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Black Beetles in Amber

Page 17

by Ambrose Bierce

  Unless you saved some turneps to retain me.


  As I was saying, I got up and dusted,

  My ranch a graveyard and my business busted!

  But hearing that a fellow from the City,

  Who calls himself a Citizens' Committee,

  Was coming up to play the very dickens,

  With those who cover up our farms with slickens,

  And make himself—unless I am in error—

  To all such miscreants a holy terror,

  I thought if I would join the dialogue

  I maybe might get payment for my dog.

  ALL (Singing):

  O the dog is the head of Creation,

  Prime work of the Master's hand;

  He hasn't a known occupation,

  Yet lives on the fat of the land.

  Adipose, indolent, sleek and orbicular,

  Sun-soaken, door matted, cross and particular,

  Men, women, children, all coddle and wait on him,

  Then, accidentally shutting the gate on him,

  Miss from their calves, ever after, the rifted out

  Mouthful of tendons that doggy has lifted out!

  (Enter Junket.)


  Well met, my hearties! I must trouble you

  Jointly and severally to provide

  A comfortable carriage, with relays

  Of hardy horses. This Committee means

  To move in state about the country here.

  I shall expect at every place I stop

  Good beds, of course, and everything that's nice,

  With bountiful repast of meat and wine.

  For this Committee comes to sea and mark

  And inwardly digest.


  Digest my dog!


  First square my claim for damages: the gold

  Escaping with the slickens keeps me poor!


  I merely would remark that if you'd grease

  My itching palm it would more glibly glide

  Into the public pocket.


  Sir, the wheels

  Of justice move but slowly till they're oiled.

  I have some certain writs and warrants here,

  Prepared against your advent. You recall

  The tale of Zaccheus, who did climb a tree,

  And Jesus said: "Come down"?


  Why, bless your souls!

  I've got no money; I but came to see

  What all this noisy babble is about,

  Make a report and file the same away.


  How'll that help us? Reports are not our style

  Of provender!


  Well, you can gnaw the file.




  MOUNTWAVE a Politician

  HARDHAND a Workingman

  TOK BAK a Chinaman

  SATAN a Friend to Mountwave



  My friend, I beg that you will lend your ears

  (I know 'tis asking a good deal of you)

  While I for your instruction nominate

  Some certain wrongs you suffer. Men like you

  Imperfectly are sensible of all

  The miseries they actually feel.

  Hence, Providence has prudently raised up

  Clear-sighted men like me to diagnose

  Their cases and inform them where they're hurt.

  The wounds of honest workingmen I've made

  A specialty, and probing them's my trade.


  Well, Mister, s'pose you let yer bossest eye

  Camp on my mortal part awhile; then you

  Jes' toot my sufferin's an' tell me what's

  The fashionable caper now in writhes—

  The very swellest wiggle.


  Well, my lad,

  'Tis plain as is the long, conspicuous nose

  Borne, ponderous and pendulous, between

  The elephant's remarkable eye-teeth

  (Enter Tok Bak.)

  That Chinese competition's what ails you.

  BOTH (Singing):

  O pig-tail Celestial,

  O barbarous bestial,

  Abominable Chinee!

  Simian fellow man,

  Primitive yellow man,

  Joshian devotee!

  Shoe-and-cigar machine,


  You are, and butter are we—

  Fat of the land are we,

  Salt of the earth;

  In God's image planned to be—

  Noble in birth!

  You, on the contrary,

  Modeled upon very

  Different lines indeed,

  Show in conspicuous,

  Base and ridiculous

  Ways your inferior breed.

  Wretched apology,

  Shame of ethnology,

  Monster unspeakably low!

  Fit to be buckshotted—

  Be you 'steboycotted.



  You listen me! You beatee the big dlum

  An' tell me go to Flowly Kingdom Come.

  You all too muchee fool. You chinnee heap.

  Such talkee like my washee—belly cheap!

  (Enter Satan.)

  You dlive me outee clunty towns all way;

  Why you no tackle me Safflisco, hay?


  Methought I heard a murmuring of tongues

  Sound through the ceiling of the hollow earth,

  As if the anti-coolie ques——ha! friends,

  Well met. You see I keep my ancient word:

  Where two or three are gathered in my name,

  There am I in their midst.


  O monstrous thief!

  To quote the words of Shakespeare as your own.

  I know his work.


  Who's Shakespeare?—what's his trade?

