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Make It Right

Page 5

by Shannon Flagg

  “Yes, please. Are you sure that you don't mind?”

  “Babe, why do you think I picked this apartment out of all the ones I looked at?”

  “You picked an apartment because you thought I'd like the tub?”

  “I picked the apartment because the tub made me think of you. Not that it took much for me to think about you. I'll grab you something to put on once you're done.”

  An idea occurred to Amelia, maybe it was the way that he was looking at her or the fact that he'd obviously been thinking about her even when she was gone. Maybe she was just crazy. Probably she was just crazy. “Hey Danny?”

  “Yeah, Baby?”

  “Do you think that I could just stay here with you and not go back to the house?” Once the words were said, there was no taking them back, and Amelia considered that he could refuse her. In fact, she was sure that he was going to say no when he didn't say anything at all. “Or not, it's fine. I mean, I've got money to stay in a hotel.” Except that she didn't, but that was a whole different story. “You know what? Just forget that I asked.”


  “I said forget that I asked.” Amelia heard her voice crack and turned away from him.

  “No.” He repeated and then she felt hands on her arms. He turned her around to face him. “I won't forget that you asked. Of course you can stay here. Did you really think that I'd say no?”

  “Of course not,” Amelia lied. She smiled up at him. “So, what about the grand tour?”

  “Don't change the subject.” He shook his head. “You thought that I'd say no? You really did.”


  “You don't trust me like you used to, and I understand that, but I need you to try—especially now with everything that's going on. Can you do that?”

  “I can try.”

  Chapter Four

  “Fuck me.” Amelia sighed the words as she looked around the bar Nightshade called home. She'd been there at least a thousand times before, but tonight she'd rather be anywhere else in the world. “You didn't say she'd be here because you knew that I'd have stayed at your house.” She forced a smile on her face as Missy, Royal's wife, strode towards them.

  “Don't be pissed.”

  “Too late for that.” But it was also too late to turn around and walk out, so Amelia continued to smile as the perfectly primped blonde woman walked over to them.

  “Oh, Amelia. I heard about your sister and niece, I am so so sorry. If there's anything that you need, you let me know and I'll see it's taken care of.” Missy looked over to Danny. “Royal and the rest of the guys are downstairs already.”

  Amelia dug her nails into Danny's palm as hard as she could. He'd failed to mention that there was a meeting tonight, which meant that he'd be locked downstairs with the guys and she'd be up here with Missy. She was going to kill him with a fucking smile the first chance that she'd got. Honestly, she'd rather stand outside in her underwear than spend any time with Missy.

  “I shouldn't keep them waiting.” Danny cleared his throat and extracted his hand from Amelia's. “I'll be back in a few.” He leaned in and kissed her on the lips.

  Amelia didn't pull back, but she didn't let him deepen the kiss, either. Nope, he was firmly in the doghouse and he knew it. He ended the kiss, stroked the side of her face, and then he was gone. “Come on.” Missy took her by the arm. “You look like a woman who needs a drink.”

  She needed more than a drink because this was going to be all kinds of awkward. She and Missy had never been friends, despite the sugary sweet way the woman was being with her now; when you added in the Fiona, Taylor and Royal connection it was almost too much. Amelia told herself that at least the night couldn't get any worse, and then they reached the bar.

  Immediately she recognized the half-dressed brunette tending bar, and Amelia's first thought was violence. “Bring us a bottle of my wine, Allison.” Missy's voice was still cheerful, a little giddy even. Of course, the sugary sweet greeting had been because she knew that she had this little jewel tucked away behind the bar. “I hope that Merlot is okay. It's a really lovely bottle.”

  Amelia turned her head at the sound of her name and was almost knocked on her ass by a laughing blonde woman. “You're here! Earl wasn't sure but I figured that I'd tag along just in case you were. You look fantastic. I missed you.”

  “Hey, Jackie.” Amelia returned the embrace, felt tears sting the back of her eyes. She'd missed her friend, too, but she was too close to Nightshade to keep in touch with.

