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Fair Play

Page 10

by Madison, Dakota

  And that makes me want to crush Rainy even more.

  Mrs. Donovan asks Rainy a few questions about her art history major just to be polite but I can see by the way her eyes glass over, she doesn’t care at all about Rainy or her major.

  “I heard Aaron and Keira are working together on a big project for their Economics class,” my mom offers.

  I smile and glance at Rainy. I’m sure by now Aaron has told her about our group project. I can see that she’s started to wring her hands again, so it’s probably still a sore subject.

  “Yes,” I say and grin. “Aaron and I will be spending a lot of time together this semester.”

  When Rainy gulps, I know I’ve struck a nerve so I keep going. “I’m so glad I decided to get a place right next to Aaron’s condo. It makes things a lot more convenient.” I make sure to say things in such a way to imply there is more going on than just studying.

  Rainy’s lips are now pursed and she seems to be seething inside. I love it.

  But then, to my utter astonishment, she bites right back. “And what does Evan have to say about you spending so much time with Aaron?”

  Now both my mom and Mrs. Donovan are staring at me. “We’re just friends,” I say as casually as I can but at the mere mention of Evan’s name, I can feel my face growing hot.

  My mom’s eyes narrow. She and I don’t discuss my relationship with Evan because her dream has always been for me to marry Aaron.

  “I didn’t think Evan was close to settling down yet,” Mrs. Donovan says pointedly. That makes me think she’s heard about Evan winning The Tournament.

  “He’s not,” I agree even though deep down I have a feeling Evan wants nothing more than to be with me.

  When I sneak a glance at my mother, I see she’s scowling at me. Although the topic has never come up, the look on her face makes me believe she doesn’t think very highly of Evan. Or maybe it’s just the fact that his family isn’t as wealthy and well- connected as Aaron’s. On a scale of wealth, power and influence, where Rainy’s family is a speck of sand on the beach, Evan’s family would be a lovely fishing pier but Aaron’s family would be a magnificent lighthouse. My family would be a luxurious ocean liner sailing by both the pier and lighthouse. I can already hear my mother telling me that I shouldn’t settle for Evan Warner. Why settle for a fishing pier when I can have a magnificent lighthouse?

  After our food is served, the conversation moves to various innocuous topics like Mrs. Donovan’s charity of the week (Parkinson’s Research) and whether organic foods are truly organic.

  All eyes are once again on Rainy when she actually eats her soup. I guess she didn’t get the memo that the lunch is supposed to be looked at and played with but never actually put into your mouth.

  When Rainy looks up from her bowl, all three of us are still gaping at her. “The soup is delicious,” she comments. Then she goes right back to eating it.

  I see Mrs. Donovan give my mother a sideways glance then she clears her throat, which gets Rainy’s attention.

  Rainy looks up from her bowl again and gives Mrs. Donovan a small smile.

  “Rainy,” Mrs. Donovan says. “I’m sure when you start shopping for your wedding dress, you’d like to fit into a size two, wouldn’t you?”

  That’s Mrs. Donovan’s way of both telling Rainy not to eat the fatty soup and that’s she’s already too big in her view. Rainy’s about a size 4 and that might be considered small by middle class standards but in our social circle, if you’re above a size 2, you’re obese.

  Rainy scrunches her nose like she’s trying to decode what Mrs. Donovan just said. Then she shrugs and says, “I’m not worried about it,” and continues to eat her soup.

  Now my mother and Mrs. Donovan look at each other with wide eyes. I have to give Rainy credit for being either blissfully ignorant of the subtext of the conversation or not giving a shit about what Mrs. Donovan has to say. If Mrs. Donovan had said that to me, not only would I have not eaten the soup, I wouldn’t have eaten anything for an entire week.

  After the waiter clears our plates, it occurs to me that our plan to make Rainy feel inadequate has failed. She seems to take everything in stride and it seems nearly impossible to make her feel bad about herself in any way. The girl has the strongest sense of herself I’ve ever seen. Rainy clearly doesn’t have any self-esteem issues.

