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Mail Order Menage

Page 3

by Abel, Leota M

  Marina nodded hesitantly. “George?” Did she finally find the man whose wife she was destined to be?

  He took her hand in his and raised it to his lips. “The preacher is waiting for us, let’s go get married.”

  George got her trunk down off the top of the stagecoach with the help of the driver and put it in the back of his wagon, and then came back to her to take her hand and go see the preacher with her. He paused and looked at her sheepishly. He reached behind the seat and pulled out a small bundle of flowers.

  “I didn’t know what you’d like, but I thought you’d want some flowers for the ceremony.”

  She accepted them gratefully, they were lovely and it put her at ease. “Thank you,” she mumbled softly.

  The preacher was smiling from ear to ear as he performed the ceremony. When he told George he could kiss the bride, he wrapped Marina in his arms and lifted her off her feet, his tongue going into her mouth deeply to tangle with hers. It stole her breath away, and she kissed him back with all the passion that was stored up inside her. Would George be the man to make her explode with pleasure?

  He finally lowered her to the floor and handed the preacher some money. He took her hand and led her out of the church without a backward glance. He said nothing to her until they were on the road out of town. Once they were about five minutes out, he pulled to the side of the road, and jumped down from the wagon, taking her hand and pulling her down with him.

  “What are we doing?” she asked uncertainly. Why was he stopping in the middle of nowhere? This couldn’t be where he lived!

  He laughed. “What do you think we’re doing? I’m about to fuck your brains out, girl.”

  Marina couldn’t decide if she should be shocked or not. He gave her a church wedding, and provided her with a lovely little boquet of flowers. But he spoke so crudely to her. At least Michael had spoken like a gentleman to her. Like a gentleman who wanted to turn her into a whore. George might be crude, but he married her, and was going to give her a home.

  “Now? But I thought we’d wait until tonight, once we got back to the ranch.” He lowered the back of the wagon and picked her up by the waist setting her on the edge of it.

  “Don’t worry. I’ll fuck you there, too. Besides, I want privacy for our first time together.” He unfastened the front of his pants and when his cock sprang free she stared in shock.

  They wouldn’t have privacy in his home? “That thing is huge!” She shook her head. “There’s no way it’s going to fit.” She swallowed hard, but felt herself grow wet. She wondered if he’d let her touch it. It wouldn’t fit, but she sure wanted him to try.

  He simply pushed her to her back in the wagon and climbed up beside her. “We’ll make it fit.” His lips lowered to hers and he kissed her the way he had in the church, but this time one hand cupped her breast, while his other lifted up her skirt. Her skin flamed, and she moaned against his mouth. He spent just a moment playing between her legs, gently flicking her node and making sure she was wet and ready for him. “I promise, I’ll usually take more time, but I’ve gotta have you now. I could have waited, but you are so pretty.”

  Marina just nodded, that was something Michael never did, and he certainly hadn’t bothered to prepare her like George was.

  He moved between her legs, using one hand to guide his huge cock toward her entrance. She tensed herself, expecting intense pain as soon as he tried to enter her. She put her hands on his shoulders, unsure if she wanted to push him away or pull him closer. “I’m scared,” she told him honestly.

  He grinned. “I’ll try to make it good for you now, but you’ll get used to it.” He pushed hard, not giving her a chance to panic, filling her to the hilt, watching her face as the pain warred with the pleasure. He gave her a moment to get used to his cock filling her, and for her to start shifting in pleasure, before pumping in and out of her. Never before had a man filled her like that, and she spent a moment in shock staring up at him, but then she wrapped her legs around his waist to urge him on.

  The building sensation started again, and she moaned moving her head against the hard wagon bed. “It feels so good!” She hoped he would keep going for long enough for whatever was supposed to happen to actually happen!

  He laughed softly. “You’re the tightest woman I’ve ever fucked. You may not be a virgin, but you certainly haven’t done much of this.” His words were strained as he kept moving inside her, enjoying her facial expression, which was half between pleasure and pain.

