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Wanting You: A Cowboy Romance (Texas Hill Country Romance Book 2)

Page 12

by Mae Martini

  When he rang Jennie’s doorbell, rather, Doug’s doorbell, she had moved in with him after dating him for two weeks, he didn’t anticipate what he would find. She looked a mess. She was much thinner, she had a badly designed and executed tattoo on her arm, he couldn’t even make out what it was, and she had a piercing in her eyebrow. That was not the clean-cut Jennie he knew. But, what scared him the most was the shiner on her right eye. It must have happened recently because it was purple, turning black and blue.

  “Jake, oh, Jake.” She flew into his arms.

  He wrapped her in them and hugged her close. He felt her tremble.

  “I’m scared, Jake. I’m so scared.”

  “Shhh, it’s okay, baby.” He picked her up, distressed that she weighed no more than about ninety pounds. He walked her to the couch and sat down with her. His insides were twisting, he felt so much rage at that point that he knew if Doug were there, he’d be pummeling him and beating the shit out of him.

  After rocking her back and forth, he pried her head off of his chest to look at her face.

  “Jennie, what’s going on? Talk to me.”

  “He hurts me. He always hurts me.”

  “Where is he now?”

  “He’s at Roxy’s with some of his friends. He goes out every Friday night. When he comes home, he’s always drunk…... and angry.”

  “Did you report him?”

  “Huh! No, no. I can’t. It’s all my fault.”

  “What’s your fault?”

  “Everything. I burned his steak last night and he punched me in the thigh.” She wiggled and pulled down her sweatpants.

  Jake sucked in a breath. He pursed his lips together to keep from cursing. There on the inside of her thigh was a large yellow looking bruise, the size of a man’s fist. He couldn’t help notice the ripped panties she wore. So not like her.

  “I’m gonna kill him. I’m gonna kill that motherfu-”

  “No, no. It was my fault. I deserved it,” she said wild-eyed and frantic.

  “Jennie.” He gently shook her. “Stop it. None of it is your fault. He’s abusing-”

  “No, it’s not his fault. He said he loved me.”

  “Baby, listen to me. He is abusing you. You don’t deserve it. You’re a good person.” He brought her upper body to his chest and caressed her hair as she curled up on him and held him tight as she trembled.

  After what seemed like an eternity, she stopped shuddering.


  No answer.

  “Jennie?” He tried again, that time nudging her.


  “Will you show me your body, baby?”

  She cried. “No. I’m too embarrassed. Please don’t make me.”

  “Jennie, please. It’s me, Jake.” He said in hopes of sparking some kind of comfort in past recognition.

  She hesitated, but when she began to ease away from him and wiggle up, he was relieved he got through to her.

  Keeping her eyes focused on the picture on the wall behind the couch, Jennie slowly undressed for him.

  Jake kept it together on the outside, for her sake, but inside he was raging. She had bruises the size of fists on her left breast, her arms, and one on her left hip.

  “Turn around.”

  She hesitated, but then complied.

  Jake saw two bruises, one on her butt that looked to be old and a fresh one on her lower back.

  He rose up, walked to her front and wrapped his arms around her.

  “Let’s get you packed up. You’re not staying here a moment longer.”

  She let out a loud sob. “I have nowhere else to go.”

  “Go home, Jennie.”

  “My parent’s threw me out when I began seeing Doug. He and my dad got into a fist fight.”

  Jake let out a breath. He couldn’t leave her there. “Okay, come home with me.” The words were out of his mouth, even before he knew what he was saying.

  She looked up to him with relief on her face and he knew he couldn’t take it back.

  Jake lost track of time with Jennie. Every time he convinced her to leave and she would start packing, she would have a set back and he had to convince her all over again.

