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Louisa Revealed

Page 3

by Maggie Ryan

  Lucy remembered her prior failed attempt in asserting her independence. She was a grown woman, having turned eighteen a few weeks earlier and had believed her age gave her authority over her decisions. She had quickly been forced to realize that, though her recent birthday gave her the gift of majority, her guardian had the ultimate authority over her and would until she wed. She had simply informed Edward that she no longer felt the need to remain at school; after all, the season would soon begin and she knew she’d find a suitable husband quickly. Edward had smiled and assured her that she would continue her schooling until she graduated. He pointed out that she had yet to have even a suitor and believed her ‘engagement’ was somewhat premature. Lucy had felt ridiculed at his tone and had looked towards her sister for support.

  But, horribly, Louisa had not taken her side as Lucy had expected. Instead, her sister reminded her that Edward had been extremely generous in his guardianship of Lucille and she should show her appreciation by obeying Edward’s wishes. Lucy had continued to argue mostly from the hurt she was experiencing as her twin parroted Edward’s wishes. Edward had finally sighed and stood to his full height and began rolling up the sleeve of his right arm. Louisa had gasped and begged Lucy to make her apologies before it was too late. Edward had told his wife to remain silent, stepped close to Lucy and taken her arm. It wasn’t until she felt herself being pulled down to lie across Edward’s knees did Lucy understand she had stepped across an invisible line. She began to fight and struggle but was no match for Edward’s strength.

  “Edward, please. She didn’t mean it. She will go to school… please,” Louisa had begged, hating to see her sister in this position.

  Edward had taken Lucy’s flailing hands and pinned them at the small of her back. “I believe I warned you to remain silent Louisa. You will take your sister’s place once I’ve given her the spanking she has earned. Perhaps having your own bottom blistered will remind you as well who, exactly, is in charge of this household.” Lucy had been shocked hearing the announcement, seeing Louisa lower her gaze and hearing her soft response.

  “Yes sir, I’m sorry Sir.” Edward allowed Lucy to squirm and struggle until she wore herself out. Only then did he lift her skirts and lay them up across her back. She sobbed at the shame of it all, and suddenly her desire for independence in making her own decisions paled in comparison to the decision her guardian had obviously made. She began promising better behavior when she felt her drawers being drawn down until her bottom was bare. Edward lifted his hand and brought it down again and again on the swells of her bottom. Lucy hadn’t been spanked since she was a child, and was horrified at how awful the experience was. By the time Edward finally allowed her up, her bottom felt as if it had been branded and her throat ached with her begging for him to stop. Edward spoke only to order her to the corner and promised a second spanking if she didn’t keep her dress up and her spanked bottom on display. Lucy had been mortified, but obeyed. She stood sobbing in the corner, even as she heard a similar spanking being given to her sister. Edward had sent his wife to another corner and the girls had stood for over an hour, skirts lifted and bottoms exposed, until the redness of their spankings began to fade. Hearing Edward speak now in that same no-nonsense tone of voice forced Lucy to admit she would not win this battle, either. Biting her tongue, she mumbled, “No sir, I don’t need a reminder.”

  Edward nodded as if her answer had been expected. He turned to Thorne. “Perhaps sitting on a well-striped bottom will help her concentrate more fully on her lessons.” He smiled imagining the small woman squirming on the hard seat of her desk chair. He also found himself grateful for the time alone with Louisa that the offer extended to him. “Yes, I believe it would serve her well. She will also spend the rest of the weekend buried in her books. I also assure you that if she should show a lack of enthusiasm; her bottom will pay an even higher price than it will during her appointment with me this evening. Thank you again for your generous offer.” Lucy failed to hear her sister’s gasp and wouldn’t have understood its meaning even if she had. Louisa’s bottom clenched and she shuddered at the renewed flare of pain as she found herself praying hard for her husband to be merciful.

