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Redeeming Lottie

Page 8

by Melissa Ellen

  “No, no, dear. I’ve ’bout got it done. You go on and visit with Tucker. I’m sure you two have plenty to catch up on.”

  “I think we’ve done about all the catching up that’s needed,” I responded under my breath, more to myself.

  Grams turned to look at me, her eyes examining. Her face hardening.

  “All right then. I guess if you insist on being here, you might as well make yourself useful. Chop up that head of lettuce for the salad.” She handed me a knife.

  I took the knife and set to work on my assigned task. Tucker came into the kitchen a few minutes later, making my heart rate increase once again—an instantaneous reaction I had no control over. He opened the fridge without a word, grabbing a beer before heading out back with his brother and niece.

  My shoulders relaxed when the screen door shut behind him. Grams released a heavy sigh, muttering something undecipherable under her breath.

  “You’ll have to excuse my grandson for his rudeness lately. He’ll come around eventually. He’s still healing from a broken heart,” Grams explained as she took the chopped lettuce from me to put in a salad bowl.

  “He must have taken it pretty hard when his fiancée left.” I rinsed the knife and placed it in the sink, then leaned back against the counter. “I’m sure it wasn’t easy for him to face everyone afterward either.”

  “Everybody falls, Lottie. It’s nothing to be ashamed of. You just have to hope the one you’re falling for is there to catch you. Besides…I wasn’t talking about her.”

  Grams arched an accusatory eyebrow at me as she picked up the dish of raw chicken, disappearing through the back door with the rest of her family. It seemed the whole Monroe crew had the need to give me a piece of their minds.

  Dinner hadn’t gone much better. The only one oblivious to the tension between us was Lily. She jabbered on, filling any voids in conversation. It wasn’t until she had her mouth full of peach cobbler and vanilla ice cream that anyone else was able to get a word in.

  “So, Lottie…you seeing anyone?” Grams asked out of nowhere.

  I about choked on the bite I’d barely put in my mouth. Talking about my dating history—particularly my recent proposal—was not something I wanted to do with the Monroe family.

  “Grams,” Tucker warned, his arms tensing as he gripped his spoon tighter.

  “What?” She feigned innocence, trying to conceal her obvious meddling. “I just want to know what our Lottie has been up to these last twelve years. Besides, I don’t see a ring on her finger, so how else am I supposed to know if I don’t ask?”

  “No.” I shook my head. “I’m not…I was dating someone, but we ended things recently, not long before I came here.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that, dear.” She fought back a smile. She was anything but sorry to hear that. “How long were you dating? Was it serious?”

  “That’s enough, Grams.” Tucker’s spoon clattered to his bowl.

  Grams waved a hand at him, dismissing his demand but relenting. “Fine. Tell us more about your job in Seattle, Lottie.”

  I jumped at the opportunity to talk about my job, relieved that Tucker had put an end to the inquiry of my past relationships.

  “It’s great. It can be time-consuming and stressful most days, but I love it. I get to see the world and meet tons of people.”

  “Sounds exciting. Where all have you been?” Wes asked.

  “Paris, New York—I travel there four times a year and Italy a couple times. I just returned from Milan a few weeks ago.”

  “Sounds like you’ve really made a terrific life for yourself, Lottie. I’m happy for you.” Grams gave me a sincere smile, making me feel proud yet humble.

  Tucker’s chair scraped against the wood floor as he pushed from the table, abruptly standing and leaving the room without a single word. I watched the opening where he’d disappeared, wondering what I’d said that made him so upset.

  Feeling a comforting pat on my hand, I tore my eyes from the empty doorway to look back at Grams. She gave me a limp smile as Lily and Wes chattered jubilantly beside us.

  After helping Grams clear the table and clean the dishes, I thanked her for dinner.

  “Anytime, Lottie. You know my home is always open to you, hon.” She rubbed my arm.

  “Thank you, Grams. And I’m sorry.”

  “For what, dear?”

