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Virgin for Sale (Yummy Virgins Book 1)

Page 3

by Sam Crescent

  Sitting up with a frown, glancing around the room, I don’t see any signs of her.

  Pushing the blanket off, I see the red bloodstain on the sheets is still there. A mark of what went down last night.

  Shaking my head, running fingers through my hair, I pad toward the bathroom.

  There’s no one there.

  No sign of her at all.

  Checking the time, I see it’s a little after seven, and I don’t like that she’d escaped without me knowing. I’ve never been a heavy sleeper, never, and yet this woman has gone when no one else could.


  Heading back into the bathroom, I take care of my morning wood by taking a piss. Washing my hands quickly, I try to avoid looking at my reflection.

  Failing miserably.

  I look fucking haggard.

  Screwing a virgin, having her suck my cock, certainly doesn’t leave me feeling fucking refreshed.

  I’m pissed off.

  She’s gone, and the worst of it, I don’t even know her name.

  When I head back into the bedroom, there’s a guard in the doorway.

  “Malcolm would like to see you.”

  “He would?”

  It has been a long time since I talked to Malcolm or should I say went and visited him in his office. I’d paid the money upfront last night.

  Why would she go?

  Why not wait and we could have …


  What the hell could we have done?

  No names.

  No contact.

  No nothing.

  The rules had been told to me many times by Dean. It’s why he loved the place so much. Fresh, new pussy that he could ruin.

  Last night wasn’t about ruining her.

  It had been about giving her an experience of a lifetime, and the truth of the matter was, there’s no way I could walk away. Not after looking at her picture. It had been impossible to do.

  She called to me, and now I’m starting to feel like a fucking crazy person.

  Pulling on my pants and shirt, I follow the guard out of the room, aware that he merely closes the door.

  This is so fucking crazy.

  He leads the way to Malcolm. Small talk isn’t for me, but for some reason, I’m angry.

  “How does it feel to just stand outside these rooms all night, listening to them fuck?”

  “It’s none of my business what goes on inside these rooms. I’m here to do my job. To take care of them if something bad happens.”

  “They’re fucking total strangers. How bad could it be?” The question even sounds stupid.

  The guard pauses outside of what I assume is Malcolm’s office.

  “You’d be surprised how many men think this is a place to abuse women. It’s not. I’ve had to step in too many times because he thinks a no-holds-barred night means he can beat the living shit out of a woman. Not going to happen. Not on my watch.” He knocks on the door, and Malcolm’s firm “Come in” can be heard. “You better enter.”

  The truth is I’ve no desire to see Malcolm.

  If the son of a bitch of a guard hadn’t opened the door, I wouldn’t have gone in.

  I wonder if he read that on me.

  Shrugging, I head inside to the little pimp sitting behind his desk.

  Malcolm is a rich man. He owns the best nightclubs the city has to offer, and now with this venture, he’s completely loaded. I’m surprised there aren’t virgins strapped to cages in his office to tempt him.

  He’s alone, and he looks fucking pissed.

  “How are you doing this fine morning?” I ask, taking a seat opposite him and taking the lead.

  He glares.

  Two can play at this game. I stare right back, and neither of us backs down. I know Malcolm has a reputation, but I’m not afraid of him.

  I don’t have time for this. It’s a Saturday morning. The office needs me, and I’ve got more urgent needs than staring down this ugly fucker.

  “The girl last night. I want to know her name.”

  “Not going to happen.”

  Gritting my teeth, I rein in my temper. This guy is pissing me off now.

  There’s no way I’m told no.

  It’s a word I don’t hear or believe in, simple as that.

  “Come on, seriously, you’re going to try and convince me that these women don’t want to know about their date?” It sounds like utter BS to me.

  “I’m telling you all of them know the rules. It’s why they come here and why I do business with them.”

  “Oh, please, you’re a glorified pimp. Selling virgins for them. Making money.”

  Malcolm stares at me. “I thought my setup was beneath you. You once told me I was a piece of shit for even considering this business. I always figured you were an uptight asshole until last night. What was it about this woman?”

  “Screw you.”

  Malcolm smiles, only it doesn’t reach his eyes. “You know, the moment she entered my office, I thought about you. She’s got that lost little doe look. Innocent as they come, but there’s that spark, isn’t there? That little hint of darkness that draws a man in.”

  “Tell me about her and her name and we’ll call it even.”

  “If you hadn’t paid off the guard outside her door, I may have considered it. You’re in my club. I offer these women protection, and against my orders, you removed hers. For that reason, I won’t be telling you a single fucking thing about her.”

  “How much will it cost me?” I ask.

  “Nothing, because you’re not getting her information. You got one night without supervision. Consider it a parting gift.”

  “You’re fucking serious right now?”

  “As the fucking dead,” Malcolm says. “I don’t get it though. Why didn’t you want the guard? I know you. You’re not a prude.”

  I shrug. “I didn’t want the guy in on my business. Sue me. You really want me to believe this is a respectable business?”

  Malcolm chuckles. “You think it’s not?”