  Chapter 14

  Gia pulled into a parking spot on the side of the Shady Elm as per Jake’s instruction. She got out of the car, taking her rolling suitcase with her. As she walked to the front, she couldn’t help but notice the large charming white Victorian house with a gray roof of different peaks. The right side of the house was rounded and the porch on the left side was bowed out and inviting with six clean white wood rockers and a table between every two with a checkerboard, set up, on two and a chessboard, set up, on one. Hanging flower pots were overflowing with purple and white pansies and a large urn on both sides of the entrance were brimming with the same flowers.

  Gia walked up to the double doors and turned a knob. She stepped into the most appealing grand room she could remember ever seeing. The room was large and uncluttered with a flowered couch, and oversized chairs in a complimenting solid cream color with ottomans to match on either side of the couch, facing a large fireplace with an equally large flat screen TV over it.

  Each solid chair had a fluffy looking throw pillow, the same fabric of the couch. The drapes matched the couch fabric, and the soft white walls with intricately carved crown molding painted in gold added to the grandeur of the room. The coffee table had a large vase with white orchids in it. She did a double take when she looked to the set of bowed windows with a window bench running the length of the space. In front of it was a round table with a marble top, and on it, a large vase of white orchids too.

  Her eyes went to the desk in the far corner of the room. A young woman was sitting there and smiling at her.

  The woman greeted her and as Gia made her way over, she noticed a vase of white orchids on the desk.

  “Hi, my name is Gia Lomusco, I have a reservation for tonight.”

  “Hi, Gia, I’m Lauren. I’ll be happy to help you,” the woman said as she scanned the computer on the desk. “I’m sorry; I don’t see a reservation in that name. Would it be under any other name?”

  “No, it would be that one. Jake made the reservation.” Throwing his name in, in hopes he relayed to this woman that she was expected. Jake told her he would take care of everything and she just assumed he would have put the reservation in her name, or she thought she would be staying in his room, but this woman showed no indication she was expected.

  “Not to worry, we have a room available tonight. How long would you be staying?”

  “Two nights.”

  The woman nodded her head. “Okay, not a problem, I can put you up in the Pecos room. It doesn’t have a bath, but it is on the second floor and the bath is next door.”

  “Do you have anything with a bath?”

  “Um.” She keyed something in and shook her head. “No, the only other room I have is on the third floor, no bath either. It’s the Bosque room. It is a bigger room, though.”

  “No. I’ll take the Pecos. Thank you.”

  The woman asked for Gia’s credit card and began typing the information into the computer.

  Gia scanned around the room again. She remembered Jake telling her that he and Annie named the rooms after rivers in Texas. Oh hell, Gia remembered everything Jake told her. She couldn’t wait to see him. A warm tingling feeling grew inside of her.

  The door to the left of the desk swung opened.

  “Gia, you’re here! Oh good.”

  Gia smiled “Hi, Annie.”

  The two kissed hello.

  “We’re barbequing poolside tonight. I’m just preparing some sides. Why don’t you go up and get comfortable first,” Annie said, noting her skirt suit and high heels. “Then come meet me in the kitchen.”

  “Sounds great. Bathing suit?”

  “Yeah. Why not? Oh, and Jake said he’s running late and should be here around seven-thirty.”

  “Oh, okay.”

p; Lauren, can you show Gia her room so she can freshen up and change? I have to check on a few pies in the oven.”

  “Sure, Annie. I’m almost done with the reservation.”

  “I’ll meet you back down here in about twenty minutes?” Annie turned to Gia.


  Gia entered the kitchen wearing a cobalt blue bikini with a netted mini dress cover-up of the same color, and a pair of gray flip-flops with dangling beads on them.

  Annie was carrying a large tray out the back door when she saw Gia. “Can you grab that tray on the counter and follow me?”

  “Sure.” Gia picked up the tray and the two of them walked to the pool area. They placed the trays down on a table near the grill just as Calista and Rory came in, and everyone kissed hello.

  “Where’s Jake and Cord?” Rory asked, helping himself to a bottle of beer in the cooler near the table.

  “Cord is on his way here and Jake went to see Jennie. He should be here soon.”

  Gia remembered Jake telling her that Jennie was the last girlfriend he had, and hearing that he was going to see her bothered her.

