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Borrowing the Doctor (The Collins Brothers Book 2)

Page 21

by Victoria Pinder

  “Kiss me.” Her lips brushed his cheek to get him to stop.

  “Katie, if I do that, we’ll have my brothers listening through the door in ten minutes.” He rolled off her, and stared at the ceiling. “If we stick to the plan, once we get through customs, and get you in the car, everything should run smoothly.”

  She turned to curl on top of him. Today hadn’t happened yet.

  He rolled toward her, and his hands rested on her hip.

  “Don’t look disappointed.” His mouth brushed hers. “I showed you multiple times last night how much I want you.”

  “Daniel, I don’t want to face today.” Her hands traced his back. “If I find out my sister intends to kill me, there is no going back. I would blame my father, but he’s dead. I’d rather stay with you. Can we sail away to the next port?”

  “Not practical.”

  She sighed. “I know.”

  He sat up, and her arms came back to her side. Then she sat up and stretched. He sighed a few times, and she listened to his sexy morning sounds. Then he ran his hands in his hair, and said, “Stay next to me. If anything happens out there, I’m a doctor. I will do everything I can to keep you healthy. And trust my brother, Liam. He’s a good man, who knows what he’s doing.”

  “Trusting your family is easy. Your life has an idyllic quality to it.” She slowly adjusted on her feet, then straightened her spine. Then she turned toward him. “Dinner tonight? If we make it through the day? I’m feeling we should try good Cuban food, since we’re in Miami.”

  He turned and nodded at her. Then she yawned. He followed, but then let her use the rest room first. He went toward the closet to get the bags. A giggle came out of her, and then she shut the door.

  Ten minutes later, she towel-dried her body and headed back into their cabin. A half-naked Daniel was on his phone. His eyes widened, and he stared at her. She shook her head then decided to be bold. She dropped the towel on the ground. “You saw all this last night, lover.”

  “We’ll be there in two minutes,” Daniel told whoever was on the phone. Then he hung up, and came toward her. She smiled and kissed her shoulder. “Don’t let my family know these details. We’re Catholic.”

  “Catholics don’t believe in sex?” She laughed. “I’m pretty sure they do.”

  “We don’t talk about it to our family,” Daniel said. “At least not with our mother.”

  “You were on the phone with your mother?” She covered her mouth. Daniel stroked her naked back. She reached down and grabbed her towel. “I assumed it was one of your brothers.”

  “No one’s told her we’re married, Katie. I’d rather have that conversation in person.”

  She shook her head. No mother invested in her son’s life would approve of the overexposed news story that was Kate Sparrow.

  Kate stepped back, found her white sundress from the closet, and threw it over her head. “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves, Daniel.”

  He pinched her behind, as the dress fell into place. He headed toward the bathroom. “Give me one minute, sweetheart. We’re in a hurry.”

  She’d rather not. If she rushed toward the truth, she’d meet the point of no return.

  Then she zipped up her dress and found her white sandals with simple lines. Then she finished with a yellow belt and hat. She was a fashion icon today. She glanced at herself in the mirror. The Kate Sparrow of the news reports stared back at her.

  Then she rifled through her bag for her makeup kit. Daniel hadn’t liked a heavy hand. It had been a long time since she went for the angelic look, but the clean, pastel colors would give her skin a new glow. She sat at the vanity and worked. A few minutes later, she finished.

  “Katie, I’m looking forward to dinner.” Daniel opened the bathroom door.

  She twisted her head, and stared, as her half-naked husband exited the bathroom. His muscles kept her safe.

  “Sounds good.” Her face heated, and last-night’s memories swirled in her eyes. “Guess it’s time to go.”

  He dressed fast. He tugged on his baby-blue polo shirt and bent down to tie his sneakers. A minute later, he took her hand. “Now it’s time.”

  His free hand traced her skin on her face, igniting every cell to wake up.

  Then he planted a kiss on her.

  Her leg curved upward of its own accord. “When you’re in the car, I’m claiming another one. I should have kissed you when you asked. Forgive me.”

  “When did I ask? Cause one isn’t enough.” She smiled then winked at him. “I’ll be collecting another kiss in a few minutes.”

  He quirked his jaw into a smile. “Sounds fun.”

  Chapter 57

  Kate kept her head low as she followed the steps down the hallway and the exit to the ship. What if her sister, Stephanie, wanted to kill her?

  Daniel’s family surrounded her. They had reached the first floor without incident, but the ship’s hall were secured. Kate blinked. Sean and his wife flanked her from behind. Liam and Gerard went ahead of her, and Daniel came beside her. Kate’s hands turned clammy, but Daniel took her hand anyhow. She gripped his hand hard, unable to let go.

  Then they stepped foot outside on the concourse to get off the ship.

  Her knees knocked together. So much for being brave.