  “For not keeping in touch. I know it may not have seemed like it over the last decade, but you’ve always meant so much to me. And I feel terrible about how I left things.”

  She sighed, pulling me into her for a tight hug. The woman may be old, but she was as strong as an ox. I relaxed in her embrace, inhaling her floral scent. She kissed my head before pulling back to look at me.

  “Lottie, I’m not going to lie and say it didn’t hurt the way you left without a word. But I never have held that against you. You had your reasons. And you don’t owe me an explanation. I love you the same as I do my grandkids—faults and all. I just hope you know I’m here for you.”

  I nodded, choking back tears of happiness and relief. “I should get going.”

  “All right, hon.” She dropped her arms from my body. “Promise me as long as you’re in town you’ll be here every Sunday for dinner.”

  “I promise.”

  “Good.” She smiled, glancing over my shoulder. “Tucker will drive you home,” she volunteered him as he walked into the kitchen.

  He stopped short as I turned, my eyes landing on him.

  “Oh, no.” I looked back over at Grams. “That won’t be necessary. I can walk.”

  “Walk or drive. I don’t give a hoot. Either way he’ll escort you home. It’s too late for you to venture off alone in the dark.”

  I opened my mouth to argue, but was silenced by the warning glare she gave me. I relented, letting my shoulders sag. I knew there was no winning this argument. I gave her one final hug goodbye before brushing past a stone-faced Tucker. After saying bye to Lily and Wes, I walked outside, waiting for my escort to join me. Tucker pushed through the screen door, stopping a few feet from me.

  “What’s it gonna be, Lottie?”

  Not wanting to prolong our alone time together, I responded immediately, “Drive.”

  He nodded, gesturing for me to lead the way to his truck. One hand brushed my back, as his other reached in front of me, opening the passenger door. I sucked in a sharp breath of air at the unexpected touch. I peered over my shoulder at his smirking face. Clenching my jaw, I climbed into the truck, focusing straight ahead as he shut the door for me.

  The smell of his masculine cologne filled the cab as he slid into the driver’s seat. His close proximity was as stimulating as it was infuriating. Every molecule within me was drawn to the man. I prayed he’d make it a quick drive home before I exploded with want.

  As the truck bumped along the gravel road, I played anxiously with the hem of my dress, keeping my gaze out the side window. I fought to remain neutral, even with my skin heating a little more every time I felt his eyes slip from the road to me.

  He cleared his throat, shifting in his seat as he turned onto the dirt drive to my house. “About what I said the other day, I—”

  “I get it, Tucker. I know I hurt you, and you have every right to be angry with me. You don’t need to apologize for telling me the truth at how you feel.”

  “You did hurt me, Lottie. But I shouldn’t have thrown all that in your face.”

  “Hate will do that.”

  He glanced at me with a dubious expression. “I don’t hate you, Lottie.”

  “Right,” I huffed, petulantly crossing my arms.

  “I don’t. I could never hate you.”

  The truck fell silent once again. He pulled to a stop in front of my house, shifting it into park before turning to me. Our eyes locked and the pain I saw in his, pierced my heart and soul.

  “I was hurt and confused. Shit. I still am. But I don’t hate you.”

  “Well, you should,” I declared, s
winging the heavy truck door open as I hastily escaped.

  I picked up my pace, scurrying up the steps when I heard his door slam behind me. I needed to get out of this town. Away from him. Before I told him the one thing that would definitely make him hate me forever. The biggest secret I’d kept from him for all these years. If he didn’t hate me now, he would once he knew.

  I rushed to unlock the door, swinging it open and taking a step inside as his hand gripped my elbow. He spun me into the doorframe, trapping me with his strong arms and body, pressing me into the jamb. I held the air in my lungs as he stared down at me, seething with heavy breaths.

  “Goddamn it, Lottie. Stop. Running,” he growled, dropping his forehead to mine.

  My eyes fell shut with his as our breathing mirrored each other’s.

  “Tell me why, Lottie. Why did you leave me?”

