Hidden Depths: The Story of Hypnosis
Page 56
O'Key, E. and J., 174–9, 186, 190, 240, 282–3
Olson, F., 385
Orange, Prince of, 356
Oresme, N., 57, 60–1
Orne, M., 20, 229, 236, 251, 315, 390
Ostertag, Dr, 114
Ostrander, S., 240, 245
Oswald, L. H., 386
Oudet, M. J., 126
Owens, Dr, 160
Packard, V., 366–7, 382
Papandato, G., 4
Paracelsus (Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim), 59, 69, 91
von Paradis, M. T., 75–7, 92–3
Parssinen, T., 182
de Pasqually, M., 114
Patterson, D., 151
Patterson, F., 339
Paulet, J. J., 93
Pavlov, I., xxvi, 18, 382
Peale, N. V., 402
Pearson, J., 157
Perkins, B., 133
Perkins, E., 133–4
Perls, F., 408
Perseus, 56
Peter of Abano, 60
Philip I, King of France, 102
Phillips, Ms, 237
Phrenological Society of London, 173
Picano, F., 235
Pigeaire, J., 126–7
Pio, Padre, 342
Pitt, G., 265–6
Pius XII, Pope, 12
Plantin, Mme, 125, 188
Plato, 419–20
Plautus, 52
Pliny the Elder, 53, 56
Plutarch, 56
Poe, E. A., 136, 146, 323
Polidori, J., 170
da Ponte, L., 68
von Posch, M., 67, 77–8, 99
Powers, F. G., 381
Poyen St Sauveur, C., 134–7, 148, 156
Preminger, O., 6
Priestley, J. B., 66
Prince, M., xxvi, 216, 289–90, 292
Proust, M., 34
Purland, T., 164
de Puységur, A., 87, 114–15
de Puységur, Marquis A., xxvi, 87, 89, 93, 95, 97, 99, 105–14, 119–20, 124, 128, 131, 175, 225, 242, 282, 287
de Puységur, Count J., 87, 114
Pyrrhus, King of Epirus, 102
Quakers, 383
Quimby, P. P., 148–9, 151–2
Race, V., 105–11, 119, 175, 282
Rachmaninoff, S., xxi, 338
Radet, J. B., 93
Rafn, C. G., 133
Raginsky, B., 346
Raikov, V., 258, 277
Rajneesh, B., 373–4
Ramer, C., 129
Rand Corporation, 379
Rankin, I., 234–5
Rasputin, G., xxi, 3–4, 341
Ray, J. E., 387
Récamier, C. A., 122, 124
Redford, R., 6
Reich, W., 372, 424–5
von Reichenbach, Baron K., 213
Renaux, C., 128
van Renterghem, A. W., 216
Reynolds, M., 288, 290
Rhine, J. B., 240
Richet, C., 219, 243
Roberts, J., 240, 397
Robespierre, M., 89
de Rochas, A., 213, 251
Romer, I., 166
Rosicrucians, 78, 97
Rossi, E., 307, 354, 415
Rostan, L., 124
Rousseau, J. J., 78, 96, 284
Royal College of Physicians, 188, 200
Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society, 186–7, 199
Royal Society, 177
Royal Society of Medicine, France, 79, 92
Rübel, M., 128
Ruby, J., 386
de la Rue, A., 191–2, 225
de la Rue, E., 191
Rummo (stage hypnotist), 128
de Saint-Martin, L. C., 113–14, 242
St Thomas's Hospital, 173
Salpêtrière Hospital, 217, 220–2, 224, 285, 297
Salpêtrière school, 213, 219–25
Sand, G., 127
Sandby, G., 199
Sarbin, T., xxvi, 318
Sargant, W., 383
Satir, V., 408
von Schelling, F., 117, 242
Schreiber, F. R., 292
von Schrenck-Notzing, Baron A., 216, 232, 244
Schroeder, L., 240, 245
Schubert, G., 117
Schultz, J. H., 394–5
Schurr, M., 128
Scot, M., 60
Scot, S., 102
Serapis, 47
Servan, J., 94
Seyfert, E., 75
Shakers, 13, 132
Shakespeare, W., 62, 284, 350
Shapiro, D., 410
Shelley, M., 170–1
Shelley, P. B., 170–1
Sidis, B., xxvi, 216, 289
Simonton, C. and S., 405
Sirhan, S., 387
Sizemore, C., 290
Skinner, B. F., 382
Smith, G. A., 247–50
Smith, Mrs, 251
Smith, J. V. C., 156
Snedeker, M., 259
Snow, C., 257
Societies of Harmony, 85–7, 93–7, 101, 105, 110, 113–15, 119
Society for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 305
Society for Experimental Psychology, 131
Society for Psychical Research (SPR), 246–50, 285