  The pressure and pleasure built up inside her and she lost control, writhing against him. Within moments she squealed, her back arching and her hips lifting him off the bed of the wagon. She dug her fingers into his back through his shirt, wondering if a man would ever undress before he poked inside her. He pumped hard a few more times and groaned as he spurted his seed into her.

  He lay atop her for a moment, and then rolled to his side. “See? I told you. I wasn’t too big after all, was I?” He smiled at her, knowing she’d enjoyed it just as much as he had. He gently stroked her face with his hand.

  “I’m glad you were able to enjoy yourself. I figure it won’t be awkward between us now. Plus, as you might imagine, you go a long time between women out here.”

  She rolled to her elbow and looked down at him, looking at his cock now much smaller lying in the opening of his pants. She eyed it for a moment and then her eyes met his. “It’s littler now. Like a normal size penis. Why?” She wanted to touch it, to see if it felt as soft as it looked.

  He laughed softly. “It’ll be ready for action again later. It needs a chance to recover.” He reached down and tucked it into his pants and fastened them.

  She did her best to stifle her sigh of disappointment. She’d really wanted to look at it for longer, and he’d tucked it away. Maybe he’d let her touch it later. “You ready to head to the ranch?” She nodded pushing her skirt down to cover her legs.

  “How far is it to the ranch?”

  He jumped down and took her hand, helping her to her feet. “It’ll take about an hour to get there.” She swallowed hard. She’d had no idea they’d be so far from civilization. “So I won’t see anyone but you?” Not that he wasn’t easy on the eyes. She just liked to be around people.

  He laughed. “I have two brothers that live at the ranch. We work it together. You’ll see them a lot.” He stroked her cheek with the backs of his fingers.

  “Oh good! So I’ll be cooking for all four of us?” She hated the idea of being so alone out on the ranch. With her two brothers-in-law living there, she knew she wouldn’t get lonely.

  “Something like that. I know you grew up on a farm, and I hope you’ll be happy at the ranch.”

  They spoke little as they drove. She wasn’t sure what to say to a man she’d met, married and had sex with in the space of an hour. What could she say?

  Chapter Four

  When they drove up to the house, she stared at it in wonder. “Oh, it’s beautiful!” The house was white, made out of wood and two stories. She’d never lived in such a fine house in her life. She waited while he walked around the wagon and lifted her down, but she was impatient. She wanted to be lady like for him, or she’d have jumped down and run up to the house to explore.

  She opened the front door to see two young men sitting at the table, still covered with lunch dishes. She felt shy and awkward in front of them. Did they know what she and George had been up to on the drive in from town?

  “Hello,” she said softly. “I’m George’s new wife, Marina.”

  “Henry.” The first man smiled, looking her up and down in a proprietary way. She was immediately uncomfortable and looked at George, wondering what he’d think. The man reached for the front of his pants and unbuttoned them, pulling his penis out into his hand and giving it a stroke.

  She gaped at his member. It was even bigger than George’s and that thing had almost torn her apart. She felt sorry for whomever ended up married to Henry. She finally drug her eyes away from
his crotch, remembering that she was a proper married woman now.

  “I think you should put that away. You’re not living with just men now,” she told him, wandering into the kitchen to look around and trying not to pay attention to the man beside her. She’d wanted to stare at his penis and touch it, but she knew she shouldn’t. She was as bad as Jasmine, wanting to catch glimpses of him, plus, George was watching.

  She turned when she was halfway to the stove and looked at the other brother. “I’m Marina.” She noted that he had a big bulge in his crotch too, but she didn’t let her eyes linger. At least he was keeping it in his pants. No wonder George had wanted privacy, his brother’s were very strange.

  The brother nodded once. “I’m Lewis.” He was dark like George. All three brothers looked a great deal alike. She reveled in the fact that she was going to be surrounded by several strapping, strong, handsome men.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Lewis.” She turned and walked the rest of the way to the stove, opening it and peering inside. This was a newer stove than she’d ever used and she was anxious to try it out. She hoped she would be able to satisfy their hunger.

