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Terror and Temptation_A Romantic Suspense Novel

Page 49

by Vella Day

  “Sure.” Derek said. “I haven’t had a chance to look through my things to see what was taken.”

  “Give Al a sec. There will be time enough to check your possessions when he’s done. So why do you think someone did this?”

  “Beats me.”

  “You must have pissed off someone.”

  “Apparently,” Derek said, keeping a close eye on the deputy who seemed to be doing a thorough job.

  Mariani withdrew a folded sheet of paper from his front pocket. “I almost forgot. I became curious about the Novaro case and did a search on Justin Bladen. Came up with this. It’s dated nine years ago.” He handed the paper to Derek.

  “John LaBelle, stock analyst for Kreplick & Deland, was shot to death today.” Stymied how this related to Justin, he read on. “Police have Justin Bladen in custody. Shit.” Derek looked up when he finished the article.

  “I did a little more research,” Mariani said. “They had to let Bladen go when the evidence couldn’t be linked directly to him.”

  “What kind of evidence?”

  “The police had a search warrant for his apartment. They found a shirt with LaBelle’s blood on it, but Justin—”

  “I know—had an airtight alibi.”

  “Yeah.” Mariani cocked a brow. “How’d you know?”

  “This isn’t the first time he could prove he wasn’t near a crime scene.”

  “Like with Novaro.”

  “Exactly.” Derek didn’t fill him in on Rayne’s case.

  “Looks like we need to find this Justin Bladen fellow. God help Silverton if he’s here. We don’t need the trouble.”

  “I hear ya.”

  The technician closed his case. “I’m finished in here. I’ll check the other room now.”

  Kelly stood and came over to Derek. “Do you think I could shower in your bathroom now that it’s been cleared?”

  Before he could answer, Al returned. “I can’t find the wine bottle.”

  “That’s not possible.” Derek stormed into Kelly’s room. Al said something about not messing with a crime scene, but he didn’t care. This was the last straw. He stood in the middle and surveyed the room, hoping the technician had missed the obvious.

  Mariani strode in behind him. “Who took the bottle?”

  “Damned if I know.”

  “Why don’t you look through your things to see what else is missing.” Mariani turned to Al. “Fingerprint the place anyway. Someone was in here.”


  How long will it take for Mariani to get the fingerprint information back?” Kelly asked.

  Derek tapped his spoon on the table. “Could be weeks. He has to send the prints to Salt Lake to be processed.”

  “Not very efficient system, is it?”

  “Processing crimes takes a long time. If only we could solve a crime in an hour like they do on CSI, life for the homicide detective would be sweet.”

  “Well, I hope they match the prints to someone.”

  “I agree.” He stuffed a French fry into his mouth. “I think we should leave.” Derek took a drink of his soda.

  “We’re not done with lunch.” Though, it didn’t matter. Her appetite had basically disappeared. Even the juicy hamburger in front of her didn’t tempt her, but Kelly understood the need to keep up her strength.

  “No, I mean leave Utah.”

  The fork she’d been holding dropped to the table with a loud clatter. “You can’t be serious. What about finding Justin?” And learned who’d killed her sister?

  “I’m not sure he’s even in the state.”

  Now she was royally pissed. “We came all the way—”

  “I know, I’m sorry.”

  She tossed her napkin on the table. “Well someone tried to poison me. I can’t just forget about it.”

  “Poison isn’t the signature of a man like Justin. He’d be more subtle if he wanted to harm you.”

  “More subtle? What? Like shoot me or run me off the road?”

  Derek winced. “Bad word choice. Statistics show poison is more of a women’s crime.”

  “A woman? You mean like Nancy?”

  His brows shot downward. “No. I don’t think Nancy has any interest in, or even any knowledge of you. Besides, she was with me when the wine was delivered.”

  “Okay. Maybe not Nancy, but I spoke with one of the men at the bar and mentioned I was there looking for my husband. Who knows who he told?”

  Derek smiled. “You told the person at the bar that I was your husband?”

