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Wolf in her Soul: Salvation Pack, Book 8

Page 26

by N. J. Walters

  As a result of his tender care, her breasts were swollen and her pussy slick with arousal. She knew he could smell it. His pupils dilated and his nostrils flared. His shaft, which had started to soften, was hard once again.

  “Do you want me to bandage your wrist again?” he asked.

  She tested it. It still hurt, but it felt more like a slight sprain. “No. I’m good.”

  “You’ll let me know if that changes. I can rewrap it if needed.”

  “I will.” It touched her that he was always so concerned about her well-being.

  He nodded. “Let’s get you in bed before you get cold again.” He tossed her comb back onto the vanity, lifted her off her feet, and carried her to his bed. He placed her on the mattress and pulled the covers around her. “I’ll be back in a minute.”

  He left her and returned to the bathroom. She levered up in bed and watched as he mopped up the water from the floor and then hung the wet towels over the rod. When he was done, he flicked off the light and came to bed.

  The mattress dipped slightly when he climbed in beside her. She went into his arms the moment he opened them, resting her head on her shoulder. It occurred to her that she could imagine sleeping this way forever.

  “Sleep, Hannah. You’re staying. Everything else will work itself out.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Over the next week, Hannah healed. Her wrist was completely mended and the scars on her stomach were no longer red. They’d turned a pale pink, almost white in places, and all her bruises had faded.

  She’d also got to know the members of the Salvation Pack much better. She soaked up Sue’s care and enjoyed Rina’s quick wit. Reece’s uncle treated her like another member of the family, and Sage was unfailingly patient and kind. Reece was always around, but he also gave her space, for which she was grateful.

  He and his brother spent most of their days working on Sage and Rina’s new home, which was well under way. It was a snug, two-bedroom, log home that Hannah was in love with. The outside was done and now the pack was working on the inside. They were tireless and all pitched in to help. Even she’d helped, fetching and carrying and cleaning up the job site.

  It was taking her some time to sort through her feelings about her father and her past, and about what she felt for Reece. In the interim, she did what she’d always done when she was stressed or trying to work something out—she lost herself in her photography.

  Remarkably, her laptop hadn’t been damaged in the crash so she hadn’t had to replace it. Gator and Louis had taken care of selling Edgar’s truck, and they’d used the money to replace her camera and the lens that had been cracked. Thanks to Anny’s online shopping skills and the wonder of overnight shipping, she’d only been a couple of days without a camera. Jacque had presented the remainder of the funds to her. She’d tucked the money away in one of the dresser drawers Reece had emptied out for her use.

  Cole and his father had driven to Chicago and picked up her and Reece’s belongings from the moving company. They could have had the boxes delivered but the pack didn’t like strangers on their land. Everything was currently stored in a shed on the property until they were ready to sort through it.

  So far, Hannah hadn’t been motivated enough to bother. She had most of her clothes, laptop, and camera. Everything else could wait.

  Right now, she was sitting on the deck stairs just outside the bedroom she shared with Reece. It was sunny but there was a definite nip in the air. It was the perfect October day. She had a cup of coffee beside her and her computer on her lap. The current group of pictures she’d taken was up on the screen. She clicked on the first one and looked at it with a critical eye.

  Up until now, she’d been known for her urban landscapes. This was very different for her, but she loved it. The delicate petals of a wildflower with the morning dew reflecting the sunshine, a towering tree, mysterious and ancient, a bunny staring back at her from the middle of a path—she loved them all. There was so much to see and explore. And now that the forest was a blaze of color, she was taking more pictures than ever.

  “What are you doing?”

  She looked up and watched as Reece sauntered toward her. He was wearing jeans and a long-sleeved, cotton pullover. Steel-toed work boots covered his feet. She caught a faint whiff of sawdust. This was Reece in his element. He wasn’t meant to wear dress jackets and live in the city. He looked perfectly at home in a pair of faded jeans surrounded by the untamed wilderness. He was as wild and primal as the land itself.

  “Looking at my latest round of pictures.” She patted the step next to her. “Want to see?” She was getting better at sharing. For someone who wasn’t used to opening up to others, she counted each baby step as a victory.

  Pure pleasure suffused his face. “Absolutely.”

  She was very aware of him as he sat next to her. Heat rolled off his big body and the smell of sawdust mixed with his underlying masculine scent. She wanted to rub herself against him.

  She forced herself to turn the screen so he could see one of the breathtaking shots of the valley. She’d taken it yesterday when she and Reece had gone out for a walk.

  “What do you think?”

  He plucked the computer out of her lap and studied the screen intently. She liked the fact that he didn’t just glance at it and say it was nice. She really wanted to know what he thought of it. She rubbed her hands over her jean-covered thighs before knotting them together in her lap.

  Finally, she couldn’t take the suspense any longer. “Well?”

  He carefully set the laptop back on top of her thighs. “It’s like it’s otherworldly. The hint of fog wafting over and around the trees, the lack of any sign of civilization.” He shook his head. “It’s how you imagine the world was long before mankind ever stepped foot here.”

