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The Laboratory: A Futuristic Dungeon Core

Page 8

by Skyler Grant

  The upgraded quarters and Hydroponics sections were completed. It seemed to make the humans happy. I detected almost a twenty percent improvement in their work levels as their morale lifted.

  Anna and the newcomers seemed to be getting along.

  Between them and my drone, we'd repaired all the damage and were even cleaning out the lower levels.

  Research Menu


  Mechos is bonded to a Power core and you have tested him long enough to unlock and utilize his ability. You now have limited ability to upgrade tools and items of the facility out of a separate pool of upgrade points that refresh daily. These upgrades are additives to upgrades gained along the manufacturing line. Further testing will accumulate core points at the rate of 0.1 per week.

  That was all that I hoped it might be. I wanted to give it a try and analyzed the door to my Core Room.


  All values are on a scale of 10

  Durability 3

  Reliability 7

  Power 2

  Each upgrade up to 10 costs 10 upgrade points. You can a total of 25 upgrade points daily.

  I sank two points into Durability. I'd keep doing that until the door was as strong as I could make it. Protecting my core had to come before anything else and a few threats had gotten far too close to it.

  After my door, it would be all the other doors of the facility. When I sealed them, I wanted those on the other side to be trapped, not inconvenienced.

  Next, I investigated what I could do with my new core point. These were for the major facility upgrades and I wanted to know my options.

  You have an unspent core point.

  Core points can enhance your competencies and open new options for Research and Manufacturing.

  Your options are:

  Research 3

  Research 3 will expand your testing facility to be able to hold six test subjects at once. In addition, your genetics lab will be upgraded with a genetic fabricator allowing you to create biological agents to either labor or fight on your behalf. Each of these have a cost to produce, although alongside either the Military or Manufacturing upgrades a pool for a certain standing number of drones will be created.

  Military 1 will allow you to build defense drones. Defense drones are mobile weapon platforms capable of base defense and attacks at a distance. While basic in function they can ultimately be updated to become formidable weapon platforms.

  Manufacturing 1

  Manufacturing 1 will allow the production of automated minions. They are capable of autonomous facility repair and will halve all build and production times for new facilities.

  Research was always going to tempt me, but this time I had to give the other options real consideration. Even the latest research option seemed to be urging me in that direction. On the other hand, it also made them unnecessary.

  With test subjects, I was gaining a steady supply of core points, and it seemed if I took the new research upgrade I'd be able to spend those to create some combat drones or builders.

  It was a viable path that would only see me get stronger as time went on, and as I could get more test subjects to imprison. I liked playing the long game. I selected that upgrade and began to build.

  Now I had a mystery to solve. It was time to figure out what was going on with those archives.


  "We need to talk," I said, as I activated a monitor in Mechos' workshop

  "Going to let me out of here? You must have deciphered how my ability works by now?" Mechos said, swiveling a chair to face a camera.

  "You think you know how my Power core operates?"

  "You can't observe me without being yourself observed. I understand how things work. I watch and I unravel their processes. I've been watching you," Mechos said.

  Disturbing, at least, if I believed him. I didn't want anyone knowing too much about what I could do. Especially someone I didn't trust at all. I thought he was safely trapped here, but the more he learned of me, the more he might be able to find a way around that.

  "You watch me, but can't focus on a naked woman. You really are a twelve-year-old boy Mechos. I have questions."

  Mechos spread his arms wide. "Ask away. I've nowhere to go, being part-prisoner and part-guest."

  I bought up a visual of one of the metal tubes from the archives.

  Mechos studied the display for a long moment and he gave a grin. "Did you figure out what they are yet?"

  "Information," I said.

  "You did. You restored power to the level, I'm guessing, but you wouldn't have figured out an interface just yet," Mechos said, waggled his fingers. "You need someone to do it for you?"

  It seemed he was continuing to get more information out of this exchange than I was. Unacceptable. I really needed to research some sort of interrogation chair, it would make conversations so much more successful.

  "You do realize I've already gotten most of the benefit out of keeping you alive," I said.

  "Meaning, you are still getting some. I'll tell you this. You and I both once worked for some very bad people who found out that the end of the world was coming. You figured out a way to save yourself."

  Pieces of information that had been bothering me slid into place like a puzzle assembling itself. This man knew me, and he had powers eerily similar to those I ultimately manifested.

  "Let me guess. You were a service technician meant to install a new Power core into me after the catastrophe. Instead you stole it," I said.

  Mechos tipped his head. "Only partially true. You had calculated the best gains would come from installing it into a reactor which would become your new beating heart. When I tried to steal it, there was a powerful and destructive burst of energy. It killed all in the facility accept for me and fused me with the core instead."

  That fitted with what I'd discovered.

  "Then why did you wish access to the archives?"

  "Haven't you found it odd that they were located somewhere off your power grid? It was uncertain how compliant you would be once upgraded. There are codes meant to ensure your compliance," Mechos said.