  She turned to the three brothers. “What would you like for supper tonight?” she asked. She was anxious to get started on being a good wife.

  Henry was right beside her, his cock even bigger than it had been. “Don’t care.” His hand was stroking his cock, and it was all she could do not to stare at it.

  Marina was getting frustrated. Why was her new brother-in-law stalking her through the house with his penis in his hand? Had no one ever taught him any manners?

  George sat down at the table and tilted his chair back on two legs, watching her intently. He seemed to not care that his brother was acting so strangely. She glared at him and walked back to the table to clear it off, fully aware that Henry was still following along behind her with his cock in his hand.

  She had just started stacking the dishes when George stood up and grabbed her wrist. He used his hand to push her down over the table just like Michael had in his office, his hand lifting her skirt up and over her waist. His hand went unerringly to her opening, where he stroked her and flicked her node until she squirmed against his hand. She tried to push up against him, but she was weak with her desire. “George, what are you doing, we’re in front of your brothers!”

  “Marina, I know what danger a women’s unsatisfied desire can do. With my brother’s sniffing around you, you’ll fall for their honeyed tongues. This way, we can all just share. We’ve all been a long time between women.” He stroked in and out of her wet slit, and she moaned against the table. “Being married to me, means being married to my brothers, too. Will you be our bride?” Desire racked her body and she closed her eyes. To have three men to satisfy her, whenever she needed. Now she understood why Jasmine loved it so. She nodded.

  Henry took George’s place behind her, and George sat back down in his chair, watching her.

  “I see you got her all greased up for me, George. Thanks.” She felt his cock pushing against her pussy, which already felt abused, right away. She tried to move away, still embarrassed by what was happening, but he kept a hand in the middle of her back while his other hand guided his cock inside her. She squealed as he pushed into her to the hilt with no warning. “It’s too big!”

  Henry laughed, wiggling a little inside her as he gave her a moment to adjust to his girth. “I thought you made sure we weren’t getting a virgin, George! I can’t get my fist this tight.”

  George just grinned, looking into Marina’s eyes as they met his across the table. “She wasn’t a virgin when I fucked her on the way home, but she’s the next thing to it. Have you ever felt such a tight pussy?” She was breathless, and locked eyes with George.

  Henry grinned and pulled out, thrusting back in quickly. “Never felt nothing like this!” He kept one hand on her shoulder keeping her bent over the table, while his other hand massaged her ass, squeezing it tightly. “You like getting spanked, girl?” he asked.

  Marina groaned as he thrust away at her already sore pussy. “Why would I like getting spanked?” she asked.

  All three men laughed. “She’ll like it,” George said with a grin. “I think that girl’s gonna like everything we do to her!” He seemed to be enjoying watching his brother fucking her. What kind of family had she married into?

  Despite her embarrassment and shock over having her brother-in-law fuck her in front of her husband, Marina felt the tension building inside her. Would she feel the same explosion of pleasure she had when George had taken her in the wagon? She turned her head to look at Lewis to see what he was doing and saw her other brother-in-law rubbing his hand over his crotch, but his cock was still in his pants. Would he go next?

  Suddenly it didn’t matter what the men had planned. All that mattered was the thrill of having Henry thrusting his huge cock in and out of her tight, wet box. She moaned softly, wishing she could move with him, but the way he held her down made that impossible.

  At her moan, all the men laughed, and George watched her face. “She’s gettin’ close. She came for me on the way home, too. We have us a little slut here, and I couldn’t be happier.”

  Marina knew she’d want to think about why he was calling her a slut later, but just then all she could think about was pleasure. She started panting and moaning as she got closer, and then let out a scream as she found her pleasure. Vaguely she realized the man behind her was still pumping into her, but she didn’t care.

  With one last hard thrust, Henry spewed his seed inside the girl, his knees shaking as he pulled out and fastened his britches. “Damn, George. You were right. We did need a wife around here.”