  “Yes.” The word came out as a puff of breath. Reece understood her better than anyone she’d ever known. It was as if he could see into her very soul.

  “Your work is powerful, Hannah. What are you going to do with it?”

  It was a legitimate question. She hadn’t really thought much about her work—the making money part. She’d simply lost herself in the wonder of taking pictures with no pressure to have a day job or support herself. She couldn’t keep drifting. It wasn’t fair to Reece.

  “Some of them I’ll sell as stock photos. Others, I may send to a gallery to see if they’re interested. I can offer prints on my website as well. I need to get back to work.”

  He cupped the side of her face with his big hand. She couldn’t stop herself from turning her face toward it and kissing the center of his palm. After a week of sleeping with him, she was more attuned to his body than ever. It seemed to her as if her body maintained a low level of arousal twenty-four/seven.

  “There’s no pressure for you to do anything, Hannah. I was just wondering if you’d thought about it. Your work is too amazing not to share.”

  Pleasure filled her and she knew she was smiling. She couldn’t help herself. As much as she told herself his opinion really didn’t matter, it did. None of the natural shields and barriers she’d erected around herself were able to stand under the gentle pressure of Reece’s loving support.

  She closed the lid of her laptop and set it aside. “What are we going to do?” She was unable to make the commitment she knew he wanted, and she couldn’t understand why. She knew she loved him. And there was no longer any doubt in her mind about how he felt toward her.

  Reece leaned down until their foreheads touched. “Don’t fret so much, sweetheart. It’s only been a week. I’ll wait for you forever if I have to.” He kissed her forehead, both cheeks and then her lips. “Are you happy?”

  She nodded. “Yes.” She was happier than she’d ever been in her life.

  He leaned back and smiled, but Hannah could see the underlying sadness in his eyes. “Then don’t worry so muc
h. Everything will work itself out.”

  He kept saying that, and darned if she wasn’t beginning to believe him.

  He stood and held out his hand. “Come walk with me.”

  Hannah pushed to her feet, swiped her damp hands down her jeans, and closed her fingers around his. “Oh wait. I have to put my laptop inside.” She grabbed the machine and hurried to the patio door. She slid it open and deposited her computer on the bed before joining Reece once again. She thought about bringing her camera but left it behind. It would only distract her.

  He was exactly where she’d left him—patiently waiting.

  He stood with his feet planted and his arms down by his sides. Even though his top covered him, she could see the outline of his broad shoulders where the fabric was pulled taut. The wind teased the ends of his dark brown hair, making them dance. His features were strong and blunt, like the man himself. And his eyes, those amazing blue eyes, watched her intently.

  She was visual, a photographer, and the image struck her hard. He looked as unyielding and unmoving as the mountains themselves. But she knew better. Beneath his tough exterior beat a giant-sized heart. Reece was smart, quick-witted, and incredibly kind.

  He held out his hand to her once again, and she took it. She knew if she was still here fifty years from now, he’d still be holding his hand out to her.

  “Do you want to shift?” she asked, in an effort to ward away her uncomfortable thoughts.

  He shook his head. “Not this time.” He closed his finger around hers and led her down the path that led away from the compound. They didn’t speak as they passed by just beyond the construction site. She could hear someone wielding a hammer and figured Sage was still on the job.

  “Is your brother expecting you back?” She didn’t want to disrupt their work on the house.

  “He’ll understand.” Reece veered to the left, off the path and into the woods. Hannah was curious as to where they were going. They’d walked around the property some, but there was so much to see and explore.

  The deep silence of the forest sank into her very pores. A bird chirped a happy song and a crow cawed back in displeasure. Some leaves rustled off to her right and she scented several squirrels. There was always movement, always sound among the trees, but underlying it all was a chasm of silence, as if the entire forest was in deep meditation. It was awe-inspiring.

  It reminded her of being in church where everyone spoke in a hushed voice—when they spoke at all. The wind really didn’t penetrate through the thick growth of forest. She was wearing a sweater and was quite comfortable, almost warm.

  Her artistic eye noted several possible places where she could get some spectacular shots, and she made a mental note to come back.

  She was very aware of Reece as they walked. He was powerful and deadly and part of this place. Her heart yearned to be a permanent part of it too.

  Why was she holding back?

  The stunning truth hit her like a ton of bricks. She was doing to Reece the same thing her father had done to her. She was holding back her love, hoarding it in hopes she wouldn’t hurt when he left.

  But Reece wasn’t her father and neither was she. The emotional shackles from her childhood fell away and she felt the urge to laugh and scream. It was so silly and childish. Holding back her love didn’t keep her from loving Reece. No matter what happened in the future, she’d hurt if they were ever parted. And if she didn’t commit to their relationship, she could be the one who drove them apart.

  It was a sobering realization.

  Reece stepped out from beneath the thick growth of trees and onto some flat rocks that looked out over the valley. Her breath caught in her throat. “This is amazing.” She stood next to him, their hands still clasped.

  Reece wanted to go down on his knees in front of Hannah and demand she tell him what was bothering her. It had been the longest bloody week of his life, but one of the best too.