  I've heard about the work o' that galoot

  Till I'm jest sick!


  Go Sunny school—you'll know

  Mo' Bible. Bime by pleach—hell-talkee. Tell

  'Bout Abel—mebby so he live too cheap.

  He mebby all time dig on lanch—no dlink,

  No splee—no go plocession fo' make vote—

  No sendee money out of clunty fo'

  To helpee Ilishmen. Cain killum. Josh

  He catchee at it, an' he belly mad—

  Say: "Allee Melicans boycottee Cain."

  Not muchee—you no pleachee that:

  You all same lie.


  This cuss must be expelled. (Draws pistol.)


  For Chinese expulsion, hurrah!

  To mobbing and murder, all hail!

  Away with your justice and law—

  We'll make every pagan turn tail.


  Bedad! oof dot tief o'ze vorld—

  Zat Ivan Tchanay vos got hurled

  In Hella, da debil he say:

  "Wor be yer return pairmit, hey?"

  Und gry as 'e shaka da boot:

  "Zis haythen haf nevaire been oot!"


  Too many cooks are working at this broth—

  I think, by thunder, t'will be mostly froth!

  I'm cussed ef I can sarvy, up to date,

  What good this dern fandango does the State.


  The State's advantage, sir, you may not see,

  But think how good it is for me.


  And me.





  DE YOUNG a Brother to Mushrooms


  SWIFT an Heirloom

  ESTEE a Relic



  Scene—The Political Graveyard at Bone Mountain.


  This is the spot agreed upon. Here rest

  The sainted statesman who upon the field

  Of honor have at various times laid down

  Their own, and ended, ignominious,

  Their lives political. About me, lo!

  Their silent headstones, gilded by the moon,

  Half-full and near her setting—midnight. Hark!

  Through the white mists of this portentous night

  (Which throng in moving shapes about my way,

  As they were ghosts of candidates I've slain,

  To fray their murderer) my open ear,

  Spacious to maw the noises of the world,

  Engulfs a footstep.

  (Enter Estee from his tomb.)

  Ah, 'tis he, my foe,

  True to appointment; and so here we fight—

  Though truly 'twas my firm belief that he

  Would send regrets, or I had not been here.


  O moon that hast so oft surprised the deeds

  Whereby I rose to greatness!—tricksy orb,

  The type and symbol of my politics,

  Now draw my ebbing fortunes to their flood,

  As, by the magic of a poultice, boils

  That burn ambitions with defeated fires

  Are lifted into eminence.

  (Sees De Young.)

  What? you!

  Faith, if I had suspected you would come

  From the fair world of politics wherein

  So lately you were whelped, and which, alas,

  I vainly to revisit strive, though still

  Rapped on the rotting head and bidden sleep

  Till Resurrection's morn,—if I had thought

  You would accept the challenge that I flung

  I would have seen you damned ere I came forth

  In the night air, shroud-clad and shivering,

  To fight so mean a thing! But since you're here,

  Draw and defend yourself. By gad, we'll see

  Who'll be Postmaster-General!


  We will—

  I'll fight (for I am lame) with any blue

  And redolent remain that dares aspire

  To wreck the Grand Old Grandson's cabinet.

  Here's at you, nosegay!

  (They draw tongues and are about to fight, when from an adjacent whited sepulcher, enter Swift.)


  Hold! put up your tongues!

  Within the confines of this sacred spot

  Broods such a holy calm as none may break

  By clash of weapons, without sacrilege.

  (Beats down their tongues with a bone.)

  Madmen! what profits it? For though you fought

  With such heroic skill that both survived,

  Yet neither should achieve the prize, for I

  Would wrest it from him. Let us not contend,

  But friendliwise by stipulation fix

  A slate for mutual advantage. Why,

  Having the pick and choice of seats, should we

  Forego them all but one? Nay, we'll take three,

  And part them so among us that to each

  Shall fall the fittest to his powers. In brief,

  Let us establish a Portfolio Trust.




  Aye, truly, 'tis a greed—and one

  The offices imperfectly will sate,

  But I'll stand in.


  Well, so 'tis understood,

  As you're the junior member of the Trust,

  Politically younger and undead,

  Speak, Michael: what portfolio do you choose?


  I've thought the Postal service best would serve

  My interest; but since I have my pick,

  I'll take the War Department. It is known

  Throughout the world, from Market street to Pine,

  (For a Chicago journal told the tale)

  How in this hand I lately took my life

  And marched against great Buckley, thundering

  My mandate that he count the ballots fair!

