Book Read Free

Fair Play

Page 4

by Madison, Dakota

  The condo unit has three floors and each floor is its own apartment. Evan has a top floor suite, which he says includes front and back balconies.

  When we get inside I’m fairly impressed with the size of the unit. For a bachelor pad, the place is pretty impressive. With just a cursory glance around, I estimate the size at about 3500 square feet. He told me he just moved in a week ago, right after exams and the place is almost completely furnished. The décor is exquisite and I’m impressed with Evan’s taste.

  “Do you like it?” He looks like a proud father showing off his first born child.

  “It’s nice,” I reply because I don’t want him to get too full of himself.

  “Just nice?” he asks clearly deflated.

  I smile. “It’s Architectural Digest gorgeous. Are you happy?”

  He returns my smile with a stunning grin. I can’t say I’ve ever seen Evan this happy about anything. He’s usually Mr. Too-Cool-to-Care. He grabs me and pulls me close. “You’re the only woman I’ve invited to my place.”

  “You’ve only been here a week.” For Evan, that sounds like a long time to go without sex but maybe he’s gone to the girls’ places instead.

  “I’m only 25 minutes from campus. You should move in with me.”

  I take a few completely stunned steps back from him. “I’m not moving in with you. Why would you even suggest that?”

  Now he’s the one who looks stunned. “There’s plenty of room. We could be like roommates.”

  I cross my arms over my chest and stare at him. “Roommates who sleep together?”

  “Something like that,” he mutters. He’s now clearly unsure about how sensible his suggestion actually was.

  I continue staring at him in utter disbelief.

  “Don’t be angry,” he says as he moves in closer to me. “It was only a suggestion and obviously not a very good one.”

  “What would even possess you to suggest something like that?”

  He uncrosses my arms and pulls me close to him. “Maybe I just like having you around.”

  “Even my own parents don’t like having me around,” I admit.

  “They don’t know what they’re missing,” he whispers into my ear then playfully bites my earlobe.

  “Maybe you can give me the grand tour and show me your bedroom.”

  “My bedroom is the best part.”

  Evan is not lying. His bedroom is enormous and decorated with beautiful heavy mahogany furniture. His curtains are pulled back and I see a massive glass slider that opens onto a balcony displaying a panoramic view of the entire downtown. If I did want to live with someone, this would definitely be tempting.

  I have to pinch myself as a reminder that Evan is nothing more than a fuck buddy and my plan is to get Aaron. But I’m becomingly increasingly concerned that Evan has other ideas. Ideas that include the two of us and some kind of future together.

  But it’s never going to happen.

  I know I won’t even be able to stay the night. Evan is already getting too attached and I need to nip it in the bud.

  But not before I get laid. Because one thing that Evan is very good at is giving a girl a good time.

  When I place my hand on Evan’s massive chest, he takes in a sharp breath. I lean up and place a soft kiss on his lips and he grabs my ass and pulls me so close, there’s no space between our bodies.

  He attacks my mouth with his and he’s so hungry and so full of want that I can barely catch my breath as he assaults my lips and tongue and teeth.

  “Keira.” He’s nearly breathless as he says my name. “I want you.”

  I refrain from stating the obvious: that’s why I’m here. I’ve been horny as hell for weeks and I’m close to finally getting some much needed relief.

  When I reach down to undo his belt, he shakes his head and grabs my hands. “Not yet,” he states.

  He stares into my eyes and doesn’t take his eyes off of me as he lifts the strap of my dress and lets it fall off of my shoulder. Then he removes the other strap and does the same. He places several butterfly kisses on my naked shoulders, which sends shivers down to my toes.

  He reaches around and slowly unzips my gown and it falls to the ground at my feet. I’m now completely naked except for my thin bikini underwear.

  Evan stares at me and I feel vulnerable, which is not a quality I am used to feeling.

  “You’ve got an amazing body,” he says and he seems to be studying me. It feels strange because it’s not like we’ve never been together before. We’ve had sex with each other dozens of times.