Solon, 51–2
Southey, R., 167–70, 172
Spanos, N., xxvi, 316, 319–20
Spiegel, D., xxvi
Spinola, A., 356
Stalin, J., xxi
Stark, M., 251
Stone, W., 139
Storr, A., 374
Streisand, B., 4, 6, 257
Strieber, W., 17, 273–4
Sunderland, L., 137–41, 146, 149, 155
Svengali, xxi, 1–4, 339
Swedenborg, E., 78, 115, 130, 147–8, 169, 242
van Swieten, G., 80
Symes, Mr, 184–5
Symonds, J., 407
Tabarn, S., 345
de Talleyrand, Baron, 87
Tart, C., 362–3
Temple, R., 335
Teste, A., 127
Thackeray, W., 173
Theophilus, 60
Tichborne, Sir R., 205
Tierney, G., 6
Tighe, V., 252–5, 259
Topham, W., 187
de la Tourette, G., 224
Townshend, C., 141, 158, 177–8, 190
Treviranus, L., 170
von Trier, L., 362–3
Trine, R. W., 153
Trophonius, 48
Trousseau, A., 357
Tuckey, C. Lloyd, 216
Tuke, H., 353
Twain, M., 9
University College Hospital, 172–6, 190
Updike, J., 374
US Air Force, 388
Valentin, J., 129
Vasiliev, L., 245
de Veaumorel, C., 96
Vernet, J., 121
Vernon, W. J., 160, 164
Vespasian, Emperor of Rome, 102
von Villingen, G., 59
Vivé, L., 289
Vogt, O., xxvi
Völgyesi, F., xxix
Voltaire, F., 78, 103
Wagstaff, G., 318–19
Wakley, T., 174, 176–81, 183, 194, 209
Wallace, A. R., 158
Wallas, L., 312
Wambach, H., 251–2
Ward, Mr, 187
Wartmann, Professor, 129
Washington, G., 87, 132
Watkins, J., 228–9, 232, 379
Wells, F., 247–8
Wells, H. G., 5
Wendel-Würtz, Abbé, 13
Wetterstrand, O., 216
Whateley, R., 158
White, R., xxvi
White, T. H., 6
Wiene, R., 5
Wienholt, A., 116
Wilberforce, S., 12, 158
Wilbur, C., 292, 294
Willermoz, J. B., 97, 113–14
William III, King of England, 102
Williams, J., 170–1
Wilson, I., 54–5
Wittmann, B., 224–5
Wolberg, L.,
Wolfart, K., 100, 116
Wollstonecraft, M., 164
Wombell, J., 187, 199
Wood, H., 153
Wood, N., 304
Wood, W., 174
Worcestor, E., 154
Wynyard, M., 194
X., Félida, 214, 289
Yeats, W. B., 26
Young, S., 344
de Z., Reyes, 243–4
Zanardelli (stage hypnotist), 128
Zimmer, H., 388
Index of Subjects
abreaction, 21, 33, 258, 285, 412
absorption, xxiv, xxvii, 27–8, 239, 275–6, 316, 329; see also attention
abuse, sexual, of children, 259–60, 269, 294
acupuncture, 41, 63, 173
addictions, 14, 22, 24, 146, 258, 332–3, 338–9, 346–7
advertising, xxii, 363–9, 382
affirmations, 153, 395, 397–403
after-effects of hypnosis, 198, 344–8
alien abduction, 273–6, 387
allergies, 332, 337
altered states of consciousness (ASCs), 267, 362–3, 391–3, 413, 416, 422
hypnosis as an ASC, xxvi, 40, 305, 313–14, 324, 326, 328–9; see also state/no-state controversy
amnesia, 4, 14, 26, 35–6, 40, 58, 109, 231, 234, 236, 274, 287, 291, 294, 297, 314–15, 317, 320, 323, 347, 370, 384, 386
anaemia, 121
anaesthesia/analgesia, xxiii, 8, 33, 38, 40, 58, 103, 123, 126, 135, 139, 156, 160, 174, 181, 187, 189, 196–9, 219, 236, 247–8, 277, 289, 315, 317, 319–21, 332–7, 420; see also surgery
anaesthetics, chemical, 156, 189, 199–201, 391, 417
animal hypnosis, xxviii–ix, 185
animism, 112–13, 123
anosmia, 8, 135, 280, 345
arthritis, 332, 352–3, 358
asthma, 333, 337, 353, 358–9, 395
astrology, 65, 409
attention, xxvi–vii, 7, 27, 32, 40, 202, 215, 325, 336, 361, 392, 395, 401–2, 406, 410; see also absorption; disattention; fixation
authoritarianism, 7, 14, 18, 22, 215–16, 299, 301, 372, 375
authority figures, 233–4, 375, 380
autogenic training (AT), 394–5
autographic skin, 341–2
automatic writing, 23, 37–8, 276, 286; see also ideomotor signalling