  Earth heard and shrank to half her size! Yon moon,

  Which rivaled then a liver's whiteness, paused

  That night at Butchertown and daubed her face

  With sheep's blood! Then my serried rank I drew

  Back to my stronghold without loss. To mark

  My care in saving human life and limb,

  The Peace Society bestowed on me

  Its leather medal and the title, too,

  Of Colonel. Yes, my genius is for war. Good land!

  I naturally dote on a brass band!


  O, give me a life on the tented field,

  Where the cannon roar and ring,

  Where the flag floats free and the foemen yield

  And bleed as the bullets sing.

  But be it not mine to wage the fray

  Where matters are ordered the other way,

  For that is a different thing.

  O, give me a life in the fierce campaign—

  Let it be the life of my foe:

  I'd rather fall upon him than the plain;

  That service I'd fain forego.

  O, a warrior's life is fine and free,

  But a warrior's death—ah me! ah me!

  That's a different thing, you know.


  Some claim I might myself advance to that

  Portfolio. When Rebellion raised its head,

  And you, my friends, stayed meekly in your shirts,

  I marched with banners to the party stump,

  Spat on my hands, made faces fierce as death,

  Shook my two fists at once and introduced

  Brave resolutions terrible to read!

  Nay, only recently, as you do know,

  I conquered Treason by the word of mouth,

  And slew, with Samson's weapon, the whole South!


  You once fought Stanford, too.


  Enough of that—

  Give me the Interior and I'll devote

  My mind to agriculture and improve

  The breed of cabbages, especially

  The Brassica Celeritatis, named

  For you because in days of long ago

  You sold it at your market stall,—and, faith,

  'Tis said you were an honest huckster then.

  I'll be Attorney-General if you

  Prefer; for know I am a lawyer too!


  I never have heard that!—did you, De Young?


  Never, so help me! And I swear I've heard

  A score of Judges say that he is not.

  SWIFT (to Estee):

  You take the Interior. I might aspire

  To military station too, for once

  I led my party into Pixley's camp,

  And he paroled me. I defended, too,

  The State of Oregon against the sharp

  And bloody tooth of the Australian sheep.

  But I've an aptitude exceeding neat

  For bloodless battles of diplomacy.

  My cobweb treaty of Exclusion once,

  Through which a hundred thousand coolies sailed,

  Was much admired, but most by Colonel Bee.

  Though born a tinker I'm a diplomat

  From old Missouri, and I—ha! what's that?

  (Exit Moon. Enter Blue Lights on all the tombs, and a circle of Red Fire on the grass; in the center the Spirit of
Broken Hopes, and round about, a Troupe of Coffins, dancing and singing.)


  Two bodies dead and one alive—

  Yo, ho, merrily all!

  Now for boodle strain and strive—

  Buzzards all a-warble, O!

  Prophets three, agape for bread;

  Raven with a stone instead—

  Providential raven!

  Judges two and Colonel one—

  Run, run, rustics, run!

  But it's O, the pig is shaven,

  And oily, oily all!

  (Exeunt Coffins, dancing. The Spirit of Broken Hopes advances, solemnly pointing at each of the Three Worthies in turn.)


  Governor, Governor, editor man,

  Rusty, musty, spick-and-span,

  Harlequin, harridan, dicky-dout,

  Demagogue, charlatan—o, u, t, OUT!

  (De Young falls and sleeps.)

  Antimonopoler, diplomat,

  Railroad lackey, political rat,

  One, two, three—SCAT!

  (Swift falls and sleeps.)

  Boycotting chin-worker, working to woo

  Fortune, the fickle, to smile upon you,

  Jo-coated acrobat, shuttle-cock—SHOO!

  (Estee falls and sleeps.)

  Now they lie in slumber sweet,

  Now the charm is all complete,

  Hasten I with flying feet

  Where beyond the further sea

  A babe upon its mother's knee

  Is gazing into skies afar

  And crying for a golden star.

  I'll drag a cloud across the blue

  And break that infant's heart in two!

  (Exeunt the Spirit of Broken Hopes and the Red and Blue Fires. Re-enter Moon.)

  ESTEE (waking):

  Why, this is strange! I dreamed I know not what,

  It seemed that certain apparitions were,

  Which sang uncanny words, significant

  And yet ambiguous—half-understood—


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