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Tristan's Lyceum Wolves

Page 15

by Grosso, Kym

  Tristan ground his teeth as Tony put a comforting hand on Kalli’s shoulder. She began to cry once again, and he could see that she was hurting too. Tristan wanted to be the man holding her, telling her everything would be all right. Deep down, he also knew that part of the reason she was coming unglued was because of him. Instead of mauling her on the balcony like a sex-starved maniac, he should have let her finish telling him the truth. He’d told her she could trust him, but the minute she’d confessed, he’d laid into her and ordered her to stay with another man. He felt like an asshole, but he could only deal with so many things at once. Coughing loudly, Tristan cautiously approached them.

  Kalli scowled at Tristan before turning her back. She couldn’t look at him without hysterically crying, and she hated being that woman. The woman who was so weak, she’d put all her trust and feelings into a man and now couldn’t control her own emotion. She hated being a woman who a man would use sexually and then toss to one of his friends. She hated that she was the woman who’d created the drug that had eventually got Toby killed. Kalli refused to let him see how badly she hurt inside. If he didn’t want her, she had to at least salvage what was left of her dignity.

  “Kalli,” Tristan offered, unsure of what to say to her. He wasn’t ready to apologize but at the same time, he needed her. He needed her comfort as much as she needed his.

  “I’m getting coffee,” she snapped, unable to take another tongue-lashing. She’d spent the last hour telling the detective everything she knew about her past, the people who she worked with, every detail about CLI and how it worked and the names of every wolf she could recall. She didn’t know the full names of the wolves she’d helped the artist sketch. She guessed the one was Sato and the other Morris, but wasn’t sure. She could, however, remember the name of her old Alpha, Gerald. She’d even told him about everything that had happened to her including the fire, the kidnapping, and her rescue. She’d described in detail what she’d been doing at Tristan’s, which involved a brief mention of what had happened on the balcony. Of course she left out the play by play, but she wanted to make sure he understood how she lamented her decision to trust Tristan enough.

  Oddly, the detective empathized with her decision, given her past history of abuse. He said he’d too often seen battered women and children and could understand the deep-seeded fear that had been planted in her psyche long ago. Simply telling her to share information that could expose her to her abusers again was not enough to get her to open up about her past. She found it ironic that the one person who seemed to understand her plight was human.

  Seeing Tristan as he rounded the corner, she fought back her first instinct which was to run into his arms. Despite his angry words, she didn’t want to give up on their budding relationship, which definitely was well rooted into the ‘it’s complicated’ category. At the same time, her healthy sense of self-preservation overrode the need to pursue a man who clearly didn’t want her, no matter how incredible he was.

  Tony nodded at Tristan. The pain rolled off him like an overflowing river. Even though Tony wasn’t wolf, he swore he could feel it. He’d known Tristan for a long time, having been introduced to him by Sydney. Tony regarded him with admiration, as a leader who cared about his wolves and what happened in his city.

  “Sorry for your loss, Alpha.”

  “Thanks Tony. You talk to Kalli?” Tristan inquired, already knowing he had. He just wasn’t sure of the extent of their conversation.

  “Yeah, she filled me in on everything. It’s amazing given all the trauma she’s been through,” Tony remarked.

  “Yeah, I guess she mentioned that Alexandra took her.”

  “Yeah, she mentioned that, but when I say trauma, I guess I’m referring to the abuse she suffered growing up. She’s terrified, but she comes off so composed.”

  “Detached?” Tristan countered.

  “In a sense. If you’d been beat down, told you were going to be tortured for the rest of your natural life, you’d build some walls too. We’re talking about survival. Anyway, from her childhood to Ryan’s examination, I feel confident that she’s told me everything. You, uh, might want to go easy on her.” Tony gave Tristan a concerned look.

  Tristan inwardly cringed. Just how much had she told him? About what happened between them on the balcony? How he’d yelled at her? How he’d sent her to stay at Logan’s?

  “Anyway, it’s a good thing she’s still under your protection. She’s sure gonna need it. I understand she was staying with you but now she’s staying with Logan?” Tony questioned him, reading between the lines.