autosuggestion, 123, 218, 222, 341, 343, 398–401, 403
aversion, 22, 404
Babinski reflex, 250
ballooning, 66, 82
baquet, xv, 80–2, 111, 113, 424
bed-wetting, 311–12, 333, 337, 395
behaviourism, xxiii, 21–2, 303, 316, 382, 404, 411
Bible, the, 42, 45–7, 56–7, 228
biofeedback, 336, 351, 395, 403, 410
bioplasma, 423
blindness, 75–7, 103, 138–9, 146
blisters, 277–8, 315, 342
body language, 16, 290, 368, 370; see also mirroring
brain anatomy, 336, 349, 354, 414–15
right and left hemispheres, 29, 359, 392, 415
brainwashing, 367, 380–3
brainwaves, 29–30, 290, 296, 336, 392, 410–11, 413, 416
breast enlargement, 333, 341
burns, 94, 168, 321–2, 332–3
cancer, 125, 185, 332, 335, 337, 353, 405
catalepsy, 7–8, 31, 141, 147, 178, 219, 222, 345
human plank, 8, 10, 31
chain, magnetic, 80
channelling, 44, 129–30, 146, 150, 155, 240, 246, 396–7, 415; see also spiritism
charisma, 373–7
childbirth, 332, 334
Christianity, 11–15, 46–7, 57–8, 60, 73–4, 82, 103, 114, 128, 140, 142, 148, 153–4, 156, 162, 169, 259, 375, 383, 402
Christian Science, 12, 151–3
clairvoyance, xxiv, 11, 35, 89, 109–10, 121, 123, 126, 128–31, 135–6, 138, 140–1, 146, 148, 160, 164, 178, 186, 194, 205–8, 220, 242–3, 247, 257, 344, 423
prizes for, 118, 126–7, 240–1
coercion, hypnosis and, xxvii, 3, 10, 108, 202, 211–12, 223–33, 307, 362, 379–80, 389–90
commissions on mesmerism,
1784, 81, 87–92, 94, 96–7, 101, 124
1816, 116–17
1826, 124–6, 158
1837, 126–7
compliance, role-playing, etc., xxiii, xxvi–vii, 28, 223–4, 270, 298–9, 318–19, 322, 324
confabulation, 258–61, 266, 269–70, 274, 294
confidence, expectation, motivation, xxvi, 32, 59, 103, 121, 149, 218, 314–15, 319, 321, 336, 348; see also faith healing; placebos
Congress, First International, for Experimental and Therapeutic Hypnotism, 297
consensus trance, 362–3
control over organic processes, 35, 123, 277–8, 343, 351, 398–9
conversational hypnosis, xvii, 309–12, 369–70
conversion, religious, 382–3
conversion symptoms, 289
convulsions, see crisis, magnetic,
cosmology, magnetic, 84, 91, 96, 100, 113, 117, 130, 138, 141–2, 146, 167–9
creativity, 34, 257, 277, 391, 406
crime and hypnosis, 211–13, 223–33; see also coercion, hypnosis and
crisis, magnetic, xv–xvi, 72, 75, 81–2, 89–90, 93, 103, 105–6, 111–12, 132, 175, 225
critical faculty, reduction in, xxvi–vii, 314, 392
cryptomnesia, 257, 261–3
cures, various, 69–70, 94, 115, 154, 176–7, 183–5, 202, 332–3, 358, 395, 404, 424; see also under particular disorders
dangers, alleged, of hypnosis, see aftereffects of hypnosis
deafness, 135, 160, 316, 322
definitions of hypnosis, xxv–vii, 329
Demotic Magical Papyrus, 43
dentistry, 126, 136, 139, 187, 334
dervish turning, 414
diagnosis of others, clairvoyant, 109, 112–13, 124–5, 135, 149, 186, 239
disattention, 325, 336
discs, bimetallic, 143, 209
disorders, functional and organic, xix, 77, 214, 218, 349
dissociation, xxvi–vii, 1, 27–9, 38–9, 203, 285, 291, 293–4, 314, 329, 391–2, 406; see also neodissociationism,
distraction, 321, 325, 336
divination, 43–5
Divine Science, 153
double consciousness, 105, 107, 175, 203, 239, 281–3, 287
doubling, see sympathy
dreams/dreaming, 35, 48–9, 191, 269, 274, 298, 391
lucid, 38, 392
drugs, recreational, 31, 391, 405–7, 411, 415
alcohol, 199, 258, 293, 405, 406
BZ, 384
chloroform, 199, 407