  Lucy tried to control a new rush of tears at Edward’s words. She wondered if a person could really die of embarrassment. If so, she would soon be a corpse. Headmaster Thorne opened the door and stood back to usher them out of his office. As they walked down the corridor towards the front of the building, Lucy kept her eyes on the floor. She was conscious of others in the hall and knew that everyone was aware of what had transpired in the headmaster’s office. She was ashamed of her behavior and absolutely humiliated that she had been so soundly caned that her cries must have echoed around the school. She was unaware that several students were looking at her in sympathy while professors simply smiled and were pleased that the deceitful young women obviously had gotten what they deserved. Her history professor saw the look on Lord Wintercrest’s face and knew unquestionably that these two had not yet paid the full price this man would deem necessary for their misbehavior. Lucy was led into the room where mathematics was taught. Professor Lloyds stood from behind his desk and understood from the obvious distress on her face that she had been well punished. His heart ached a bit as he found he had a soft spot for the young woman.

  “Professor, I’ve offered your services as you suggested, and Lord Wintercrest has graciously agreed that Lucille should spend a few hours under your excellent guidance,” the headmaster spoke as he led Lucy to stand in front of her professor’s desk. He smiled and added cruelly, “Of course, she probably will need reminding to sit still as she does her lessons and I hope you show a bit of mercy. After all, it is indeed difficult to sit on a well caned bottom – especially since she misbehaved and earned extra strokes.” Lucy heard her sister gasp and clenched her hands at her sides. The man was just plain cruel. Of course everyone was aware of what had taken place, but to mention it so blatantly was just hateful.

  Professor Lloyds seemed to agree as he said, “I’m sure Miss Furniss has learned her lesson, Sir. I have no doubt that she will attend her studies with the utmost concentration. Please, Lord Wintercrest, she shall be ready to return home in time for dinner, if that meets with your approval.” Edward thought the man brave to be so brazen in front of his employer yet found his respect grow.

  Before Thorne could open his mouth he said, “I appreciate your help, Sir. I believe you will find Lucy far more attentive this afternoon. Have her ready to return home in four hours if you agree. I realize that will not be enough time for Lucille to learn all she needs for her examination, but, as I’ve assured Headmaster Thorne, she will also spend her weekend with her head in her books or her bottom will pay an even bigger price.” Thorne was upset at being left out of the conversation, but found he was satisfied with the knowledge that the little sneak would have her bottom reddened several times before she returned to his school on Monday morning. He left the room thinking that with this silly girl’s grasp of mathematics, there was a very good chance that he’d have the opportunity to personally witness another round of discipline in his office soon enough. He was smiling as he walked Lord Wintercrest and his wife from the building. Edward shook his hand and thanked him again and Louisa properly gave him a small curtsy and again thanked him for his discipline. She hated leaving her sister in this building but desperately wanted to get away from this man. Edward thanked him once more and then turned his wife and led her to their carriage.

  Henri, their driver, nodded to his employer and gave Louisa a very stern and disapproving look. She blushed hotly as he opened the carriage door. Louisa was helped into the carriage and she gingerly took her seat giving a small, barely audible gasp. The carriage dipped again as Edward entered and sat beside his wife. She clasped her hands in her lap, wishing she could clasp Lucy’s hand.

  “I am so sorry Sir,” she began, hoping to relieve the tension in the small confines of the carriage.

  Edward simply lif
ted his hand, “Enough Louisa. I don’t wish to hear your apology again. What I wish to know is exactly how you managed to pull off this charade. How did you arrange to leave the house this morning?” Louisa couldn’t bring herself to look at him. She gazed out the window and tried to gather her thoughts. Evidently she was taking entirely too long to answer her husband’s questions. “It isn’t a difficult question young lady. There is no need for your hesitancy. I want to know the truth, and if I disbelieve any word of your explanation, then you can rest assured you will pay for every one.” Louisa couldn’t stop a small shiver from running through her body. She nodded and dropped her eyes to her hands.

  “I… I hid in the storage box, Sir.” Edward nodded, having thought that was the case. However, it was far from satisfactory.

