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The Story of Black

Page 33

by John Harvey

  Photo © 2012 The Ansel Adams Publishing Rights Trust: 101; from William Harrison Ainsworth, Mervyn Clitheroe (London, 1858): 75; from William Harrison Ainsworth, The Tower of London (London, 1840): 74; photo akg-images: 91; photo akg-images/Album/M.G.M.: 94; photo akg-images/Album/Oronoz: 58; photo akg-images/Album/RKO: 92; photo akg-images/British Library, London: 84; photo akg-images/Erich Lessing: 34, 66, 68; photo akg-images/Rabatti-Domingie: 12; photo akg-images/Schütze/Rodemann: 57; photo akg-images/VIEW Pictures Ltd: 95, 96; Gnadenkapelle, Altötting, Bavaria: 18; Antalya Museum, Turkey: 17; reproduced courtesy of the artist (Peter Peri): 104; from L’Association mensuelle (18 January 1834): 77; photo Philipp Bier: 96; British Library, London (Add. Ms. 42130): 30; British Museum, London (photos © The Trustees of the British Museum): 4, 6, 7, 11, 16, 28; photos © The Trustees of the British Museum: 8, 20, 22, 51, 76, 88; photo courtesy Dr Angelandrea Casale: 14; photo De Agostini Picture Library/Bridgeman Art Library: 3; © Dedalus Foundation, Inc./DACS, London/VAGA, New York 2013: 99; from the First Report of the Commissioners for Inquiring into the Employment and Condition of Children in Mines and Manufactories (London, 1842) [Parliamentary Papers, London, 1842 – B.S.Ref.18 (vol. 17, 65)]: 84; The Frick Collection, New York: 21; Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence: 13, 39; Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Antica, Rome: 49; Gemälde -gallerie, Berlin: 45; photos © Georgia O’Keeffe Museum/DACS, 2013: 79, 100; The J. Paul Getty Museum, Malibu, California: 65; photo by Hickey-Robertson, Rothko Chapel, Houston, Texas: 100; © 1998 Kate Rothko Prizel & Christopher Rothko ARS, NY and DACS, London: 100; Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum, Glasgow: 24; Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna: 37; Kunstmuseum, Basel: 23; from Mårten Lange, Anomalies (Göteborg, 2009 – reproduced courtesy of the artist [Mårten Lange]): 102; photos Library of Congress, Washington, DC (Prints and Photographs Division): 27, 59 (Frank and Frances Carpenter Collection), 64 (Civil War Photograph Collection), 90; from Cesare Lombroso and Guillaume Ferrero, La Donna deliquente: La Prostituta e la donna normale (Turin, 1893): 60; © Victor Man, courtesy the artist (Victor Man), Gladstone Gallery, New York and Brussels, and Blum & Poe, Los Angeles: 105; Marienkirche, Halle an der Saale, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany: 57;. Mauritshuis, the Hague: 44; Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York: 14, 32, 43, 68, 80; photo R. & S. Michaud/akg-images: 9, 26; from Milton’s ‘Paradise Lost’ illustrated by Gustave Doré (London, 1882): 56; Musée du Louvre, Paris: 36, 42, 66, 85; Museo e Gallerie Nazionale di Capodimonte, Naples: 40; Museo Gregoriano Etrusco, Rome: 10; Museo del Prado, Madrid: 31, 38; The Museum of London: 70; National Gallery, London: 48, 52, 86; National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC (Widener Collection): 83; Offentliche Kunstsammlung, Basel 53; photo Timothy O’Sullivan: 59; Palazzo Pitti, Florence: 12; Palazzo Vecchio, Florence: 33; Pierpoint Morgan Library, New York: 55; private collections: 1, 3, 34, 67; courtesy of Raster Gallery, Warsaw: 106; photo Reinraum: 18; Royal Collection: 35, 73, 89 (photo courtesy Victoria and Albert Museum, London); Royal Geographical Society, London (photo RGS Library): 61; Royal Holloway College Picture Collection (University of London): 87; photo Bibi Saint-Pol: 19; Sant’Agostino, Rome (Cavaletti Chapel): 41; Staatliche Antikensammlungen, Munich: 19; Städelsches Kunstinstitut, Frankfurt: 46; State Hermitage Museum, St Petersburg: 50; Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam: 97; photo © Succession H. Matisse/DACS 2013: 98; Tate, London: 81; photo courtesy Topfoto: 93; Topkapı Palace Museum, Istanbul: 25; photo Hugh Tuffen: 2; from Vathmethon: Photographies (Thessaloniki, 2011): 103; from a set of prints, the Vita et Miracula Sanctissimi Patris Benedicti (1658): 20; from Herbert Ward, Five Years with the Congo Cannibals (London, 1890): 62; from The Works of Mr William Shakespear in Six Volumes (London, 1709): 54; from The Yellow Book (15 April 1894): 78.


