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Breeding an Angel

Page 2

by Fiona Thompson

  Gerard smiled kissed my lips. I wrapped my arms around him as he rode me longer and longer until he finished too. Then he picked me up, sat me on his lap and kissed me like he still loved me. Still desired me.

  I wanted to be his forever. I never wanted to leave.


  It was time to go.

  I had spent the day with Gerard, but the silver pendant around my neck was burning my skin, which meant the angels were ready to take me home. I needed to leave, find somewhere private and it would happen.

  So I put on my dry clothes and tried my best to say good-bye to Gerard. I would see him again, but I couldn’t let what happened be a common occurrence. If the angels found out what I did…I’d be crucified. And we take that very seriously.

  Gerard held both my hands and kissed them both delicately. “Will I see you again?”

  “You will. It might be a little while, but you will. I’ll find you.” I brushed his hair from his brow and gave him a soft smile. “I have some things I need to take care of.”

  “And you’re sure you’ll be all right?” His eyes were concerned.

  “I’ll be fine. You worry too much.”

  He scowled. “Sorry. You’re right. I know. Can I…uh, call you?”

  “I don’t have a phone.” The expression on his face made me laugh. “But I promise, I’ll be in touch as soon as I can.”

  He nodded. We were nose to nose again and I knew he meant to kiss me. I didn’t want to deny him, but I knew I should. But I didn’t. This time the kiss was sweet, soft and tender. “I don’t want you to think I’m trying to crowd you, because I’m not.”

  “I don’t think that.”

  “But, Gerard said sternly, “I am also not interested in a one time thing. At least not this time.” He touched my chin. “There’s something very special about you, Lucy. And I intend on finding out what it is.”

  I smiled at how sweet he could be. The rough and tough man with a rock hard body covered in tattoos. I could see now what God and the angels meant. Humans were complicated, but there was innate good in them. Boy, had I learned my lesson.

  “I’ll miss you when we’re apart. Good-bye, Gerard.” I leaned in and kissed his cheek. Then I left my jacket in my hand.

  It was sunny out so I walked a few blocks before turning into a park. Once I was beside a tree and there was no one around, I touched my necklace and just like that, I was gone.


  It was business as usual up in heaven, but I couldn’t stop thinking of Gerard and what it must have thought of me for disappearing. It had only been two Earth days and soon I would rejoin him, but I desperately wanted to send him a message.

  So I did.

  In the privacy of my room, I summoned one of the high doves, a beautiful bird with the ability to travel from the heavens to earth and attached a small note to his leg to be delivered. I held him, stroked his feathers and when our eyes met, mine would glow gold and the birds did the same.

  Once he knew where he was going I released him and watched him take flight. Straight for earth. He was a glorious creature.

  I left my room and found Jessica where I expected her, the high chambers. She turned with her hands clasped. “Lucille, it’s good to see you.”

  We put our cheeks together in a greeting. “You as well.”

  “I’m glad to hear your mission went sold well. And to think he saved your life like that. How does it feel to have your first charge. The first human you must protect from the evil’s of the world?”

  “It was unexpected but a pleasant surprise. There was more good in him than I ever could have suspected by looking at just his appearance. I was wrong before. You were right.”

  “Of course I was. I am the wisest of the wise, but you couldn’t be told that. You needed to see it to believe it.”

  I nodded my head down.

  “You will leave here in seven days. Your day of birth is approaching. The day you will become a grand angel is upon us. Let’s hurry. There is much to do.”


  Seven days went by in a whirl wind and at the same time, they dragged on forever. Each day that went on seemed to take longer to complete than the day before it.


  By the sixth day I felt…strange. In the morning I was queasy and in the afternoon I had strange sweats and was craving human food. I didn’t know what was wrong with me, but I hoped being on Earth would help. I felt like I wanted a big juicy steak. Which was crazy because I had never had a steak in my life, so how could I crave it?

  Then it happened. I had my ceremony and was officially born as an angel. Now I was ready to go to Earth, watch over Gerard and offer any guidance I could. When I wanted or needed rest, I would be able to return to heaven whenever I wished.

  “Are you ready?” Jessica asked.

  I stood with my wings spread eagle and I gave them a hearty flap. “I am ready as ever.”

  “Then go, my darling. Go and prosper.” She nodded along with the other angels in my room.

  I dove out of the heavens and was gone.

  Until I arrived on Earth.


  Now that Gerard was mine to protect, I knew where he was at all possible times. So it was easy to know where he worked and find his mechanic shop. I just simply arrived there with a blink of an eye.

  I had never smelled oil so when I walked into the shop it hit me hard. I nearly vomited and put a hand to my mouth, controlling myself.

  Taking a deep breath I walked up to the counter and rang the bell for assistance. “Coming!” Came from the back. I recognized the voice. It was Gerard. My heart skipped a beat.

  When he came from the back, he was wearing blue overalls and had some grease on his hands. “Lucy.” He whispered and wiped his hands on a cloth before tossing it onto the floor.

  “I was beginning to think I would never see you again.” He said.

  Being with him was like a breath of fresh air. “Did you get my note?”

  “Oh the dove?” Gerard laughed. “You know I think having a cell phone might be easier.”

  “Perhaps,” I said coyly, approaching him. I hadn’t really planned on what would happen next. What he would say. Would I allow him to touch me? Ravage my body as he ounce did? I tried to pretend that I was all about duty and honor, my job. I wasn’t born. I was created. I existed to do a job, but when I stared into his eyes, there was only one thing I wanted.