  The only thing that ever rattles her chains is when I talk about spending time with Aaron, so I guess that’s what the new strategy will be. Finding a way to get Aaron alone and trying to seduce him.

  When we’re saying our goodbyes, Mrs. Donovan takes the opportunity to give me another big hug and tells me to call her so we can do lunch again. She makes no attempt to touch Rainy and merely says, “It was a pleasure seeing you again.”

  “Likewise,” Rainy replies and gives Mrs. Donovan a megawatt smile.

  “I’ll phone you,” my mother says and I cringe at the thought of the grilling she’s going to give me about Evan.

  Once we get into my car and we’re back on the road, I ask, “So, what did you think of the country club?”

  “The club itself was beautiful,” Rainy replies carefully.

  “But not the people,” I probe.

  “Not so much,” Rainy admits.

  If I wasn’t intent on splitting up Rainy and her fiancé, she just might be someone I’d consider hanging out with.

  “What do you think of Aaron’s mother?” I throw out to see if she’ll catch the bait.

  “I don’t think she likes me very much.”

  That could be the understatement of the year. “Does that concern you?”

  “Why should it? I have no control over what other people think of me. Besides, I’m marrying Aaron not his mother.”

  I have to stifle a laugh. She’s naïve if she thinks Aaron and his family don’t come as a package deal. When you come from one of the wealthiest families in the country, family does matter.

  “The Donovan’s are a pretty tight-knit group,” I warn. “I wouldn’t want to be the one to come between Aaron and his family.”

  When I glance over at Rainy, I can see she’s wringing her hands again. That’s definitely her vulnerability showing. “Things always have a way of working themselves out,” she says although it sounds like she’s trying to convince herself as much as she’s trying to convince me.

  I’m a little taken aback when she turns the tables on me and asks, “Why doesn’t your mom like Evan?”

  That leads me to believe that maybe she’s not as naïve about subtext as I initially thought. I’m not sure how to respond. My mother thinks I should be the one marrying your fiancé somehow doesn’t seem quite right. I settle for, “My mother thinks I can do better.” She wants me to snag a lighthouse not a fishing pier.

  “I think you and Evan are a perfect match,” she states.

  And I choke. “What makes you say that?”

  “I’ve seen the way the two of you look at each other,” she adds but doesn’t elaborate.

  That makes me wonder if Aaron has also seen something going on between me and Evan.

  “It’s nothing serious,” I state dismissively.

  “Whatever you say,” Rainy replies.

  I don’t feel like talking anymore, so the two of us sit in silence for the remainder of the ride back to Rainy’s dorm.

  As if my mother has a set of eyes following me everywhere, the minute Rainy steps out of my car, my phone rings.

  “Yes, Mother,” I snap as I answer my cell.

  She doesn’t even make use of any pleasantries; she gets straight to the point. “So, what is going on with you and Evan Warner?”

  “Exactly what I told you at lunch,” I repeat. “Nothing. We’re just friends.”

  “You know Aaron and Evan have been best friends since they were children.”

  “I know, Mother.”

  “If Aaron thinks you’re with Evan, he’ll never give you a second thought.” My mother’s voice is really starting to grate
on my nerves.

  “I know.”

  “And you know you’re supposed to be with Aaron. Theresa Donovan and I completely agree. She was so impressed with you today at lunch. If we can just get that girl out of the picture, I’m sure Aaron will eventually come around. They always do, especially when it concerns inheriting a large fortune. Mrs. Donovan is going to have a conversation with Aaron over the weekend. She’s going to up the stakes a bit. Offer some financial incentives to let Rainy go.”

  I’d love to be a fly on the wall for that conversation. “Are we done, Mother?” I ask anxious to get off the phone.

  “For now,” my mother states and she hangs up before I have a chance to say anything else.


  After class the next day, I’m surprised to see Rainy waiting right outside our classroom door. She’s nervously wringing her hands so I know something is up.

  “Hey, Sunshine,” Aaron says as he puts his arm around her and places a kiss on her cheek. The two of them are so sickeningly sweet they really do make me want to vomit when I’m around them.