  “Jackie.” Missy sounded slightly annoyed. “We were about to have some wine. Would you like to join us?”

  “Normally, I never say no to wine but since I'm cooking another kid I'm going to have to pass. I will take some water, though.” If it had been awkward before, it was now downright uncomfortable as Jackie and Missy engaged in a stare down. Amelia half expected to hear ominous music start playing. Finally Jackie looked away.

  “Bring her a bottle of water, Allison.” Missy tapped her nails on the bar, a sure sign of her irritation.

  “Bring me tequila instead of wine,” Amelia added. There was no way any amount of wine was going to cut it tonight. “I need something stronger than wine.” She flashed a smile at Missy and hoped it would ease the sudden tension.

  “Who can blame you?” Jackie shook her head. “I just saw Fiona a couple of weeks ago for lunch with the kids. It's crazy to think that the two of them just disappeared.”

  “Yeah, that's putting it lightly,” Amelia said shortly. “I don't want to be a bitch, but could we just talk about something else?”

  “Of course.” Jackie patted her on the back. “Want to see pictures of Aiden? He's going to be five. I don't know what I'm thinking doing it all over again.”

  “I'd love to see them.” Amelia would even sit through vacation slides from the most boring vacation on earth if it meant that she could do so without having to have any kind of conversation with Missy. “Do you have them now?”

  “Excuse me, Ladies, I've got to take care of something.” Missy took the glass of wine that Allison placed in front of her and walked away from the bar.

  Amelia managed to hold back her relieved sigh. “Come on, let's go find somewhere to sit and you can show me all the pictures you want as long as you show them to me very slowly.”

  “Yeah, I figured you weren't in the mood for Missy.”

  “That's an understatement.” Amelia began to scan the room, looking for a spot where they might manage a little privacy, in fact the farther out of the way the better. She saw the front door open and froze at the sight of James Monroe. She forgot about Jackie. She forgot about everything and started to walk towards him.

  There was only one reason she could think of why he'd be in the bar and why he had that expression on his face. Amelia came to a stop in front of him. She opened her mouth to speak but no sound came out. “Where's Royal?”

  “Downstairs.” Amelia replied. She followed as James started towards the door that would lead down there. “The door is going to be locked. They're not going to come out until they're done, so just tell me what the hell is going on.”

  “I've got to talk to Royal. That's what's going on.” James pulled his phone out of his pocket.

  “You do realize that they don't take their phones in with them, right?” Amelia grabbed him by the arm, pulled him away from the door and towards the kitchen, where she hoped it would be quieter. “This is about my family, isn't it? Tell me.”

  “I can't. I promised that I'd talk to Royal first.” He said finally.

  “And why would my husband make you promise that?” Missy's voice from behind James made Amelia jump. She'd been so focused on him that Missy had been able to sneak up on them.

  “You'd have to ask him that.” James recovered quicker than Amelia could and turned to face the blonde.

  “Hmm.” Missy crossed her arms over her chest. “Seems to me that if you know something about Amelia's family, you're supposed to speak to the next o
f kin, Detective.”

  “Seems to me that this isn't any of your concern.”

  Amelia was once again watching and waiting for an ominous score to start playing. What was with all the sudden tension between Missy and everyone else? She really didn't have time to waste thinking about it. All she wanted was to know what James had found out. “James, please!”

  “How about we all take a breath?” Jackie spoke as she walked over to them. “This might not even be about Fiona and Taylor. It might be club stuff.”

  “Yeah, it's club stuff.” James looked everywhere but at Amelia so she knew that he was lying. “And I don't think Royal would appreciate a scene.”

  “You're right. He wouldn't.” Royal himself spoke from the other side of the hall. No one had seen the basement door open and him come out. “You've got something to talk to me about, James?”