  Abbasid Caliphate 89–92

  Adams, Ansel, Moonrise 283, 101


  Eumenides 42

  The Libation Bearers 42, 68

  Suppliant Women 42

  Africa 14, 24–7, 63, 70–73, 160–87

  animals, black 20–24

  cats 23–4

  eagles 83–4, 93–4

  ravens 21, 3

  horses 21–3, 194, 3, 73

  Apelles 46–9

  Aristotle 7, 44–5, 139

  Astaire, Fred 263, 92

  Augustine, St 69, 73

  Avicenna (Ibn Sina) 139

  Babylon 27–8

  Balenciaga, Cristóbal 264

  Batchelor, David, Chromophobia 283–4, 288

  Batman 290

  Beardsley, Aubrey, cover for The Yellow Book 221, 268, 78

  Beckett, Samuel, Not I 293

  Beeton, Mrs Isabella, Book of Household Management 211–12, 214

  Behn, Aphra, Oroonoko 170–71

  Bergman, Ingmar, The Seventh Seal 302–4

  Berlin black 213–14

  Berlin, Brent, and Paul Kay, Basic Colour Terms 13–14

  Bernal, Martin, Black Athena 163

  Bernard of Clairvaux, St 73–6

  Bewick, Thomas 216


  in alchemy 314 n. 1

  animals see animals

  in Arab culture 84–9

  in architecture 54, 272–3

  in armour 95, 102, 107

  in astrology 28, 141

  in board games 27, 301, 304

  clothing see clothing

  in contemporary design 272–3

  and depression 138–51, 206, 280–81

  devils 70–73, 156–8

  in Ethiopia 63, 70–73

  and fantasy 288–91

  and Fascism 260, 271–2

  in film 287–92, 302–3

  flooring 51–2

  food 57

  gods 29–37, 63–6,

  in heraldry 93

  and industry 230–40

  in interior decoration 50, 106, 212–5, 272, 14

  jewellery 12–13, 39, 53–4, 212–13, 16

  and leprosy 175–6

  in linguistics 10–11, 39, 163

  Madonnas 74, 18

  masks and masquerades 197–206, 67, 69, 70, 71

  and melancholy 137–59

  minerals 19

  in mosaics 52–3

  and mourning see mourning

  musical instruments 106

  and mysticism 78–9, 88–9

  in optics 191–4

  outlines 25

  and the Passion 77–9, 23, 24

  in photography 221–5, 282–6

  pigment 11, 46, 50, 55, 128

  plants 19–20

  in pornography 267–8

  pottery 39–42, 45–6

  printing ink 129–31

  sculptures 27, 55, 17

  shoe polish 214, 236

  and sin 69–74

  as skin colour 63, 70–74, 95, 161–87

  in state funerals 250–55

  and syphilis 176

  tattoos 25, 62

  in tragedy 42–3, 66, 148–51, 154–5

  and the underworld 43–4, 57–8

  and witches 204, 268–70

  in visual art 46–9, 77, 79, 99–135, 215–30, 246–7, 273–87, 295–9

  black bile 137–44

  Black Country, UK 231

  Black Death 98–9, 259, 291

  Black Diamond, Copenhagen 272–3, 96

  black eyes 143, 203–4

  black holes 11, 295

  black jokes 291–2

  Black Monday, Wednesday 291

  Black Prince, Edward, the 95

  Black Stone, Mecca 88

  Black Stone of the White Fathers 183

  black tie 260–63

  black Venus 171

  black water 132–3, 48, 49

  Blair, Robert, The Grave 206

  Blake, William 204, 235

  illustration to ‘Il Penseroso’ 153, 55

  ‘The Sick Rose’ 70

  Botticelli, Sandro, The Calumny of Apelles 47–9, 13

  Bower, Edward, Charles 1 at His Trial 107, 35

  Boyle, Robert, Experiments Touching Colours 192–3