  Marina was no longer being held down, but she wasn’t sure she could stand. She pushed herself up onto her elbows, groaning. “You two are going to leave me raw!”

  Lewis got to his feet. “Two? You really think I’m not going to take a turn?” He walked over behind her, staring down at her bare ass and pussy which were still exposed. He reached out and massaged her ass with both hands for a moment, before pulling her to her feet. “Not over the table, though.”

  Marina stared up at the third brother, understanding fully now why George had wanted an open-minded woman who wasn’t a virgin. These men were going to use her until she begged for mercy. She felt a slow grin spread over her face. If the third brother fucked like the first two, she’d be happy to spread her legs for all of them any time they wanted!

  Chapter Five

  Lewis wrapped his fingers around Marina’s wrist and pulled her toward the stairs.

  “Where are you taking me?” she asked, surprised. Wasn’t he just going to take her in front of his brothers? She’d kind of enjoyed giving them a show with Henry.

  “To a bed. My brothers have been inconsiderate pigs. A lady deserves to be taken in a bed on occasion.” He took the stairs slowly, pulling her along behind him. “I’m not going to fuck you until we’re both completely undressed either.”

  Marina smiled. “I think I like you.”

  He laughed. “You’ll like me best of all, I’m sure.” He pushed open the door of a room with a large bed in the center of it before turning to her and unbuttoning the buttons along the back of her dress. He pressed a kiss to her neck as his fingers went to work.

  It took him no time at all to strip her, and then he went to work on his own clothes. When he pushed his pants down and his cock sprang free she stared at it. It was beautiful. “May I touch it?”

  Lewis looked at her with surprise but nodded. “Have you never touched one?”

  She shook her head. “No. I’ve only felt them between my legs.” She reached out a hand and slowly stroked one finger over it. “It feels….strange.”

  “Do they feel strange inside you?” he asked, watching her face as he got rid of the last of his clothes dropping them on the floor.

  “Not at all. They just feel so good once they’re in me!” The tingling was already starting in her pussy.
Just touching him with her hand was making her hotter than she’d ever been.

  He laughed pushing her toward the bed. “Well, let’s make you feel good!” He pushed her until she fell back onto the bed with a slight bounce and then he followed her down.

  For the first time she noticed that Henry and George had obviously followed them and were sitting on either side of the bed. Lewis knelt between her spread thighs, pressing himself to her entrance. “I’ll go slower next time, baby.”

  Slower? He’d taken her clothes off. That wasn’t slow?

  George leaned over and pressed his lips to hers as Lewis slowly pushed inside her. She groaned softly, because she was already sore from his brothers, but she raised her hips eagerly to meet his. Henry leaned over and took her nipple between his lips sucking deeply while Lewis began his slow thrusts.

  Marina didn’t know who she should pay attention to. Lewis was moving so slowly and carefully that she felt he would take weeks to finish. George’s tongue echoed the thrusts of his brother’s cock. And Henry? No man had ever taken her nipple into his mouth, and she felt pleasure shooting down into the pussy Lewis was filling so competently.

  She wrapped her legs tightly around Lewis’s waist, her hips lifting to urge him to move faster inside her. Lewis laughed softly. “She wants it faster, boys!” He thrust faster twice, and then immediately slowed his pace again. Five slow, drawn-out thrusts and then two fast. She wrapped her arms around George and kissed him harder, her hips still begging Lewis to move faster.

  Henry reached down and put his hand just above where her body was joined with Lewis’s and rubbed the swollen nub there. Marina jerked with shock and pleasure. He moved his finger rapidly across her and she felt her pleasure building and building. She let her legs fall away from Lewis’s hips as she tried to get the most out of Henry’s finger as well as his brother’s cock.

  After a moment, she arched her back, finding the pleasure she’d been seeking, and feeling it more intensely than ever. Henry lifted his head from her breast and stared into her eyes, which were open in surprise. “There are so many things we’re going to do to you,” he promised. “You’ll never be the same again. And I swear, you will love every minute of it.”


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