  “Don’t flatter yourself. I would have said the bar was on fire if it would have found you any sooner.”

  His dimples creased his cheek, and then disappeared a moment later when he looked up at her. “You were worried about me?”

  Did he really think the hanged dog look would work? Okay, it kind of did. “Worried, yes,” she said. “If anything had happened to you, what would I have done?” She couldn’t admit how much she cared for her, needed him, lov—Don’t go there.

  “You are one of the most resourceful women I know. I’m sure you would have found a way home.”

  The compliment caught her off guard, and her ego jumped up a notch. Kelly took another bite of her hamburger while she composed her thoughts. When she finished chewing, she washed her food down with her iced tea. “Was there any other woman you were friendly with at the bar?”

  His eyes turned steely blue. “No. I only danced with Nancy to get close to her grandfather. But what about Lilly Bladen, herself?”

  It appeared as if he wasn’t interested in any local color. Good. “She isn’t even in town.”

  “Not that we know of.” Derek picked up his spoon and banged it on the table.

  “Can you not do that?”

  “Oh, sorry. I say we let Mariani do the detective work to figure out who poisoned you. He’s welcome here. We’re not. I’ll see about getting us on a flight tomorrow.” He finished off his soda.

  “That’s it?” She jabbed her fork into the pile of fries on her plate. “We’re leaving because you say so? Doesn’t my opinion count?”

  “Yes, your opinion is very important, but you saw what happened when I left you alone for a few hours.”

  Oh, that was rich. “Maybe they weren’t after me, but after you,” she said, leaning forward again. “You’re one of those despised Indians.”

  “Shh. Keep your voice down.” He looked around. “I don’t trust people. Especially around here.” Derek shoved aside his plate and its half-eaten sandwich.

  She lowered her voice, making sure no one but Derek could hear. “Have you considered Mariani could be the culprit? He knew you were looking for Justin as well as for his mom. Could he have notified whoever poisoned me?”

  Derek took a moment before answering. “I don’t see it. He wouldn’t have told us about the murder in St. Louis, nor would he have led us to Courtney Wolfendon.”

  Deflated, she dropped back against her seat. “You have a point. So now what?”

  “I’m going to call the Tampa precinct to see if anyone has spotted Justin while we were away. I’ll have Seinkievitz investigate both the Novaro murder and the one in St. Louis. If the same person committed both crimes, we might be able to bring in the FBI.”

  She shivered. “Do you think the person will come after us again?”

  Derek didn’t answer. Instead he waved to the waitress and signaled for the bill.

  The phone by Kelly’s nightstand rang, interrupting the first pleasant dream she’d had in days. Damn. Cobwebs clouded her mind until reason intruded. Someone wanted to speak with her.

  “Okay, already.” Her mouth was dry.

  She opened her eyes and swung her arm over to the nightstand next to her bed to turn on the light. Was the lab calling? Or was it a prank call?

  Wait. She wasn’t home in Tampa, but in a strange little town where they ate hate for breakfast. The cops insisted she and Derek move to two different rooms as their old rooms were still being processed, and th
e nightstand in her new room was on a different side.

  Her hand finally connected to the switch on the base of the lamp. She sat up and flicked on the light, squinting at the sudden change in brightness. The annoying ringing made her head pound.

  She picked up the receiver, swallowed, and then answered. “Hello?” She glanced at the clock. It was just past one in the morning. Something bad must have happened. Her heart pounded.


  The masculine voice wasn’t Derek’s. “Yes?”

  “I like your pink nightgown.”

  She glanced down to see what she was wearing. Pink fabric clung to her body. Her skin crawled. “Who is this?”

  “Just someone who wants to let you know I can see-eee you. I know your ev-ery move.” His voice came out breathy, like a drag queen trying to be seductive.

  Her gaze shot to the window, but the drapes were closed. “You can’t see me.” Or could he? She looked up at the ceiling but didn’t spot any hidden cameras. Well, duh, that’s because the lens might be hidden.

