropped the sword and reached out grabbing the attacker Corin used the monsters own momentum to throw it away from him. The creature skidded across the field and rolled to a stop next to his friend’s head. The creature got up and charged in again and Corin redirected the attacker’s weapon skewering the monster on his own sword. Corin picked up the other sword and chopped off the monster’s head.

  “You think you’ve won? The portal opens soon and then this world will suffer.” The head told him as it died.

  “Curious.” Corin said searching the bodies. He found that these creatures carried many magical items. He collected them up rings, their armor, the unusual swords, bracelets, circlets, and other trinkets of unknown power. They even had soul gems Corin found. These powerful items held the user’s soul and resurrected them after death if they were left on the bodies. Corin put everything into his pouches and strapped the armor and swords on his back.

  “Too bad for you two.” Corin told the gems dropping them into one of his pouches. Just to be sure these monster wouldn’t rise to cause more trouble Corin burned the bodies. After all he had never seen these creatures before no use taking chances.

  Corin saw another two travelers approaching.

  “Busy road.” Corin observed. The travelers walked right up to the monk and looked down at his fire. One was a huge Red Plainsmen and the other was a dwarf. Both looked like they weren’t sure what to say next and Corin didn’t blame them.

  “What’s the matter never seen a coOk out before?” Corin asked and the dwarf took a step back.

  “What in Valis’ name are you doing Laddie?” The dwarf asked taken back by the burning, headless bodies.

  “These creatures attacked me and since I’m not sure what flavor of evil they were I’m burning the bodies just to be sure they don’t return.” Corin told them and they shifted their feet a little.

  “Are you Corin monk of Zaneth?” the plainsmen asked.

  “Why yes I am.” Corin told the big guy getting a bit suspicious.

  “We’re here to save you.” The big guy told him.

  “Oh.” Corin exclaimed.

  “Come let’s go over yonder and have a discussion shall we?” Corin asked pointing to a tree across the road from the fire and the two nodded.


  General Frol walked the occupied city. He had chosen three Orcs from the toughest stock to accompany him as his personal body guards. No more would he be laughed at. He was the voice of Thul Zun. Frol had ordered repairs to be made to the fortresses and towers the Orcs were forced to take the city. The Zury nobility had many different walls to hide behind. The last was the mages tower before the battle Frol had ordered the Ogre Mages into the city to cover the tower in anti-magic ruins and anti- transport spells invisible to the populace but effective is stopping magic escape. The tower fell this very morning. The mages killed one hundred of the General’s troop but surrendered after the last white was killed. The red and black mages didn’t have the will to continue the fight. The black mages actually joined up with Thul Zun and tricked the reds into giving up without a fight. Evil mages could be trusted to do one thing save their own asses. Of course not trusting the mages Thul Zun had them killed and raised as undead their just reward. But the red mages who waited too long fell under Thul Zun’s rape decree. After confiscating their Books and using the new slave collars which block magic use those mages enjoy the tender care of Thul Zun’s soldiers. The other dead were being raised as Frol toured the consortiums’ surrendered tower, the new Ogre mages Tower of Zury, so even the whites enjoy service to Thul Zun as undead mages. The Ogre’s claimed live and dead mages to serve them as concubines and Frol approved the request those female mages will understand what it means to serve Thul Zun that was a certainty. They invited Frol to the joining ceremony but Frol had to decline due to his busy schedule so much to do. Once the female mages went through the joining they would be bound to the Ogres forever. He knew no worse horror for them and it made him happy. The ogres invited him to join one of the mages to him and thus gain advantage over him. Frol was no fool but it might have bee
n nice to enslave a pretty little mage to him. After the ceremony no one had ever broken free from the magic. Frol might’ve enjoyed taking a mage’s will and body for life. He would just have to pick from his stock of common to nobles he had acquired as gifts. Even now his men prepared them for his bed. They didn’t rape them they were just beginning their training. After he toured the city he had already picked out the first two to be blessed with his seed. They were young and beautiful and he was eager to show them their true place in the world. They had a lot to prove if they wanted to live and bear his children. He knew what slaves were meant for they would never pour a drink or entertain guests they would only be his and his alone. They would learn to enjoy his embrace and would raise his children. The other fools would sell or misuse their slaves but Frol knew what they were and soon so would they. But first the tour continued at the Purple Palace. There was a princess there that interested Thul Zun and he was to prepare her for marriage. Thul Zun was a romantic at heart after all. Frol laughed hard at that Thul Zun was just looking for claims as well as conquests and this case he had both. The Princess of Zury would be Thul Zun’s first wife and first prize from the humans and she would be far from last. Princess Serta would learn to serve Thul Zun like her people on her hands and knees or her back whatever Thul Zun wanted that night.