  I touched the collar of his overalls. “I came as soon as I could.”

  His eyes were steady, studying me and I studied him. “Nothing to say then about where you were? What you were doing? When you learned to train doves?”

  “How about first we say hello?” I said with a great hunger.

  “Hello.” Gerard grumbled and a moment later, he kissed me, pushing me backward against the wall. Instantly we were back where we left off in the apartment when we parted last. His lips were soft, sensual. Steam growing between us as I unzipped his coveralls and he lifted my skirt over my hips.

  I grinded against him, my fingers dancing across his pecks. I pulled him closer, our open mouths searching for each other. “Take me,” I purred in a husky whisper against his cheek.

  Gerard lifted my legs like I weighed nothing at all. I wrapped them high up on his waist and locked my ankles. Still we were kissing and grinding against each other like animals. I never felt so alive, so happy, felt so….incredible.

  “I need you so bad, baby,” Gerard whispered his dick finally against me, pushing its way inside. He groaned, so deep inside me I began to quiver. “Sweet mother of Jesus…” He muttered, his eyes closed, his limbs trembling.

  And there we were, making love against the wall. My insides felt like they were swelling, overflowing with lust. I wanted only this for the rest of my life. I forgot what it was I was supposed to be doing.

  I moaned, my breath laboring, my chest barely able to keep up as my heart raced in my chest. “Gerard,” I whispered and our eyes locked.
I saw such desire and love in his, I was taken off guard for a moment. I never expected man to look at me that way.

  “Oh God,” Gerard groaned, “You are amazing Absolutely…” He throttled me, going faster, harder and my insides were screaming for relief.

  I was jarred against the wall, my legs out stretching behind him, as every bit of me began to tremble.

  We hit the high note together. Our eyes closed, we gripped each other, kissing slowly, sensually. His hands caressed my back, holding me up high. Neither one of us wanted to let the other go.

  “Hello.” I said with a smile, my teeth pulling on his bottom lip.

  He buried his face in my hair and deeply inhaled. “There’s something I promised myself I’d tell you if I ever saw you again.” Gerard said as he placed me down.

  “What is it?” I asked with baited breath.

  Alarm crept across his face. “My God, you’re bleeding.”

  I looked down and saw he was right. My vagina was flowing red with blood, like a river.

  The Hospital

  He rushed me to the hospital and the ER saw me immediately. I was embarrassed to answer their questions about sexual relations, but if there was something wrong with me, I needed to know.

  It was strange. Angels were immortal, so why was I injured. Was it possible because I betrayed my order? My God?

  Gerard never left my side, even when they performed an ultrasound on me. He held my hand and when the doctor turned, we were both stressed and on edge.

  “Well, it is kind of soon and you probably weren’t expecting this from the look on your faces, but congratulations are in order. You’re going to be parents. Just some left over implantation bleeding. Looks to be about three weeks along.”

  I watched the color drain out of Gerard’s face and my blood pressure skyrocketed. How could I be pregnant? I was an angel. He was human. This wasn’t supposed to happen. Now what the hell was I going to do?

  The order was going to kill me, and maybe him. They’d never let me keep the baby. Not if I wanted to continue to be an angel. The only choice was to become a fallen angel. Become a human permanently. Unless I aborted. But if they found out. I’d be worse than a fallen angel for killing an innocent life. I might as well be a demon.

  We drove to Gerard’s place in silence. He didn’t even say anything as we sat down on the sofa. He was deep in thought and lost to me, I figured he was going to tell me to abort it. Get rid of it. Or get rid of me.

  I put my hand on his thigh and he jumped. “Sorry.” He muttered and ran his hand through his hair. “I’m acting like a real jerk, aren’t I?”

  I shrugged. “We’re both in shock. I’m guessing this isn’t something either of us was expecting today.”

  “No.” Gerard admitted. “I wasn’t sure what he had. If I was going to see you again. I know you make me feel something I haven’t felt in a long time.” He sighed. “I was going to tell you about her when I saw you again. Alexis.”

  Beauty and pain struggled for a place on his face. “My wife. A long time ago. We were young. Stupid. Who knows if we would have made it, but she died of cancer less than two years after we were married. No kids. No nothing. Like it never happened.”

  “I’m sorry.” I whispered.

  “Truth is, I figured I’d always be alone. I’ve had woman but not the kind who stick around in the morning. You know? Kids, all of it, I just never thought…”

  “So, you want me to get rid of it?” I asked and I wasn’t ready for my heart to be crushed when I said the words, but it was.

  “God, no.” Gerard’s eyes were wide. “What I mean is, I see a real future for us. If that’s what you want. If you want to keep this baby, I can turn my life around. Move out of this crummy apartment.” He took both of my hands in his and gave them a hard squeeze. “I haven’t been happy in a long time, Lucy. I guess I just needed a reason to change.”

  Maybe I was his guardian angel after all. If I got him to change his life, be a better person, maybe that was what I was here for in the first place. Could it be our child was destined to be born?

  Or was I just deluding myself into believing we could be happy?

  I didn’t know. But I leaned forward to kiss him anyway. Whatever tomorrow would bring, whatever the angels would say when they found out, I’d have to worry about it tomorrow.




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