ecstasy, 405
hashish, 406–7
LSD, 327, 384–5, 392–3, 405–6
marijuana, 293, 405–6
mescalin, 327, 378
nitrous oxide, 199–200, 405–6
opium, 199, 407
dumbness, 139
eating disorders, 333, 343, 352
electricity, 65, 76, 143, 152, 185, 233–4, 345, 423
electro-biology, 7, 142–4, 146, 165, 203, 208–9
electroencephalograph (EEG), 296, 314, 327–8, 393, 410
Emmanuel Movement, 153–4
emotion, 22, 59–60, 63, 186, 218, 311, 316, 337, 349, 352–3, 355, 357, 364, 366, 370, 373–4, 382–3, 392, 401, 404, 406, 409, 415
endocrine system, 349–50
endorphins, 335–6
Enlightenment, the, 78–9, 101
epilepsy, 174, 176, 181, 184–5
event-related potentials (ERPs), 327–8
evil eye, the, 55–8, 60
exorcism, 72–4, 82
experiments, 20, 23, 29–30, 32, 34, 37–8, 70–1, 83, 90, 101, 110, 120, 122, 124–6, 139, 177–8, 202, 207, 221, 223, 227–9, 231, 233–4, 243, 247–8, 273, 317–23, 326, 328, 333, 341, 359, 376, 379–80, 388, 405, 409, 416
eye-closure, 18, 31
faith healing, 50, 79, 101–4, 115, 149, 218, 341, 359, 401
proneness, see absorption
fascination, 56–8, 61, 146
fears about hypnosis, xxiv–v, 145, 166, 226, 238; see also after-effects of hypnosis; coercion, hypnosis and; immorality, charges of
feminism, 164, 259
fiction, hypnosis and, 1–7, 11, 16, 29–30, 33, 35, 60, 93, 97, 114, 121, 144–7, 165–6, 173, 189, 226, 234–5, 257–8, 295, 323, 339, 341, 362–3, 371–2, 374, 377–8
fixation, 19, 26, 114, 154, 202–3, 214, 415
flow, 411
fluid, gravitational, 65–6, 70
magnetic, 69–210 passim
nervous, 66
various, 65, 91, 110–11
forensic hypnosis, 261–6
fraud, accusations of, 121, 124, 129, 137, 145, 147, 177–9, 182, 187, 197, 199, 258, 296
free association, 268, 298
fugue, 218, 281–2, 286, 290–2
gastro-intestinal problems, 332
generalized reality orientation (GRO), xxvii, 18, 24–5
Guided Affective Imagery (GAI), 404
guillotine, 88–9, 98
gurus, 371, 373–7
haemophilia, 332–3, 341
hallucination, xxiii, 8, 33, 36, 130, 143, 218, 224, 228, 236, 275, 279–80, 314–16, 322, 326, 328, 391, 406
hand-levitation test, xvii, 19
Harveian Oration, 166, 188
headache, 146, 168, 289, 291, 347, 358, 423
hidden observer, the, 37–40, 228, 325–6, 411
highway hypnosis, xxviii, 391
homeopathy, 182
homeostasis, 351, 415
hospitals, mesmeric, 163–4, 189, 198–9
hydroceles, scrotal, 196–7
hydrotherapy, 182
hyperaesthesia, 32, 109, 202, 229, 289
hypermnesia, 35, 123, 261–3, 315
hypnoanalysis, 21, 301
hypnosis, phases of, 10–11, 24, 31, 141, 203, 285
hypnotherapy, xviii–xix, xxiii, 20–3, 69–95 passim, 108, 168–9, 191–5, 202, 210, 214, 230, 299, 301, 324, 330–60, 393–4, 408–10, 412, 418–21; see also cures, various and particular headings, e.g. cancer; skin diseases
‘hypnotism’, origin of the term, xxx
hypnotist, qualities of, 15–17
hypnotizability, see susceptibility to hypnosis
hysteria, xxvi, 97, 129, 138, 174, 176, 181, 203, 212, 218–22, 261, 285, 291, 297, 342–3
ichthyosis, xviii
ideomotor signalling, 23; see also automatic writing
imagination, xxiv, xxvii, 59–60, 90–1, 123, 146, 185–6, 202, 241, 257, 267–8, 274–5, 311, 313, 316–17, 322, 331, 353, 392, 399, 420; see also visualization
immorality, charges of, 76, 91–3, 103, 120, 145, 165–6, 179–80, 220, 347
immune system, 332, 349–50
imperialism, hypnotic, xxviii, 62–3, 361, 410
incantation, xxvii–viii, 53, 59
incubation, 47–51
indoctrination, 363, 381–3
induction, accidental, 6, 145–6, 346