  The Gates were being repaired as Frol entered the Palace. The royal apartments were being adjusted to Thul Zun’s liking now too. The master would be comfortable when he was finished culling the herd. What was left of the royal family and the key nobles knelt in the mud before the Orcs and Frol. He saw the one Thul wanted right away. She was lovely and would give Thul solid stock. He walked over to the group who still showed their defiance. Frol picked the Prince Thaddeus he believed.

  “Get him up.” He ordered. The others shouted and cried out for mercy actually demanded it. Frol smiled.

  “Put him in the stocks.” Frol ordered and the Queen demanded an audience with Thul himself. The King’s head on a pike next to them did nothing to their understanding of their positions.

  “You show these sheep what their new rank in the world is.” Frol pointed to one of his Orcs who he was certain liked this sort of thing. The Orc grunted and smiled wickedly and made his way to the stocks. The royal family were screaming but still demanding things so he would narrate. The Orc ripped of the man’s bottoms with the easy that comes from experience. The Prince screamed in shock and surprise.

  “You belong to Thul Zun now. That means you have no rights or privileges except these.” He told them as the Orc undid his bottoms and spat on his hand. He then rubbed it on his ample well Frol didn’t need to look at that. The prince screamed in pain next as the intercourse started. Frol walked if front of each and spoke as the prince was becoming a princess.

  “You are fodder, you are trash and the only title you now own is slave.” Frol said stopping in front of the queen. She looked up defiantly. Frol decided she needed further persuading. He signaled his guards. They grabbed up the Princess and all pointed knives at her in different places. Frol grabbed the queen by the neck and got real close.

  “If you harm me she’ll get worse.” Frol told her lying.

  “Now take it out.” Frol ordered and she began to weep and understood what was next. She was broken with some words. She did as he commanded. He stood up again and looked down at her.

  “You know what to do next.” Frol ordered and she followed his orders.

  “This is the reality for you now. Thul Zun has given me total discretion I this matter. You will act as slaves and examples to your people or you will die.” Frol drove home the message as the queen did her best to accommodate Frol. She was very good.

  “You can be assigned a master or I will give you to large groups of humans and humanoids until you break and you will break.” He continued as she did. She was impressive but she was a queen how could she not be?

  “We can go through this all day if you like or you can swear yourselves to your new roles and start performing them right away. I would prefer you let me continue the lesson I’m enjoying myself.” He said as she did this twisting motion that had him spilling into her. He looked down to see she was ready to take on her new role. He dragged her to the mud and threw her down with a splash and then followed her ripping away her royal attire. She surrendered to him and he started the true intercourse not with just her body but her mind. He whispered things he would do to her children that would keep her up at night for a week or so. This Queen needed to know that she was a slave and that was all she would ever be. She responded well and was learning quick. It was a lie for now but over time she would understand the truth of it. She was property. After he finished he ordered two other Orcs to show her. After a few months of that she would be ready to accept her new position as chief slave of the Zury people just not yet.

  He turned back to his other business.

  “Serta my dear your master awaits.” Frol told her helping her up.

  “As for the rest show them their places I will return to check up on them later.” Frol said as the Orcs descended on the royals and the nobles on their knees.

  “Come Serta this way.” Frol ordered and she obeyed. She was smart and that would get her far as a slave.


  Tessa stood on a mountain a hundred miles from Lightbringer or any other city. Lorena smiled and helped Bea build a snowman. Tessa watched the two dragons talk further away but couldn’t hear them. Why bring them if they weren’t going to involve them in the discussion?

  “This sucks.” Tessa said and Lorena throw snow at her hitting her in the back.

  “Why should they involve us? We’re not important.” Lorena asked.