  But this time feels different. There seems to be some kind of deeper connection that was never there before, at least not for me, but I don’t think for him either. I’m equally terrified and intrigued.

  Evan continues to look into my eyes. His emerald green eyes are glistening with specs of gold that I’ve never noticed before. The energy between us makes me hot even though I’m almost completely naked.

  And when he puts his thumbs under the thin straps of my bikini undies and pulls them down, I am completely naked, completely vulnerable and completely his—at least for a few hours.

  Evan is so strong, it’s nothing for him to pick me up like a rag doll and place me on the bed. He spreads my legs before him and gives me a wicked little grin before he moves in between my legs with his tongue.

  And what a fine tongue it is. Of all of Evan’s skills I’ve had the pleasure of experiencing, this is the first time I’ve had the pleasure, and I do mean pleasure, of having his skillful tongue between my legs.

  I moan in delight as I revel in his vigorous licking and sucking. Waves of heat rush through my body as all of my nerve endings seem to spring to life all at once.

  Evan appears to be a man on a mission. And it’s not long before that mission is accomplished and his tongue thrusts bring me to a full orgasm. I clutch his lovely silk comforter as I writhe in pleasure.

  Once the first phase of his conquest is clearly a success, he looks up at me and gives me a satisfied half smile. “I assume that worked for you?”

  “Yeah,” I moan breathlessly as several small aftershocks quiver through me.

  I watch as he unbuttons his dress shirt and lets it fall to the floor. His chest is a mass of glorious muscles that he’s clearly worked hard for. He stares at me again with those amazing green eyes and I melt a little inside.

  Then he moves to his belt buckle and undoes it. I lick my lips in anticipation of seeing his manhood in all its glory.

  It’s only been a few months since we were together but it suddenly seems like a lot longer. As he lets his pants and underwear drop to the floor, I gasp at how hard he is already. He’s the most well-endowed man I’ve ever been with but he seems even harder and more turned on than I’ve ever seen him.

  “See something you want?” he taunts.

  Words completely escape me as I take in this near perfect specimen of a man. I simply nod.

  I definitely see something I want—and need. I need to feel Evan inside me. I want him to fill the overwhelming emptiness I now feel deep in my core.

  As he moves between my legs, I have a brief moment of sanity and ask about a condom.

  He looks at me puzzled. “Aren’t you still on the pill?”

  I gulp. I don’t want to spoil the moment but the guy admitted to being with over fifty freshmen and that was just in The Tournament. God only knows how many sophomores and juniors and seniors there were.

  “Your car,” I managed to hint but he still looks perplexed. Then realization overtakes his face but instead of reaching for a condom, like I think he will, he just looks hurt.

  “I haven’t been with anyone else since Spring Break,” he says clearly upset.

  Is that what he meant when he said he missed me? It never occurred to me that he wouldn’t have been with anyone else since then. Not Evan the Conqueror.

  “Have you?” he asks.

  I shake my head.

  “Then what’s the problem
?” he asks.

  The problem is what not using a condom implies. It implies monogamy and some kind of commitment to each other that I have no intention of making. “I just think we need to protect ourselves.” I know it sounds lame but it seems to appease him.

  He reaches into the drawer of his nightstand and removes a small package. After his sheathes himself, he turns to me and asks, “Happy?”

  “Very,” I reply.

  And before I can say or do anything else, he devours my mouth with his. He kisses me with such force and such intensity, I can barely stay in my own skin. I rake his back with my nails and it doesn’t even slow his frenzied pace. He’s like an animal let loose on his prey.

  “Tell me you want me,” he commands.

  “I want you,” I say obediently.

  He’s looking into my eyes and the look is scorching. “Tell me you’re mine,” he orders.

  “I’m yours.”

  He thrusts into me with so much force, I gasp.

  “Keira,” he moans as he continues to thrust. “You feel so good. I fit perfectly inside you.”

  He’s got some kind of fire raging inside that he seems to be fully enflamed as he continues to fuck me hard and fast.