  Brontë, Charlotte, Shirley 211–12, 233

  Bronzino, Agnolo, Portrait of a Young Man 100, 32

  Browne, Hablot Knight, illustration to Mervyn Clitheroe 217–19, 75

  Browne, Sir Thomas, ‘Of the Blackness of Negroes’ 168–9

  Bruegel the Elder, Pieter, The Triumph of Death 99, 302, 31

  Brunswick Black 214

  Buoninsegna, Duccio di, Temptation of Christ 73, 21

  Burney, Fanny, Cecilia 205

  Burton, Robert, Anatomy of Melancholy 140–44, 149–50, 152, 156

  Byron, Lord George Gordon 204

  Caravaggio, Michelangelo Merisi da 113–25, 258

  Alof de Wigancourt 121, 42

  Bacchus 114, 39

  David Victorious over Goliath 114, 38

  The Flagellation of Christ 117, 40

  The Madonna of Loreto 117–20, 41

  Narcissus 132–3, 49

  Carlyle, Thomas 231–2, 243

  Chanel, Coco (Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel) 264, 93

  Charles I 103–7

  Charles II 196

  Chevreul, Michel Eugène, Principles of Harmony and Contrast of Colours 225–6

  clothing, black 12–13, 42–3, 54–5, 61–2, 258–72

  academic 97–8

  Burgundian 94, 263–4

  clerical 74–7, 96–8

  Dutch 125–7

  English 103–7, 209–13, 241–3, 258–72

  French 103, 189–90, 243

  Islamic 83–94

  Italian 99–100, 114–16, 260

  Spanish 94, 100–03

  colour, versus monochrome 283–8

  colour vision 9–10, 12, 284–7

  colour words 10–14, 39, 163

  Cowper, William 171, 173

  Cranach, Lucas, workshop, St Maurice 57

  Cruikshank, George, Mauger Sharpening His Axe 217, 74

  Dalí, Salvador, Christ of St John of the Cross 79, 24

  Darwin, Charles 174, 178–9

  Daumier, Honoré, Le Ventre législatif 220, 77

  David, Jacques-Louis, Monsieur Lavoisier and His Wife 197, 68

  Degottex, Jean 279–80

  Delaroche, Paul, The Execution of Lady Jane Grey 247, 86

  Dickens, Charles 236–40,

  Barnaby Rudge 239,

  Bleak House 239–40,

  A Christmas Carol 302,

  Hard Times 237–40, 245–6,

  Little Dorrit 240,

  The Old Curiosity Shop 236–9

  Dietrich, Marlene 266–7

  Disraeli, Benjamin

  Sybil 232, 235,

  Tancred 211

  Doré, Gustave, illustration to Paradise Lost 156–8, 216, 56

  Dostoevsky, Fyodor 120

  The Idiot 147

  Dürer, Albrecht, Melencolia 1 144–7, 51

  Eastlake, Charles, Hints on Household Taste 213, 215, 243, 246

  Egypt, ancient 11–12, 26–8, 67, 179

  Eliot, George (Marian Evans), Middlemarch 12–13

  Elkins, James, Painting and Tears 280–81

  Ellis, Sarah, The Women of England 212

  Engels, Frederick, The Condition of the Working Class in England 232–4

  Equiano, Olaudah, Interesting Narrative 170, 181

  Euripides, Alcestis 43

  Fanon, Frantz

  Black Skins, White Masks 181–2,

  The Wretched of the Earth 186

  Ford Model T 257, 323 n. 1

  Gainsborough, Thomas, Lady Alston 194, 66

  Galen 139–41, 151

  Gay, John, Black-Eyed Susan 204

  Georgiou, Aris, Montpellier 1976 283, 103

  Givenchy, Hubert de 266

  Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, Theory of Colours 7, 226–7