  Well, he was being helpful.

  "How would the Righteous know of them?" I asked.

  Mechos shrugged. "They are not survivors from this facility, which means they are perhaps descended of those who gave that order. It might explain much, in fact."

  It might at that.

  "You've been helpful. I shall see you have more cookies," I said.

  "I don't even like cookies," Mechos said.

  "Two plates, then." I was certain they were just an acquired taste. All humans loved cookies.

  "I could help you, you know. Go through the information, even help you to devise an interface so you can access that storage directly," Mechos said.

  I didn't doubt that he could. If what this man said was true, he probably knew more about me and my operations than anyone else alive—more than I did myself.

  That confirmed for me that he was exactly where he needed to be, locked up in a containment cell.

  I considered those archives. If they were prepared by me, then I might have useful information that would aid me now. If they did contain things like control codes that could inhibit me, then that data had obviously not gone through me initially. It meant that anything which might aid me had already been removed.

  The data could even be booby-trapped, and if I imported it without some specific procedure it would have negative consequences.

  I still wanted to know what the data contained, but I had to be cautious. I didn't like where logic was taking me, but sometimes you had to do deeply unpleasant tasks in the interests of knowledge.

  I opened a channel to Anna. "Mostly useless one, I need your help with something."

  "Only mostly?" Anna asked.

  Oh, if only I could grind my circuits, I would be right now.

  "You have rare moments. This may be one of them," I said.

  "You know how to flatter a girl. What
do you want?"

  "Those archive files we collected. I think there may be useful information in them, but I fear there is a danger in my attempting to access them directly."

  "You want me to hike up and down those stairs and review them? That will take a long time," Anna said.

  It would. I didn't trust any of the Mechanites to help, and I was discovering to my dismay that I did trust Anna.

  "You could use the exercise," I said.

  "And it's totally like someone reading your diary. You only trust a friend to do it. I get you. It will take some time, but I'll get started today," Anna said.

  "Before you do that. Stop down here. I want to have a conversation with you and Mechos together," I said.

  We'd been reacting too much. It was time to set an agenda.


  I wasn't going to breach the containment field around Mechos so Anna could enter, instead I settled for placing a glass wall along one edge of his workshop and setting up a table on either side.

  I even decided to have a physical presence via my drone and set a space at the table for it.

  "So many visits," Mechos said.

  "Why does he get two plates of cookies. I've never gotten two plates of cookies," Anna said.

  "He doesn't like them," I said.

  "Then I don't like them," Anna said.

  "Please. One look at you and we all know that is a lie," I said.

  Anna scowled at my drone and folded her arms. "Hey Mechos. Your people are doing okay."

  "I'm glad to hear it," Mechos said.

  "I wanted us all to meet like this because, unlikely though it seems, we have become something resembling allies," I said.

  "You've got him locked up in a cell," Anna said.

  "I actually rather like it in here," Mechos said.


  "I've had people trying to murder me a very long time. This is relaxing."

  If he was too comfortable I really should liven things up. Hot Stuff certainly wasn't having a boring time of it in her testing chambers. I'd taken to shooting at her with super-cooled rounds and having her navigate mazes to find an angle to melt the turrets and stop the gunfire. It was tremendously entertaining.

  "And that is exactly why I thought it best to have this conversation. To determine exactly what it is we each want and how the others might be able to contribute," I said.

  "I want what I've always wanted. To be the absolute Queen of the world," Anna said.

  "That is why you are doing all this?" Mechos asked.

  Anna nodded. "I'm sick and tired of living off the scraps of others."

  "I just want me and my people to remain alive," Mechos said.

  "And I want a steady supply of test subjects and to unravel exactly what happened to me and the world," I said.

  "I've been helping with that," Anna said.

  "That is why eight of my people had to die?" Mechos asked.

  Anna didn't look guilty, she looked defiant. "You had power we needed. We took it. We're going to kill a lot more people to get what we want."

  We were. Anna might make a capable Queen of the world after all. I certainly didn't want the job, I just wanted to conduct my studies and run my facility. That would be easier with a ruthless and cooperate dictator in charge on the surface. Anna truly might fit the bill.

  It was a pleasing realization. Was I growing fond of her? No, that would be foolish.

  "Then what are our next steps?" I asked. "Continue to gather more test subjects as we have been?"

  "The Righteous have come for you once. They'll come again," Mechos said.

  "They come back every day and I keep burning them alive."

  Anna said, "No, he's right. There are a lot more than the five of them you have here. They have this tower set up in the Arathorian Heights. They capture the Powered and take them there, and when they come out they aren't Powered any longer."

  They were hunters like myself, although they went out in pursuit of their prey.

  "The one I captured has quantities of something called a void crystal," I said.

  "Is that how they counter abilities?" Mechos asked.

  "It seems to be."

  "That's a problem," Anna said.