  Annie caught the look on her face. “Oh, um…” Annie stammered.

  “It’s okay.” Gia assured her, but inside, well, it wasn’t. She’d been looking forward to seeing Jake all week, and the week that she had was trying. Her boss came on to her again while they were on a business trip to Oklahoma. He’d been doing that more and more lately and she had just about had enough of him. Randi was still spreading stories about how she stole Jake from her. And it all started with the news her father gave her last week, after Jake had left, that he was divorcing Stefanie. She couldn’t be happier that, that woman would be out of their lives, but she felt so bad for her father. He looked so down and heartbroken. He had thought he would be married for the rest of his life and swore he’d never make that mistake again.

  All she wanted to do was see Jake and be wrapped in his arms. He gave her that comforting, protective feeling whenever she was in them. This little news gave her pause. Why would he want to see his ex, knowing she was flying in to be with him? They never discussed it, but she had thought they were exclusive.

  At eight thirty, Jake still had yet to show up, and he didn’t even call or text anyone. Even though Gia was enjoying herself with Jake’s friends, talking music, sex and horses, she grew more impatient, but she kept it in.

  Rory and Calista sat on a lounge chair next to hers, and she and Calista were laughing and drinking coconut vodka and pineapple juice. Cord and Annie were on a lounge chair next to Rory and Calista and they were making out, ignoring everyone.

  “I made an appointment with Ollie’s tattoo parlor for tomorrow morning at eleven. Can you come with me? I’m going to get my belly button pierced,” Calista asked.

  “Of course. Finally doing it, huh?”

  “Yes. I wasn’t kidding when I said I need you to hold my hand.” Calista laughed. “I’ve been waiting for you to come in. Annie’s coming too.”

  They talked and drank some more and when Gia looked at her watch, it was nine-forty. She had, had a long day and was tired. She sighed; disappointed that Jake never showed or called. She got up from her chair and turned to Calista.

  “I’m going on up to bed. I’ve been up since four-thirty this morning and I can’t keep my eyes open anymo-”

  The gate to the pool swung open. Jake walked through with a dark haired woman. He was holding her hand.

  Upon seeing him, Gia’s expression went from ecstatic to pissed in less than a second.

  Jake zeroed in on her and smiled until he saw her expression change. He dropped Jennie’s hand and walked over to her and kissed her on the lips as he brought his arms around her.

  She didn’t kiss him back.

  “I’m sorry I’m late, baby.” He turned around and motioned for Jennie to come over to them.

  “Gia, this is Jennie.”

  Jennie put a hand out and Gia just looked at it. She brought her gaze up to Jennie’s face and noted the bruises on it. She looked at the whole picture and noted how skinny and frail she looked. Her hair was a tangled mess and her clothes seemed to droop on her. She brought her eyes back to Jake, not understanding.

  The rest of the friends got up and went over to Jennie and kissed her and began talking with her.

  Gia moved further and further back. Jake looked from the excitement around Jennie to where Gia was standing. She wasn’t there. He turned around and looked at the back of the house and saw her walking up the steps in a hurry. Without saying anything to anyone he took off at a jog and caught up with her on the back porch.

  “Hey.” He tugged her arm.

  Gia turned around. “Don’t. Just don’t?” She yanked her arm back.

  “Gia, let me explain.”

  At that point a guest of the inn came walking out the back door.

  “Oh, there you are, Jake. I was wondering if I might have a word with you, if you don’t mind.”

  Jake and Gia looked from each other, to the middle aged man who was staying there with his wife.

  Jake was annoyed that the man chose to walk through the kitchen instead of using the door on the side that had a ‘this way to pool’ sign on it.

  “Excuse me,” Gia politely said as she made her way into the house.

  “How can I help you, sir?” Jake asked in defeat.

  After getting a glass of milk from the fridge and warming it in the microwave for the gentleman to give to his wife, Jake was about to go to his room to see Gia and try to explain.


  He turned around and Jennie was by the door. He looked in the direction of his room, then sighed and turned back to her.