  Grünewald, Matthias, Crucifixion 77, 23

  Harvey, William, De Motu Cordis 143–4

  Hayman, Francis, David Garrick and Mrs Pritchard 202–3, 70

  Helmholtz, Hermann von, Physiological Optics 9, 226

  Hepburn, Audrey 266

  Herakles (Hercules) 40, 63–6, 139, 11, 19

  Herbert of Cherbury, Lord, ‘Sonnet of Black Beauty’ 316 n. 7

  Herder, Johann G. von 171–2

  Herodotus 27–8, 169

  Heylyn, Peter 169

  Hildegard of Bingen, St 140

  Hindu gods 31–7, 8, 9

  Hippocrates 138

  Holbein the Younger, Hans 146–9,

  The Ambassadors 146–8, 52

  The Body of the Dead Christ 147, 53

  Hollar, Wenceslaus, Winter 197–200, 69

  Homer 41, 66, 143

  Hughes, Ted, Crow 293–4

  Hume, David 171

  humoral medicine 138–44

  Jefferson, Thomas 169

  Jerome, St 69

  John of the Cross, St 78–9

  Johnson, Samuel 171, 173, 193–4

  Johnston, Sir Harry 176–7, 61

  Jonson, Ben, ‘The Masque of Blacknesse’ 166

  Kawakubo, Rei 266

  Kingsley, Charles, The Water Babies 235

  Kristeva, Julia, Black Sun: Depression and Melancholia 142, 147–8

  Landseer, Edwin, Queen Victoria at Osborne 216, 73

  Lange, Mårten, Anomalies 283, 102

  Lapis Niger, Rome 54

  Lawrence, T. E. 305

  Le Corbusier (Charles-Édouard Jeanneret) 257–9, 272

  Le Smoking (Yves Saint Laurent) 267

  Leonardo da Vinci, Salvator Mundi 7, 1

  Little Black Dress 264, 93

  Lombroso, Cesare, La donna deliquente 174–5, 60

  Lucian of Samosata 47

  Mackintosh, Charles Rennie 258

  Malevich, Kazimir 259, 273

  Suprematist Painting 273, 97

  Man, Victor, The Deposition 297–8, 105

  Mann, Thomas, The Magic Mountain 303

  Mapplethorpe, Robert 282–3

  Martin, John

  The Bridge over Chaos 219–20, 76

  Pandemonium 237, 85

  Marvell, Andrew 18, 204

  Matisse, Henri 7, 257, 273

  Basket of Begonias 273, 98

  Matrix, The (film) 290

  Maurice, St 165, 57

  Mayhew, Henry, London Labour and the London Poor 230, 234–5, 246

  Melville, Herman, Moby-Dick 303

  Millais, John Everett, The Two Princes in the Tower 247, 254–5, 87

  Milton, John

  ‘Il Penseroso’ 152–5

  Paradise Lost 58, 155–8, 56

  Samson Agonistes 155

  Morland, George, Execrable Human Traffick 171, 58

  Motherwell, Robert 279

  Samurai No. 4 279, 99

  mourning, and black 29–30, 39–44, 49, 57–8, 75–7, 83–4, 90, 94, 102–3, 134–5, 150–51, 154–5, 182–3, 206–7, 212, 235, 246–55, 280–81, 301–4

  Muhammad 83–4, 88–9, 25, 26

  Mussolini, Benito 260, 91

  Négritude 184–7, 278

  Nelson, Admiral Horatio, funeral of 250–51

  Newman, Barnett, Abraham 275–7

  Newton, Isaac, Opticks 191–4


  Art of Love 55, 58, 143

  Metamorphoses 55, 58–9

  Panofsky, Erwin 144, 146

  Pastoureau, Michel 8, 49, 191, 193, 216, 283

  Pepys, Samuel 196, 200–01

  Peri, Peter 297, 104

  Petronius, Satyricon 166

  Picasso, Guernica 273–4

  Plato 13, 44–5, 139

  Pliny the Elder 46, 49, 63

  Plutarch 30

  Poe, Edgar Allan 205, 288, 303, 324 n. 19

  Pope, Alexander 191

  Pseudo-Aristotle 139, 158

  Reinhardt, Ad 277

  Rembrandt van Rijn 124–35, 215–6

  The Anatomy Lesson of Dr Tulp 126, 44

  The Abduction of Proserpina 128, 45

  The Blinding of Samson 128, 46

  The Omval 131, 47

  A Woman Bathing in a Stream 132,

  The Poet Jeremias de Decker 134–5, 50

  Reclining Negress 184, 63

  Renoir, Pierre-Auguste 7

  Rethel, Alfred 302

  Richardson, Samuel, Pamela 197

  Rigaud, Hyacinthe, Louis XIV 189–90, 65

  Riley, Bridget 282, 284, 286–8

  Rogalski, Zbigniew, Untitled 2004 298–9, 106

  Routledge, George, Manual of Etiquette 210, 213

  Rothko, Mark 280–81, 100

  Rowlandson, Thomas, The Masquerade 205, 71

  Rubens, Peter Paul, 101–10, 123–4, 264

  Giovanni Carlo Doria on Horseback 102, 264, 33

  Hélène Fourment with a Carriage 107, 36

  Hélène Fourment as Aphrodite 108–10, 37

  Rush, Benjamin 175–6

  Rushdie, Salman, Midnight’s Children 293

  Ruskin, John 23–4, 123, 216, 231

  Saint Laurent, Yves 266–7

  Schiaparelli, Elsa 267, 270–71

  Senghor, Léopold Sédar 184–7, 278

  Seurat, Georges, The Artist’s Mother 225, 80


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