  She stumbled and almost fell to the ground. Daniel held her and steadied her.

  What would happen?

  Every cell in her body screamed to run back onto the ship and hide.

  Liam stood at the ramp and turned to everyone. “Kate, last with me. Daniel, you’re next. Once we get down the line.”

  Kate’s mind raced. What if she couldn’t walk without Daniel’s strength? She shook her head. She’d never been weak and refused to give in to this. Daniel’s brother told the crew, “Doctor Daniel Collins will wait for his new wife without anyone interfering.”

  The crew saluted Liam.

  Kate couldn’t even blink. Her back was so straight.

  Daniel rubbed her arm. “In case anything happens, I’m the medic. You’ll be fine, sweetheart. My brother will be with you. He’s the one that lives for danger.”

  “Smart.” She squeezed his hand, but sealed her lips. She hoped if she held on to him, he’d run back inside with her.

  Her fingers ached as he unlocked their hands. Then he kissed her forehead, and she rocked on her feet. “Be fast, Katie. Run toward me the second Liam says go.”

  She closed her eyes and told herself to get a grip.

  Liam told them, “It’s better to keep the doctor who can save your life out of danger. I’ll get her to you, Daniel.”

  Daniel nodded to his brother, but his face was grim.

  If anyone took aim at her from off the ship, the most vulnerable moments were right before customs and the ramp. She had to do this twice. Her feet were almost on fire to go with Daniel anyhow. Any second now. She nodded at them both.

  Daniel swallowed then walked down the gangway.

  She stared at him and didn’t move until he cleared the open area. She breathed but the spike in her spine stayed sharp. At least, he was safe.

  She licked her lips, and her leg muscles tightened.

  Gerard went down next to stand with his brother.

  Then Sean and Gigi.

  Nothing happened, and adrenaline coursed through her.

  “Go,” Liam directed.

  She stepped forward and flinched. The sunlight burned her skin. The birds chirped, children laughed, but her heart raced.

  Her shoulders tightened. Her knees knocked but she pushed her leg forward to walk down to Daniel’s waiting arms.

  She stared at him and everything else became easier.

  Nothing happened.

  She made it. She ran into Daniel’s embrace.

  She gasped in relief. She stood behind two of his brothers, and her heart beat wildly. Then she rested her head in Daniel’s chest and listened to his heart beat. He brushed her hair and hugged her. “Good job.”

  He gave her sh
oulder a massage and held her tight.

  His family circled her. She’d never been this afraid in her entire life.

  At least Stephanie was nowhere in sight.


  Daniel took her hand and walked beside her. Her skin still electrified from every nerve end, but his calmness was contagious.

  The line to get off the ship grew behind them and in front of them.

  “Customs is backed up,” Liam announced then he picked up his phone.

  “I don’t know if I can do this.” Kate rubbed her arms.

  “Stay calm, Katie. You’re doing great. We’re almost done. It’s always difficult getting off cruise ships,” Daniel added. “Nothing abnormal about a customs’ line.”

  She squeezed his hand in hers. The wait ricocheted through her as her body shivered. She’d be a nervous wreck, if not for Daniel. She kept her mouth shut and head down. If someone shot at her, they’d have to get through her handsome brigade of Collins men. She pushed her foot against the concrete underneath her shoe, and forced herself to calm down.

  A gunman wouldn’t care about an audience.

  She shook her head. She took a few steps forward with the men and tried to stop her thoughts.

  Another few steps forward helped ease her mind to stay sharp and present. She scanned the area, but she could only see the men’s shoulders. She sighed and said a prayer.


  No. Her sister’s voice came from behind her.

  “Don’t flinch.” Daniel rubbed her hand. They walked forward. “We’ll talk to her later. When you’re safe.”

  “Okay.” Her sister could not want to kill her. Kate’s body shook. If anything happened next, her sister would swoop in. Her presence could not be a coincidence.

  “We’re at the gate,” Liam announced. “Gerard will go first. Then Daniel. Sean and Gigi are next, and you all surround Daniel. Kate, I’ll need you to tuck your head under my shoulder until I tell you to go. Have your passport in your hands and run as fast as you can toward Daniel. Customs Agent Sanders is aware of the situation. When you get through, stick to my brother, and hide under his arm. The threat is from the metallic circular fence on our right. Everyone understands?”

  “Yep,” Gerard answered then stepped forward.

  No one guarded her left anymore. The air swooshed in and chilled her skin.

  “Everything will be fine,” Daniel whispered to her, calming her down again.

  Her pulse beat in her head, and only heard the thud.

  Daniel went next and more cold air swept her skin, and her arms had goose bumps.

  She stared ahead and straightened her spine. She knew the plan. Stick to Liam.

  Daniel was a few feet ahead of her, and handed his passport to the man behind the desk.