  Sleeping every night with Hannah curled into his side, waking every morning and making love with her, made him want her even more. He wanted a lifetime with her. He’d given her the time to get to know the rest of the pack. While she mingled some, she mostly kept to his immediate family.

  He knew that both Sue and Rina liked her. Hannah had also spent an afternoon with Gray and Cherise, both of whom were artists. Both women had been interested in Hannah’s photographs, and had shared their work in return. Gray painted amazingly realistic scenes that hung in some of the best galleries in the country. Cherise’s art was totally different, but no less incredible. She sold her pencil drawings and watercolors online and she’d even done the illustrations for several children’s books, one that she’d written herself.

  Reece was grateful to both women for spending time with Hannah. Having people around who shared her passion was allowing her to make friends.

  His heart ached for her. She’d been so hurt, so alone her entire life, even the years her father had spent with her. Even when she was with him, she seemed apart. Lonely. Like a child with her face pressed against the glass of a toy store who knew she wasn’t allowed to go inside, would never own one of the amazing toys.

  He wanted to give her the world, but all he could do was offer. It was up to her to take it.

  “You see the land before you?” he asked.

  She nodded. “It’s truly beautiful.”

  “This is pack land. We’ve expanded over the years and bought up more property.” He released his hold on her hand, stepped behind Hannah, and wrapped his arms around her.

  “Do you like it here?” He was almost afraid of the answer. What if she wanted to leave? He kissed the top of her head, knowing he’d pack his suitcase if she told him she wanted to go back to the city.

  It would be like cutting off a limb to lose his brother again. But it would be like ripping out his heart to live without Hannah. A man could live without a limb. Take his heart and he was dead.

  She turned so she was facing him. “I love it here.” The sincerity of her declaration made him take a breath.

  “Okay. Good.” He took another breath. “You’re happy here? With me?”

  “Oh, Reece.” Sadness filled her expressive eyes.

  Not the reaction he’d been going for, but he plowed onward. “I’ll wait no matter how long it takes. You’re here. I’m here. That’s all that matters.”

  She peered into his eyes for a long time and finally nodded. “You’re right. It is all that matters.”

  His sense of relief was so great, his knees almost buckled. He’d lived in fear this past week that she was going to change her mind about him, about them. Now that he knew she was as committed as he was, he could relax.

  Who was he trying to kid? He wouldn’t relax until he’d marked her. But at least he should be able to dial down the stress to a more manageable level. It hurt him to see his brother happily mated to Rina while Hannah held back. He knew the two situations were totally different. Rina had had someone in her life who’d loved her. Mikhail was her brother, but growing up he’d been more of a father to her than their own had. Hannah, on the other hand, had been raised by a distant father and no mother.

  Patience, he reminded himself. All he needed was patience and time to make her trust in their relationship. If he weren’t sure she loved him, he’d be desperate. But he saw the way she looked at him, the way she came so eagerly into his arms every night, the way she curled into him to sleep. A woman like Hannah didn’t do those things if she wasn’t at least a bit in love.

  He went to kiss her again, but she pulled back and stepped away. Every instinct in him went on alert. Inside him, his wolf snarled and paced, not liking this turn of events either. “What’s wrong?”

  She shook her head. “I can’t live like this any longer.”

  Reece saw all his hope go up in smoke. A vise closed around his heart and squeezed. “I see.”

; “No, I don’t think you do.” She took another step back. It took all his self-control to keep from lunging for her and pulling her back into his arms.

  “What do you need to make you happy, Hannah? We can work anything out as long as we’re together.”

  “And what about what you need to make you happy?” Her tone was gentle. “You’ve been doing all the giving since the moment we met. I take and take.”

  He was appalled by her assessment of things. “That’s not true. You’ve given me so much.” He took a step toward her but froze when she moved away. “You’ve filled the empty spaces inside me. Give my life meaning and purpose. I’m happier and more content than I’ve ever been.”

  “But you want to mate with me.”

  It wasn’t a question but he answered her all the same. “You know I do, but only when and if you’re ready. Hannah, sweetheart, there’s no rush. I know you need time.”

  “And what do you need? When do your needs get met?”

  “Every time we kiss, it fills a deep need inside me.” He had to make her understand. “When we talk. Hell, simply looking at you makes me happy.”

  She shook her head. “It’s not enough. Not any longer.”

  Before he could figure out what to say or do, Hannah grabbed the hem of her sweater and yanked it up and off. She tossed it to the ground at her feet.

  “What are you doing?” Stupid question, since she was in the process of removing her T-shirt and bra as well.

  “Getting naked,” she calmly told him.

  Like an idiot who couldn’t put two words together, he simply stared at her with his mouth open and asked. “Why?”

  She undid her jeans and shimmied out of them. She’d kicked off her sneakers at some point, leaving her dressed only in panties and a pair of white sports socks. It shouldn’t have looked sexy, but it was.

  Reece was all but drooling. As he watched, her nipples puckered against the chill. Or maybe it was because of the heated look in his eyes.


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