  Yes, it appeared that she had, indeed, told him everything. Damn.

  “Yeah, she’s stayin’ with Logan tonight.” He tried to sound indifferent, but the words tasted like poison as he spoke them aloud. “My entire pack has moved into the new building except for a few wolves. Some have moved to the mountains.”

  “All right then. Well, I’ve got some names of males from her old pack. I’ll run them tonight. A bulletin was issued of the sketches you sent me. The priority will be upped now that we’re looking at murder. Anything else you want to tell me?” He gave him a small smile. “You know, while bearing in mind that I’m an officer of the law.”

  “Ryan mentioned that he was at a party with a girl named, Lindsay. Could be a coincidence, but Kalli’s got an assistant by the same name. She works over at UVH, and she’s a college student. Can you check her out?”

  “Sure, I mean, we don’t know how they even knew she had the CLI. Best guess is that someone at the hospital found out about her research. It’s possible the wolves went there looking for Kalli and somehow got mixed up with this, Lindsay. If Lindsay knew about the drug’s existence, she could have spilled.”

  “Yeah, I don’t know. It’s a long shot but I agree, someone at the hospital must have found out about her research. According to Kalli, she doesn’t have much of a social life outside of the hospital and her shelter.”

  “Anything else?”

  “Tomorrow night is the mayor’s ball. The following evening we have a summit with Jax Chandler, the New York Alpha. Hoping that it’ll be a fruitful meeting. Other than that, there’s nothing more I can tell you…officer of the law and all that.”

  A silent understanding settled between the two men. Tristan was lethal when crossed, as were most supernaturals. Whatever their brand of justice, Tony didn’t want to know the details. It wasn’t his place to judge their ways; his purpose was to find a murderer. And if Tristan just happened to find the guy before he did, well, then that was all the better in his book.

  “Listen, man, we’ll do our best to find these sons of bitches. I’ve made Toby’s autopsy a priority. The coroner will start tomorrow morning. I’ll be honest, I’m not sure what else she’ll find, but the killers may have left a trace. Unofficially, exsanguination from gunshot and stab wounds is listed as COD,” Tony speculated.

  “I’d like to get his body as soon as possible. Can you text me when he’s done? We’ll be taking him home. The burial needs to occur as soon as possible,” Tristan told him quietly. Home referenced to their mountain compound. While it wasn’t often they were forced to bury one of their own, Lyceum Wolves adhered to their own funeral rituals.

  “Sure. It’ll probably be a couple of days before they’ll release the body. Again, I’m real sorry about your wolf. I understand he was in college.” Tony extended a hand to Tristan in condolence.

  Tristan nodded sadly, shaking his hand. He didn’t want to reveal the explosive rage that begged for deliverance. Its time would come, though. Vengeance was coming, and he planned to ride it hard, until every last wolf involved in Toby’s death was nothing more than fur and bones.

  Chapter Fourteen

  After finally getting Ryan settled in Julie’s condo, it was nearly three in the morning. Even though shifting had healed Ryan’s wounds, it did little to help the emotional scars that cut deep. Instead of having Ryan return to the small apartment he’d set up for the boys
, Julie and he agreed that he should stay with her. Despite the fact that she had two younger sisters, it seemed the extra female attention would go a long way toward aiding his recovery.

  Tristan had slept in until eleven in the morning; tossing and turning as he tried to resolve his feelings for Kalli and the fact he’d sent her away to spend the night at Logan’s. As he sat at the dining room table, drinking coffee and doing work, he couldn’t help but notice the emptiness around him. Within a day of her being in his home, he’d grown unusually accustomed to having her around. He smiled, thinking that it didn’t hurt that she had a penchant for walking around in her underwear.

  Of course, now that he knew her true nature, it didn’t surprise him as much. It wasn’t as if wolves were exactly known for their modesty. Even if that medicine suppressed her shifting, it couldn’t erase the telltale signs that she was wolf. It also now made perfect sense why his wolf wanted her so badly. It was as if he’d been looking at an image, thinking he saw only a woman. But if one looked closer, the wolf was revealed, exposing the optical illusion. Aware of the mirage, he could now see both the woman and the wolf; never again would he be fooled by the trick of the eye.