  For the first time in my life, I completely lose control as he thrusts himself deep inside me and I lose myself in the purely visceral sensations of the moment.

  Evan continues the second phase of his conquest, plunging into my depths with everything he has, and it doesn’t take long before we both scream in pure ecstasy.

  When Evan collapses on top of me, I can feel a thin coat of sweat all over his body. He had quite a workout and his heart is racing.

  He gives me a soft kiss and lays his head on my chest. I wipe a bead of sweat from his brow and replace it with a quick kiss.

  I’m not one for post-coital cuddling or anything like that and I can feel myself getting restless.

  “I need to go to the bathroom,” I lie. I really just need to get out from under Evan. I’m suddenly feeling smothered and claustrophobic.

  He lifts himself from me and I roll off the bed. I hurry into the bathroom and shut the door then I take a deep breath and try to regain my focus.

  I’m here for one thing, I remind myself.


  I know I need to leave because Evan is getting way too clingy, way too attached. I need to rip off the Band-Aid and be done with it. I know it will hurt Evan initially but he’ll get over it.

  When I return to Evan’s bedroom, he’s stretched out on the bed. He’s put on his boxer briefs and his arms are extended over his head and his eyes closed. I quietly retrieve my clothes and begin getting dressed.

  I guess I’m not silent enough because Evan opens his eyes and blinks at me. He looks a little disoriented.

  “What are you doing?” he asks.

  “Getting dressed.” I state the obvious.

  “Why?” Evan sounds a little panicked.

  “Because I’m going home.”

  Evan moves closer to me. “You said you were mine for the night.”

  I glance down at my watch. “Yeah, well, it’s past twelve so the night is technically over.” I know I sound callous and bitchy but I’m tired and I’m trying my hardest to rip off that Band-Aid. Evan’s making it extremely difficult, however.

  He grabs my forearm. “Don’t go.”

  I pull my arm from him. “What do you want, Evan? Do you want me to stay and cuddle with you? Don’t be a pussy.”

  I can see his jaw clench and his face hardens. At least if he’s angry, it will be easier for me to make my escape.

  “What do you want?” he snaps.

  I glare at him. “You know what I want.”

  “Am I not good enough for you?” His face is now stone and I’m afraid I may have gone a little too far, from making him angry to hurting him. Not that I ever made him any promises. He just chose to ignore what I was telling him.

  “You’re not Aaron,” I say matter-of-factly.

  Before I can even take a breath, he’s on his feet glaring down at me. “Well, you’re not Rainy,” he shoots back.

  I feel like he’s just slapped me in the face but he doesn’t stop the offensive. “Do you think he’s going to love you? He loves Rainy. Rainy loves him. He’s known you since we were teenagers and he’s never loved you. What makes you think he’ll love you now? Or ever, for that matter?”

  I’m so angry, I lift a hand to slap Evan but his reflexes are sharp and he grabs my hand before I make contact with his face. “And you think I’m going to love you? Is that what you think?” I let out a sharp laugh. “I’m NEVER going to love you.”

  The words come out before I can stop them even though I’m not sure I mean them. But now they’re floating there in the middle of the room and Evan looks like the one who has been slapped.

  “At least I know I’m not worthy of another person’s love,” Evan says and he sounds defeated. He turns away from me and goes into the bathroom slamming the door behind him.

  A guy who doesn’t think he’s worthy of love just told me I’m not worthy of being loved either.

  This has officially turned into one of the worst weekends of my life.


  I try not to let Evan’s words deter me but they continue to echo in my head: he’s never loved you and at least I know I’m not worthy of another person’s love.

  But I want Aaron to love me. It may be one of the only things I’ve ever really wanted. How ironic that the girl who has everything can’t have the only thing she really wants?

  One thing I will never do is give up without a good fight. I want Rainy out of the picture so I can at least have a chance with Aaron.

  The next morning, I phone my father. I know he’s up and getting ready for a round of golf. While other people attend church, my dad always plays golf on Sunday morning.