  Amelia kept her eyes on James as he nodded. He might not have said the words yet, but the expression on his face said everything. Once again all she could hear was the blood rushing through her head, just like in the basement. Anger battled sadness. She wasn't sure which was going to win. Maybe it didn't matter, because if her heart beat any harder surely she'd just keel over right there without ever knowing what really happened to the only family she had left. There were too many people, all of them looking at her and the ones around her kept touching her. Amelia struck out at the person closest to her as they patted her on the back. “Don't touch me.”

  “Give her some space.” Royal's order was sharp. Amelia felt even more self-conscious as everyone stepped back from her. “Everyone find something else to do, now.” Amelia knew that he knew what she did, he knew that James hadn't come here for a social call. “Let's talk, James.”

  Amelia moved forward; there was no reality where she stayed behind. Danny came from around Royal, tried to take her hand, but she pulled away and followed Royal and James into the small bar office. Danny came in behind them and shut the door.

  James spoke first. “There were two bodies found in a house on Essex Street tonight.” Amelia gasped. Essex Street was two blocks from the Mason house. In fact, she'd driven down it to get to the house. “It was 23 Essex. I think that you'll recognize the address since I clearly remember seeing a Davenport Development sign on the lawn a while back.”

  “We finished that place six months ago.” Royal replied. “Wasn't that big a job, really. The owner had kept the house in decent shape.”

  “Why are we talking about a fucking house?” Amelia couldn't stay silent any longer. “Say it plainly, James. Were the bodies Fiona and Taylor?”

  “Yes.” His voice cracked as he spoke, he was battling back tears, but she couldn't even think about that now. With one word he'd brought everything crumbling down right on her head. With one word any hope she had was dashed. Reality was dark and twisted as usual. Her family was gone. She'd driven past them at least once without even knowing it. And she was alone.

  “I've got you.” Danny grabbed her as she stumbled. His arms came around her from behind and he rocked his body back and forth. It was supposed to be soothing; he'd held her like this before and she'd found comfort in it.

  “Let me go.” Amelia knew that it was his surprise that allowed her to slip free. There were too many thoughts in her head.

  “I identified them officially.” James told Royal. “She shouldn't have to see them that way.”

  “Thank you for that.” Royal replied.

  “I want to see them. I want to see them now.” Amelia realized that they were starting to talk as if she wasn't even there.

  “I think James is right,” Danny spoke from behind her. “You shouldn't see them like that.”

  “Don't tell me what to do.” She turned to face him. “I want to see them and I'm going to see them. It's not your choice. It's mine.” Amelia realized that she was nearly screaming, she just didn't care.

  “You won't be able to see them now.” James spoke and Amelia whirled towards him. “They've got to be examined at the Medical Examiner's office. It'll be a few days before they're through with them.”

  Amelia knew that there would have to be an autopsy, since they were suspicious deaths. Images of all the crime shows and documentaries that she'd watched, bodies being cut apart and organs weighed. It seemed interesting while she was watching, now that it was her family it just seemed invasive. One more thing completely out of her control.

  “When I can see them, I will see them.” Amelia somehow managed to find her voice and it wasn't shaky at all. It sounded strong. “Guess you're going to want to get back in the house, actually investigate the fucking crime scene now. If you'd listened to me...”

  “Even if I'd listened to you, it would have been too late. Unofficially, the coroner who came to the house said that it looks like they've been dead about ten days.”

  “That's the day after I last spoke to her.” Amelia pressed her hands against her face. There wasn't enough air in the room, maybe not even enough air in the world.

  “What do you need?” Danny spoke from behind her, quietly as if not to spook her. He laid a hand on her back.

  “I don't know.” Amelia said simply. There was too much in her head. She couldn't control the thoughts but she couldn't stop thinking. It didn't make any sense. Nothing made any sense. “I think that I need a drink.”

  “We can definitely handle that.” Royal approached her, his hands moving to touch her face. Amelia flinched, even though his touch was soft. “We will find the person responsible, and they will die. They will die hard and slow. No matter what you think, you are not alone, Amelia. You will never be alone.” In that moment Amelia knew that Fiona had told Royal what her greatest fear was. It was such a confirmation of how much her sister loved him that it broke whatever inside of her had kept the tears away. Once they started, she wasn't quite sure that she'd ever be able to stop crying because no matter what he said, she was indeed alone.