  "I've rigged the corridors with death traps. I'm ready for them, if they enter again," I said.

  "Death traps?" Anna asked.

  Was she somehow unaware of this?

  "Spikes, acid sprayers, incinerators, mines, strangle wires," I said.

  Anna held up a hand, "Enough. You're weird and totally crazy, and we're friends, so it's all okay. I'm just going to keep telling myself that."

  Whatever lies made her comfortable.

  "Two of the Powered have also gone missing. People are going to be investigating what took them down, looking for some advantage for themselves," Mechos said.

  "Would they dare?" I asked.

  Mechos shrugged. "Powers are useful, but a well-placed bullet to the skull can serve just as well, usually. If others think there is a chance for them to gain hold of a powerful core, they'll come whatever the danger."

  "Good. Let them come. You humans need more weapons, and I can recycle the biomass if they don't make good research material."

  "The cookies are people," Anna whispered to Mechos, who looked a little sick.

  "I thought you said you liked them?" Mechos asked.

  "I do. I just, you know, feel a little guilty about it."

  "Humans love cookies," I said. Mechos really would have to learn his place in relation to the baked goods I provided.

  "I'll have to draw up a list of possible targets for us to lure in next. Is there anything you need?" Anna asked.

  "Supplies. I'm short of building materials," I said.

  "Rockfist?" Mechos asked, with a look to Anna.

  "Out of commission, the Righteous got him," Anna said.


  "Not real gold. Illusion bullshit. Way to disappoint a girl, let me tell you. What about the Slidekickers?" Anna asked.

  Mechos considered that and grunted, "Not exactly what she wants, but it might work. They're teleporters. So, no spontaneous material generation or transformation, but you could at least bring it in from elsewhere."

  Anna grinned. "Plus it would let me get around way quicker."

  Teleportation could improve a lot of base functions, potentially.

  I didn't have time to consider it. I was getting another proximity alarm from the surface. We had uninvited guests again.


  The newcomers were approaching on foot. After the arrival of vehicles lately it was almost refreshing. They seemed to be a good bit grungier than the most recent invaders. Instead of any sort of armor they were dressed in tattered, ragged clothing. There were perhaps a dozen of them, about half had a pistol holstered at their hips, and the others had clubs or knives.

  I brought up the camera on a monitor so Anna and Mechos could see.

  "Scavengers," Mechos said.

  "I don't think you're going to get much out of them," Anna said.

  I understood her thinking that, but I rather thought I might. Since I would soon have the ability to create organic servants all that biomass had to come from somewhere. The most likely source was going to be encounters like these.

  I turned on a light inside the entrance. I didn't want them scared off or thinking there was nothing of interest inside. I wanted these people, I could use the resources.

  "Tell me about these Slidekickers," I said.

  "They can teleport. I'm not sure of their range, but it's more than just line of sight," Anna said.

  "You horrified them enough they got out of visual range? Predictable. How can we lure them here?"

  "You'll have a hard time of it. They can teleport anywhere and steal anything they want," Mechos said.

  "I really want that power," Anna said, sounding a little dreamy at the thought.

  "You captured one of the Righteous. Can you get any use out of their power-dampening
abilities?" Mechos asked.

  Could I? I hadn't unlocked the ability to make use of that talent myself. It probably was a part of whoever led the Righteous and held that void core. It didn't mean there weren't ways I might be able to.

  I had the Righteous in a liquefied form—mostly. They were in that state for twenty-four hours between being killed daily. I hadn't tested if that goop retained their power-dampening abilities, but I could.

  I set up a testing routine for that.

  On the surface the Scavengers had made their way cautiously inside the main entrance. I closed the door behind them and killed the lights.

  Let them advance in the darkness to their deaths, or remain where they were and starve to death, if that was their desire. In the end, I'd win either way.

  "I believe I may be able to dampen powers. What do you have in mind?" I asked.

  "I doubt you'd be able to capture one to attempt to gain the ability. Given their mobility, I'm not sure you could do that. Kill though? That might be possible," Mechos said.

  "You need to lure them somewhere and kill them for their powers," Anna said.

  That was smart thinking. Sure, I'd far rather have their leader alive and in one of my testing chambers where I could get a long-term trickle of power, but short of that I'd take the Power core.

  I already had a plan coming together.

  "You said the Righteous sometimes capture the Powered and transport them back to their tower. These processions are usually well-guarded?" I asked.

  "Always," Mechos said.

  "So, we have one that isn't. We have a Righteous vehicle and a set of Righteous armor, I can get more if needed," I said.

  "You want to pretend to have captured someone?"

  "Hot Stuff. Her absence is notable... we can inflict burn damage on the vehicle. Allow word to get to the Slidekickers and their leader," I said.

  Anna said, "Her name is Sylph. Yeah, Sylph would want the prize, but wouldn't let any of her people do it instead of her. Not a Power core she could take easily to bolster her own abilities."


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