  “Speak for yourself. I’m important. I matter and I’m going over there.” Tessa told her naive friend. Tessa trudged to the dragons and the two stopped talking and looked to her as she walked to them with a purpose. She marched right to them and looked at their enormity. Each was at least one hundred feet long maybe a hundred and a half. She stopped and crossed her arms.

  “We’ve been here for two hours and you haven’t said a word to us. What is this? Why bring us here if we’re nothing to you? Tell us what’s this all about?” Tessa demanded.

  The dragons inhaled and exhaled scaring Tessa for a second.

  “We have been talking about the attack on Lightbringer.” Gandaxx told Tessa as the others joined her.

  “We were thinking maybe we would let it happen.” Teamon told Tessa.

  “After all the Protectorate is dying.” Gandaxx explained.

  “We could let Edward fight his last battle and become a martyr and we have two of the Avatars so we could keep them until the time was right.” Teamon told them but it didn’t seem to make any sense.

  “What’s an avatar? What do you mean the Protectorate is dying?” Tessa asked confused.

  “The Protectorate has a sickness from within and Edward will never see the betrayer coming. Hence the Protectorate is dead.” Teamon told Tessa who was still not getting it.

  “And having you now well that lets us be able to protect you until your time to defeat the Witch-king comes.” Gandaxx told her and Tessa was speechless. But both dragons began casting.

  “What are you…?” Tessa started then she fell into a deep darkness.


  Marshal followed Corin into the huge city of Lightbringer. Corin was silent most of the walk but Gabe wouldn’t shut up the whole time. Seems Corin offended him when he throw a small dagger like object into Gabe’s cask of Dwarven Ale. The contents leaked out all over Gabe’s beard making quite a mess. Dwarven ale had the consistency of lamp oil and that thick stuff was greased into Gabe’s beard.

  “Cuza you I have to go to an inn to clean up before we go anywhere else so you owe me fer that. Then you owe me fer the cask too that was the finest Dwarven ale and I expect compensation!” Gabe told Corin.

  “Right away my lord but you have to wait until later to drink we
’re going to see the king first.” Corin said and the dwarf turned red.

  “You canna go wherever you like but Ima gettin drunk and laid at that inn right there. Enjoy your king. Bye.” The dwarf said stopping off to the Golden Lance Inn. Corin looked to Marshal and he just Shook his head.

  “Drunk and laid? Instead of coming with us to see the king? What’s wrong with that guy? And really he thinks he’s getting some here? I doubt it.” Corin complained.

  “Oh he’s doing exactly what he said trust me.” Marshal assured Corin.

  “Does he take it or pay for it then?” Corin asked.

  “I’ve never seen him pay and he never needs to take anything.” Marshal told him.

  “Really? How?” Corin asked as the continued to the palace.

  “I really don’t know grace of the Gods.” Marshal told the monk.


  Rein made it to Gilder. The gates were closed and heavy patrols scoured the roadways. The Gate guards challenged him as he approached.

  “Who goes there?”

  “Rein Vasalori Caviler of Zury.” He told the guards. Someone ordered the gates opened and Rein rode in. Just inside the gates was a small army the leader rode to him.

  “I’m Lord Howard Kevel what is the news from the capital? We haven’t heard any word from King Orel for three day now. I was dispatched to investigate.” Kevel asked looking serious. Looking over Kevel and the army Rein realized that the force was too small to face Thul Zun.

  “If you’re riding to Zury you’ll need more men.” Rein told Kevel.

  “And the King?” Kevel asked.

  “The king is dead or worse.” Rein told Kevel.

  “Worse?” Kevel asked looking for a better explanation.

  “Yes worse, just trust me.” Rein told him losing his patience a little.

  “Perhaps we should go and see Lord Reran the king’s brother and you can give him a full report.” Kevel told Rein.



  Corin expected more pomp and procedure than what was happening at the palace. Once he presented the letter to the page at the entry they were whisked off to an immediate audience with the king. Corin expected things would be different. They weren’t even able to stop off to wash the trail dirt off. Corin expected more. But here he was kneeling before King Edward the first, Lord of the Protectorate and Marshal of the armies of Light. Edward was a little light on titles but he preferred it that way. From what Corin could gather he had given several of his titles away to his adventuring companions of old. Some said that Corin’s mentor Gregard was one of Edward’s old companions and received the title guardian of the keys. Whatever that meant Corin never saw any keys around Gregard.


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