  “You sell girls. It’s no better than a brothel.”

  The man opposite me sits back. He’s staring at me as if I’ve lost my mind, and maybe I have. I can’t exactly think straight right now. Being told no is new for me. I’m used to getting what I want.

  “You know, this was a new venture for me a few years ago. It was something I stumbled upon because a friend of mine has a sister. You don’t need to know all the details, but the sister’s friend needed money. She didn’t come from wealth, and the only thing she felt she had to bargain with was her virginity. To cut a long story short, she put it on the internet, got a good price for it, and went through with the entire ordeal.”

  This isn’t going to end well.

  “She never lived past that night,” Malcolm says. “They found her body three days later. My friend’s sister knew what was happening, and she panicked. When they found her body, the man who bought her had indeed stripped her of her virginity, but he’d also tortured and killed her. The money was never even transferred to her bank account. So, I checked out the site she used, everything. There were a lot of young women selling their virginity for money. You may think I’m a pimp, and that’s okay. In essence, this is a brothel. The girls come to me, I take care of them, protect them, and at the end of the day, they go home, safe. I guaran-fucking-tee it. I’ve got nothing to prove to you. My conscience is very fucking clear. I save these women. I don’t take a huge chunk of their money. They get most of it. I take enough to keep this place running, to pay for the men, and to make a tiny profit for my trouble. If you think for even a second this is always easy for me, it’s not. Some of these women, they’re barely legal. They’ve had a shit upbringing and want to make a change. To some, I’ve seen the looks in their eyes when they think the only thing they’re good for is a fuck. So, don’t even think about lecturing me on what you believe to be right or wrong.”

  Malcolm keeps up his glare as he finishes.

  “So, you’re n
ot going to give me the information I want on that girl?”


  “Son of a bitch! I’m not going to hurt her.”

  “Those are the rules that you signed up for.”

  “And if I find my own means of finding her?”

  “Good luck.”

  “What about her picture?”

  “It has been destroyed. The moment the clock struck six this morning, all of those details were wiped. I know who she is and what she does and even why she needs the money. I won’t be telling you a damn thing.”

  There’s absolutely no point in arguing with him.

  He’s made up his mind, and I’m still pissed.

  She left before I got the chance to talk to her.

  Getting to my feet, I make my way to the door, but he stops me.

  “You want to take the sheet?” Malcolm asks.

  “The sheet?”

  “The bloodstained sheet as a trophy. It’s what you get for your money as well. It’s why all the bedding is white.”

  “Who the fuck does that?” I ask.

  Malcolm smirks. “You’d be surprised. The maid is outside waiting with your sheets.”

  As I leave the office, there is in fact a small woman. She holds a brown bag in which I see the hint of white.

  I take the package from her, not really interested in the damn sheet. It’s the last thing I want.

  Leaving the building, I find Dean, my friend, leaning against my car.

  “Good night?” he asks.

  “I’m not interested in talking right now.”

  “Wow, a night of no strings attached sex and I thought you’d be over the moon, or at least a little happier this morning.”

  “Fuck off.” My mood is getting darker.

  His car is parked several feet from mine.

  “What is your problem?”

  “Do you have any idea what happened last night?”

  “Yeah, you got to taste untouched fruit. Your dick was the first one inside a nice woman. Admittedly, I was surprised you went for the chunky brunette, but still.”

  Clenching my hands into fists, it takes every single ounce of restraint not to plow my fist into his face.

  Following Dean to Cherry last night hadn’t been on my list of things to do. Nor had I any intention of sleeping with a virgin.

  But thinking about her lips around my cock, and the perfect fit of her snug cunt, the memory still turns me on.

  “Get out of my fucking way.” I’m done. I need a shower. To wash off last night so I can put the entire memory out of my mind. Work is what I need to focus on.

  “Are you coming next month?” Dean asks.

  “Next month?”

  “Hell, yeah. There’s always some fresh virgin needing money.”

  “I’ve got better things to spend my money on.” Climbing into my car, I slam the door closed. Putting the key in the ignition, I start up my vehicle. On any other day, all these actions soothe me.

  Today it only serves to make my mood darker.

  Who is this woman that has somehow gotten under my skin? She’d not even tried either.

  The night had been amazing.

  When I first entered that room, she looked like a deer caught in headlights. As the night progressed and she got used to my touch, she relaxed, her smile becoming more natural.

  Shaking my head, I realize I need to get her out of my mind before I lose it.

  It was one night.

  That was all it was going to be.

  I need to remember it was all I paid for.

  Chapter Five


  Six months later

  Okay, keeping calm had to be something to do. A new job at Dunce International is a piece of cake. Going back to college isn’t happening, and with Kerry now recovering from her illness, an apartment, and sending her to a good school, I need more money. A good job will provide that for her.

  Getting the job hadn’t been easy. The program had been a month long with over fifty applicants, all of them college dropouts.