  He tried focusing on his email, noticing that Mira had sent him three different dossiers on potential real estate acquisitions. Tristan considered getting Logan’s input before moving forward with the deals. In reality, he knew he could’ve made the decision himself, but part of him was just looking for an excuse to see Kalli. Unable to resist, he picked up his cell and tapped Logan’s number.

  “Logan here.”

  Tristan could barely hear him through the static-filled connection. What did he say? And did he just hear dogs barking? What the hell?

  “It’s me. Can you hear me?” he asked, sounding like a television commercial.

  “Send you a text,” was the last thing he heard before the call dropped.

  His cell buzzed, alerting him to the text from Logan. ‘At animal shelter with Kalli. Bad cell service.’

  Where the hell were they? An animal shelter? Goddammit. Did no one listen? He’d specifically instructed everyone to stay home except for essential activities. And Logan was with Kalli at a shelter? Shit. They’d been alone less than twelve hours and already they’d started doing things together? It rubbed him raw thinking about Kalli, sleeping in Logan’s bed. He wondered if Logan went to her like he had that first night. Had she bared her beautiful breasts to him? Thoughts of his beta and Kalli nearly drove him mad.

  He tapped out an angry response: ‘Where r u? Address?’

  Tristan had to see her, unsure what he’d say. He was still angry about her lying. But he felt horrible not being around her. The conundrum was killing him. Facing it head on was the only option. Grabbing his helmet, he took off out of his condo, heading down to get his Harley.

  From the parking lot, he could hear the barking and mewling. The large industrial warehouse had been converted to a good-sized animal shelter. As he walked into the brightly colored lobby, he noticed the wall behind the receptionist’s desk was stenciled in neon paw prints. There was something childlike and fun about the atmosphere. He noted a pile of balls in a basket, with a sign instructing dogs and their would-be owners to ‘Take one and play’.

  An older woman with grey hair swept up into a bun, manned the desk. “Why hello there! Adopting?” she asked expectantly.

  “Not at this time, I’m afraid. I’m here to see Dr. Williams. My friend Logan’s here with her,” he managed. In awe of the lobby, he couldn’t remember ever seeing such an upbeat animal shelter. It was a far cry from the city pound. He knew Kalli co-owned it and wondered if the grandmotherly woman in front of him was her partner.

  “Ah yes, we’ve been expecting you, Mr. Livingston. I’m Sadie. Dr. Kalli and Logan are just around the corner.” She unlocked a door and ushered him into the corridor. A large Malamute barked a few times while jumping up to lick his hand. A half wall kept Fido inside of an enormous indoor running and play arena, complete with blue and green playground equipment. Tristan guessed that at least twenty dogs were running and playing, while a young man kept watch, occasionally throwing a ball to them.

  As Tristan gave the burly pup a rub on the head, Sadie laughed. “Oh don’t mind him; he’s just a big baby. We’ll find him a forever home one of these days. Come on now, Ace, leave Mr. Livingston be. Go on,” she instructed. “Just this way.” She pointed to a glass-encased conference room, which looked as if it also functioned as an office. Colorful paintings depicting grass and flowers on the bottom half of the glass, obstructed his view.

  “Tris, over here,” Logan called, coming out of a room to the left. Cats of all different kinds were silk screened onto the door.


  “Mr. Logan,” Sadie crooned. “I have a feeling you’ll be leaving here with a kitten yet.”

  He shrugged, giving her a warm smile. “As soon as I get permission from my landlord.”

  “Okay, then. Well, I’ll leave you two. Gotta get back to the front desk.” Sadie shuffled down the hallway.

  Tristan began to laugh. “Seriously bro? A kitty?”

  “Yeah, why not? Can’t a wolf get some love?”

  “Sure, I’ll rush right out and get you that ‘Real wolves love cats’ t-shirt you’ve always wanted,” he joked.

  “So?” Logan asked without stating the real question.

  “What?” Tristan replied indignantly.