  Her knees went weak. Amelia went to the floor, her arms around her legs and her head on her knees. “Give us a minute.” Danny barked the words and then he was on the ground with her, his arms tight around her. It only made Amelia cry harder. “I'm sorry, Sweetheart. I'm so sorry.”

  It was the last thing that she wanted to hear. Saying sorry had always seemed to be such an inadequate thing to say. She knew that he was sorry. He didn't need to say it. No one needed to say it but Amelia realized that she was likely to hear it over and over again in the days to come. The funeral would be the worst.

  She needed to plan a funeral, see if Fiona had left behind instructions as to what she wanted or a will. The little details made it even more real. Amelia was suddenly certain of one thing, she wasn't strong enough to do this. “Don't leave me again.” She wasn't even sure where the words had come from but there they were.

  “I'm not going to leave you. I won't be that stupid again.”

  “It was stupid,” Amelia sniffled. “Really fucking stupid.” She managed a weak laugh.

  “I know,” he replied. “I'm not going to argue with you on that. Just got to trust me now.”

  Amelia shut her eyes, trusting Danny was a real risk, but if she was going to be honest with herself she already did trust him. Despite the way she'd hated him and cursed the day that he was born numerous times, she'd known that she could trust him the moment that she'd seen him again. “Do you really want to try this again?”

  “Yes.” His answer came with no hesitation at all.

  “Your dick stays in your pants in Detroit, which includes Allison.” She wasn't sure where the words had come from. Apparently grief destroyed the barrier between the brain and mouth. Amelia felt her hands start to shake at the mere sound of the woman's name.

  “I'm not fucking Allison.”

  “I don't need you to say that to make me feel better. I figure there's plenty of women here that you've slept with since you got out. Nothing I can do is going to change that. I can deal with it, but I can't deal with you having anything going with her

  “Didn't I just tell you I'm not sleeping with her? Just so we're clear, I slept with her once while I was on the road. That's the time that you found out about when she came here. I didn't tell her to come here. I didn't want her to come here.”

  “She's still here now.”

  “And she's a pass-around,” he replied. “She works at Missy's salon during the day and takes all comers at night. I haven't been one of the comers.”

  “Okay.” Amelia let out a deep breath. “Can we just get out of here?”

  “You want to go home?”

  “I want to go to your house,” Amelia didn't think she'd ever step foot into the house she'd grown up in again.

  “That's where I was talking about.” Danny pressed his lips to her forehead. “Are you going to be able to ride?”

  “Let's go.”


  Amelia closed her eyes and let the warmth of the water surround her. The scent of the bubbles, something vaguely tropical, helped her feel a little calmer. Danny had whisked her out of the bar without her having to deal with anyone. As soon as they were back in the house he'd ushered her into the bathroom.

  She'd been soaking for a while; she didn't know how long, but she heard Danny in the kitchen. The scent of bacon filled the air. He was cooking for her. He didn't cook as a rule, but when he tried, he got good results.

  It was probably wrong of her to be thinking about what sort of sandwich Danny could be making her with the bacon when Fiona and Taylor were in a morgue somewhere, but she needed to point her mind in another direction or she'd surely go mad. So she focused on the scent of the bacon and the warmth of the water.

  She let her mind linger on Danny. The way that he made her feel with the simplest of touches had always amazed her. Amelia hadn't lost any of the wonder. It didn't have to be a sexual touch, him simply putting his hand on her skin was enough to distract from whatever was running rampant through her mind. When he was near her it felt like them against the world, and for a long time, it had been.

  Her parents hadn't been thrilled that she'd taken up with an older guy, a biker at that, but she'd been 18 and headstrong. They laid down ultimatums, and she'd responded by cutting them out of her life and moving in with Danny. It wasn't long after that they'd gone to City Hall and married, and too soon after he was heading to jail. Then the sky fell; it was her alone against the world.


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