  She reached into her pocket and clutched her passport.

  “Put your head under my arm.” Liam took hold of her, and she followed orders.

  Daniel took the necessary five steps to clear the desk then turned and nodded to her. His eyes empowered her. She licked her lips. Liam told her, “Let’s go, sis.”

  She smiled. “I like having brothers.”

  Liam kept her head down, and she handed over her passport. “Sisters are welcome and we’re all happy Daniel picked you.”

  Liam stayed close to her, and he smelled almost like Daniel. His family approved of her? She took a breath, then turned to face the agent. Good.

  Confidence surged through her. She gazed back at Daniel one more time.


  She rocked in her feet. What happened?

  Everyone behind her screamed. She blinked. Everything moved slowly now.

  “Get down,” Liam screamed.

  Daniel rushed toward her and her backside hit the ground. Had she fallen? Daniel grabbed her hand. “I’ll fix this. It’s not that bad. Don’t you dare leave me.”

  She stared into his smoldering eyes.

  Wait. Her eyes fluttered. She’d been shot.

  Her body took a minute to register. “Daniel . . .”

  Daniel’s palm on her head made the darkness more tolerable. He felt warm. She tried to smile. Then she lost all other thoughts.

  Chapter 58

  Daniel’s experiences on the battlefield in Afghanistan had trained him to stay aware and not let any other thoughts in his head.

  He saved people. He was a doctor and a field medic. The war zone hadn’t affected his mind like this, but he kept the pressure on the spot near her temple. If the bullet hadn’t penetrated her skull, she’d live. He nodded and stayed focused. If he kept the blood loss to a minimum, and his family called for an ambulance fast, all would end well. “Katie, don’t die on me.”

  Kate needed to stay here with him, not join the angels. He kissed the side of her cheek, and then he checked her again. Everything he knew told him the bullet hadn’t gone into her brain. He hoped he was right.

  “It wasn’t a clean shot.” Liam leaned on the ground next to Daniel. “I’ve seen people pull through worse.”

  Daniel had, too. Kate’s white skin and red lips meant she needed a hospital.

  The sirens of the ambulance blared through the screams, and the crowd around him. Daniel stayed with Kate, and kept the pressure on her wound until the stretcher was brought for her.

  He held her head, and told the emergency response, “I’m a doctor. We need to keep the pressure on her head. Her heartbeat and breathing are steady.”

  “We understand,” the EMT answered and positioned the stretcher to take Kate. He and his partner helped adjust Kate’s unmoving body.

  Daniel checked her vitals and pressure.

  “I’m going with you,” he told them. Then he told his unconscious wife, “Nothing will happen to you, Katie.”

  Six minutes later, they arrived at a hospital. The minutes ticked slowly by. He pushed her through red tape and kept a close watch on her vitals.

  He breathed the second a doctor entered the room. He stood back and let the physician on staff diagnose Kate. The doctor said, “She’s going to need surgery.”

  “Prep fast,” Daniel directed. Hope surged through him even as the worst-case scenarios rushed through his mind. He reminded the doctor, “She is going to live through this.”

  “What’s going on?” a woman’s voice called out from the hall. “Kate Sparrow is my sister.”

  “Get her out. Now,” Daniel yelled at the nurse at the door.

  Another nurse wheeled Kate towards the doctor.

  Daniel then turned to the confused nurse, and then stared past her toward Stephanie. He told the nurse, “Kate’s my wife.”

  She breathed easier and nodded. Daniel then stepped forward. “I will speak to you in a moment.”

  “You have no rights here.” Stephanie had her hand on her hip. “My sister is my blood. We’re family and we have religious beliefs.”

  “Kate’s my wife.” Daniel nodded at the nurse, and the doctor in the distance. The nurse wheeled Kate towards the operating room. He’d keep Kate safe. “Keep me posted.”

  The nurse turned her head back, “Of course.”

  Stephanie’s eyes grew wide with shock. Daniel’s promise to Kate played in his mind, and then he escorted Stephanie out the door for less people to overhear. “I will speak to you outside.”

  “This is stupid,” Stephanie called back. “You have no rights here.”

  “Doctor Collins,” another nurse called from behind them. “You likely saved her life today. The doctor won’t let your hard work down.”

  Stephanie rocked on her feet. “This is going to stop. You are not her caretaker.”

  “Look down at the band on my hand. I didn’t buy myself a ring.” Daniel nodded at the nurse. Kate would be fine. If they removed the bullet, and it hadn’t pierced anything vital, she’d recover.

  He stared at the door and wished he could go into the operating room with her.

  The nurse disappeared, and he shook his head. In the hallway, he had new empathy for
his patients’ families.

  “You can have my sister.” Stephanie’s high-pitched voice echoed down the hall. “Just give me the necklace.’


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