  When Rainy says my name, I stop dead in my tracks. I look up at her and she has a little grin on her face.

  “You mentioned that you wanted to spend more time with Aaron, so we decided to have a little get together at Aaron’s place, just a few students from the graduate program, my roommate and her girlfriend…”

  “And Evan,” Aaron adds. When I look over at him, he’s got a devilish look on his face like he knows more than he’s letting on.

  “Okay,” I agree. “I might be able to make some time to attend.” The only thing I’m really thinking about is seeing Evan again. I know I have to focus and think about it as an opportunity to come between Aaron and Rainy in any way I can; but my mind keeps drifting back to Evan. Rainy’s words echo in my mind: I’ve seen the way the two of you look at each other. The only thing I can think about is having Evan look at me that way again.

  Spending so much time with sexy Aaron Donovan has made me horny as hell but whenever I think of having sex, my thoughts always go back to Evan. We’ve been together so often and it’s always been so good. Not only is he extremely talented, he’s so in tune with my body and what turns me on. Being with him is like being with my other half but that’s part of the problem. I don’t want either of us to get too attached and the last few times we’ve been together, we’ve been in the serious-trouble zone.

  Then I remember the very last time we were together and how badly I completely and totally fucked things up. I’m not sure he wants to be with me again anyway, so the entire point may be moot.

  But I’m at the point now where I actually crave Evan. I crave his touch and his taste and his smell. I crave having him inside me and fulfilling the pure longing I have for him.


  The opposite of love is not hate; it's indifference.

  Elie Wiesel

  I arrive at Aaron’s place earlier than I want. I’m usually the queen of fashionably late appearances, so being on time should seem early.

  But tonight feels different.

  The only explanation I can come up with is that Aaron mentioned that he was inviting Evan over and that’s all I’ve been thinking about since. I haven’t seen Evan since the night he treated me like a whore (or maybe it’s more accurate to say that I acted like one).

  But I’ve thought about him—a lot. I debated phoning him or stopping by his place but I always talk myself out of it because I’m afraid of facing him.

  And I don’t want to admit how much I miss him.

  I’m wearing a Dolce & Gabbana outfit that Evan once told me he absolutely loved. He said it really showed off my curves. It could have been a line to get me out of the outfit but I still think it’s worth a shot.

  When I knock on Aaron’s door, I can feel my heart beat a little faster than normal. Why am I nervous? I’m usually the queen of cool.

  Rainy opens the door and I can still see a moment of initial hesitation on her face when she sees me. I know I haven’t gained her trust and I probably never will. But then she paints on a smile and says, “Glad you could make it.”

  She could be the sweetest person I’ve ever met and that just makes me want to slap her.

  I do a quick scan of the room. Roxie and Les are engaged in what looks like a deep conversation in a back corner. A few other students from our graduate class are getting drinks from the refrigerator.

  Rainy heads over to the sound system, where I see Aaron is playing with his speakers. She plays a Rolling Stones song, which reminds me of Evan. He’s the one who always tells me I can’t always get what I want but I can get what I need, just like the Stones song says. I know Evan believes he’s what I need and more often lately, I wonder if he’s right.

  I can see Rainy whisper something to Aaron and then they both turn to look at me. Aaron gives me a slight nod then heads towards me. Of course, he has his hand entwined with Rainy’s. I’m surprised their skin hasn’t fused together yet.

  “Glad you could make it,” Aaron says in the exact same tone that Rainy said it a few minutes before.

  They’re not even married and they’re already starting to sound alike. It makes me want to gag.

  Aaron looks smoking hot in his black jeans and signature white polo. It’s the middle of fall and he’s still sporting a bit of a tan on his muscular arms. When people use the term sex on a stick they are no doubt referring to Aaron. He epitomizes the term.

  What surprises me, though, is that I don’t feel anything when I look at Aaron. He’s model magnificent and should instantly make me hot and bothered but I don’t feel a thing.

  All I can think about is seeing Evan again. Just the thought of him sends a wave of both nervousness and desire rushing through me.