  “What’s wrong, Pumpkin?” he says when he picks up the phone. “Are you still at Aaron and Evan’s graduation festivities?”

  “Yes, Daddy. I went out last night with Evan and his family.”

  “And how’s Aaron and the Donovans?”

  “They’re fine, Daddy. That’s why I’m calling. Aaron’s decided to go to graduate school and I think I’d like to go, too. He’s been accepted into the MBA program. Do you think you could pull some strings to get me in for fall term?”

  “I thought you were going to work at the advertising agency.”

  When my dad asked me what I wanted to do after graduation, I told him I’d take a job at his advertising firm. It’s one of the many companies he’s acquired over the years.

  “Daddy, I’ll be able to add so much more value to the firm with an MBA. I can even take a specialization in marketing.”

  I have no intention of doing so unless that’s what Aaron is taking but my father doesn’t have to know that. I don’t really care about earning an MBA, my only concern is to optimize the time I can spend with Aaron, and especially the time I can spend with him without Little Miss Rainy Dey there. Since she’s still an undergraduate, and an art history major, she definitely won’t be taking any graduate classes in business, so I’ll have Aaron all to myself.

  “Whatever you want, Pumpkin. I’ve known Artie Mitchell, the President of the university, for years. He still owes me a few favors from when he was in politics. I’ll give him a call first thing tomorrow morning and see what we can do. You’ll need to find a place to live near campus.”

  “Don’t worry, Daddy. I’ve already been looking at condos.”

  A few minutes after I hang up with my dad, I’m not surprised to hear my phone ring and I swallow the lump in my throat when I see it’s my mother.

  That was quick. My mom must have already heard about Aaron’s engagement and now I’m going to hear about what I failure I am for not snagging my man.

  “What’s going on?” my mother practically yells into the phone as soon as I answer it. She’s so upset her voice is shrill and seems to have raised a full octave.<
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  “What do you mean, Mother?” I reply feigning ignorance.

  “I heard Aaron is engaged and it’s not to you,” my mom snaps. “How could you let this happen?” I know my mom expects Aaron and me to get together now that we’re both college graduates.

  Before I can respond, my mom continues her tirade. “I heard she’s a freshman and that her dad’s an engineer.”

  The way my mother says engineer makes it sound like the plague.

  “Mother,” I try to interrupt. “Please give me a chance to work this out. I promise I have a plan.”

  “You’d better do something,” my mom snaps. “Do you know how long Aaron’s mother and I have been planning your wedding? Do you know what it would mean for both of our families for the two of you to get married? You cannot mess this up. Do you understand?”

  I take in a deep breath. I do understand. I’ve been conditioned to believe that Aaron and I would be together from the time I was twelve years old. “Yes, Mother,” I mutter because there is nothing else to say.

  I have to do whatever it takes to get Aaron Donovan.


  Keep your friends close—hold your enemies closer.

  Arabian Proverb

  Three Months Later…

  I stand outside of the graduate business building with my book bag in hand and I still can’t believe I’m already back in school. A wing of this prestigious building now bears the name of my father, Wallace Whitley, for his generous donation to the graduate school of business in exchange for my very late admission into the MBA program.

  I spent the summer in near seclusion at my parent’s East Coast beach house. Mom and Dad decided to go to Maui but I couldn’t bear the idea of the 12-hour plane flight. I heard through the grapevine that Aaron spent the summer with Rainy and her dad, which made me sick to my stomach. Evan phoned me a few times and asked if he could come up for the weekend. He sounded tired. When I asked him about his new job, he said it was okay but it didn’t sound like he loved it, or even liked it that much. I could tell something was missing, I just didn’t want that something to be me.

  When I hear a male voice call my name, I know immediately it’s Aaron. I turn and see him standing next to me in a white polo shirt and black jeans, snug in all the right places. He gives me a genuine smile that lights up whatever darkness that had been surrounding me. When I look into his magnificent brown eyes, I simply want to melt into them.


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