  I shook my head, releasing a whimper, conflict and desire furiously colliding within me.

  “I would’ve gone with you, babe. I would’ve followed you anywhere.”

  “Don’t, Tuck. Please,” I begged him to stop saying all the right things.

  He lifted his head, his eyes already searching mine as I opened them. He cupped my face with his hands as he held me captive.

  “Someday, Lottie, you’ll stop running from me. From what we have. For now, I know you’re still a hopeless heart just passing through.”

  He dropped his hands, backing away from me. The loss of his body and the sharpness of his words were a punch to my gut. I slouched against the doorframe as I watched his masculine back walk away from me.

  That’s exactly what I’m afraid of, Tucker Monroe.



  “How long you gonna be out?”

  “Maybe a week or two. I have some personal stuff I need to take care of. I’ll check in with you every day to make sure things are going smoothly.”

  “Everything okay with Lily?” Dan’s voice twisted to concern. He was more than my best superintendent. He’d worked for me for almost ten years now, becoming a dependable employee and close friend.

  “Yeah, she’s fine. I’m just helping out an old friend.”

  “Got it. I’ll take care of things. Let me know if you need any other help.”

  “Thanks, Dan. I owe you.”

  “That’s what you pay me for. I’ll be expecting a nice Christmas bonus this year,” he joked.

  “You make sure the projects don’t lose another day, and I’ll be happy to write you that check.”

  “Consider it done.”

  I hung up my cell as I turned onto the road that led to the Davis Farm. The sun was barely coming over the horizon. After rolling to a stop in front of Lottie’s, I retrieved the two coffees I’d picked up from Ida’s on my way out of town this morning.

  Walking up the new porch steps, I bit back the irritation that bloomed knowing Billy had already been here helping her out on repairs. I needed to start this day off right with Lottie. I’d been nothing but an asshole since she’d gotten to town. There were still a lot of unanswered questions I had about the reason she left the way she did, but I wasn’t going to get those answers by being a dick. And as much as I hated to admit it, I still had the wild hope that maybe I could make things right between us, where at least we could be friends. I knew friends was the most I could hope for. She’d already made it clear she wouldn’t be staying long.

  I rapped my knuckles on the front door, leaning against the jamb as I waited for her to answer. I gave her a few moments before knocking a little louder a second time. I heard some muffled commotion and cursing seconds before the door swung open.

  God, she was beautiful. Her face was free of makeup. Her hair a tangled mess on top of her head. Her robe hung open at her sides, giving me a much appreciated peep show of her gorgeous body that was barely covered in a gray silk. I gave her a big smile as her sleepy eyes focused on me.

  “Mornin’, sunshine.”

  “Tuck, what the hell? What time is it? What are you doing here?” Her squinty eyes darted around me as she looked toward my truck in confusion.

  I chuckled. “Six. It’s time to get to work, babe.”

  “Work?” Her brow crinkled.

  “Yep. I only have the next couple of weeks off. And I assume you have a lot you want done to this place. Which means we need to get started.”

  Finally catching up or waking up, her body stood tall with stubborn pride as she narrowed her eyes on me. Her hands perched on her hips. “We never discussed this.”

  “We did. I offered. You accepted,” I reminded her, a grin tugging at the corners of my mouth.

  “That was before. I thought you didn’t want the job anymore.”

  “Well, I’m here.”

  “Well, maybe I don’t need your help. Billy did a fine job on the porch. And has been more than happy to help me.” She smirked back.

  “Don’t push me, sweetheart.” I stepped forward, invading her space, running my nose millimeters from her jaw, stopping my lips an inch from her ear. “I think we both know I’m much better with my hands than Billy. If you need me to remind you just how good I am, I’m happy to demonstrate.”

  I pulled away in time to catch the reaction I was hoping for. Her skin prickled along with the nipples below her silk nightgown as she tried to hide the lust in her eyes. It took every damn bit of self-control I had not to take her right then and there.

  Friends. I reminded myself.