  “Is Evan here?” I say trying to keep my tone as casual as possible.

  “Not yet,” Aaron replies and I try to hide my disappointment.

  “Would you like something to drink?” Rainy offers.

  “Aaron knows what I want,” I say not even realizing the double meaning until I see the shock on Rainy’s face. “Maker’s Mark neat.”

  Rainy nods and heads toward the bar area and I join Roxie and Les, who are talking about the money to be made investing in reality television.

  “My drinking buddy has finally arrived,” Roxie announces when she sees me. “But you’re empty-handed. That’s sacrilegious.”

  “Rainy’s getting me a drink.”

  As if on cue, Rainy hands me a glass. “Thanks,” I say and take a sip of the whiskey.

  “It’s great to see you again,” Rainy says although I can tell she’s not sincere. I’m sure she’d be happy if I dropped dead in the street on the way over here but she’s too nice to say anything mean or disrespectful.

  “How are your classes going?” I say trying to make small talk.

  Because she thinks I actually care, Rainy says, “My Renaissance Art class is amazing. I love immersing myself in that period of history. It was an incredible time of growth for the arts. That kind of intense immersion in my field is the reason I’m here at the university.”

  And to fuck Aaron, apparently, I think.

  I used to think people were basically selfish, self-serving and mean. All the people in my social circle seem to be that way. But that was before I met Rainy and her hippie-dippy friends. They’re actually nice and care about each other.

  And it makes me want to punch them all.

  I glance at my watch and realize it’s getting close to nine. “I wonder where Evan is,” I say casually.

  Rainy shrugs. “He said he’d stop by.”

  “Who’s Evan?” Les asks. The more time I spend with Les the more he reminds me of a young Woody Allen minus the funny.

  Before I can respond, Roxie says, “He’s Keira’s sort-of on-again-off-again boyfriend.”

  “He’s not my boyfriend,” I insist a little too forcefully, which causes Les to raise an eyebrow and Roxie to give him an I-told-you-so look

  “And what would you call him?” Roxie challenges.

  I have no idea what to call Evan anymore. Fuck buddies is starting to sound kind of juvenile and paramour sounds too French. Calling him a lover makes me sound like I’m an actress from the 1950s. “We’re friends with benefits,” I finally decide.

  “Is that all?” Roxie eyes me like I’m a criminal. She’s one of the toughest chicks I’ve ever met and I have no doubt that’s why we get along so well.

  “Yes, that’s all.” We both know it’s a lie the moment the words pop out of my mouth.

  “I see the way he looks at you. Evan doesn’t look at you like he just wants to be friends with benefits.”

  “Whatever,” I say dismissively. “If he was that interested, he’d be here by now.”

  As if on cue, there’s a knock on the door. Rainy goes to answer it and as soon as she sees Evan, her entire demeanor completely changes. She becomes rigid and almost frozen with fear.

  As soon as Aaron sees it’s Evan at the door, he nearly trips over himself to stand between Evan and Rainy. There seems to be a lot more going on there than Rainy revealed when we were at The Cavern. It is obvious Aaron wants to protect Rainy from Big Bad Evan. Surely, Evan didn’t hit on Rainy. He can be a prick but he isn’t stupid.

  Aaron seems reluctant to put out his hand but he finally does and Evan shakes it. Then Evan’s eyes scan the room until they meet mine.

  As soon as our eyes lock, it’s like magic. Everything that I want to feel when I look at Aaron rushes through my body like a runaway train when I look at Evan. We have the kind of chemistry that the heroines of romance novels always take two pages to describe but I can describe in a simple sentence: I want to rip off his clothes and jump on for a wild ride.

  When Aaron and Rainy head toward the bar, probably to make Evan a drink, he wanders toward our group, his eyes still fixed on mine.

  “We need to talk,” he says.

  I nod.

  “Thanks for the warm hello,” Roxie sneers.

  As if he suddenly realizes I’m not alone, Evan glances at Roxie and Les. “Roxie, good to see you again.”


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