  Yep, Dunce International actually has a program within their company to help with college dropouts like me and of course fifty others. On the application I was given, they demanded a brief explanation as to why you quit. I wonder what the other applicants put. For me, I put personal problems as I had to adopt my sister and she’d been sick.

  My grades had been brilliant up until that revelation.

  It hadn’t exactly been a revelation. I’d gone home early, at least two hours before I was supposed to, when I saw my stepfather raping my sister.

  Yep, it had been a huge change in my life.

  Fortunately, Kerry is a fighter. She is also in counseling, but that doesn’t seem to be helping. We live in a small apartment, and she goes to a great school.

  All from my virgin money.

  It had been a shock to get the amount that I had.

  Every single cent of it went to helping Kerry.

  So, back at work. After one month of tiring shifts, of proving myself, of showing that I had what it took, I got the job, along with four other people.

  I’d heard some of the employees gossiping about us behind our backs. There was a bet on to see who would last the longest.

  I don’t know where I fit into it all.

  It would seem my name had been placed around the middle. There was some entitled jock who they thought would shine brighter because he had a good last name and came from a well-to-do family. The rest of us didn’t stand a chance.

  Still, it’s why I’m standing outside the elevator at seven in the morning, carrying sixty files in my arms, holding them tight against my chest. Glancing at my reflection in the metal doors, for a brief moment I allow myself to think about him. The man who had completely blown my world apart.

  He’d given me a night to remember, and when I was alone in my bed, staring up at my ceiling, I allowed myself a chance to dream. To think of his hands as they held me. We’d fucked more than once. He’d surprised me by how many times he wanted to go. The way he held me in place, putting me on my knees or back, or making me take him, to stare into his eyes as he filled me.

  I’d been raw for days.

  Walking had been a problem, but seeing as I had to take care of Kerry, I’d not allowed myself to dwell.

  Walking, talking, pretending everything was fine, I’d gone about my business until I got to this moment.

  The memories are all I have left.

  Dating isn’t part of my life.

  Kerry and now work fill my world.

  I’d cut my hair though.

  Every chance he got, he’d run his fingers through it, gripping the length tight, driving me wild and making me just fall apart from the pleasure I could have at his fingertips.

  Tapping my foot on the floor, I wonder if the stairs will be easier. Whoever is keeping the elevator is at the underground parking level. They are probably talking and keeping the door open.

  Just as I’m about to turn to walk the stairs, the elevator starts to move. There’s no reason why I shouldn’t wait now.

  Glancing over my shoulder, I see I’m the only one waiting.

  The door pings open, drawing my attention. Turning around, I step onto the elevator, not staring at the other three people inside because it would show my impatience and I love my job.

  Not causing any waves is part of the job.


  “Top for me.”

  The man presses the button, and away we go.

  Lifting my head up, I gasp as I see him. His blue eyes are staring right back at me. The man that I sold my virginity to. The man I wasn’t going to see ever again is standing in the elevator with me.

  My cheeks heat as my heart races. Holding onto the files with a death grip, I try, and probably fail, to look calm and collected.

  This is a nightmare.

  Malcolm didn’t tell me what to do if I was ever to come face to face with the man.

  Please move. Please
move. I need to get out of here.

  My palms are sweaty.

  The elevator stops three floors from where I need to be.

  The doors open, and as I’m about to step out to make my escape, he catches my arm, stopping me. No one looks back as I’m trapped.

  There is no way I could scream or draw attention to myself.

  This job pays well. It would allow me to make a damn good life for me and my sister. Ruining all of that by screaming about a potential client wouldn’t allow that.

  “You don’t need to run off.”

  His grip tightens around my arm, pulling me back.

  In the next second, he reaches out, pressing the stop button, and we stop still.

  I watch as he goes to the panel of the elevator and suddenly flicks a button.

  Being in small, confined spaces is a real problem for me. A few seconds as I go from one floor to another is fine, but right now I’m panicking.

  He turns back toward me, and I keep hold of the files.

  “Now isn’t this a surprise? What are you doing here?” he asks.

  “I work here.”

  His gaze looks at the files then back at me. His eyes seem to narrow as he stares at my hair.

  Shit, suddenly getting it cut doesn’t seem like a good idea.

  “Since when?”

  “Since when, what?”

  “How long have you worked here?”

  “A month. I’m part of the college dropout program.” I hate saying that. It’s like admitting failure.

  “You’ve been here a month?”

  I nod.

  “What’s your name?”

  “I don’t have to tell you that.”

  It was the wrong thing to say as he advances toward me. Still keeping hold of my files, I stare right back at him. His hands move out to trap me in the corner of the elevator. We’ve stopped, and I’m guessing he’s turned the security camera off, so no one knows I’m here.

  Tilting my head back to look at him, I wait.

  His lips are pressed into a smirk.

  “My name, angel, is Chase Dunce.” He pauses, clearly giving me a few seconds to realize that he’s the boss. “Yeah, I see. Now, tell me your name.”

  “I don’t like this.”

  “We’re not at Cherry anymore. There’s nothing for you to like or hate. Just tell me your name.”


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