  She crossed her arms, heaving her perky breasts upward. I groaned internally, shoving the cup of coffee toward her as a peace offering. And to get her to release her damn arms before my balls exploded. Her eyes traveled over me suspiciously before she finally conceded and took it.

  “Fine. I guess if you’re here waking me up this damn early, I might as well get something out of it.”

  I cocked an eyebrow with a crooked grin. “I’m happy to give you what you need, babe.”

  “The house! I mean you working on the house.” She smacked at my arm, trying to act appalled. But the smile and heat that overtook her face revealed the truth. This was going to be an interesting couple of weeks. I was either going to finally get some answers or a bad case of blue balls. Most likely both.

  As she drank her morning coffee, I took measurements of the kitchen and bathrooms. Those were the rooms she wanted the most work done in, so it was where I planned to start. I wasn’t sure if the moaning I’d periodically hear coming from her lips was from her enjoyment of the coffee or something else. I was pretty sure I was that something else.

  I caught her more than once checking me out as I worked. And I’m not too proud to admit I might have been playing it up some, flexing my biceps more than necessary as I moved things around. I figured it was fair play. I’d had a swollen cock since the moment she opened that door. And the sounds of her murmuring moans were only solidifying that I stayed hard for the unforeseeable future.

  By the time I’d moved into the bathroom, I was pretty sure she’d caught onto my game. She chose that moment to position herself at the side of the bed in direct view of the bathroom opening. She hiked up her leg, bending at the waist, meticulously rubbing her vanilla lotion into her creamy skin, making sure I had prime view of her work and her ass.

  I inhaled a deep breath through my nose, letting out a muttered curse. The woman was going to drive me fucking mad. She glanced over her shoulder at me with her devious smile and bright blue eyes. Yeah. She knew all right. Game on, baby.

  The rest of the day we continued to challenge each other’s restraint. By the time I was packing up to leave, I was pretty sure not even a hundred cold showers were going to help deflate the ridge in my pants. The little redheaded vixen had me so worked up, I couldn’t stay near her any longer without being the first to break. Besides, there was a lot to get done in a short amount of time. And our cat and mouse game was only delaying things, no matter how much I was enjoying it.

  She followed me outside as I loaded up my truck with the fe
w tools I’d pulled out. She leaned a hip against the porch railing as she watched me. Her hair pulled back, gray tank and cutoff shorts made her look like the young girl I’d fallen in love with years ago.

  “So you’re done for the day?”

  I could’ve sworn I heard disappointment in her voice.

  “Yeah. I need to run into town and order some materials. Are you sure you’re good with me selecting everything?”

  She shrugged. “Sure. It’s not like I’m going to be living here. Just make sure they look nice and updated. I trust your opinion, Tuck.”

  I nodded, my mind stuck on the fact she mentioned her time here was limited. I needed to focus on that and stop letting myself think there could ever be more between us than a quick fling.

  “I’ll be back in the morning to start demolishing the kitchen. Try to get everything packed and moved out of there before then.”


  I stared at her, knowing I needed to leave, but having trouble forcing my body to move. The last time I left her staring after me on that porch as I drove away, she disappeared from my life.

  “I’ll see you in the morning, Lottie.”

  “I’ll be here.” She gave me a teasing smile, but it fell as soon as she realized the impact of her words.

  I gave her a weak smile before turning to walk away.

  “Tuck!” she yelled in a panic.

  I rotated to look at her. “Yeah?”

  “I—” Her eyes darted around as she searched for the words she wanted to say, her fingers brushing over her forehead before she tucked her hands in her back pockets. “Thank you. For helping me.”

  I nodded and climbed into my truck. There were so many things I wanted to say, but not one damn word would fall from my mouth.

  Over the next few days, I did my best to focus on the work, but it seemed neither one of us could help but torture the other. She’d sit around the house in skimpy shorts and shirts and I’d retaliate by working shirtless. It wasn’t until she decided to one up me—finding reasons to be where I was working, brushing her sexy little body against me—that I nearly broke. A man could only take so much.


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