  “How did you get away from Mrs. Bremmer, Louisa? We both know she keeps a close eye on you when I am not at home.” The young woman nodded, a tear sliding down her cheek. She felt worse now than she had in Thorne’s office. She knew what she had done was wrong, but she also knew that her husband detested deceit.

  “I… I told her I wasn’t feeling well. I… I told her I was going to lie down until… until tea.” Edward nodded trying to picture how his wife could have pulled off such a prank. Louisa brushed the tear from her face and continued,

  “She… she goes to market on Friday and… and I told her that you had instructed me to stay in bed and rest.” His understanding bloomed. He knew that his employees would obey his every word and, by association, trusted the supposed mistress of the manor to do as well. He would discuss the situation with his housekeeper, but he had a good idea that she would be almost as angry as he about being caught up in the girl’s deceit.

  “It was very naughty of you to lie to Mrs. Bremmer, Louisa. I thought we had learned a lesson about being deceitful, but it is obvious that my little lady needs another lesson.”

  Her head snapped up and her mouth opened. “No… no please Edward….”

  “Hush! We will continue our discussion at home. When we arrive, you are to go immediately to your room, put your nose in the corner until I join you. Until then, I suggest you remain quiet and think only of what you need to do to assure me of your contrition.” Louisa closed her eyes and stifled a small moan. She knew that her sister might be even now sitting on a hard chair with her bottom burning, but she also knew that her own bottom was evidently going to burn even hotter soon enough.

  She opened her eyes and dared a glance at her husband. He was looking down at her, his eyes stern, and she gulped before she whispered, “Yes sir.” He nodded, knowing she would do as she had been told, and then settled back to relax during the short ride home. Edward surprised his wife by reaching down and taking one of his wife’s hands into his, pressing it lightly. This simple, loving gesture caused her to want to lean into him, want to apologize again, but she knew it would not be welcome. There would be a time for apologizing as well as a time to take comfort in her husband’s arms. However, she knew from past experience that time was a long way in the future. Nothing else was said on the long drive home.

  Chapter 2

  The carriage pulled up in front of the house and Edward stepped out when Henri opened the door. Edward turned to help his wife down and she softly thanked him. He nodded, “Louisa has something to say to you Henri.” His wife looked up at the older man who had always treated her kindly. She saw the look of disappointment on his face, and her feelings of shame and guilt grew deep inside her.

  “I’m… I’m sorry, Sir. I… I won’t… won’t ever do it again.” Henri saw that she was indeed sorry, and knew she would soon be paying for her decisions. He also knew how very angry his own wife, Anna, still was, having discovered the young mistress was nowhere to be found. He nodded at Louisa and said, “Thank you, Miss but you caused the household much worry when we couldn’t find you. It was a very, very naughty thing to do.” Louisa’s face flamed at his words even though she accepted the truth of them.

  “Yes sir. I’m very sorry.” Edward nodded and looked down at his wife. “Go along Louisa; I shall join you in a few moments.”

  “Yes sir,” Louisa answered, her face flushed as she turned to walk into the house. Edward watched as she climbed the stairs, her steps slow. He smiled, knowing she was in pain from her caning, and most likely thinking about what else her bottom would be forced to endure before the evening was done. He walked into his study and poured himself a drink. As he stood looking out the large window that overlooked the gardens, he smiled, remembering the image of the two sisters standing side by side, their bottoms giving evidence to their misbehavior. He knew that if he were to be totally honest with himself, he would have to accept some of the blame for today’s actions. He had allowed his desires and even his steadfast rules to be broken the moment he had accepted Lucille into his household. If he had stuck to his guns and not given in to his wife’s pleas, perhaps Lucille’s bottom would still be sore for her own disobedience but Louisa would never have dared to take part in the deception. He finished his drink and vowed his leniency was over. It was far past time to take his household in hand as he had originally intended. Edward placed his glass on his desk and left the room.

  Walking into his bedchamber with the intention of changing his clothing, Edward stopped short when he realized he wasn’t alone. His eyes took in the sight of his wife, her hands linked neatly on top of her head, her nose touching the wall in the area designated as her punishment corner. He could see her trembling from across the room.