  As if the phone was a deadly virus, she slammed the receiver back onto the cradle, her hand shaking as adrenaline sped through her system. Fear coursed through her as she tried to imagine what kind of sicko would call her. And watch her. And taunt her.

  The phone rang again. She jerked. No way would she talk to that creep again. She didn’t want to hear his lecherous voice. Even after she pressed her hands over her ears, the sound still filtered in. The ringing wouldn’t stop.

  She grabbed the phone and shouted, “Why are you doing this?”

  “Go home. You and your Indian lover aren’t welcome here.” His tone had turned deadly.

  Then he hung up on her.

  A car alarm right outside her window went off, jerking her gaze to the drawn curtains. She had to get out of there, but her body wouldn’t respond to the move command. The sound ramped up to a siren and then died before whooping up to a screech again. The outside door in the next room squeaked opened. “Derek, is that you?” she croaked, her throat too dry to make a clear sentence.

  Forcing herself to move, Kelly jumped out of bed and raced to the adjoining door. Not bothering to knock, she whipped it open. Derek’s bed was empty and the door to the outside ajar. Believing the jerk who’d called had set off the alarm, she raced to the window and peeked out.

  The outside lamps in between the rooms cast enough light into the parking lot to see Derek checking the area. She scanned the lot too but found no one.

  Afraid the pervert could somehow see her, she closed the adjoining door, and then flung herself onto Derek’s bed and covered herself, taking comfort from the heat left by his body. She’d be dammed if she let that filthy caller watch her again.

  She pressed her face onto Derek’s pillow, and his scent calmed her and his warm sheets comforted her.

  The car siren shut off. “Thank God,” she mumbled, as she rolled over.


  Derek! She leaned over and turned on the lamp. Wearing nothing but his boxers, an unbuttoned shirt and sneakers, he closed and locked the door. At the sight of him, her heart did a double take at his bare chest and broad shoulders.

  Her raced to her side. “What’s the matter? Are you okay? Did the alarm wake you up?”

  “No. I’m mean yes, but that’s not what woke me.” Her teeth chattered.

  He wrapped his arms around her. His warmth, his caring, and his presence brought her amazing relief.

  “What happened?” he said in a soft, kind voice.

  “Some weirdo just called me.”

  His body went rigid. “Start from the beginning and tell me what he said. Include everything from the tone of his voice to any background noise you heard.” His abrupt comment sounded like his cop tone.

  “He said he could, ah, see me.” Her voice cracked as shivers of disgust washed over her. “I was too scared to pay attention to any background noise.”

  Derek nodded and focused on her face. “When did he call?” He wiped a tear off her cheek she hadn’t even known she’d shed.

  “Right before the car alarm went off. Derek, he knew my name and told me what I was wearing.” Her voice trembled.

  Derek hugged her again, and Kelly sank into him, letting herself believe she was safe—at least for the moment.

  “Did you recognize his voice? Could it have been Justin?”

  “I don’t think so.” Kelly repeated as much as she could, but fear must have blocked some of his phrases. “That’s all I can recall. I was in shock. Maybe he was one of the men I met at the bar.”

  “Oh, Kelly, I’m sorry I got you into this mess.”

  She looked up to him, his lips inches from hers. “It’s not your fault. I insisted on coming. You warned me it might be dangerous.”

  “I promise I won’t let you out of my sight from now on. Nothing will happen to you.”

  “Oh, Derek.”

  His soft breath caressed her face. She lifted her lips up to his and the next moment he was kissing her. Hard. Not the soft tentative kisses he used to bestow when they were kids, but hard, needy kisses from a man who knew how to kiss.

  As if she were drowning, she grabbed his shoulders. When he hugged her tight, a blanket of safety enveloped her.

  Derek leaned her back onto the bed and trailed kisses down her throat. “I’ve wanted to do this for years.” His voice came out a mere whisper. Sexy, desperate, needy.

  “I was a fool not to make love to you before.” Admitting her feelings liberated her.

  “You got that right.”

  It didn’t matter that Derek had been the one to stop from consummating their love. He wouldn’t stop now. She wouldn’t let him.