  “Why’d you rush down here, Tris?”

  “I missed you.” He grinned.

  “Yeah, right. You here to see her?”

  “Maybe,” Tristan admitted, looking over to the dogs.

  “You know I respect you. You’re my Alpha. We grew up together. We’ve hunted together. Hell, you know where this is going. Listen, about Kalli…”

  “Don’t, Logan,” Tristan warned.

  “Don’t what? Tell you to go easy, because I’m going to. Damn, we’re all torn up about Toby. But sending her out to me last night. That was cold, man.” Logan looked over to the glass, wondering if Kalli could hear them.

  “I know. But I needed to get her away from me. You don’t get it, Logan. She’s driving me crazy. One minute she’s submitting to me on the balcony and the next thing I know, she’s involved in creating this hideous drug. I was so freakin’ pissed. I can’t see straight when I’m around her. And now that I know she’s wolf…fuck, what am I supposed to do?” Tristan rubbed his eyes with his fist. The more he talked about her, the more agitated he became.

  Logan walked over to a sofa that sat next to the office and fell down onto it. He let the back of his head rest on the pillows, staring up at the ceiling.

  “Let me tell you what happened last night when I, that’s right I, took Kalli to my home….in my bed.” He lowered his chin, eyeing Tristan again.

  “I can’t know, Logan. Don’t tell me. What part of ‘I can’t think straight when it comes to her’ don’t you understand?” He held up his palms as if that would stop Logan’s words from assaulting him.

  “I’ll tell you what happened. Nothing. Not a goddamned thing. She cried halfway home. Then I had the pleasure of watching her collect her things from your house like someone had kicked her in the stomach. Then, like the jerk I was for listening to you, I showed her into my guest room. And for the next thirty minutes, I heard her crying until she finally fell asleep.”

  Tristan fisted his hands and turned his back on Logan. As if he didn’t feel enough like shit, Logan was forcing him to come to terms with what he’d done.

  “Why are you telling me this? I’m the one who told you to take her. I knew there’d be consequences to my order,” he bit out.

  “This morning,” Logan groaned, holding his hand to his heart as if reliving a great memory. “Aw man, do you know how beautiful she is when she wakes up? Prancing around in her underwear as if she’s alone? She’s totally unaware of what she does to a wolf.”

  Tristan grunted. Oh he knew how beautiful she was, all right.

  “So when she asked me to bring her here, what was I going to do? Her eyes were all puffy, but thank the Goddess she’d stopped crying. She needed to see her animals, so how could I not oblige? It could’ve had something to do with those pink shorts barely covering her…well, you get the picture. Did I mention that she cooks in her underwear? She says they’re pajamas, but they hug her in all the right places.” Logan smiled as if he was the cat who ate the canary.

  “Enough, Logan. I get the picture. You damn well know that as Alpha, there are times when I’m forced to make difficult decisions. And some decisions that aren’t always popular, but that’s what leadership is about. I need to think of what’s best for the pack. I need to get my head on straight. Toby’s dead because of her drug. Her lies,” he reminded Logan.

  “No, Toby’s dead because some asshole out there is attacking our pack. And it’s not her. Did she lie? Yes. But I’ve never known you to be anything but fair and compassionate with your wolves. She needs that part of you, Tris.”

  Tristan just shook his head. He loved Logan like a brother, but only an Alpha understood the weight of responsibility he carried. He couldn’t afford the distraction. He needed her to help catch the perpetrators, nothing more, nothing less.

  “Come here,” Logan told him, almost instantly recognizing his insubordinate tone.

  Tristan cast him a cautionary glare.

  “My Alpha,” Logan asked, respectfully lowering his eyes. “Tell me that this person, this abused she-wolf, this one right here is a danger. Look at her and tell me that she’s a danger to your sanity, to the pack.”

  Tristan walked over and peered over the painted grass to view Kalli lying upon a carpet, covered in puppies. On her tummy, she was holding one up to her face, whispering endearments while blowing kisses at the furry baby. Two of the little pups were asleep, curled up with their heads on her feet. Wrestling over a rope toy, two others rolled as one in a ball.


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