  Forcing himself to take a deep calming breath, he kept his voice low but firm, “My dear, what do you think you are doing?” Louisa heard the question, but felt nothing but confusion. She knew better than to turn from the wall, but also knew her response was required. Her voice stuttered as she said,

  “I’m… I’m waiting for you, Sir.” Edward shook his head even though he thought he understood her confusion.

  “Come here, Louisa.” Louisa turned and seeing her husband open his arms, she flew into them. He closed his arms around her and she clung to him.

  “Oh, Edward, I am so sorry. I know you are disappointed but please!”

  “Hush, Louisa. We will discuss all of this later, but for now, please explain to me why you continue to disobey me.”

  Louisa felt her heart begin to beat faster. She felt him release her and she stepped back just enough to raise her face to his. Her eyes were wide in confusion. “I… I don’t understand. You said wait for you in our room. I… I was waiting Sir.”

  Edward shook his head even as one hand came up to gently cup her chin. “I believe I said for you to wait for me in ‘your’ room did I not?” He loved the emotions running across her face as the meaning of his order became clear. She flushed and attempted to look away. He kept her face on his by the force of his hand. “You do remember your room, do you not?” Her face turned even redder but she gave a slight nod. “I’m glad, my dear but this isn’t your room is it?” This time she reluctantly shook her head a bit. Edward released her only to step to the wall and pull a bell cord.

  “I… I thought we… we weren’t to… to”

  “To do what little one? What weren’t we to do?” She twisted her hands together, her face hot and her heart pounding.

  “Us. Using the… my… room.”

  Edward smiled seeing both her discomfort as well as her fading hopes that her life had changed when her sister arrived. He accepted most of the blame for her confusion. “I have made a grievous error, my dear, and can understand your confusion. It is my responsibility to inform you of your rules of behavior and, I confess, I have allowed my household to fall into disarray. That ends today. I promise to correct my mistake, and also promise you will soon learn to obey my every word.”

  Louisa was surprised to hear him admit to making an error and found herself not wishing to know how he planned to correct it. Her bottom began to clench as he spoke of obedience. She watched as he left her standing alone as he removed his cuff links and be
gan to unbutton his shirt. She felt her heart flutter and a tingle begin low in her tummy. She blushed as he removed the shirt and stood half-dressed. She desperately wanted to step to him and run her hands across his broad chest. She ached to feel his arms around her letting her know she was loved and forgiven. She unconsciously began to take the first step.

  “Stand still, Louisa. You were given an order and disobeyed me.”

  “But Edward, I meant to obey you. I.…”

  “You are forgetting yourself. When we are in this house you are to address me properly. Your behavior today has only served to prove you are in dire need of additional training. It is my intention to continue to provide you with that training.”

  Louisa felt her legs begin to tremble. He was speaking of things she believed he had forgotten once her sister came to live with them at the manor. They had spoken of her concern in living as he wished when her sister was dealing with the grief of the girls losing their parents. While Louisa had her new husband to support her in her own grief, Lucy had only her twin. Hearing her husband speak of continuing the training he had begun even before they exchanged their vows caused her heart to pound and her blood to race. “But… you… you can’t. What… what about Lucy?”

  “Louisa, your sister will no longer be an excuse for your disobedience. Lucille does not run this house; I do. I do not wish to discuss Lucille at this moment. You would better serve yourself to think about my little Louisa and how she is to behave.” His words stopped as a loud knock sounded on the door. Edward pulled on his robe, stepped around his wife and strode to answer the door.

  “You rang for me, Sir,” a heavily accented voice asked.

  “Yes, Mrs. Bremmer. Please escort Louisa to her nursery, as she doesn’t seem to remember the way.” Louisa gave a small moan as her eyes dropped to the floor. Anna Bremmer was married to Henri, and they had both served the Wintercrest Manor for decades. Her face showed her approval at the request with a smile, even as she stepped forward.


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