  “Yeah, let’s get you settled.”

  He sat her on the couch in the living room and went to the car to get the suitcase they had packed earlier at Doug’s house. Jake was angry that she didn’t have much to pack. On his way back, he decided to give her the Pecos room. He turned on the computer to double check that no other guests rented the room in his absence.

  “Son of a bitch!” He banged his fist on the desk.

  “Is everything all right, Jake?”

  No, everything’s not all right. I fucken fucked things up with Gia because of…. He stared at Jennie. It would do no good to take it out on her. He went back to looking at the computer to see what other room he could put her in. “Yeah, it’s fine.”

  “Come on.” He walked her to the only room that wasn’t occupied on the third floor. He quickly got her settled and had his hand on the doorknob to leave.

  “Can you stay with me, tonight?” Jennie asked meekly.

  Jake let out a sigh, paused, then turned around. “Jennie, don’t ask me that. I want to help you, but know that you and I are no more.”

  “She’s pretty.”

  He knew she was talking about Gia. “Yeah.”

  “Is she good to you?”


  “Do you love her?”

  “I don’t know. We’re a pretty new relationship…. I don’t want to mess it up.”

  Jennie nodded her head. “I understand.”

  Jake turned around and placed his hand on the doorknob again. “Goodnight, Jennie.”

  “Goodnight, Jake.” And when he left, Jennie began to cry softly.

  Jake paused outside Gia’s door. He didn’t know what to do. There were guests in the room adjacent to her room and he didn’t want to disturb them in case they got into a shouting match. It hurt him that she didn’t want to stay in his room. He thought she would have understood.

  Once inside his room, he plopped down on his bed and looked around. White orchids were all over the place. He wondered what her reaction was when she saw them. He wanted to be there when she did. He turned to his side and punched the pillow. All week, he thought about nothing but holding her all night in his bed.

  That next morning, Gia had her rolling suitcase next to her as she sat on one of the porch chairs. An older couple strolle
d by.

  “Good morning.” They both said at the same time.

  Gia smiled at them. “Good morning.” She nodded her head.

  She looked at her watch. It was only seven-ten. She sighed. Four more hours. She couldn’t leave without going to the tattoo parlor with Calista and Annie so she just sat there and waited.

  “Good morning,” someone said to her.

  She looked up to see an older woman there. She held a tray with two cups on it.

  “Good morning.” She managed to smile.

  “I’m Joan. Annie had called me earlier and asked if I could cover. She’s not feeling well.”


  “Would you like coffee or tea?”

  “Coffee sounds great. Thank you.” Gia took the cup from Joan.

  “Cream, sugar?”

  “Cream, please.”

  “Say when.”

  Gia watched the woman pour. She was a pretty woman. Thin, but a little rounded in the middle. Her short blonde bob was neatly coiffed. Her eyes were a light brown color and very warm.


  The woman smiled as she stopped pouring. “Breakfast should be ready in a half hour.”

  “Thank you, Joan.” She wasn’t going to go in and eat. She didn’t want to run into Jake or Jennie.

  Joan nodded her head and walked the length of the porch and Gia watched until she disappeared around the corner.

  It’s really quite lovely here, Gia thought. The sun was shining, the birds were chirping and there was a little breeze which helped the smell of the flowers waft her way. It was peaceful and pretty. She took a sip of her coffee.

  “Her boyfriend beat her. I couldn’t not help her.”

  Gia picked her head up and turned to Jake. He was leaning against the doorjamb. Gia scanned his frame. He wore a faded pair of jeans with a large belt buckle, a tight charcoal colored T-shirt and a pair of worn cowboy boots. He held his cowboy hat in his hands and his blond hair was spiky like he had just gotten up out of bed. She inwardly sighed at how sexy he looked and longed to run her fingers through his soft hair.

  “Where are you going?”

  “Nowhere at the moment. I promised your sister I would go with her to get her belly button pierced. Then I’m going to go to the W and see if I can get a room.”


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