  He lifted off her nightgown and tossed the cotton shift on the carpet. “You’re so beautiful. More incredible than I remember.”

  As he traced the outline of her breast, need pricked her nipple and her heart nearly exploded. Derek explored her body as if each square inch was more precious than the last drop of water in the desert. Kelly moaned as she ran her hands down the muscular planes of his back. She didn’t want to think of the horrors of the call or why they were here. She wanted Derek.

  Only Derek.

  His musky scent filled her senses with wonder, and she relaxed in his arms. Ever so gently, Derek grabbed a nipple with his teeth and when he sucked on her nub, the tugging sent shivers down her spine. Her long ago fantasies were finally coming true.

  “More,” she said with a pant, not caring that she sounded wanton. Cupping his head in her hands, she dragged his face to hers. “I want to kiss you. No. I need to feel your lips on mine again.” Her desperation embarrassed her, but she wouldn’t stop now.

  He smiled. “It will be my pleasure.”

  He opened his mouth to let her in, and he tasted of mint toothpaste. Their tongues danced to an aged old ritual. Familiarity blended with the added excitement of experience, heightened the incredible kiss.

  They must have heated up the room, for the air conditioner clicked on. Kelly couldn’t get enough of him and lifted her hips to meet his groin. “It’s huge,” she said with a laugh, the second she contacted his erection.

  “Don’t worry. I won’t hurt you. I’d never hurt you.” One at a time, he kissed her eyelids.

  “I know you won’t.” Kelly let the euphoria bathe her in wonder.

  “I want to make love to you. No, I need to make love to you.”

  “I want that too, but first, we need to get you out of those boxers and shoes.”

  “Can do.” In a second, he was naked—oh so, gloriously naked. His erection was huge with a capital H. My, oh, my. She mentally tried to decide if she could even handle someone his size.

  Derek crawled next her again and gently kissed her lips, her chin, her eyes, and her nose. She reached up and ran her hands over his head, enjoying the short stubble covering his scalp. He placed his hands on either side of her head and arched his chest, depriving her of the pleasure of his warm, wonderful k

  “Why did you stop?” she asked, as he stared down at her.

  “I want to look at you. To drink in your beauty.”

  “I didn’t know you were so romantic.” She couldn’t help but smile.

  “There’s a lot you don’t know about me.”

  His smile disappeared for a moment, and then it returned before she could name the expression on his face.

  Derek kneeled back and began to explore the rest of her. Kelly let herself enjoy his hands on her breasts, on her belly, and between her legs. She loved the texture of his sinewy body, the sparse hair sprinkling his chest, and the gentle way his hands touched her sensitive skin.

  When his tongue dipped into her folds, she sucked in a breath, almost believing she’d shot into space, as glorious waves of desire washed over her. Derek plunged his tongue in and out, and then drove a finger into her. Kelly arched, wanting more than one slim forefinger.

  “I need more,” she panted. Just as Kelly was about to lose her mind, Derek rolled off her and jumped off the bed. Hey. “Where are you doing?”

  “I need to some protection.” Derek grabbed his jeans, shoved a hand in the pocket, and took out his wallet.

  Protection. His concern for her safety warmed her insides. Then it dawned on her. “Did you hope to have sex with me?”

  From his wallet he took out the condom. “I think I’ve been hoping to make love to you for the last twelve years.”

  At his words, every part of her being melted. Did he love her? He’d never said the words, but did it really matter? Actions were what counted. A woman would be crazy not to want to be with a man so good and so kind, and who was so remarkably sexy. She held out her hands. “Let me do the honors.”

  When Derek handed her the rolled up condom, she turned it sideways. “Will this even fit?”

  He chuckled. “I hope so or you’ll have one pissed off lover on your hands.”

  She laughed. “Just to make sure it goes over you completely, let me lubricate you first.” She loved flirting with him again.

  “Kelly?” His voice cracked.

  She leaned over and ran her tongue down the throbbing vein of his cock then looked up. Derek’s eyes were closed and his mouth gapped open as if he’d been transported to heaven.


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